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IN TIME [...] joining, open - Printable Version

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IN TIME [...] joining, open - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-18-2018

Versailles isn't sure what brought her to the Ascendants. She thinks it could've been word of mouth, the prospect being a part of something bigger. It's a little enticing for someone who has spent a majority of her life in the cold embrace of solitude - not that she has any specific qualms with loneliness, it's just a rather bleak existence filled to the brim with aimless wandering and a heavy lack of purpose. She wonders what it must feel like - purpose - having something that she is meant to do, being guided by a reason to be alive. Living just to live has its freedoms but is, ultimately, no way to live... certainly not for a primarily purpose-driven Versailles.

The wide expanse of grass is a little daunting. She's used to the cover of towering trees, the shadows they spill over the thick and lively undergrowth. In the fields, everything seems emptier. Versailles can see as far out as the eye can see but it's a repetitive image of grass and grass and even more grass that half of her is starting to believe that she's walking in circles - and that's funny! It's funny enough that she's scowling. She's never had troubles like this in the forest, she's never had to question her sense of direction. If it wasn't for the sun, she's sure she'd be hopelessly lost in a field of... well... nothing.

It's only when she reaches a particularly strong scent of something that she figures she must've reached the right place. It's odd and a little itchy, a little uncomfortable, but she faces it with a straight face because she knows she'll probably smell like that eventually. The feline stops right on top of the border and sits herself down, running a golden tongue across her chest to calm its unsure bristling. Versailles knows better than to trespass where she is not known - she dislikes having to put a target on her back. Instead, the blue-and-gold newcomer decides to wait for them to come to her. Isn't that part of their responsibilities? To keep their borders safe and ensure that there are no intruders?

She looks around, takes note of the emptiness again. Tch. They don't seem to be very good at it - but it's alright. Maybe that'll be her new purpose.

Re: IN TIME [...] joining, open - rhosmari - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She should have known better. Should have moved faster and now she was broken. It irked her that this had happened and even more so just down right pissed her off to no end. How? Perhaps it was her own fault that she allowed for him to catch her at all and for that very mistake she has paid the price for it. But it wasn't like it was keeping her down anyway because at the end of the day even with her major injuries she was still moving. She'd refused the help of one of their medics because she didn't believe they should waste their medicinal things on someone that wasn't a member of their group. No, instead she was trying to tough it out but it was so dumb considering her broken ribs and her broken jaw. Three of the true ribs had been broken and two false but she disregarded it, disregarded the pain that it brought because it was merely a distraction that she needed to get over. In time they would heal and then she'd be fine. Clearing her throat a bit the ginger leopard continued her walk, trudging along slowly with her tail swaying behind herself. The left side of her jaw was heavily swollen but it didn't seem to phase her.

Her paws moved steadily through the fields as she left the Canopy, eyes glimmering almost dangerously and with her constant pain she was no in a good mood to be bothered. Her muzzle parted and she winced, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them and finally seeing someone standing upon the fields and just sitting there. Great, it was obviously a stranger and one of those kind that joined groups despite not being impressed or needing information on them first. She had no real reason to care about it really and she slowly approached, rolling her shoulders a little while six inch thick black claws dug holes into the ground. Really, she'd yet been able to sheath the damn things and she pulled her ears forward as she came to stop just a few inches from the other woman. Clearing her throat to get attention in some way though she doubted she hadn't been spotted long since before her approach the woman sat down, giving a hiss of annoyance at the pain before she lifted her head up. "I can already guess why you are here. So what's your name? I'm Agent Carolina and I live here, kind of outside the culture."

Re: IN TIME [...] joining, open - MirrorEdge - 07-18-2018

"Why do you always introduce yourself as Agent Carolina? Isn't Carolina easier? Or Carol? Or Lina, Lina's a nice name." It was amazing Thea had never thought of this before, as it seemed to be a mouthful, at least to the younger leopard, who was next to arrive.

As much as Thea respected the agent's strength, the only thing they seemed to have in common was them being the same species, but for now, she pushes the thoughts and barrage of questions she was going to rain down on the older leopard for now, figuring now might not be a good time. Thea had a little common sense, at least.

So she offered the stranger a grin, chirping, "Are you a joiner, or a trespasser? 'Cause if you're a trespasser, I call dibs on fighting you. I'm Thea, by the way. It's nice to meet you!" The bubbly attitude might catch Versailles a bit off guard, maybe because Thea tended to hope that people at the border were trespassers, and hostile. Give the Starstruck Guardian an excuse to prove her strength. 

Re: IN TIME [...] joining, open - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;"]★ — Being part of something bigger... Maybe that's what had brought Beverly here, too. While she wasn't particularly goal-driven, being a part of a large group gave her the opportunity. It provided the option to be goal-driven, to contribute to a greater good, the ability to be something. Solitude served no purpose.

The short feline was the next to arrive. Being the wanderer she was, she had taken it upon herself to combine her aimless walking with a bit of border patrolling. It made her feel like she was actually contributing in some way. "She's got a point. Agent Carolina is, like, really bulky. Doesn't flow well," she commented. "But if you get to ask that, then I'll ask this: Why do you want to fight everyone? Have you even been in a fight before?"

It was then that she realized she had yet to address the stranger. "Oh, yeah, I'm Beverly. You can call me Bev, though."

Re: IN TIME [...] joining, open - imperia - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The emptiness of the plains is merely a trick on the eyes. No matter how abandoned it might seem, there is always someone or something lurking within the lush emerald grasses. Usually they are friendly. Imperia is among the most hospitable, which can be discerned from the soft smile which graces the nimble predator's obsidian lips as her monochromatic figure emerges from the cover of the plains. Silver eyes shine like stars as they regard the newcomer curiously, only to darken upon noticing the badly injured Carolina. The aforementioned female is not among Peri's favorite people, but there is no hate harbored in her heart for the ginger leopardess. In fact, she hopes to eventually befriend Carolina. Unfortunately for Imperia's good intentions, Carolina is quite adept at dissuading social advances. The female is very intimidating and purposely detaches herself from society. However, the lovely she-wolf cannot stop herself from commenting on the other's wounds. "You should be resting, mon amie," A small crease forms between furrowed brows. "A broken jaw can mean the death of you, if you are not careful." For someone with an interest in the art of healing, Imperia is obligated to say something. But her voice is gentle and submissive, argentine eyes downcast beneath thick lashes. there is some underlying fear of retribution there, but not even trepidation will prevent her from performing her duties. Regardless of Carolina's response, Peri is already planning on preparing some meals for the injured wildcat while she heals.

Thea captures her attention next, bringing a soft smile to her narrow visage. It is a little strange how eager the child is to fight all the time, but Imperia is not bothered by it. The girl is adorable regardless. "Agent Carolina is much like a first and last name. Mine is Imperia Arceneau, but I am only addressed by one or another," the she-wolf says, glancing between Thea and Beverly. My, what a talkative bunch. Peri cannot help but smile in amusement before she finally directs her full attention to the newcomer on the border. "Welcome to the Ascendants," she says with a short laugh. She wonders if the stranger arrived expecting this sort of welcome.

Re: IN TIME [...] joining, open - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-18-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

He was injured. It was a pain in the ass. He knew that he shouldn't had faith that his former friend was actually his friend after what Carolina had ended up telling him. Washington believed that there was a chance that Maine was actually still in there but it seemed like he had been wrong and paid the consequences. His left arm was broken and out of use, and he had received several other different wounds in the process. Carolina was worse off than him though, as her ribs were broken as well as her jaw. Washington had been trying to keep an eye on her, but trying to track down someone that walked a little bit faster than him wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do. Washington was still struggling with trying to figure out how to walk on three legs when he could barely walk on four correctly. His left arm in a splint and he was forced to have it up into the air so that it didn't touch the ground so that there was no pressure put on said leg. Having being beaten in a fight had been harsh for Washington, but he knew that it was worse with Carolina. Church was gone and they were going to have to deal with the consequences of such. Why his former friend would take a simulation trooper Washington isn't exactly sure.

This meant that just like Carolina, Washington wasn't exactly in the best of moods either. It was slow going, and each move jostled his broken leg. With the weight that he constantly had on his back, it meant that he could barely keep up the weight without it actually hurting him in the process. Washington approached after Carolina did, and turned to look at those that were questioning her about her name. "Because that's our name. That's all there is to it. We don't have any other names." Washington seemed to say sternly to the both of them. Why did it matter? It was no inconvience to the either of them. The lion-sized smilodon turned to look at the one that Carolina was talking to. It was a domestic cat. Washington shifted his position so that he could easily stand without topling over. No one could see the expression that was behind his helmet, but it obviously wasn't something that would be nice to see either. One of the pros of having a helmet in the first place compared to Carolina who had no armor. "Agent Washington." The Freelancer introduced himself before turning to look toward Carolina. Lowering his head slightly because he could already see by her stance that she wasn't exactly pain free either. "You should be resting." Washington would state toward Carolina, and it almost sounded like he was scolding her. He should be resting to, but his injuries weren't as severe as her own.

The Freelancer takes notice of Imperia saying the same thing to Carolina. His coworker probably didn't like it, but if she lashed out Washington couldn't care too much about it all. He had been yelled at before eand he could take care of Carolina if she got into one of her heated moments. He looked over toward Imperia because he knew for a fact that she was probably going to say the same thing for him. At least he could move without the potential of breaking another rib in the process though. He offered Imperia a small nod of his head in greeting, before shifting his position again. Raising the arm that was in the splint a little bit higher. The bandanges that were on his body dotted with blood from where the enemy had attacked him with its claws. Uncomfortable, but he felt worse. At least in oneof these times he wasn't close to losing his arm. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: IN TIME [...] joining, open - MirrorEdge - 07-18-2018

Beverely was next to arrive, and seemed to agree with Thea's thinking: that Agent Carolina was a mouthful. "Yeah, and kinda intimidates people, I think!" She paused at Beverly's next question, trying to formulate words for it. "Well, when I was little, I got into a lot of fights, and lose. Mom always made me go out and challenge them again and again, to win. Then she would tell me she was proud. So I'm stronger now. But I haven't been able to prove my strength since I got here." Thea wasn't quite aware this was something she should keep to herself. This was how every kid's parents were, right? And it wasn't something she disclosed to everybody for that reason. Because she thought it was normal for parents to want their kids to be strong. Still speaking in a bubbly tone, as if it was completely normal for a mother to treat a child like that, Peri's words raised another question in the young leopard.

"So, wait, is her first name Agent? Then would Agent Washington's first name be Agent, too? Is that why they use their full names?" If so, that would answer Thea's question, if not, that would just raise more, and she looked to the three she knew, as well as the stranger who was probably a bit baffled at the odd group of creatures here, and Thea wouldn't be surprised is she moved onto the next group with tales of how batshit crazy the Ascendents were.

Before Beverly could answer her question, it appeared Washington ruined the whole thing, and Thea scowled, annoyed he wouldn't give a reason besides the 'it's the way it is'. "So, what, you don't like nicknames?" Her head tilted in confusion.

Re: IN TIME [...] joining, open - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-18-2018

First there's one - and there's many, too many - more than she's ever seen in her life. There's a hint of doubt prickling at her chest (not that she'd ever care to show or admit it, she's perfected the art of pretending her fears are not real) but she decides not to walk away - she decides not to look for another place. She's already here, anyway, what is the point of taking what she's been given only to be spat out by ungrateful mouths? Versailles is not like that. She takes what she is given and swallows. Her lips part to try to address their questions, but then they begin to talk over each other and it's simply far, far too much work to have to try and converse with people who aren't interested in conversing with her.

With a swish of her long, prehensile tail, the blue cat gets back up on all fours and begins to walk past them. "Versailles. Joining. Thanks," she mutters to whoever's closest to her - she doesn't really care, as long as they're aware she's not here to cause a mess - and proceeds deeper into the territory. She doesn't quite know where the camp is but figures, hey, if she's gotten this far, it's likely she'll be able to find the camp on her own too. Just follow their scents - follow them deeper into unknown territory, they will all likely lead to the same place.

She's used to doing things on her own, anyway. Hasn't she spent all of her life living in the wilderness with no one to rely on? It's the first time she's seen faces who aren't out to chase her away from a pound of meat, but they don't seem welcoming despite their bejeweled words, and Versailles has no time for trying to fit in - she has a purpose to find, and it doesn't seem to be with them.

Re: IN TIME [...] joining, open - BASTILLEPAW - 07-19-2018

Bastille thought he could hear his mother singing. He'd been getting those phantom echoes, the faintest hints of vanilla wafting through the air, the glimpses of her aura, with increased frequency since Hazel's powers had manifest. He wasn't sure what was happening or why now, or how; he knew that the sliver of his mother's soul he used to carry was gone, swept up by that dainty little wolf. She couldn't be real. His mind was playing tricks on him, and he was losing it, a little bit. His mood had been better but his souls were starting to get frazzled, cluttered, misaligned.

It was the soft humming of French lullabies in his head that urged him to the border, ready to find something else to focus on, a way to drown it out. He never got there, though. He was nearing it and the cluster of bodies there when he found himself stumbling upon a stranger instead, coming to a slow stop. His gaze flickered over her slowly, as if assessing who this was, and something about her aura nagged at him. He had no idea what, however, and he simply arched a brow and inquired idly, "Yo. I take it you've already been greeted. Are you giving yourself the tour?"

Re: IN TIME [...] joining, open - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-19-2018

Versailles sees him in the far distance and wonders whether he's just another one of those who'll promptly ignore her in favor of something mundane - not that she could ever blame them, she's not exactly the most interesting creature to walk the known world - but she slows to a stop anyway when he does. A part of her still hopes that she'll be more than a meager blip in the map, and she's happily surprised that she's being acknowledged for once (although she'd never let it dangle on her face). The queen raises her chin in an almost proud fashion, puffing out her chest until the golden flecks under her jaw catch the afternoon sun. Her metallic gaze skims through his features but otherwise finds nothing much of note except for the curious expression on his face that she can't - can't quite place, really.

"I guess you can call it a greeting," she murmurs in response, glancing back over her shoulder and at the gathered group of Ascendants talking among themselves. Sure, it had been a greeting, but had it been a meaningful one? No, not really. It had seemed more like a chore to them. "More like heading back to wherever your camp is, not sure where but I trust my nose to get me there." Versailles turns back to the stranger and raises one shoulder, a noncommittal gesture signifying that she isn't quite sure of what to do now that she's here. "Are you one of the welcoming committee too? Versailles. I'm no trespasser."