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YOU'RE THE CURE | CALYPSO - Printable Version

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YOU'RE THE CURE | CALYPSO - rochelle - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]There was a distant rumble behind her, the rushing waters of the grand waterfall misting her back lightly. It was a solemn dawn, where the sun didn’t come up vibrant and all scorching orange, but rather a pale yellow, painting a cool tone across the island. It was Rochelle’s favorite time to wake up to, not having to feel the sweat chasing through her fur from the dead of night humidity. Instead, she felt this sort of chill, like a fresh blast of air spiraling down her pelt. It was times like these that she had extra time to go wandering before the day began and the sun grew hot and the air grew thick.

That’s how she ended up peering down the throat of the river. There was an expanse of stepping stones across the vast jungle river, yards away from the collision point of the massive waterfall. From this distance, she could admire it, though her fur was becoming faintly dampened by the sweet water. Rochelle couldn’t help but feel at peace for a moment, somehow forgetting all of the sorrows of yesterday and the days before that. It was like the water was cleansing her, like Nelaid, the goddess of waterfalls herself, had given Rochelle this one in a means to heal her.

The lupine couldn’t help but smile. Why did she feel so different all the sudden? Her mind seemed to wander to the blonde canine she’d met yesterday, Calypso. She ... didn’t know why, but she so often seemed to remember her once again, over and over like she was some part of her dreams that she didn’t want to forget. It sounded ... well it sounded strange when she put it that way. Eyes closed, her brow furrowed. It was just that she’d made quite a bold streak in her mind, that Calypso. It was almost like she knew her, from a place before this ...

Her heart began to thump. What was the matter with her? She surely didn’t ... think anything special of the pitbull, no, not like that. But, the aura she brought, the way she stood, it took Rochelle to that place in her dreams, with the hot desert sand and the triangular architecture. She could almost smell it, the dry ground, the dry blood. The umber furred wolf swallowed thickly. It was a far away memory, one that she couldn’t recall to be good or bad. She prayed so that it was good.

Sick of her own thoughts, she turned to face the waterfall now. Her claws gripped tightly on to the wet stones, telling of the wall of anxiety that had just hit her. The rest of her, however, stood tall and peaceful, amber eyes looking upwards at the beauty of nature. Rochelle knew she should probably head back to camp soon but ... the water was calling her, almost blanketing her in a wave of tranquility that she couldn’t resist.

ooc | [member=1412]calypso[/member] rip i forgot to tag u

Re: YOU'RE THE CURE | CALYPSO - calypso - 07-18-2018

And thus came an end to that tranquility.

She'd been agile. She'd been silent, paws landing so gentle they left no imprints in the ground, disrupted no plants or sticks or anything to alert the rabbit of her presence. But then from the trees, some bird of sorts, noisily taking off into the sky behind Calypso. The muddy colored rabbit glanced behind itself and spotted Calypso and Calypso had been so close, so, so close, but now her progress was thrown to the wind. It took off and Cal was hungry enough to tag alone for the chase. They ran for a few beats, and then she spotted the river in front of them and suddenly the thing was leaping through the air and over the whole goddamn river and its hunter was thrashing through the water, completely unprepared for it's deep beds. It disappeared into the undergrowth and Calypso was soaked, a steady stream dripping from her nose. At least this time it wasn't salt water.

But the water at her paws was previously disrupted, the flow of it off, and she looked up to see the wolf she'd met at the border. How bizarre that of anyone who could of caught her like this, it was the one who'd been sitting at the back of her head for days. She's sure she'd be less bothered if it was another crocodile.

"Hello." She said, momentarily caught off guard. It was obvious in her curt words. There was a long stretched out pause in which she stared at the other canine, blinking water droplets from her eyelashes. "My apologies. I'm usually far more... Capable. I just don't think the water likes me."

Re: YOU'RE THE CURE | CALYPSO - rochelle - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]And so she was taken from her calm state. The rabbit soaring overhead and the wreck of the splash in front of her. Her body stayed still, not a single twitch as she looked down upon the canine. Inside, her mind was completely rotting from within, but she simply swallowed, keeping her composure. She mostly hid her shock from Calypso's outburst to prevent any embarrassment that she would cause her if she yelped or got all riled up from the surprise. She figured the preservation of other's confidence was a good way to practice an unruffled exterior. Even if it was so hard to keep it up around the blonde.

"Good morning, Calypso." Rochelle responded casually, though she was cracking, and there was a humored glint in her amber eyes. She watched the pitbull in her idle moments, the pause giving the wolf enough time to properly observe her. And yet again, the feeling surged through her, mind and stomach and heart getting tossed into a whirlpool, sending her into a dream like state. Honestly, really, she had no clue of what to do or say, letting herself stay stagnant before finally, Calypso said something once again, and she could wrap herself in her words. Oh mercy, what was all of this?

She was glad she did listen to Cal, though, letting out a gentle huff of amusement. "Oh, no worries, my friend." She assured her warmly, letting her shoulders bob gently before resting back in their upright position. "How can you be so sure water doesn't like you? Maybe the water's just having a bad day?" Rochelle offered with the tilt of her head. It sounded quite silly, yes, but to Rochelle, there was some truth. Of the gods of water she worshiped, she would think Nedis, the god of storms, to be the one responsible for Calypso's misfortune. He was a vengeful and emotional god, and she wouldn't be surprised if he enjoyed playing some tricks on the pitbull for some laughs. The lupine felt the need to say something, though did not feel the need to drone on about religion and water with the poor girl. Instead, her look softened a bit, and she asked, "How have you been ... I mean, in the Typhoon. Has it been good? Except for ... this?" Rochelle asked timidly, recalling to the rabbit chase with a wash of sympathy.