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MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - Printable Version

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MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - megiji - 07-18-2018

hi hello! this is my art shop and uhhh yeah i basically just want gems to get my characters powers. heres a link to MY DEVIANTART to take a look at my art and get a feel for what i draw! my gallery is mostly humans, but i do have examples of animal characters HERE (though in this one i didnt draw all of these pictures of irene! u will have to check the description) and HERE.

avatars (always headshots!) (example) will be 1000 gems minimum

fullbodies (example) will be 1500 gems minimum

sketchpages (example) will be 3000 gems minimum

+ shading is an additional 500 gems!
+ if you want another character, it will be an additional 800, 1200, or 2500 gems depending on what type of commission you are requesting!
+ i generally add a simple, solid color background (like a circle or triangle or just filling in the canvas behind the character) free of charge. i can also leave it out for free if you would like!

i can draw human and animal characters!

now for my rules!!!
1. these are first come first serve
2. i have a slots system. please don't post your order until at least one slot is open, even in a spoiler!
3. i will not draw nsfw content
4. i can draw mild gore? but i dont prefer to? so
5. alsoooo the more complex the markings / accessories for y/c are the longer it takes to draw. i might add to the cost if i feel i need to, but i will let you know before you have to pay so you can still say no!
6. i accept payment BEFORE i draw the commission
7. i will only accept one commission from you at a time! this way everyone has a fair chance at a slot

1. florence
2. galexiux
3. devildad

my form is ffa! i just ask that you tell me...
+ what kind of commission you want, and any additional items (like shading or an extra character)
+ provide a reference (i prefer pictures but i can also work with written descriptions, it just might not be as accurate!)
+ provide a small personality blurb (this helps me figure out poses / expressions suitable to the character!)

Re: MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - galexiux - 07-18-2018

i cant find a forum .w."

can i get an avatar of this character?

And can i come back later with offside characters?

Re: MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - Una. - 07-18-2018

Can I get a sketchpage of Kirishima? (He also has a scar over his right eye) Ref

Re: MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - megiji - 07-18-2018

i’ll fix that soon but tbh all i need is a ref and maybe a little personality blurb if u want! but yeah i can do those :- )

Re: MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - Una. - 07-18-2018

Sent the gems!

Re: MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - vvintersoldier - 07-18-2018

Ahhh I would love a sketchpage of Roy!!

Here's his description and personality!!

Roy is a melanistic bobcat, he is at the average height- he stands 21 inches tall and is 45 inches long. Most of his fur is a dark charcoal color- besides his muzzle, paws, around eyes, sides of his legs, nasal bridge, inner ears, belly, and tail tip. Those mentioned are a lighter shade of black, almost gray. He has magnificent, blue eyes. He also has darker spots on his body and has blue(same color as his eyes kind of blue) flame alchemy arrays craved into his front black paw pads. He has little ear tufts and he is quite fluffy around his face and stomach. And finally, he has flint claws, a mutation. Roy is missing his right hind leg- he lost it when he got stuck in a rock slide and had to gnaw it off himself. Once what remains(a stump) of his leg is fully healed, he'll have burn scars as he cauterized his leg.
flame array reference: click (light blue color)

cunning, calculating, manipulative, cynical, egotistical, confident(perhaps over-confident at times)
deep down he can be quite friendly, loyal, and protective of his friends and family.
- does not trust strangers easily, hard to become friends with.

Re: MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - Florence - 07-18-2018


Re: MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - roman - 07-18-2018


Re: MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - megiji - 07-18-2018

okay sky!!! i can do that :- )

also thank u to everyone tracking this thread!!! i will start on the commissions as soon as i reply to a few threads! <333

Re: MEGIJI'S ART SHOP - vvintersoldier - 07-18-2018

sending gems now thank you!!