Beasts of Beyond
MIAMI BLUES — PRIV. SUNBEAM - Printable Version

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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was starving. Except it wasn't for food but information. He tended to observe from afar new members into the crew to see what their intentions were, always glancing towards strangers that had decided to join the crew for personal reasons. He was always tempted to ask the question onto why they had figured out the Typhoon was right for him but he knew some didn't even want to be in here, some simply wanted a place to belong to and nothing else. Which he could partly understand since that had been his first intentions when creating the Typhoon. He had always wanted it to be better, yes, but in the very raw stages of the Typhoon crew, all he wanted was a place to call home. This was due to the constant movement that his father had forced him to join when being connected to the nomad gang that he had belonged to prior to him becoming the Captain. He now had a place to finally call home without faltering when asked the question. It was his birthplace afterall and he found comfort in the volcanic island as well as interest on all the possibilities it offered. It appeared some had been interested as well when they saw the distant island and figured it was a good place to stay and Pincher didn't mind that. They could stay as long as they knew not to cause too much trouble within the rank. He understood a little fight here and there always was healthy but a full on war within his own crew was something he longed to avoid. So he always sought out to find and socialize with the strangers he had difficulty in connecting with and one had been rather ominous if he had to admit and that was Sunbeam.

The muscular lean figure of the ash gray jaguar stepped through the farther more isolated beaches that the island had to offer. It was a large island, miles and miles of undiscovered land still offered but Pincher wanted to take it slow with any future discoveries for he knew the possible dangers that lurked within the shadows of the vegetation. His mother had lead a tribe here before, one that excelled in vodou, and knowing the many curses and spells they could place on objects, Pincher knew better to be cautious. His ivory white paws softly thumped on the ground as the scarred wildcat glanced around for the peculiar form of Sunbeam, his cigarette leaving a trail of smoke as he glanced around with his sapphire icy blue eyes trying to locate them. He knew they were a rather hidden figure in the crew and due to this, Pincher wondered what were the reasons, his thoughts rolling inside his head as he contemplated the possibilities.


Re: MIAMI BLUES — PRIV. SUNBEAM - arcy - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]∞ — It was true, Sunbeam wasn't the most social of their crewmates. Somedays they might step out to interact with the others, to help, but other days the arguments in their head were too much. Screaming matches that lead to the blankest, most distanced expression possible on their face. Twisting anger on their expressions and hurt and, well, needless to say, they weren't going to confuse everyone else with that. They were distracted as was, they'd end up snapping at somebody. And it hurt. As their two halves would argue and argue, they'd tremble because they needed to defuse, but they couldn't. It was agonizing. Today was just .. the aftermath of an argument. They hurt and their paws tremble when they move, and they couldn't stabilize. Couldn't get themselves to move as smoothly as they should be able to. They weren't a .. they weren't a good, godly fusion, like they were intended to be.
So, they'd taken a break. Staring blankly at the ocean as their head roils, tail wrapped around their paws. Their face is blank, near emotionless, but with the slightest tinge of frustration. The ocean was .. calming. Sun liked it. Beam adored it. It was .. good. For them. Good to calm down. Just a few hours and it'd be completely okay. But .. well, it would appear today wasn't the day. The scent of cigarette smoke reaches them, and their ear twitches. A clanmate. .. The jaguar. Pincher, correct? He was the leader, they'd seen him with a cigarette once or twice. .. Sun, personally, hated the scent of cigarette smoke, and so part of them recoils, even as Beam just .. doesn't care. Her father had smoked, after all.
"Greetings," Sunbeam stands up, and there's just the slightest stumble to their movements as they make to approach and acknowledge the jaguar, climbing over rocks to wherever they scented him. It wasn't that hard -- their senses were fairly enhanced, and cigarettes were hard to miss. Did he need something? Sunbeam would be happy to offer whatever assistance they could. Sunbeam wanted to help. But .. their ominously blank expression had been said to be off-putting. Scary. So they try and force a little grin to their face. It works to an extent, but it doesn't quite reach their eyes. Well -- Beam's eyes, magenta and the top ones, soften a little, but that would be all. "How are you, today? Do you need something?" .. Helpful. They want to be useful. Their tail twitches as they wait for their leader's reply, a passive sort of look to their face. .. To be honest, it was questionable, sometimes, just how there Sunbeam was. How much they actually took in, when their two halves couldn't even agree on what to pay attention to.