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LOST TIME ;; open/oneshot - Printable Version

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LOST TIME ;; open/oneshot - MARKO ! - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — it was only barely dusk, but marko had too much pent up energy to wait for the sun to dip under the horizon. besides, the undertaker had plans, and he couldn’t just wait when he was likely going to come in contact with the sun again that evening. he found himself outside with minimal protection—that is to say, sometimes it was pretty damn freeing to go out for a late (er… early?) ride without a helmet. the warm summer night’s air just felt so… perfect. he absolutely adored it, frankly.

the first step was, of course, leaving the city’s boundaries. sure, he loved san creado, but it wasn’t exactly the entire world, and the rarely-traversed roads linking his town to the outside world let him go as fast as he wanted to with limited risk of getting lost. all he had for company would be the sounds of the motorcycle and the air rushing past. yeah, he was an extrovert for sure, but sometimes that was all you needed for fun.

that wasn’t what marko was planning on doing, however. no, it wasn’t what he was planning on doing at all. he didn’t just want the thrill of speed, he also wanted the adventure. therefore, the moment he left the city limits, the vampire veered off the road. it was a nice vantage point, the hilly environment lending to a nice view of even the boardwalk, the rollercoaster looking almost impressive from a distance. a view of the town wasn’t what he was looking for either, though. after all, it didn’t fill the category of “adventure” well. or fit it at all, for that matter.

he waited for a few moments, deciding which exact direction he’d traverse the oceanside hills, and then sped off. it was a lot more exhilarating, biking offroads, slopes leading to natural places for neat jumps and, in general, more fun.

in summary, the first half hour was pure excitement, driving around the immediate area with reckless disregard.

and then said disregard had him speeding along a (relatively short) cliff, a driftwood covered beach below. he was merely feet away from the edge, close enough that if he hit a fairly large rock, he might lose control and tumble down it, his bike following suit. which is exactly what happened, barely even realizing why he was falling until he bit the dust. er, sand.

who would’ve thought that a short cliff was actually close to two stories tall? marko certainly didn’t.

the saving grace was that he didn’t hear anything break, be it himself or his bike. still, he stumbled as he got up, looking about to see that the motorcycle was likely dented but still in one piece, and that a few patches from his jacket fell off. he knelt down on shaky legs and pocketed them, before he heard a distinctive rattling noise.

marko considered himself pretty good with animals. he’d befriended pretty much every pigeon in san creado, and could generally handle most creatures with care and even ease at times. the difference between that kind of situation and the one he was in, however, was that he usually didn’t fall off of cliffs and get injured in some capacity before having to deal with a rattlesnake. usually all he’d need to do would be to keep clear of the area the rattle came from and maintain a good distance, but he was so disoriented that he couldn’t even tell how close the snake was.

high ground. there wasn’t exactly much, but marko managed to scramble to what was there. still, he couldn’t see a thing, the sun sufficiently far enough under the horizon to destroy any chances of seeing, well, anything. weren’t vampires supposed to have ultra-senses, or something, anyways?

the undertaker only figured out where the snake was when it lunged at him, so marko screamed and kicked it, losing his balance in the sand and falling as he did so. the snake decided that fleeing was its best decision, but the moment marko got himself back upright he lunged at the snake and grabbed it, nearly wrestling with it until he heard the sound of a bone breaking. he threw it on the ground and stomped on it until it was definitely dead.

well, that was a way to change the mood of a night. he rolled the corpse under his foot for a moment, trying to decide what to do and how to figure out where he was especially hurt (aside from the moderate amount of pain he felt everywhere), before he decided that maybe he should just get back to town.

actually, nah. he was hungry, and blood was good for a young vamp like himself.

he stared up at the cliff in devastation. it really was way larger than he thought it was, much taller than a few feet.

gritting his teeth, marko found a foothold and scaled it with as much ease as an injured, disoriented kid could possibly have. it was much looser than he was used to, the dirt not holding itself half as well as the half-rotten wood of the roller coaster. still, he managed to pull himself up, breathing deeper than he was expecting he’d be.

god, he was in a lot of pain, wasn’t he? he stretched, approximately half of his body feeling like it was about to combust. at least he knew which side he landed on. he yawned, which hurt a lot and betrayed the concept that he didn’t break any bones. he’d have to see if anyone in town knew how to treat a broken rib.

okay, okay, food. that was his main priority, some live prey, something tastier than the (admittedly delicious) blood sodas they kept stocked up in town. something real, alive, one who would maybe put up a bit of a fight before they succumbed to his superior strength. lucky for marko, the road wasn’t too far away from the coast itself, and even luckier, he spotted a pulled-over car from the vantage point he’d pulled himself to.

oh, and the dude who must have owned the car was standing outside of it. marko almost considered it a shame, as he stalked forward he decided that the guy had a pretty nice physique. that did worry him, though, upon further thought. after all, marko wasn’t that big, and his ability to be stealthy was even weaker than usual with his injuries. still, he managed to stalk up to the opposite side of the car without being noticed, digging through a pocket to find his switchblade and ready himself for another, likely more difficult fight.

“hi,” he said, standing upright and sauntering up to the man. marko was smaller by far, but the worry started to leave him. he could handle dumb humans, after all. “what’re you doing on my road?” malice filled his voice, something unusual but all too enjoyable. being the bad guy was just… fun, sometimes.

the man didn’t reply, which marko decided he had to expect, but stood there petrified instead. probably because of the fangs.

a bit of a disappointing first impression, but marko would let it slide. he’d spent too much time oogling at the eye candy, anyways. he stepped forward and, in a surprisingly fluid motion, sunk his fangs into the man’s neck and his knife into his back. the man, of course, fought back, trying and failing to push marko away. they ended up on the ground, the man fighting and yelling at marko to just let him go, but… he was pretty tasty.

once the man was too weak to struggle, marko let go, feeling sufficiently full. a lazy grin was plastered on his face, and he patted the man’s shoulder. “you’re almost too pretty to kill, y’know,” marko said, perching himself on the dude’s stomach. “i’m considering calling an ambulance out here for you, get to see your beautiful face again.”

he wasn’t sure why he bothered flirting, seeing as the man seemed rather uninterested. marko stood, making sure he kept his boot from landing in the slowly growing puddle of blood, and began to walk in the direction of san creado. he could still see the lights of the small town, another stroke of good luck.

in the half hour it took to get to the city boundaries, marko realized some things. his jeans had managed to rip from under his (thankfully unscathed) chaps, his jacket suffered more damage than he initially thought, and his crop top had been ripped pretty heavily. figuring out what occurred when was beyond him, feeling more exhausted than ever before at only midnight, and he managed to stumble his way to the boardwalk before he collapsed in a thankfully unoccupied ferris wheel carriage.

then he realized he forgot something in his rush to get the hell outta dodge.


//u do NOT need to match this muse in a reply this took me all day to write. dont do that to urself. 1513 words babey.

Re: LOST TIME ;; open/oneshot - Rialto - 07-19-2018

Three of twenty-four hours of the day, Rialto was splayed out in his carriage, eyes closed, totally unmoving. Twelve hours right until dusk was his light sleep period, eyes still closed but this time noise filtered into his ears, the light outside stung his eyelids, the cool metal of the carriage heating steadily not under his touch but due to the sunlight pouring over his head, through the window, conscious enough to grab a fly about to land on his face mid-flight. That wasn’t being asleep. That was called playing to the funny reality of immortality, which meant an endless stretch of halved days, utterly powerless to the other half unfurling over the world as far as the horizon, blazing beautiful sun that would one day raze him down to the bone.

Maybe the problem could be solved if he found himself an actual sanctuary that didn’t flood with sunlight, somewhere with curtains and enough room to lie down flat. Why he wouldn’t move, why he insisted on caging himself in this metal prison - this, he would say, was all because some of his materials were sensitive. It was too late to relocate since he’d already settled down, you see.

Sometime after dusk, Rialto finally raised himself above window-level as the sun receded. He was going through the rest of his daily routine, sifting snips of silk and beads into colour-coded categories that would inevitably merge with how little space there was in the carriage allowing anything to be kept separate, when there was a joint rattle through the top connector of the ferris wheel as something connected heavily with the inside of another carriage. On a normal day, Rialto wouldn’t spare it much thought; maybe he’d hurl a crass statement their way, or answer in kind with a solid bang after kicking the opposite end of his carriage, but blood filled his nose. The smell of it, unfamiliar - on someone that was familiar.

He swung himself upwards to his feet, toeing himself a path through the cluster of tiny bottles of glitter and equally small brushes obstructing the door, and out of his makeshift home, before Rialto promptly dropped in front of the other carriage in question.

His eyes dilated at the small figure torn up six ways from Sunday (or Marko’s clothes were, at least), limbs askew and heavy with evident exhaustion. The stench of blood wasn’t his own, but the battery was. Without a word, in the next second Rialto was crouching and leaning forward to look Marko right in the eye, and saying, “Give me a name. A face.” He licked his teeth, widened eyes starting to fill with cold hunger. “Don’t hide anything. I’ll make ’em wish they hadn’t opened their eyes today. And yesterday.

This was before registering that Marko copped, in actuality, few external injuries at all, but the green, mean monster inside of him already reared its little head and sniffed the air.

Re: LOST TIME ;; open/oneshot - EZRA! - 07-20-2018

Re: LOST TIME ;; open/oneshot - alexander - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]When Alexander was a young vampire, they chased after things that made them feel alive again. Maybe it was an echo from their once human heart, calling for something that it could never have back. It beat so weakly in their chest that Alexander barely acknowledged it, and why would they, when it was barely a rhythm, barely a song, barely human. The first time they had seen Marko, the boy was barely sixteen - still growing into his mullet and biker gear, trying to look cool around the older kids. Alexander had almost burst out laughing, elbowing Rialto too hard in the ribs to get him to see what he was seeing. What made them feel alive in their early days was pretty simple: mess with humans, get a laugh, get a meal. The plan was to fuck with Marko while they were in town, so you could imagine their surprise when they left so in after with a young blood at their heels.

They were not sure what was so different about Marko, what had convinced Rialto to bite him, and what has convinced the group to let him stay. Maybe it was the fact that the seventeen year old kid felt like a breath of fresh air, someone entirely different from the two vampires they had been with for more than a decade. If Alexander really looked inside of themself, they might find that the then teenager was some kind of stand-in for the siblings they had lost when they were turned. That was too close to home, so if anyone asked, the explanation was this: Marko was exceptionally easy to manipulate and bully as a mortal, and once he became a vampire, it stayed more or less the same. The young blood needed them, so who was he to argue when they pushed him around and forced him to the super market at three o'clock in the morning?

When Marko joined their little coven, they adopted a ferocious protectiveness over the younger. Like a pack of dogs that wouldn't let you get anywhere near their master, but bit the hands that fed them. It was ironic, really, to see the rest of the vampires jump to protect the youngest when they were likely poking fun at him moments before. It's that sibling bond kind of thing -  don't touch my brother, only I get to be mean to him.

Alexander smells Marko before they see him, the metallic scent of blood drawing them to the ferris wheel. They freeze at the sight of the boy, eyes widening. He looks worse than they had ever seen him, with his torn up shirt and bloody face. They're standing by Rialto's side in a moment, hands starting to fidget at they're sides. What are they supposed to do? Vampires rarely ever bled, and when they did, it was a slow recovery progress.  They can't force any words out of their mouth, shock seizing their chest, uncomfortably tight. They instinctively reach for Rialto, pressing a shoulder to his own. After a moment they break away, suddenly remembering Ezra standing below them.  "Ezra, come and look over Marko, now. He's bleeding. We don't know what happened." They're voice leaves no space for argument, carefully crafted mask cracking to show the anxiety brewing under the surface.

Re: LOST TIME ;; open/oneshot - MARKO ! - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — unfortunately, marko could always rely on his friends to look out for him. even if sometimes they could be pretty mean to him (see: two thirds of the people who showed up once he collapsed). he felt nearly uncomfortable by the time alex stepped into his field of view, although maybe that was himself catching up with the fact that he was breathing almost as fast as a human would, his heart racing to the point where he might be able to count multiple beats in a minute if he could focus on it. he felt rather lightheaded, too.

marko forced a smile and a chuckle, one much dimmer and maybe even desperate than what was common for him. he was trying, at least. "bigass rock, somewhere on the hills," he joked, answering rialto's question as truthfully as he could. sitting up as much as he could without sounding actively hurt, pulling off a fingerless glove and wiping his face off. he didn't want to ruin the leather, after all. he managed to get most of his victim's blood off of his face, too exhausted to think about the fact that, y'know, it was on his neck and chest too, and without the knowledge that he had a few nasty-looking cuts on his face that were still seeping out blood.

frankly put, he was in denial of how bad his injuries were, or at least decided to project himself that way. "i'm fine, ezzie, you don't have to worry," marko mumbled, sounding decisively not fine. his attempts at not looking like a sad puppy were failing, probably making him look even more out of it than he actually was.

if he was being honest with himself, though, whatever he was showing on the outside was about a million times worse on the inside. going through the night's events, it did seem pretty terrifying. after all, he veered off of a cliff after losing control of his bike. marko fell, like, more than a story. he probably could've died, if his bike ended up landing on him or if he landed more onto his head. hell, he didn't even wear a helmet, which was absolutely idiotic now that he thought about it. all of the injuries were starting to catch up to him, more than just the stuff he could immediately tell was off. perhaps, the vampire decided, it was more than possible that he got a concussion, that things could've gotten dislocated or broken even with heavy leather gear keeping him safer than otherwise.

"i..." he started, before immediately cutting himself off. admitting this defeat would be a disaster, knowing rialto and alex would absolutely freak out if he so much as asked for ezra to look over him. he just had to hope nothing major actually happened.

Re: LOST TIME ;; open/oneshot - EZRA! - 07-22-2018

Re: LOST TIME ;; open/oneshot - Rialto - 07-31-2018

The Cool Kids for the better part of at least a decade were no one less than the vicious tag team that toted umbrellas and cackled at the people they scored dates with via Cat's Tinder - burning, streaking a mile ahead of their more sedate counterpart (or Rialto's, going by face). Grins like a solid uppercut, like a bomb. Annoying, ear-ringing, blinding, positively painful. Radiant, you could've called them. A pair of fools that dipped out of their detached immortal stupor on weekends, looking for something modernly made, something interesting. Twenty years back, following what the other human and slightly less cool kids did, Alex had tried a mullet, and had woken up later with one of Rialto's knives held quite seriously to their neck. The back, of course. At the mullet.

Or the fun ones, you could've also called them. Not reckless in the same way - twin terrors only by the similar degree of discord they wreaked, but usually when they hit the town they split, paths perpendicular. Rialto himself wasn't a partier. Drinking and pretending it had an influence on him just so he could shout at people, very innocently rude, was fun maybe, but the risk wasn't, undead and surprisingly resilient to being stabbed he might be. He's an artist. Jots notes on the new customs, the fads, the colour he sees on the streets. It's always interesting to him how people are sometimes so alive (less literally), and the raggedy youth with a mistake for a haircut - then alive, yes literally - and a patched jacket caught his eye like movement before a big cat.

Nasty but sincere. A lost boy with too much of a swagger, steps large with the air that he could cross the whole world just by walking.

At the answer, Rialto stilled, then leaned in from Alex's side to sniff at Marko's head. The cuts were slow to bleed, but deep and those were indeed little chunks of gravel embedded in them. Further still the blood caking his collar was more assuredly not from someone they knew, including Marko himself. Huh. Never mind. If Marko wasn't, at present, a little too weak to live through the heart attacks Rialto regularly dealt without pause, Rialto would say something nasty like, you mind if I help myself to that blood, but Marko looked pitiful enough Rialto only gave a bit of his hair a light sympathetic tug.

The limp, warmly unfurling relief following their revelation that Marko, while knocked around, wasn't in a truly life-threatening situation, couldn't possibly show itself in any other way.

"Wrapping him up like a mummy will do the trick," he suggested. Benevolently. And now, appropriately more melodramatically, "Kid. You dummy. I know the Rock is swimming in muscle, and you kind of don't even want to fight back when he comes at you because he's such a good, buff guy, but still. How could you let him clothesline you so hard?" That was also him being nice. Pretending Marko had gone out in some way more valiant than off a cliff, even though if he'd actually been in a tussle there would be more blunt force trauma and less cuts unless the opponent was him and had thirty-six little knives. He could, alternatively, offer to beat up the actual rock - and he'll probably go look for it later to give it a few kicks - but in the meantime, he let Ezra slide in front of him.

Not to be left out, Rialto beckoned to Alex to join him, and pointed at Marko's shoes. Someone should get those off. There was some blood on them too, but Rialto wasn't low enough to want to lick those.