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I'M FINE, BORDERLINE + p, pincher - Printable Version

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I'M FINE, BORDERLINE + p, pincher - calypso - 07-18-2018

She was soaked. Water dripped off her like she was some malfunctioning shower hose, draining into the sand in front of her as she stepped out of the tide. It was in her mouth, seeping between her teeth if she lifted her lips. The salt burned at her tongue. She could feel the granules against her gums, grating as she spit the remnants out.

Calypso wasn't a dog of long fur. Her blonde coat was short and without layers; if she were fluffier, she'd be swimming in the water that clung to her pelt minutes after leaving the sea. But still, it clung to her and dripped, dripped, dripped as she dragged herself further up the shore. For the first time in a long, long time, Calypso opened her porcelian maw and cursed, "Fucking ocean."

It was so very uncharacteristic of the femme. Desperate times call for desperate measures, however, and she had just been scared off the boardwalk back from Haven Island by a crocodile. A crocodile. The sheer ridiculousness of the situation was still registering in her brain. There was something tense in her chest. Frustration. Comical frustration, at the fact that she'd fled a desert lacking so extremely in hydration, only a single oasis in their whole territory, only to find herself on Tropical territory with an abundance of the stuff, hallucinating nightmarish memories, slipping off boardwalks and getting chased by crocodiles.

And so, bitter, she returned to the boardwalk. She sat at the edge, a luminous statue of a dog, and peered into the water where she watched the thing still swim in circles, no doubt salivating at the sight of her. There was an imprint of her figure in the dry wood beneath her, dampening by the second. She recognized that it was beyond the most petty thing she'd ever done, but she needed an outlet for the built up negativity, and at least if some newcomer were to walk this way towards their tragic fate of jungle juice and emotion, she could step in front of them and quickly send them the opposite direction.

Re: I'M FINE, BORDERLINE + p, pincher - PINCHER - 07-19-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher knew the horrible risks that were attached to the entrance ritual that everyone usually went through. And yet he had kept the tradition glued to the Typhoon even after months of seeing newly joined crewmates stumble out of the island, horrified by the hallucinations that they had been forced to face after drinking the odd concoction. Pincher had actually never tried the drink because well, he had been the one to found the Typhoon and believed he did not need to though he did think it was a little unfair that he didn't take the risk of seeing his greatest dreams or seeing nightmares come to life. Maybe one day he would but for now, Pincher simply focused on trying to get the Typhoon to reach the goal of improvement that he believed they needed. He was proud of everyone that decided to take the drink and even worried on their psychological state after but most moved on, able to push through their fears which he found impressive. That had been the reason he had created it, to see who was willing to take the risk of facing their fears and still overcoming it even if things seemed bleak at the moment.

Pincher was rather busy, ordering some crewmates outside the entrance of the tavern to go fetch some more fish for a cookout he was planning. He barked out the orders without much patience since he was already behind on his work schedule since he had overslept, his usually sleek glossy fur slightly messy and ruffled. His cold icy gaze narrowed as he watched the npcs nod and walk off to get fishing nets and find any boat that wasn't being used. Once that was done, he was planning to head back towards his submarine quarters, to roll back into the process of paperwork. Honestly, why did he have so much shit to do? He raised a large ivory white paw to rub the side of his head as he heard the faint shrill cries of his masters inside his head, luckily it was still daylight and weren't as loud as they were during night time. Pincher gave his head a light shake of his head and was prepared to head but when he noticed the figure of Calypso at the corner of his eye.

She appeared irritated, the air around her tense and he noticed her figure which was stiff. His electric blue eyes flickered around to see if maybe she was waiting for someone but after a while, there seemed to be nobody was coming. Deciding he should check up on the new female, the muscular storm gray jaguar stalked towards her with his paws softly thumping against the boardwalk as he halted beside her, glancing down at her before noticing she was watching the crystalline waters that currently held a saltwater crocodile. "You alright, Calypso? You seem rather shaken up." Pincher questioned as he tipped his head ever so slightly to the side while he went to a sitting position beside her, hoping the golden canine did not mind him trying to get to know her better. He liked getting to know his crewmates better even if some had difficulty opening up to him which he could understand.