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break laws, boy [wings/open] that shit was my day job, boy - Printable Version

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break laws, boy [wings/open] that shit was my day job, boy - adomania - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Gabriel knew what it meant to be an angel, knew how one looked and sounded and felt surrounding his body. He knew what it felt like to be holy, or the closest thing that one could become to that word in this damned earth, and sometimes he felt like he had known it just as well as he had known blood and pain.

His mother had been an angel, fallen from the sky to fall for a demigod that was closer to hell than he was to the heavens. She had loved him, as he had her, but in the end nothing ever turned out to be what anyone wished. They had had a litter, Gabriel among them, a small runt with no significant powers compared to his siblings who had managed to inherit their father's abilities and succeed him. He had been abandoned, deemed useless, with nothing to his name but the pair of glistening black wings that marred his back and cloaked him like a shadow.

They lasted him a year before they were brutally dismembered from his body, leaving him with nothing but scars as a memory of who he had been, of where he had come from and the only thing that had ever made him useful. He was left with nothing but the constant ache, the constant rearranging of his dying molecules, the infinite curse that was immortality. It seemed his father had left Gabriel with something, the inability to die and to suffer indefinitely, half dead and half alive and hurting no matter what he did and where he was.

Gabriel Grimm. Son of an angel and a demigod. Cursed child that had grown into a man with a golden heart but hands too cold to match what he had always wanted to become. The only thing that had kept him close to the heavens was his wings, and they had been gone for three years.

Yet it seemed that three long years were brought to a halt in one day.

They had appeared in the night, when Gabriel had allowed troubled dreams to overcome him for a little over an hour to get some much needed rest. It was impossible for him to stay asleep for long, one thing or another always ripping him out of the trap which was his mind, yet it seemed enough time to have woken up to find a sudden weight settled firmly and comfortably upon his shoulders.

Yet, despite what some might have thought if they knew of his past, Gabriel found no joy in the feathers. It was another weight of history that seemed determined to cut it's way back into his life even as he tried so desperately to let it all go.

(But that was a lie, wasn't it? The dog tags around his neck still burned with his old name, searing it into his skin every day and he still refused to chuck them away despite claiming that Gabriel Grimm was dead.)

Re: break laws, boy [wings/open] that shit was my day job, boy - rochelle - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]In Rochelle's own faith, angels and demons were a thing she didn't have to worry about. Instead, there were spirits, ones of pure water and ones of polluted water. It was a simple balance of good and evil, though the complexity was there when she meditated the thought well enough. She often wondered if one drop of toxic water was enough to take away all of it's purity, or if there was more hope than that. And beyond that, could water ever truly be returned to it's purest state? If not ... she was surely done for. She worked every day to make her spirit clean again, and she would never stop.

Still, she was familiar with angels and demons in other's beliefs, and she knew that angels and demons had wings. However, to Rochelle, in the Typhoon, creatures had wings just because they grew them. It didn't signify their alignment, it was just their appearance. The umber wolf found it impressive, though, and she noticed when Chain sprouted the limbs, seemingly overnight to her. "You have wings ..." Was the first thing she said when she caught sight of the male, seemingly lost in thought, trying to read the expression of the other. "Just like ... just like Vandal, huh?" Rochelle murmured to him, dipping her head.

ooc | ur writing is truly so beautiful sorry for my trash

Re: break laws, boy [wings/open] that shit was my day job, boy - MARCELLUS - 07-19-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
An angel, a demon, a fallen angel. Marcel was neither or none of those, being someone of pure mortal blood and having not even a drop of blood like them. He was normal, ordinary, or at least in terms of blood. On the outside his pelt was different and not regular for a cheetah of any king, even a king one. He would never be immortal or strong like these guys due to how his blood was nothing more than mortal, but he was somewhat fine with that. He would get stronger on his own time at his own pace and he was confident that he didn't need abnormal blood to do that. Yeah it meant that he would bruise easily or get more hurt, experience more pain, but pain would make his experiences and build them to where maybe even one day he could have the strength equivalent to a demon or angel, but for now he was stuck like this, weak as he had no idea how to even fight with his limp leg let alone walk without falling.

Wings were things he never truly quite got. How one could get them was completely beyond him. He wasn't sure but he also wouldn't want them. It wasn't that he was afraid of heights but rather he simply just preferred the ground and to walk along it. Yeah flying gave advantages ones on the ground walking didn't have, but flying would make you miss the little things that could only be seen from eyes on the ground and not eyes from up above and how ironic was it that as these thoughts were filling his mind of demons and angels and wings of the sort, he had happened to be walking along the territory in a nice little night stroll, his eyes in front of him.

Marcellus' paws carried him through the territory, trying to make it so he didn't fall over due to his limp. If it hadn't been for Rochelle's voice, he would of walked straight past and not seen them but the male lifted his head and turned it to see them off to the side, tail flicking behind him as he padded over to greet them. At first he was going to ask why they had been up so late but then he realized that Chain had grown some fresh pair of wings. Or was he just hallucinating? "Damn those are some really nice wings. His voice was a bit awkward considering he wasn't sure if wings were a good thing or a bad thing for this guy.