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perhaps we all will ☀ weekly prompt - Printable Version

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perhaps we all will ☀ weekly prompt - arcy - 07-18-2018

Okay. Okay. Izuku has .. a lot of feelings about all of his classmates and everybody showing up. It's -- see, it hasn't ever been this bad. Never had so many showed up in such a short span of time. Kirishima, Todoroki. .. All Might. Tsuyu, farther back. .. Then there were other people from even farther back. Uraraka. Bakugou. They didn't show back up again. And people like Shinsho and momo were there for a single second and then they werne't. Aizawa was still here. It was -- okay, it was terrifying, Frustrating. He just --
If there's one way that Izuku feels like this is his fault, it's that its .. well, the domino effect. He triggered it, in some way. They figured out they could kill a hero student and then they struck out. Because he was dumbass. And he got himself killed. And that was .. his own fault. Maybe if he'd been alive, he could've protected his classmates. Could've done something. Anything. Maybe he was the one who triggered everyone into coming here. He was the first one, after all. He'd just -- woken up, and then he'd spent months on his own. And then .. people joined him. And he was first and they didn't deserve it.
.. So here's a question. Would they rather be here or would they rather be properly dead? Izuku doesn't know. He's scared to ask. But it wasn't fair that they didn't get a choice. Sure, being here was probably better. They were still alive with everyone else, but they had to live with knowing what happened. Except for those who didn't, who forgot. Maybe it would've been better if Izuku hadn't told them, either. Had just .. let them go on believing they could or should go home. Maybe Uraraka wouldn't have cried, maybe there'd be more hope. .. Maybe, it'd be better if Izuku was alone.
Izuku, if it weren't for his classmates showing up by the apparent dozens, would've been well and truly content where he was. Izuku, Snowbound's Frosthealer. He had friends, he knew what he was doing. He was .. he was good where he was. But then everyone else was there and then he was Midoriya, hero in training, but he can't be a hero anymore. He can't go back home and Izuku is already doing his very damnedest to be as much of a hero as possible, treating wounds as best as he can. Maybe, Izuku could've forgotten. He'd have given up going home if it meant everyone else managed to stay, y'know? If everything was better. But now they were all here, and Izuku ... he just ... he's not sure.
He sighs, tail sweeping. .. It's .. just how it is now, then. Till they disappear like everyone else. Izuku would stay right where he was, then. He .. was loyal to Snowbound first, he thinks. He's not sure. But he thinks he is, and he just hopes that he won't have to choose. So, the Maine Coon huffs again and shuts his eyes, curled up on a chair in front of his cabin, one paw hanging off. His injured paw, of course. There's snow under him, and that's familiar. Izuku likes snow. It's .. even more comforting than the trees at his old group used to be. Maybe not yet up to par with the familiarities of home with his mom, but it'd do.
//hi its 2am dont mind me
what was i worth

Re: perhaps we all will ☀ weekly prompt - Chromeo - 07-18-2018

I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID IT BUT I DID IT!・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
"HEY!" O shit, he didn't mean to say that that loud. Clearing his throat, the wheelchair bound canine leans back and wags his tail slowly, trying to play it off. "I mean, what's up? You're over here looking all down and just spreading all these negative vibes man. I just got here, that's not the norm right?" He tilts his head, really just trying to hide the fact that he's actually concerned with why this stranger looks sad, but that's not what cool bad boys do so he's go to muddy the waters some. Cool dudes don't stress over feelings and just live in the embodiment of cool. For all he knows, they don't even poop because that's not cool, so he'll need to work on that too. "Is it your paw?" He raises his own paw to point to one of Izuku's. It's clear that he has no clue what's really going on, but really why would he. He quite literally just got here, but Chromeo would be psyched to have a posse if he was in Izuku's fur... Well, maybe not made out of his dead or previously dead friends. That might complicate things. His attention does a twist again then and he leans to the side some, moving his paw to point at the cabin now. "Whoa wait, is this yours? Do I get one of those?" He's most likely not being that helpful right now, but he hopes so anyway. Maybe it's better to focus on the now, as in Chromeo's stupid verbal flood, than simmer on sad stuff that he probably can't help right now. Of course, that'd be the dog's bias because he just likes attention.

Re: perhaps we all will ☀ weekly prompt - arcy - 07-19-2018

Chromeo's voice is quite the way to break a silence. His voice is loud, rather startling in the silence, and Izuku violently jolts to attention, wide eyes turning to the feline. He blinks a few times, clearly very jarred. But, once Chromeo begins speaking, Izuku's face begins to melt into something more .. amused. Still a little startled, but amused. Izuku's tail sweeps. "I -- I'm okay. Not sure how normal it is, though," People stared into the distance dramatically, but only like ... once a week. Maybe less. Izuku isn't sure. His ear flicks as he curls into himself a little more, a little more comfortable. Or -- oh. Izuku flinches just a little as Chromeo mentions his paw. That was, of course, part of his everyday problem, though not his current dilemma. It was pretty obviously injured, with the way it was bandaged right up to the shoulder. And not even covering the entire wound -- flickers of the burn crawl out from under the bandaging, but he hadn't managed to stick it on well. "Part of it, I guess," Izuku shrugs. He's actually surprised nobody else has asked about it up until now. .. Maybe partly because most of everyone had been there around the time of the incident. Except for the new joiners, of course, but, still!! Then the conversation does a sharp twist, and Izuku is kind of grateful for it. He grins a little. "Yeah, any unoccupied cabin is up for claim," Izuku shrugs. Easy. It was a little harder to figure out what ones were unoccupied, though. It'd .. get harder the more members they got. Luckily, the village was pretty small.
"Um .. Who are you, by the way? I'm Izuku, the Frosthealer," Introducing himself with his rank was annoying. But it was necessary. What if somebody got hurt and didn't know he was the frosthealer? Oof. .. Did his classmates and All Might know he was Frosthealer. Izuku sincerely was not sure. I mean, he hadn't mentioned his rank to them as far as he was sure.
what was i worth