Beasts of Beyond
VACATION / leaving for 2 weeks - Printable Version

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VACATION / leaving for 2 weeks - toboggan - 07-18-2018

i know i just got here and everything, but i’m going away to ontario for two weeks, which also means i’m gonna be off the site for two weeks. i’ll try my hardest to say hi every now and then, but i’ll truly be back the week of july 29th.

when i’m back, i will introduce my character, and actually start roleplaying on the site. see you guys later!

Re: VACATION / leaving for 2 weeks - vellichor - 07-18-2018

i know we haven't met yet but have fun!! i was actually just in ontario a couple weeks ago myself for about a week haha. I look forward to seeing your character though!

Re: VACATION / leaving for 2 weeks - toboggan - 07-18-2018

i’m looking forward to being back home already c: (even though i’m going to canada’s wonderland)

it’s been so long since i roleplayed, and i’m aching to start again

Re: VACATION / leaving for 2 weeks - Orion - 07-18-2018

ayy i was just there! have fun dude!

Re: VACATION / leaving for 2 weeks - toboggan - 07-19-2018

this’ll be my last post before heading out my peoples! i swear i’ll be on my best behaviour.

let’s gooo 18 hour car ride