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NEW RECRUIT// OPEN + JOINING - Printable Version

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NEW RECRUIT// OPEN + JOINING - Tex - 07-18-2018


the sound of an explosion tore through the air as it engulfed and eradicated the ship. seeing church, the blues and the reds were the last thing tex could make out - along with the muffled screams of others who were possibly more drastically caught in the explosion - before everything went black. if it wasn't for her high-grade armor, she would have most definitely suffered fatal damage to not only her body, but also the very high chance of her skin burning to ash from the unnatural amounts of heat from the bomb. all she wanted to do was end this long, pain-enduring war between them and the covenant; so that no one would have to fight anymore. it's the only reason as to why she agreed to allow omega to be free again, so that all of this could end. for a brief moment, she felt at ease with seemingly betraying the trust of church and the others; she figured that her actions will usher in a new life for them all. how foolish she was to try and make the change by herself like that; how foolish of her to think that it would work so smoothly. in her excitement, she forgot to never assume things are going to always go as planned. tex knew good and well that she was careless, and here's where her obliviousness has left her with. she didn't want to believe that church was the one who planted the bomb in the ship, in case she'd escape with omega; actually that was highly unlikely since he wasn't the kind of man to do that. actually, she thought she heard a voice, right before the bomb sounded horrendously familiar. :

moments pass and there is still nothing but darkness clouding her field of view; it was suffocating. everything was moving as if in slow motion, yet she could see nothing. stiff limbs becoming numb by he second; but also shifting into something else? despite the numbing sensation coursing throughout her entire body, tex could easily tell that her body is changing into something else, something inhuman. "what the hell...?" the female would grunt as it soon became a vicious snarl. there was no pain as the change occurred, which was surprising to her because it felt as if her very anatomy was being altered entirely; or at least one would expect there to be pain when your bones and muscles are literally shifting into forms that they've never been before. eventually everything just...stopped. it felt as if her aimless drifting had come to a halt almost simultaneously with the numbing transformation of her body that she has yet had the opportunity to witness. before she had any more moments to process what just happened, she found herself being flung in the forwards direction at an alarming pace. she's never gone this fast before, even when riding on a fresh ghost from the factory.

seconds later, a somewhat lasting lightning bolt strikes down from the heavens and strikes the ground in the very middle of the ascendants' territory. appearing from the bright, possibly blinding light is a kneeling tex as she tries to keep herself steady from the excessive one way trip ride she just experienced.


the sound of the thunderclap roared as she appeared, her entrance being similar to that of thor when he travels to any other planet or realm. unfortunately for the ground, there was a rather large burned stain as the ash of the ground was swept into the wind. the female immediately noticed her physical changes; she would appear to be that of an adult female lion, with armor only covering the top half of her body including her face. the only thing that bothered her was that the bottom part of her armor had separated itself from the rest during the change, but fortunately it would seem that the fur was doing the best of jobs there; funny how she wasn't all too shook from turning into a feral feline after being a human. slowly turning her head from side to side, tex would examine her current location of which she is drastically unfamiliar with. npcs began to crowd around her, thinking that she was some kind of attacker because of her...god-like entrance. bracing herself for a possible fight, tex would continue to stand her ground. "i'm not here for trouble. i don't even know where 'here' is." tex would announce, trying to calm down the startled npcs.

Template by Quill


[Image: tumblr_opbvailoGX1ubj5sjo4_500.gif]

There had been plenty that had gone on during the time when he was a human. The Great War had started against Earth, although it had started on planets further away because their enemies didn't exactly know where their own planet was and they had wanted to keep it that way. With the fall of Reach though, it just meant that they were bound to get invaders sooner or later that wanted to drive them to extinction. He remembered hearing the aliens talking about whatever great journey they were on. Washington would never know what that officially meant as he wouldn't spend enough time in the regular military long enough to figure that out. His military career had been something almost standard for someone around his age. Right out of high school he joined the military, and it was there that he would serve for several years before he was court-martialed for his actions. Something that no one else knew unless they were the Counselor or the Director. They were the only one that was allowed access to those kinds of files on who he really was.

He was probably accepted into the program because he seemed determined to help the human race and was gullible enough to believe everything that they told him. Believing it for every second of every day, but he was the gullible one. What about the rest of them? What about the rest of those that fell for the same trick? They weren't like him and some of them had their suspicions while he had tried desperately to try and defend the one that was actually doing them wrong. The military was the only thing that he knew, and probably one of the many reasons why he didn't fit in a place like this. Not only did he not fit in, he didn't want to fit in with the likes of a bunch of animals. He was a human. He wasn't some beast that was doomed to have the fate of running around trying to catch something like a deer for his next meal. No. He was supposed to be fighting a war, a War that could change the course of history if they didn't go back into action soon. Was the time difference between here and where he was from the same? Was it faster? Slower?

There was no way for him to actually tell though considering that there was no technology that could tell him what was actually going on. It made his life more difficult than it already was. The explosion of the ship that he had called his home was enough. Everything that he had cared about in that ship gone and lost forever. He wasn't even sure what had caused the explosion of the Mother of Invention, but it could have been a number of actors when a massive ship like that suddenly crashes into the mountains of a planet. It was bound to explode somewhere. He theorized that there was some alien technology that they had recently gotten from a raid that had done this to them. It was hard to say exactly as he wasn't an expert on alien technology. Carolina had used a couple of the alien weapons here and there during the raids that they did go on for more supplies, but that didn't mean she knew exactly how they worked. If she did she wasn't telling anyone at least.

Washington had no clue what had happened during the final moments of Project Freelancer. He was in a completely separate room dealing with memories were not his own. Memories that didn't belong to him and memories that would stay with him for the rest of his life. Epsilon, the memory of the original AI that was created for the said project had been implanted into his head. Only for everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Washington remembered feeling like his brain was about to explode on the operating table, pain that made his muscles spasm to the point where he couldn't control what he was doing anymore. With that though, Washington knew the truth of those that he used to serve. Everyone probably knew at this point, but he had more information on anyone than what they liked to believe. He had lied about his condition when they asked him when he woke up, putting on an act that he didn't know anything. He knew that if they thought that he knew something they would just kill him right where he was laying and make up some story on how he didn't make it through surgery. Something that everyone would believe.

Washington didn't know the death of York that had happened on the ship. He didn't know of the fight between Carolina and Texas. He didn't know about the fight between North and his own sister South. He also had no idea who's side anyone ended up taking, which meant that he couldn't trust anyone that he came across that was with the Project. Washington didn't have any trust for anyone anymore, because just hours after surgery the ship had crashed and exploded. Leaving him no time to recover from whatever the thing did inside of his mind. He was able to get it under control recently, but it had been before then that he started having episodes. Flashes of memories that weren't his own, but it felt like they were and felt nothing but pain and betrayal. Including anger at the one that had done this to him and that none of those that he had once considered his family deserved. They all deserved better. And now here they were, probably going to end up killing each other if they were teleported just like he was. Washington had already experienced what it was like to fight another Freelancer.

That Freelancer being Agent Maine, one of the more recent ones that had come to the Ascendants. He had attacked him, Wash having heard from Carolina that the other had taken her AI's from her. Then threw her off the cliff, but that didn't sound like something Maine would do. So, he hadn't immediately attacked the other Freelancer when he saw him. Which had been his first mistake as it ended up with him severely wounded and with a broken arm. Not as bad as Carolina who suffered several broken ribs, including a broken jaw. She was in worse condition and she was still moving around despite all of the injuries that she had gone. Washington could deal with it, even if walking on four legs had been difficult before, he was now only walking on three legs. Washington hadn't exactly been sure what to think of Texas when she first joined the group though. He considered her to be a comrade, but the other had appeared and everything started to become a fucking mess.

So now, he partly blamed her for what had happened and knew if that she appeared there would be no way he could win a fight even if he had his gun. At least not alone. Washington now knew who she was though and that she had been the very reason that the Project had been created. She was an AI. A memory of Director's wife. The Director spending his entire life just trying to get his wife back after she died in the Great War. He knew the pain the Director felt when he lost her, and he wondered if Texas was looking for any sort of closure realizing that she herself was the Beta AI, having fragmented from the Alpha himself. Washington didn't like dealing with them, but if he had to he would be given no choice, just like the choice that he would be given here. The Freelancer had been inside of the observatory, getting more rations for him and Carolina for the rest of the week. He thought that it was going to be a regular day of patrolling and resting so that they could go after the one that was kidnapped.

Why would Maine do that? What had happened to him? Those thoughts filled his mind most of the time when he was patrolling. He finished putting a bag into a storage compartment of his armor. Washington then noticed that there was a flash of light outside. He didn't really think anything of it as it could really be anything, but when a thunderous sound sounded, that it nearly made Washington jump out of his armor. What the fuck was that?! He finished putting his food into storage when he adjusted the splint on his left arm. He trotted as fast as his smilodon body could take him. For something to make that sound, it was probably an explosion. There was nothing else that he could think of, so he looked for a trail of smoke in the sky to lead him in that direction. His heart pounded in his chest, as only a couple of things could even make the likes of an explosion. It was in the distance that he could see what seemed like the charred ground. Great.

He hoped that it was something that the Ascendants can deal with before dealing with it himself. It took Agent Washington around five minutes to make it where the creature was, and as soon as he came within ten feet of the animal, it was impossible not to see the armor that the lion war. It was a lion, meaning that he was slightly bigger and weighed heavier than said lion. Washington's mind seemed to lag behind from what his eyes were seeing before he realized who it was. Agent Texas. Panic immediately began to grow through his veins. Church had mentioned Texas was there during the explosion. Part of him hoped that he would never see her again. Make his life easier. Now didn't seem to be the case. Agent Texas. His breathing started to increase, and images began to flow into his mind in front of his face. Washington's head twitched to the side was the pain in his head and the back of his neck began to increase. "Alliso-TexaS" He began to say the Agent's actual name before the name that she was given by the Director. As soon as he said those words though, the pain began to overcome his body, and a pain scream escaped his jaws.

His mind broke.

Everything was caused simply fro the death of someone that they loved. Washington collapsed onto the ground his eyes wide open as he looked through his visor. His unbroken arm was clamped onto his helmet covered and his own claws scraped the metal that made up the helmet, creating a grating sound. The pain seemed to almost come in waves for the Freelancer as his body struggled to keep from convulsing. His unbroken arm would move from his head to the ground, his claws digging up the soil that was underneath him. Searing hot pain coursed through his head as images of the moments right before Allison's death flashed in front of his eyes. "S-Stop!" Washington would plead, something that had only happened twice in his life. Expressing pain was never something that he ever did. He hid it. He was a good soldier. He always had been. Washington's grip on reality though slowly started to slip away as he began to hallucinate. His entire body shaking while it was indeed on the ground. Images of Allison's face. The feeling of grief and dread that was SUFFOCATING as he looked at the obituary in the paper of her death. The anger that he felt toward Carolina. Then he was being ripped apart. He was being split in half. Everyone was dying. Everyone was dying because of the MISTAKES he was making.

These were not the mistakes he was making of course, but instead simulations that someone had gone through. "I hate goodbyes. I have to go." Washington choked out, openly speaking talking to what was actually going through his mind. Constantly muttering something as the pain began to intensify. Where was he? He didn't know anymore. It was obvious by the hyperventilating that he was going to pass out from lack of oxygen if someone didn't do something. Would he even let anyone get close though? Even during the hallucination and the severe episode, Washington refused to take off his helmet. Despite the pain that was in his chest and the feeling of being crushed. He wanted to move, but he couldn't. He needed to go away. He wanted her to be okay, he had wanted her to be alive. Different voices began to play in his head. The different simulations. Delta. Omega. Sigma. Theta. All of them were speaking at once, it was deafening. Groans and other pained noises escaped his jaws, but he was no longer screaming anymore. He was repeating words that few would know what they meant. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't talk. He was ALONE. Washington had been doing so well with his mental state. And in a matter of seconds, it was torn down to the basic moments of insanity. He was a broken man again. The same kind of broken man that had ruined his life. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: NEW RECRUIT// OPEN + JOINING - imperia - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Flowers tickled her nose with their sweet aromas as the silvery she-wolf tended to her garden. Aside from patrolling and hunting, caring for her plants is one of her most important responsibilities. Or perhaps it is her most precious and adored. For all her hard work and effort, Imperia stills finds herself an outsider among her new clanmates. It is not their fault, she knows, which is why she fills the emptiness with gardening. It brings with it a certain peace and fulfillment that comes from raising a plant from seed to adult. The outcome is, quite literally, the fruit of all her labor. And maybe it also reminds her that things do not last. Flowers grow and they die, only to return the next season. Same with relationships. They may become so strong, only to fall apart. Some never mend, while others repair themselves over time. Peri tries to keep this in mind when she feels especially alone. When it is time for her to make a friend, it will happen. She is not destined to be alone forever.


The sound startles the creature, causing her to leap backwards and nearly trip over her own paws as sterling eyes lock on the massive cloud of ash and smoke. A rush of air surges over the rolling plains, stirring up leaves and dirt which pelt Imperia's sleek silver pelt. As fearful as Imperia is of unexpectedly loud noises, explosions, and conflict, there is no denying the urge to investigate when exactly the same situation as mentioned before occurs. Ignoring her fears, the petite creature breaks into a sprint as she races to inspect the cause of such an explosion. She spots someone up ahead. An armored figure. No, two of them. "Washington?" she calls as she draws nearer. The air smells acrid here. "What's going o--Washington?!" All her interest in the explosion disappears when the smilodon collapses. All the girl cares about now is her friend. "Wash? What's going on? Stay with me.." her soft voice is frantic, wrought with concern. Imperia skids to a stop beside the prone form of her friend, casting a glance upwards at the armored stranger; searching for answers. "Who are you? What happened to him?" It is not an accusatory line of questioning. From the tone of her voice and her anxious frown, Peri is merely concerned with the health and safety of Washington. She does not even stop to question why this person arrived with a bolt of lightning--at this point she is just assuming that the stranger is from Agent Washington's world.

Re: NEW RECRUIT// OPEN + JOINING - Cosmic - 07-18-2018

Texas... as in, Agent Texas? I heard the pained screams and cries from Agent Washington and I, without thinking, raced to his aid. But someone was there before I was. I guess I should attend to this newcomer then. And it seemed Texas did not create good memories with Washington, and that actually made me distrust this stranger a bit. I looked over to Imperia, and asked in a soft tone, "Take care of him, please. I'll handle this."

My pawsteps then turned in the direction of the lioness, tail lashing a bit. "Texas...? If that's even your name? How did you get here? What's your business with the Ascendants?" I tried to remain as calm and detached as possible, but seeing such a stubborn and strong man fall to his knees because of her made me wary. Very wary.

Re: NEW RECRUIT// OPEN + JOINING - guts - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The canine had been anxiously waiting for when she would show up. She was his girlfriend, after all, and while he was mostly excited for her to show up again, he was also dreading it. She had always been a bit of a...bitch, but with that omega AI or whatever gone, maybe she would be a lot more tolerant. Or at least that's what he was hoping, since she wouldn't go hunting it down anymore. It was probably destroyed in the explosion, or he thought so, anyways. Either way he knew she had to be out there somewhere. If he was there, then she had to be there, too.

Church had been out patrolling as usual when the loud boom and crashes started, startling him as his head whipped around, looking for the source of the sound. The loud thunderclap caught him off guard, landing not too far from where he was. Sensing this wasn't any normal strike of lightning, he races off towards where it had hit, uncertain of what he would find. But as he neared, he would quickly realize what had happened.

His breath catches in his throat at the sight of her, quickly realizing how big she was. That..was definitely a problem, especially if she turned out to still be hostile. But as she spoke, reassuring them she didn't want trouble, he releases the breath he had been holding and his tail starts to wag. It was good to see she was safe and well, even if she was now a huge, very intimidating lioness.

"Tex!" he shouts, not even noticing Washington's break-down as he rushes forward, coming to stand in front of her. He has to lift his head to even look her in the eye, but that was okay. As long as she was here all safe and sound. "Thank God you're okay!" he glances over her for a moment, making sure his statement was solid. She didn't seem injured, at least not where he could see.


Re: NEW RECRUIT// OPEN + JOINING - rhosmari - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Everything. Everything she had done was to please her father. Everything she had learned, had battled through had been to make him proud of her. To show her the attention, the love of a father that couldn't be replaced. She had never known her mother because to her own knowledge the woman had died. There was nothing there to teach her how to care, or how to nurture, to love and be rational. Perhaps that was why things had went so wrong with Agent York and it was doomed from the start because Carolina didn't know when to stop. She just didn't know when to stop. To let go of things that didn't matter and when the world around her started to break and crumble around her all she did was help it to break even faster. Tearing down walls that should have been security for her and letting in all her demons and her pain. Perhaps there was nothing more painful than what she had done to York, that day would haunt her forever. Seeing his face and knowing that she had destroyed him, his hopes, and his dreams. The team had been a family, for so long she had helped them, built them up and lead them as a cohesive unit.

But it all just shattered as soon as she came into the team. Her and that fucking leaderboard. It ruined everything and drove her to a breaking point, one that showed the worst side of her. The most irrational side of her and there was no going back to whom Carolina used to be. She didn't think it was possible anymore and with her soul and mind so steeped in vengeance there was no point because would she really want to be her old self again. The weakling she had been before wouldn't have been able to do what she was doing now. Wouldn't be able to kill like the machine that her father wanted. To never question anything and to believe that what she was doing was right. What she was doing was always right and rather it was to kill the Director or not she believed in her cause. The woman didn't understand why no one else understood her reasonings for doing what she did. Some said to open up but how could she went trusting someone could mean her death, when letting someone into her heart and her secrets could very well mean the end of her mission.

No, she couldn't die until she had sunk a bullet directly into that man's head. And rather he had his little pet with him mattered little to her. She'd fight on till her body couldn't move anymore and so she breathed, trained, and fought with little mind to who became collateral in her scheme. There was truth to vengeance when others said it was a dish best served cold and a cold heart was what beat in the ginger leopard's chest. Perhaps this would lead to her own death eventually and if that happened then she hoped someone else would take up her mission and kill him for her. For all of them. Their suffering, manipulation, their deaths shouldn't be in vein and she wouldn't allow for it to be. Not as long as she allowed breath to flow into her lungs in any form that was given to her. Currently she had been striving to take it easy as had been instructed to her by the silvery she-wolf. She still had not gotten her name but at least the soldier had some kind of inkling to at least heed her words. After all the last thing she wanted was to die from a stupid broken jaw. As embarrassing as that may be she wouldn't want something that silly to take her out. So she was taking her time to move herself around the observatory, a small measure of exercising.

But then a sudden light outside caught her attention and a sound that shook the very air with a heavy vibration that shook the observatory. At first she thought to ignore it but it sounded so much like an explosion that she had to go and check it out. After all shit happened around here so much that she had to be vigilant and at least make sure that these civilians had some sort of protection. Though she knew some of them could fight she still didn't think it was a enough so with heavy steps and a pain filled grimace the large wildcat existed the home outpost and made her way to the area. It took a while though and she was late to the scene but she had not expected to be a witness to what she was seeing right now. There was confusion in her bright colored eyes as she looked about the area. Something was wrong, there was screaming but only one voice. Washington. For a moment she was stunned before she moved forward with a flicker of concern in her gaze and yet as soon as the name left the muzzle of Church her head snapped up and she turned to look at whom he had spoken out to. Tex. Tex. That BITCH! Anger seared through her body, almost making her feel sick to her stomach and yet she lived off of her hate now. Lived off the pure rage that burned through her body.

It was because of her! She was the problem! She was the reason everything, everything that she had went to hell. Ragged breathing filled the air from the agent, jaws slightly parted as saliva dripped from large sharp teeth. Her eyes were wild and shaking in their sockets but all she could see was red. The world had fallen away and nothing mattered but to kill this lion before her. Destroy her like she had destroyed everything. Her body shook once, then twice before he moved without thinking. Without so much as a warning before a strange cry broke from her liquor stained lips. "YOU!" It was such an unholy noise really to leave the woman, filled with anger, malice. A shriek from the depths of her chest that radiated all of her pain. So hellish but Carolina didn't care. She couldn't care about anything right now as she rushed toward the woman. All pain from any of her injuries was forgotten and she'd come to regret that after this encounter. Her paws shifted her swiftly and suddenly to the side of the lion and she aimed to slam her paw up underneath her chin to force her head to jerk upward before she twisted herself as she slide behind her aiming to slam her claws into the woman's flank and tear deep gorges of flesh from her body. She hadn't noticed it but suddenly it was hard to breath but there was no thought processes in her anymore, only reflex. Move. Move. Keep moving. Inflict pain. Let them know. She didn't even realize the tears that were sliding down her face as she screamed in rage and aimed to try and pull the other's back legs out from underneath her to force her to fall to the ground before aiming to smash her thick claws into the back of her neck.

Re: NEW RECRUIT// OPEN + JOINING - Cosmic - 07-18-2018

Everything went from bad to worse in the span of a second. I heard the next unholy scream I heard came from Agent Carolina, and it was clear the lioness was in emotional distress and filled with rage. I watched as the large cat launched herself at Agent Texas, and my protective instinct took over. I shifted into my small but more than ample dragon form to fight if I absolutely needed to.

But with Carolina's injuries... she was unable to fight and could be killed if the new Freelancer retaliated. I wasn't about to let my mentor of sorts just die like that. So i did the only thing I could think to do.

As Carolina tried to attack, I would attempt to rush at her hindquarters to knock her down and then quickly pin her if successful. I would only apply the neccessary weight to hold her there. I did not want to harm her.


It seemed like every time Bastille turned around, Freelancers were fucking fight one another. The shit with Tangle could have been a fucking disaster if not for the fact that Meta evidently wasn't really their own and would be exiled, and Bast still got headaches when he thought about dealing with Carolina's less than pleasant arrival. Now Player seemed to be involved with the whole let's-fucking-fight-everyone shitshow, and he was just about losing his patience with it.

The seraph arrived with to the tune on an earthquake, the ground rolling and cracking under his paws as his annoyance ate away at his control. He'd been in a great mood that morning, but then his souls had jostled and things had gotten unbalanced and he was even more annoyed knowing how good things had started. It wasn't faring well for his control.

"Enough," he snapped, water erupting from the air between Carolina, Texas, and Player in an effort to fling all three of them apart from one another. Bastille stalked towards the cluster and continued evenly, "Wash is losing his damn mind, and you three are not going to be of any fucking help fighting one another. And frankly? I'm sick of finding you all squabbling like children all the damn time. Carolina, stop attacking the other fucking Freelancers. Player, stop encouraging her. You-- What the fuck is your name? Texas? You, if you try to retaliate, you're not coming any fucking step into my territory." A pause. He breathed in, chilling his temper, and continued at a slightly less deadly tone, "Now. What do you need?"

Re: NEW RECRUIT// OPEN + JOINING - Tex - 07-19-2018

tex, at one point, experienced her own ultimate breaking point just before the fall of the mother of invention. hell she wouldn't be surprised if the eradication of the ship was her own; she'd gladly accept the responsibility for it's destruction. she wanted everything that the director had created to burn; nothing more, nothing less. ever since she could remember, she was a human at heart - strong, independent, unstoppable. she knew her skills surpassed that of every freelancer agent in existence; it was a plain fact. what boosted her self-confidence was the very fact she always refused to utilize her own a.i., omega. she made an oath to herself that she would never use him for combat; nothing good came out of it. she always used her own strength and skills to dominate any and all opponents that would get in her way. scarce it was when she faced at the least a somewhat decent challenge [never losing any of them just to add]. her natural powers are already overwhelming; using omega would prove to simply be overkill. she was simply and literally the best agent in existence; both fact and very much so opinion.

however, that day came into fruition - the day that everything inside of her shattered into pieces. when c.t. first recalled her as a "shadow" with such confidence in his tone, tex's anger boiled towards her. being referred to as a "shadow" [non-human, an a.i.] in a way triggered tex's nerves. at the time, she wholeheartedly believed that she was a human being; nothing more nothing less. tex, soon after, came to find out that even her own existence was a lie. in a detailed and factual recording from c.t. herself, tex discovered that she was merely the beta a.i., who was formed from a replica of the director's lost wife, allison. the drastically sudden piece of information made her ears totally inaudible to the world around. her breathing gradually became heavier and her head spun as time passed. a mixed flurry of emotions rose within tex as she struggled to keep herself together. at this point it would seem as if she was desperately gasping for air, like a child desperately clinging on to their mother. pain, defeat, confusion - along with hate and disgust - filled her mind as her staggered, heavy breathing spiraled out of control. what was the true purpose of creating her?

why did this have to be a secret for the entirety of her life? who was she really? questions of anger and frustration blossomed throughout her mind. the more questions she asked to herself, the more and more pissed off she became. soon being unable to control the amount of anger and heartache, the agent smashed in the table and recording; a small beginning of the destruction she is going to leave in her wake. in the events that soon followed of her going rogue and rebelling against the director, many casualties were made that even she knew very little of. she only hoped that the ones she car- tolerated had made it out alright - even that bitch that couldn't once be at the least cooperative for once. honestly the destruction of the god-forbidden ship brought a sense of relief to tex; it made her feel as if she truly was no longer restrained at being the director's pet. she could do the things that she desires to do on her own free will; human or not.

so now here she was; making an unintentionally flashy entrance in a world filled with talking ferals who seem to have human like qualities. it was definitely a change from what she is normally used to, but it felt as if it was another normal day. being outnumbered and totally surrounded by a potential army of dangerous enemies. she's been in many situations like this before, just minus the fact that they are all animals. why wouldn't they simply back down? she already stated that she wasn't here to cause any of them harm. hell, what is even going on? omega still hasn't responded to her after the explosion and she wasn't sure where wyoming was - maybe he wasn't so lucky in the explosion. sighing, the large wildcat continued to stand her ground, that is until a familiar face [armor-wise] appeared, almost calling her by the name of the director's deceased love, allison. she let out a sigh of relief when he corrected himself, since that was not ever going to be the name she would be affiliated by. the female could barely say anything before washington began to cripple and break down into a wild and painful fit. "washington!? get your ass up from the their." the agent would call out as she too approached to the other, albeit two others came before and began questioning her. hell if she knew about how she got here, that was something she definitely couldn't give a clear answer to. "look, i'm about as confused as you are." she answered calmly, figuring that imperia should be able to handle washington better than she could.

the sound of her name being called from an all-too-familiar voice brought a sense of nostalgia to her mind. the last time she saw him was before the explosion occurred; he was probably the last thing she would see before any of that occurred. despite all the confusion, she was able to actually find some peace in this world for a few moments. it would appear that at least some of the idiots had been brought to this peculiar world as well as her. but how long have they been stranded here? "of course i'm okay, nothing to worry about." tex would shrug as she stared down to the much smaller creature before her. " i am me, afterall." it was a given that he would be glad to see her, she'd even admit it to be somewhat nice. however there was no time for tex to try and enjoy it before the true hurricane made her appearance.

carolina. ever since the two had met there was always chaos and pandemonium. the two never got along since they were always at each other's throats for who's the best agent in the project. there was always something to prove, and tex didn't plan on backing down from a challenge. actually, tex would be confident to say that carolina is the best fit of a decent challenge that tex has had to face yet. but there was always this inner hatred carolina had against her; something that tex will never be able to comprehend. but it was always enjoyable one-upping carolina, just to prove how much better she was. she won't go as far to torture the other of course, but she didn't plan on just allowing anyone to be proclaimed "better" than her. however this carolina was an entirely new one. this one was angrier, wilder, more caroliner as the ginger leopard swiftly approached her with the intent of killing her. the unholy scream that formed from the charging wildcat was indeed a sign that she has lost all of her natural senses - she was fighting in a blind fit of rage, yet as she attacked the same way as always; smart,  yet predictable. the lioness would calmly sidestep ti avoid the uppercut, and as for the flank attack she would use her armor as a defense and take the blow there with the possibility of it causing carolina's paw to be injured in the process. she was definitely trying to end her life right then and there, making tex sigh. just as carolina went for her hind legs, so did playerone; so tex simply jumped into the air, attempting to have the two crash into each other. the female may have been new to this body, but it wasn't difficult to get adjusted to. actually, she felt smoother in this lioness body. aside from that, she would land nearby the two, staring at them both whether or not they had ran into each other. she didn't plan on retaliating, yet. "not even being hostile yet still trying to kill me, huh carolina?" the agent would joke as she flicked her newly formed tail in amusement. she saw this as an opportunity to really get these new bones going.

then came the unwavering water. tex would glance over towards the new face who was seemingly going off on them for fighting. "don't retaliate? as if i'm gonna roll over." the female shrugged, clearly showing that she was amused by his tone as he wiped a speck of dust off of her armor. she just got out of being commanded what to do, she didn't plan on letting some rando tell her what to do either. "hmph, i need answers. so..." she'd demand while looking towards the other freelancers. it would appear that the others are residing here with this group of animals; she could only wonder if anyone else was in this world. "i'll be staying here." she would state, deciding that going off on a journey wouldn't be the best of ideas for her just yet. "tex, agent tex is the name." the large wildcat would add, bringing her attention back to the livid carolina. fighting an injured opponent wouldn't be fulfilling in the slightest, but she knew good and well that carolina was going to continue her assault. she always does. "i rather continue this when you're not so pathetic." the agent would add, disappointment laced in her tone as she began to eye the crippled wash; at least the other loud one isn't as annoying as he just was.

Template by Quill

Re: NEW RECRUIT// OPEN + JOINING - rhosmari - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Player's pin would have worked though for how long wouldn't be determined now. Because even as the woman struggled to get back onto her feet pain lanced up and down her side like vicious stab wounds that bled freely. Yet water was suddenly struck against her and sent her flying away from the one that had been trying to defuse the situation. Even with a sodden pelt the woman didn't see to hear anything that was going on around her, deaf to the world and only solely focused on Texas. Everything else didn't matter. Not this group and their rules. Not anything. Her mind had been torn away and she was an instinctual creature at this very moment. Blood oozed out of her broken mouth, claws ripping up the ground as she forced herself to stand up, wild gaze snapping back to look at the lion that mocked her openly in front of everyone here. Calling her out on how she looked right now. If she had a notion of what the other was even saying to her perhaps it would have angered her more but she was so far gone that not even that would pull her out of this. Her teeth bared as she gave a heated snarl, tail flicking back and forth and she plotted death within her very gaze.

There was nothing else that would quell her but seeing the death of the one before her and she snapped her jaws aggressively. A single step forward made her stumble a bit, ribs reaction to the jostling she had taken from before, shifting and pushing against her organs and who knew maybe this very thing would be the death of herself. Maybe finally she wouldn't be in pain anymore and she could finally rest without having to worry about what was going on around her and if anyone was getting hurt. Not having to have others depend on her for safety or assurance that they would all make it out of this alive. Because the truth of the matter was she never knew if someone would come out alive or dead with the decisions she made. She never knew if someone was going to make it or if she would have to take back their dead corpse. Like Maine when he took a bullet for her all those years ago. Her eyes still leaked fresh tears and she suddenly launched herself at the lion again, broken mind but tired body forcing her to move as she attempted to slam her claws against the other's head despite the armor and then wrap her paws around her head to twist it and jerk her down to the ground.

//permission given to Playerone or Tex to knock Carolina out