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COLD COLD COLD | ICEBREAKER - Margaery - 07-18-2018

With their recent influx of newcomers, Margaery saw it only fitting to delve a little deeper than the meet and greet she had already held and host an icebreaker. There were more than just desserts at the event this time, all sorts of chips and various other snacks at the disposal of her clanmates if they wished to participate. Everything looked wonderful and for a moment, she felt a pang of jealousy when she realized that she could not indulge herself in any way. Oh well, at least she'd be getting to know her clanmates better than she had before.

[b]"Ascendants! First of all, I'd like to welcome all of you who are new here!" She announced brightly, a charming smile expanding upon her lips, "Today, we'll be having a little icebreaker for new and old members alike! My only stipulation is that you must only answer five questions at a time! Try to find a person or two that you share some similarities with! And of course, participation means you can help yourself to any and all of the food behind me!" Margaery motioned to the bowls and plates stacked high with what seemed like every party food imaginable. What could she say? She was thorough.

"I'll go first! My name is Margaery but I go by Marg or Margy! I'm a night person and a Gemini and I love collecting old artifacts and things from my travels around the world. If I were to describe myself in three words, I'd probably use motherly, graceful, and empathetic!"

(hey everyone! here are the list of questions you can use:
What name do you go by?
Astrological sign?
What's your favorite food?
What's your favorite season?
Earliest memory?
Do you collect anything?
What never fails to make you laugh?
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
If you could live in any time period in history, which time period would you choose?
What is one thing no one here knows about you?
Currently reading anything? Favorite book?
Have a favorite quote?
What are your interests?
What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do?
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Morning or night person?
If you were invisible for twenty four hours, what would you do?
If you could learn any new skill, what would you learn?
Name two things you're good at and two things you're awful at.
What's your most prized possession?
What was the happiest day of your life?
If you could choose to relive one moment, what would it be?
What sound do you hate the most?
What three words describe you the best?
please try to do at most five questions a post!!)

Re: COLD COLD COLD | ICEBREAKER - guts - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Church liked the idea of these meet and greets and stuff, frankly. He wasn't around much, since they were pretty busy with figuring out a way to get back, but he did want to know a few of the people, if not for the sake of them possibly not being able to get back home. Or whatever was their home now. Besides, the people in this place didn't strike him as bad or anything like that. They were all pretty friendly, in fact. Except for a few, but they didn't really count. He didn't like them for many reasons.

"Nice set-up, Marg," he compliments as he pads up, surveying the table before grabbing a small bit to snack on. Then he turns back, pausing as he tries to think up some things about himself that might be at least a little bit interesting. "Well, I'm Church. My favorite season would probably be spring, I'm a Leo, and if I could go anywhere, I would go back to my home-town," he stops to take a bite, then continues through a mouthful of his food. "And if I was invisible, I'd go around and spook people," he chuckles slightly before continuing to eat, his helmet laid down at his side.



[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

*retro to injuries*

It was beneficial for him to come to things like this. It allowed him to know what everyone's personalities were and make a plan to go from there. Washington knew that he needed these animals, even if they didn't like him he honestly didn't really care all that much. He could care less who knew little to nothing about him as he wanted to keep it that way. The Freelancer knew that getting involved would gain him a better reputation that he could use to his advantage if he really wanted to. Hence why the smilodon had made his way over, but made it apparent that he wasn't going to touch any of the food that was there. He blinked his gaze as he looked at Marg and Church, still keeping a steady distance away from the rest of those that were bound to gather. He looked at the list of questions that all fo them were given, and picked out specific ones that wouldn't give him away all that much. Washington craned his neck slightly to the side until he heard a pop before speaking. "My name is Agent Washington, and I only go by such. Favorite food would probably be steak. Favorite season would be winter. I'm more of a night person. The sound I hate the most is obnoxious chatting." Simple. That's the way he liked to keep it and he did the minimum amount of questions that didn't leave all to be considered in regard to who he was. Some of the questions he could have answered truthfully, but he didn't want them to get the wrong idea. Shooting someone was certainly difficult to do, but it wasn't difficult for him anymore.  "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: COLD COLD COLD | ICEBREAKER - rhosmari - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]-- retro to injuries

The smell of cakes and chips had caught her attention but she refrained from making an ass out of herself by just going over to the area for that and nothing else. This was obviously important in some way and she didn't see a reason to go toward the area and just not participate. It would be rude. But then again since she wasn't a member really she could eat and dodge. Her mind ran the idea around in a circle before she just sighed narrowed her bright colored eyes before she strolled over and allowed herself to settle near Washington because why not. She wasn't sure on Church still and she was debating on what information that she knew but for now she was there because this was a, learning about people, thing. Once they had done something like this to get acquainted with the freelancers they would be working with and so the woman looked at the questions that she was given. Hmm. "My name is Agent Carolina. Call me the full title or just Carolina is fine. I'm a morning person for sure. Happiest day of my life, when York was with me. I like spring as a favorite season. And I don't favor one food or the other really."

Re: COLD COLD COLD | ICEBREAKER - Cosmic - 07-18-2018

It took me a bit to get there, as my wounds were stinging like a bitch. My bandages made it a little harder on me to move, but eventually I took a seat next to Carolina, hoping she wouldn't mind.

I realized it was my turn to speak. Oh shit. Fuck... how did I go about this?

"Uh... my name's Playerone, but I also go by Player, Leon or Isaac. I love the fall, I like meats? I don't know. I don't have a favorite. Uh..."

I paused, a heavy sigh passing my maw. "I'm a Sagittarius, and I have a heavy interest in medicine and science as well as fighting skills.

I wish... I had my life back.

Re: COLD COLD COLD | ICEBREAKER - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;"]★ — While the concept of a meet and greet was still rather new to her, they were very self-explanatory and she enjoyed them. What she was beginning to realize as she settled more into her new home - if she was allowed to call it that - was how much she was enjoying socializing. Being on her own, she was mostly left to her own thoughts, save for times where she stayed with other loners in their settlements. It was a weird adjustment, going from solitude to a bustling place like the Ascendants, but she couldn't say she didn't enjoy it.

At Margarey's call, the short girl approached. She sat in silence as the others spoke, noticing that they all talked in a similar, robotic manner. It was odd. "Well, I'm Beverly, you can call me Bev. I'm a virgo. I collect history and astrology books, and if I could live in any time period... the 1950s. I love the fashion. I'm definitely a morning person... Oh, and I despise the sound of people chewing."

Re: COLD COLD COLD | ICEBREAKER - Shininglight - 07-18-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
This new place meant Shining had to readjust to different customs and people. Although it all felt awfully similar to his old home... Scarily so. It brought a mix of heartwarming and painful memories- more so the latter. Something prevented him from remembering the positive thoughts- or at least, from enjoying them. So Shining tried his best to simply not focus on the past, but instead look at the present. That's why he had been running, in the first place. Why he had left.


A call came out, and creatures started to gather together. Something told Shining that he should probably do the same. The male feline stood up and stretched, before limping his way into the circular crowd. He listened as each creature spoke, listing off a variety of details about themselves. Should he do the same? Beverly was finished speaking... His brain quickly worked into action, trying to come up with some facts.

"Hello... I'm Shininglight, I go by Shine. I enjoy walking. My favorite food is... mango. I enjoy the night because of the stars." A short pause lingered, trying to think of what else to say. "I... don't like violence. Or fighting at all."


Shining was getting tired of hearing that.

Re: COLD COLD COLD | ICEBREAKER - Grimm - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; line-height: 110%;"]It seemed strange to do this once more, going about in a circle constantly giving facts about oneself until there seemed nothing left, each minute detail left out in the open for all to judge. For a time they lingered upon the edges, never quite approaching enough to be considered apart of things, unsure on whether they were prepared to once more speak about themself. There was little beyond the past which had long since twisted their mind, thoughts becoming little more than static bound in a time they wanted to forget, but the things given seemed simple, enough to simply get a grasp on who someone was. There was nothing all that deep about it, just little things.

Tentatively Atreus came to step closer, skirting about the Agents, doing their best to not get too close. While they had yet to interact with any in a more private setting, such strangely terrifying, their mind refusing to entertain the idea for too long, something about them all made their skin crawl. It was odd to see Playerone amongst them, a familiar and welcome face though they chose to get closer to Margaery rather than sit by her, settling comfortably before they took their turn.

“I'm Atreus but I prefer Art, I uh... collect stones and feathers, spring is my favourite, favourite food is oranges,” trailing off at the end it took Art some time to make themself speak once more, the last question the hardest, words pushed through gritted teeth. “The hardest thing was leaving my family and home.” Knowing I could never go back. Teeth digging into their tongue they refused to speak the last part, already unsure on how the others might react to the last part.


Icebreaker? Versailles isn't quite sure of what that word means but, based on what everyone else is responding with, she's guessing it's something to help other people get to know each other better. Using those context clues, she decides it wouldn't really do her much harm trying to put herself out there - although this might be the last she'd ever try. Steeling her nerves, the regal domestic pads over to the gathered group but chooses to sit closer to the back, where there's more space to move around. She blinks her eyes for a second, waiting for everybody to finish, before beginning her own 'icebreaker' although it's quite - different. "My name is Versailles. I go by Versailles. I don't know my astrological sign, and don't know why I should." Is it that important? Maybe someone will tell her if it is, but while nobody is at her throat about it, she figures it's just another thing she doesn't have to worry much about. "I'm good at hunting, I'm bad at people - my favorite food is seafood, venison, and cooked salmon. If I had three wishes, I'd use only one and wish for a big family." The last part is followed by a small shrug - noncommittal but enough to indicate that it's a serious answer. With her piece being said, the blue cat steps back and let's another take her place.

Re: COLD COLD COLD | ICEBREAKER - Suiteheart - 07-19-2018

Suiteheart loved little gatherings like this. The white feline enjoyed conversing with others and getting to know them better. She liked new connections and seeing others open up to new friends. She loved seeing others find a home. It was always sweet, always fun.

The Admiral took her usual place beside Margaery, a lopsided grin weaving its way across her lips. She sat quietly, listening to everyone speak, trying to find similarities with those around her. When Church mentioned he was a Leo, she perked a bit. So was she. "My name is Suiteheart, but Suite's just fine. Like Church, I'm a Leo. My earliest memory is laughing about something - probably something dumb - with my older brother and sister. I have a couple of hobbies: music and photography. If I could go anywhere, it'd be to my former home - just to have closure about leaving."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
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