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Happiness hit her like a train on a track
Coming towards her stuck still no turning back
[b]FULL NAME - Agent Washington
  pronunciation - eɪdʒənt wɑʃɪŋtən
  nicknames - Wash

AGE - 3 years
  mental age - 30 years
  date of birth - N/A

  sex - Male
  pronouns - he/him
  sexuality - Heterosexual

ALLIANCES - Ascendants
  past alliances - N/A
  past ranks - N/A

  positive - He gets results, whether that be through violence or peaceful means it doesn't matter to him. He's smart, meaning he can be an asset when it comes to battle and dealing with human threats. Good listening. Quick learner. Jack of all traits, he's usually decent at everything he does but he will never be the best of the best.
  neutral - Talking like a soldier and only addressing those that have ranks attached to them. This depends on whether or not he enjoys being in the presence of someone, and when he starts addressing people by name it can be considered a good or bad thing. He talks in a deadpanned and calm tone all of the time, which one could consider being rude depending on the situation.
  negative - Currently, he is not loyal whatsoever. He will not care to shoot someone that even he knows. He's secretly extremely violent and shows no mercy to those that he comes against, he shoots to kill. Manipulative, he only interacts with those constantly if he thinks that he can use them in the future for his own beneficial means. If he is showing that he is caring, it's not really true and just a facade that he wears. Right now he's attack first and ask questions later.

DESCRIPTION -  Once being immature, goofy, and charismatic, Washington was changed completely after the implantation of a computer inside of his head that nearly caused him his death. He is a soldier and hasn't been anything but a soldier in his life, making sure to follow the rules as much as possible. He believes loyalty is everything, and unless given a reason to he will not betray anyone. He is extremely serious and will work himself to exhaustion before trying to relax. Thinking that he must be prepared for everything that will be thrown at it. He prefers to be alone, but that just puts more stress on his head due to the factor that his mental stability is almost nonexistent. Washington is an expert when it comes to regular military strategies, and he almost knows nothing of the clans and how they work. In his mind, he is only on an alien planet and they potentially did something to him. He knows that he needs to get back to the project once the ship had crashed, but now he is actually in a different world. His only plan is to figure out a way to find his goal, and if that means he has to kill anyone in his way to get the information he will do just such. Washington suffers from different lapses of hallucinations and this can be easy for him to snap toward others in a violent manner. Being a soldier, if all else fails he will use violence at his full extent.

QUIRKS - Washington suffers from a lot of headaches thanks to the trauma that was done basically to his mind before becoming an animal. As soon as he suffers from his headache, one can seeing Washington craning his neck till it cracks as a means to relieve some of the pressure in his head. At the beginning of his episodes, Washington will have small head twitches that will worsen as his episodes get worse.

LIKES - Working. Cleaning equipment. Being given something to do. Working till he passes out from exhaustion. Getting results from a task. Someone supporting him but not asking a lot of questions.

DISLIKES - Those who do not follow orders given to them by superiors. One's who cannot take a situation seriously or understand the severity of a situation. Talking about Project Freelancer. Those who stick their nose into business that does not include them. Nicknames. Raw meat (he will refuse to eat it). Talking about his past and his military history. AIs.

FEARS - Not being able to turn back human.

DREAMS - Being human again. Finding justice for those that wronged him.

PET PEEVES - Vulgar language. Those who don't follow orders.

BODY MODIFICATIONS - The teeth smilodon are known for have both been halved.

REFERENCES- click the crowns

APPEARANCE -  580lbs. Agent Washington is a species of Smilodon, roughly the size of a lion. Washington is different compared to most Smilodons due to the strange coloration of his fur. That being a dark slate grey compared to the regular tawny of a simple smilodon. There are faint spots that are visible around his back legs, but only when the light hits it in a specific way. Not only that, but Agent Washington wears titanium alloy armor, making it extremely durable for taking hits and can be used as a means of bashing an enemy. The armor color itself is slightly lighter than that of his actual fur color. He wears a chest plate, that covers his chest and half of his back. Then there are shoulder plates that cover his shoulders and his arms protecting the front half of his body. There is a gap between the shoulder plate and the rest of the arm plate of his armor. His shoulder plate is a yellow, making it stand out from the slate grey armor he wears. Washington also wears a Spartan Helmet resembling that seen in the Halo series. The visor is a reflective gold and having a yellow line going down the middle of the helmet. While he wears armor, one doesn't notice the extreme amount of scars that cover his body, that has transferred from the time that he was a human. Scars ranging from those made by knives, bullets, and blunt trauma. Since his armor doesn't cover the lower half of his body (flank, and back legs), several scars can be seen uncovered in that area. Even though no one has seen his face, if someone were to see his face, his eyes are a deep gold color with blue wrapping around his pupil. The blue is a result of the trauma from a failed AI implantation when he was human. There is a scar on the back of his neck that branches out almost like a lightning bolt, and its barely visible as his helmet hides the majority of said scars. Being a Smilodon means that he has long incisors, but it seems for some reason someone had filed down his incisors, making them useless unless he can put enough force into the blow. However, since he wears his helmet, its impossible for him to use his fang to attack. Leaving his powers and paws as the only offensive means.
    species - Smilodon Fatalis
    scars - Scars are found everywhere on his body. The most important scar is the one that is on the back of his neck. There, an opening seemed to have been made in order to try and implant something into his body. Almost like a dog getting a giant microchip into their neck. The area though seems to have been scarred and what seems to almost be an electrical scar frayed around in the area. Considering he always wears his helmet, only a portion of the scar can be seen when he turns around. Washington will refuse to talk about how he got that specific scar. The rest of the scars that liter his entire body consist of all bullet wound scars, knife scars, and shrapnel scars that he got when he was human. None of the scars he has now have come from him being an animal. He does have a couple scars on his face, all of the scars being on the left side of his face. He has a scar going directly across his mouth, and one going over his left eye. He also has a scar that goes across his nose and his left ear has a notch in it.

  belongings - titanium alloy armor he wears on the front portion of his body, he secretly keeps his dog tags inside of his armor.
  powers -  Electricity Elementals (Not Discovered), Air Elementals (Not Discovered), Earth Elementals (Not Discovered), Fire Elementals (Not Discovered), X-Ray vision (Not Discovered), and Teleportation (Not Discovered)
  belief - He doesn't believe in a God or doesn't believe in any religion. He's a soldier, and having been in war he doesn't believe ghosts even exist.
  political stance - Washington could care less about the clans. If they don't mess with him, then he won't mess with them. If they attack him though, he will not hesitate to kill them.
  strengths - Strategic. Follows orders. Brute strength. Well versed in technology. Understanding. Great shot. Distrusting. Suspicious.
  weaknesses - Mentally unstable, he suffers from several trigger words that bring his trauma forth. He's slow, running about as fast as a lion would be able to, using air elementals to reach such speed. He doesn't sleep, so his reaction time suffers from it. Slightly gullible depending on the situation. Short temper.

FACECLAIM - Agent Washington from webseries Red vs. Blue

HISTORY - answer

  parents - Father (died in a war) x Mother (most likely deceased)
  siblings - Two sisters (status unknown)
  pets - None

  friends - None
  acquaintances - Agent Carolina, Church, Caboose, and Imperia
  enemies - Developing

THEME SONG(S) - answer
Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father! Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers

thes code


Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - sassy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse feugiat, lectus id pretium lacinia, nunc velit rhoncus risus, vitae accumsan sem elit nec quam. Aenean finibus massa a augue placerat malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et lorem nunc. Proin ultrices, neque nec maximus malesuada, mi lectus finibus urna, ac vestibulum nibh metus ut erat. Nunc feugiat, nunc sit amet congue blandit, lacus enim pharetra nisi, at fringilla tortor sapien eget mauris. Vestibulum vel ultrices felis. Fusce vitae tristique urna. Ut iaculis egestas felis, ut porta dolor feugiat eget. Quisque consectetur luctus placerat.

Fusce rhoncus gravida sem eu auctor. Pellentesque in dolor tincidunt, tempus enim et, tristique mi. Quisque dolor velit, euismod non mattis et, ornare vitae purus. Curabitur semper ornare interdum. Sed nec diam metus. Etiam dignissim quam ut sem mollis semper. Nulla facilisi. Quisque luctus porttitor quam non feugiat. Maecenas sem turpis, accumsan a sollicitudin at, sagittis vitae orci. Donec eget pharetra velit. Vivamus nec lectus eget ante volutpat consectetur at in ante.

Aliquam sodales id nisi non aliquet. Mauris eu congue magna, nec cursus magna. Nam porttitor eros id fringilla molestie. Suspendisse vel tincidunt nunc, a eleifend neque. Pellentesque interdum vel ex ac feugiat. Aliquam condimentum fringilla ex at efficitur. Proin faucibus malesuada dignissim. Donec cursus felis nec rutrum semper. Maecenas sit amet risus eu mi consequat iaculis. Integer eu magna purus. Donec suscipit odio quis nulla tincidunt, eu placerat magna scelerisque. Nam vitae sapien ac tellus suscipit dignissim. Nam imperdiet quis magna ut scelerisque. Nunc efficitur nibh vitae risus pulvinar, nec aliquam turpis bibendum.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:


thes code
[align=center][b]Agent Washington
Lorem dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse feugiat, lectus id pretium lacinia, nunc velit rhoncus risus, vitae accumsan sem elit nec quam. Aenean finibus massa a augue placerat malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et lorem nunc. Proin ultrices, neque nec maximus malesuada, mi lectus finibus urna, ac vestibulum nibh metus ut erat. Nunc feugiat, nunc sit amet congue blandit, lacus enim pharetra nisi, at fringilla tortor sapien eget mauris. Vestibulum vel ultrices felis. Fusce vitae tristique urna. Ut iaculis egestas felis, ut porta dolor feugiat eget. Quisque consectetur luctus placerat.

Fusce rhoncus gravida sem eu auctor. Pellentesque in dolor tincidunt, tempus enim et, tristique mi. Quisque dolor velit, euismod non mattis et, ornare vitae purus. Curabitur semper ornare interdum. Sed nec diam metus. Etiam dignissim quam ut sem mollis semper. Nulla facilisi. Quisque luctus porttitor quam non feugiat. Maecenas sem turpis, accumsan a sollicitudin at, sagittis vitae orci. Donec eget pharetra velit. Vivamus nec lectus eget ante volutpat consectetur at in ante.

Aliquam sodales id nisi non aliquet. Mauris eu congue magna, nec cursus magna. Nam porttitor eros id fringilla molestie. Suspendisse vel tincidunt nunc, a eleifend neque. Pellentesque interdum vel ex ac feugiat. Aliquam condimentum fringilla ex at efficitur. Proin faucibus malesuada dignissim. Donec cursus felis nec rutrum semper. Maecenas sit amet risus eu mi consequat iaculis. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse feugiat, lectus id pretium lacinia, nunc velit rhoncus risus, vitae accumsan sem elit nec quam. Aenean finibus massa a augue placerat malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et lorem nunc. Proin ultrices, neque nec maximus malesuada, mi lectus finibus urna, ac vestibulum nibh metus ut erat. Nunc feugiat, nunc sit amet congue blandit, lacus enim pharetra nisi, at fringilla tortor sapien eget mauris. Vestibulum vel ultrices felis. Fusce vitae tristique urna. Ut iaculis egestas felis, ut porta dolor feugiat eget. Quisque consectetur luctus placerat.

Fusce rhoncus gravida sem eu auctor. Pellentesque in dolor tincidunt, tempus enim et, tristique mi. Quisque dolor velit, euismod non mattis et, ornare vitae purus. Curabitur semper ornare interdum. Sed nec diam metus. Etiam dignissim quam ut sem mollis semper. Nulla facilisi. Quisque luctus porttitor quam non feugiat. Maecenas sem turpis, accumsan a sollicitudin at, sagittis vitae orci. Donec eget pharetra velit. Vivamus nec lectus eget ante volutpat consectetur at in ante.

Aliquam sodales id nisi non aliquet. Mauris eu congue magna, nec cursus magna. Nam porttitor eros id fringilla molestie. Suspendisse vel tincidunt nunc, a eleifend neque. Pellentesque interdum vel ex ac feugiat. Aliquam condimentum fringilla ex at efficitur. Proin faucibus malesuada dignissim. Donec cursus felis nec rutrum semper. Maecenas sit amet risus eu mi consequat iaculis.