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a spoonful of sugar — weekly task + tea + therapy - Printable Version

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a spoonful of sugar — weekly task + tea + therapy - Belladonna - 03-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna had been asked by Beck to host a group therapy session; at least talking about someone else's problems were better than talking about her own. Ever since she'd joined she'd been aching for a cup of tea, but she hadn't quite found the right place to dry her herbs. At least her new place had a nice spot to do so, on her desk - so long as nobody fiddled around there.

Collecting some of her salvaged teacups - from both her journey from the clan she was born in and from around the town ruins - she set up a small area with flat surfaces and some old wood logs for others to sit on. Taking a seat and retrieving her teapot, she gently poured herself some tea into her favourite cup, before glancing around and announcing, "Would anyone like a cup of tea?" she asked, before adding with some disdain, "...and someone to talk to?"


Re: a spoonful of sugar — weekly task + tea + therapy - Dragon- - 03-25-2018

[tr][td][Image: avatar_64eca7575bc7_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_10cbf1410e94_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_2f943f37ef6c_128.pnj]
[size=7pt]made by cafuné
[/td][td][div style="width: 450px; height: 350px; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; overflow: auto;"][size=8pt] Phobeus had tasted many different foods and tried many different drinks during his travels and tea definitely had to be one of his favourite drinks. It was the first thing that he'd had after running away from home and he'd usually have it if he had been having a difficult day. There was just so much in the drink, there were so many different flavours and they were all different in either subtle or vastly differing ways. Tea was just..fantastic.
It was the main thing that encouraged Phobeus to leave his tree for pretty much the first time that day, he had a tendency to just..stay in a tree with some food and not really leave unless there was other better foods or something interesting going on.

He'd jump down from the low hanging branch he'd been inhabiting all day and land with a loud thump upon the ground.
He would loudly yawn, stretch and scratch himself before lazily loping off towards where he'd picked up the scent of tea..and y'know, heard somebody speaking.
Phobeus had honestly probably not had tea in a few weeks and he'd been craving it to a nearly insane degree so this was a blessing in disguise.

The clouded leopard would come into the area that'd been set up and stop, simply inhaling the scent of the leaf was glorious. He'd move his gaze towards the tanglewooder hosting this thing and give her a wide grin before actually making his way over. He would glance at the seating for a second, some old tree pieces that he gave his approval of,
and select a log that looked log-ey enough to him.
"I would adore a cup of tea because this honestly smells fantastic." Phobeus would reply with a bit of pep as he went to get himself some of the delicious leaf water. He'd spread himself over his log once he'd gotten his tea and prop his head up on his paws. "I have daddy issues, we can talk about those?" He would offer with a lazy grin upon his maw.
This would be fun.[/td]

Re: a spoonful of sugar — weekly task + tea + therapy - happycamper - 03-25-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]YOU'LL NEVER BE LOVED 'TILL YOU MAKE IT ON YOUR OWN — 。+゚.[/color][/glow]
happycamper had never tried tea before, surprisingly enough. the bountiful amount of herbs, flowers, and other types of vegetation he'd grown back in his cabin would say otherwise. yet his lack of knowledge on preparing tea always held him back from using them other than to heal and provide comfort through visual senses and scents. majority of the time he would prepare coffee, which his handy dandy coffee machine always came in to save the day. he was - and still is - an avid drinker of coffee. he needed the jolts caffeine gave on a daily basis, whether it be him staying up late to look out for visitors, taking care of said-visitors, or just needed to finish up any duty he couldn't finish in the sun's light. sure, he lost some sleep, but he'd lose days of it if it meant giving back the best comfort for anyone visiting. yet he did wonder many times as to how a good cup of any type of tea would taste like.

happycamper had been lounging nearby lightly strumming the strings on his ukulele when the familiar voice of miss belladonna reached his ears. quickly he stopped moving his paws and turned his head to see the feline surrounded by what he could see as little cups. he stood up slowly while listening to the rest of her words. tea? and support? a soft smile appeared on his maw as he slung the ukulele across the back. that was an awfully sweet thing to host. he briefly wondered if miss belladonna would like some of his sweets to be put next to her tea, but his lack of satchel made him throw out the idea. stepping around a few uprooted roots, the chipper feline made his way over to miss belladonna and a stranger. once he got there, he gingerly sat down near miss belladonna. "hello there, miss belladonna! you look lovely this evening, and i hope you're feeling well!" he greeted softly, giving her a smile before looking over to phobeus, "hello to you as well! i don't think i've meet you before, but my name's happycamper, and it's a pleasure meeting you!" his genuine smile grew even wider at the idea of being able to befriend the stranger. without thinking on asking for his name, the ginger feline looked over at the empty teacups. he reached over to the teapot and tried his best to pour himself some tea, letting out small 'darn!'s every time he spilled a bit. after filling up his cup, he retrieved it and went back to sitting comfortably, casting a sheepish smile to belladonna. "sorry for the mess i've made, miss belladonna. i've never served myself tea, or have tried any before, actually. but this smells amazing, so i bet it'll taste just the same!"

he was taking a small sip when phobeus brought up 'daddy issues'. happy lightly choked on his tea and quickly set it down, coughing a bit to clear his throat. afterwards, he gave an apologetic smile to the two of them there. he'd completely forgotten about the 'support' aspect of the little gathering. he had already planned not to speak up about his own problems. they were troublesome, yes, sometimes coming back to haunt him, but he was not ready to share them to the world. after all, he'd rather focus on being a lending ear than giving more problems for others to deal with. and, not to mention, daddy issues hit close to home. once he composed himself, the ginger feline gave a nod to him, "by all means, go ahead, sir. we're here to listen and help out the best we can!" he casted bella a look, as if silently asking for permission, before looking back at the larger feline.

Re: a spoonful of sugar — weekly task + tea + therapy - Belladonna - 03-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna looked up to Phobeus as he arrived, offering a shy and gentle smile. She reached over to try and help him with his tea, but it seemed he was fine. Belladonna listened quietly as he spoke, and she opened her mouth to reply to his comment, when Happycamper arrived again.

She watched him quietly as he approached and took his spot near her, and as he complimented her, she blushed softly, and glanced down. "A-ah, Hello again Happy, t-thank you," she stammered, before turning to glance at Phobeus, adding, "I don't believe I caught your name either?" she asked, when her attention was drawn back to Happycamper.

He'd accidentally spilled some of the tea, splashing it on the wood which was already starting to seep in; at least she hadn't put down a tablecloth or anything, then it would be a concern. "No, you're fine, Happy, I'd recommend pouring slower next time." she chortled, before taking a sip from her own tea to calm her nerves.

Catching Happy's glance for permission she just laughed lightly, before turning to Phobeus again, mewing, "Please, go ahead, speak your mind. We're all friends here." she simply said, returning to her tea again to hear Phobeus' woes.


Re: a spoonful of sugar — weekly task + tea + therapy - BUGGEDOUT! - 03-26-2018

Slowly and rather reluctantly, much to his own surprise, a young figure had begun to make his way over with his own gloom and anger following with him wherever he went. Of course, this was none other than Buggedout with a rather soft and clean coat at the moment compared to his usually ratty curls that would pop up in his fur when being neglected and despite the fact he was well groomed, his paws dragged and his body slumped as he drew closer with his eyes quickly flicking from the three who had already presented themselves and even Happy of all people was there to probably grin the sadness out of the sorry excuse of members they had already gathered here. All of this information would be good for blackmail or simply as a way to aim his own anger by torturing another with harmful words, ignoring his feelings for the time with each toxic word he spewed onto his clan mates and even having made some npc cry already on a more intense bout of his careless words towards others. But, that didn't mean he had his own problems to fight off everyday since he had got here, what with the constant weight of your dead mother on his young shoulder as well as his abandoned siblings back home that never truly listened to him anyways while being the runt. Not a tear had stained since he blood covered him, the feelings only being masked and bottled as he went on with his same disrespectful attitude towards others. It's not like he would tell anyone how he felt though, not in a million years would he want pity or sympathy for these people who were practically strangers to him, they'd only use it and throw it back at him like the animals all of them were. The wolf, however, still found himself sitting not all too far with piercing yellow eyes glued to the delicate teapot and even even making an attempt to pour some out, only to have a bit of it Spanish onto himself and give some clear signs of frustration while he returned his paws to himself while cradling the slight burn. " Don't have a Dad. No parents at all really, but it's best to just suck it up. I'm Buggedout, by the way." His young voice rang out in a snarky tone, despite his mind practically bullying him back into his own silence as he played with a teacup with only a sips worth of tea swirling at the bottom moments afterward. The crystal covered canid could feel his body grow in heat as he sat there like the child he was and glared at the delicate porcelain in his paws, body stiff and slouched over as he waited for more people to gather around or simply for someone else to talk. Dammit, why did he think this was even remotely good for him to be here? He didn't even bother greeting them and cut to the chase, it's not like he he felt compelled to or felt like being around them despite Happy's attempts at being...there. Man, this was becoming a worse and worse situation for him every second, wasn't it?


Re: a spoonful of sugar — weekly task + tea + therapy - Belladonna - 03-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]I have no parents.

That was something Belladonna could actually understand, as weird as it was. Her mother had been killed before her eyes, but her father was a mystery in of itself, one she could never quite unravel. So as horrible as the topic was, she could relate - as much as she could to a kid who was, for the most part, anti-social.

Glancing over to Buggy, she offered him a smile; to him, it may have looked like pity, but in honesty, it was understanding, an echo of an ache she felt when thinking of her mother. There was so many differences between them that it separated their stances on it, she supposed. "Yeah. My Father walked out. My mother, she uh... she's gone." her softly-spoken tone threatened to crack as she recalled her mother's fate, but she steeled herself. She wasn't going to cry - she was the one who was supposed to help here. "I don't think I caught your name earlier, it's nice to meet you, Buggedout. I'm Belladonna."


Re: a spoonful of sugar — weekly task + tea + therapy - COSMIIX - 03-28-2018

What was wrong with Amunet, you may ask? Well, she had a broken heart and she missed her only child. She didn't take much thought in when her heart was broken nor did she care as of now either, she didn't trust anyone either as of late to tell anyone that much. She'd approach the small group with a smooth smile on her facial features and would say with a light nod of her cranium "Amunet Ghana. A pleasure to meet all of you," She began only to standby with a small twitch of her whiskers examining most of them through the corner of her eyes before adding with a light shrug "The only problem I have is missing my only child," She missed him greatly and the oxytocin was quite strong when he was first born, she could still remember his small delicate form pressed against her own. She hadn't realized that she had drifted into her thoughts until she heard more commotion going on between Belladonna and Happycamper, she couldn't help but smile a bit more though she hid most of it behind her paw as Moses made himself at home by wrapping himself around one of her arms.


Re: a spoonful of sugar — weekly task + tea + therapy - beck. - 03-30-2018

    How charming. Outcasts and those alike being coerced into revealing their insecurities with... boiling... leaf water. Needless to say, Beck's curiosity was lured in as well, inky nose twitching at the unfamiliar scents. Yet the scrawny feline hung on the outskirts of the crowd, luminous eyes staring with a blank expression on his freckled features. Therapy was the term for exposing each others' vulnerabilities. For people with something broken in their minds. What wasn't wrong inside Beck's brain? He wanted to believe he was fine, and he was content with lying to himself day after day. Besides, it wasn't like anyone could repair a fractured psyche anyways. Only numb the pain and temporarily mend the issues. But he wasn't complaining; if his impromptu suggestion of Belladonna sorting out others' problems managed to cure everyone of their flaws by some miracle, then he wouldn't object. But there was no way he was about to openly blab about his troubles. It was the stupidest choice he could make, considering they were all practical strangers to him --

    Wait, family? Despite all his logic, Beck's scarred maw parted at the mention of family, blurting out with an air of aloof nonchalance, "I can't remember m' family at all." A hoarse giggle abruptly followed, his bony shoulders shaking with effort to force waterlogged breath from his lungs. His shrill cackling trailed off into a wheeze, as he struggled to prove his own words wrong. No memory or slightest glimpse of a mother or father surfaced in his vision, and the wiry commander lowered his gaze to his frigid paws, bloodless lips wincing into a sulk as he resigned himself to eavesdropping on the others' confessions.

Re: a spoonful of sugar — weekly task + tea + therapy - - oberon - 03-30-2018

Oberon had never tried a cup of tea in their short life, though they had always been willing to try. In their books, sometimes people drank tea to help calm themselves down; however, some people just liked the taste of it. It mystified them that leaves steeped in hot water would taste good, though they supposed they had little room to judge. Walking up, they put on their winning smile and said, "I'm Oberon, and I'd love a cup of tea. I've never tried it before." They took a seat after pouring their cup, listening to the conversation that was developing.

Oh, dear. It seemed that Oberon was drastically unprepared for this conversation. They couldn't remember their parents or siblings. The only familiar figure that came to mind was the doctor, and even that was hazy. When Beck said that he couldn't remember his family, Oberon felt immensely relieved. "I can't remember my family, either. I think I was too young. I'm sure they were nice though," they said.