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steady as the stars in the woods | ilijas - Printable Version

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steady as the stars in the woods | ilijas - Ilijas - 07-18-2018

FULL NAME: Ilijas Arthur Valentine (pronounced e-lee-uh)
AGE: Thirteen moons physically
DATE OF BIRTH: March 14h
NATAL CHART: Sun in Pisces, Moon in Libra, and Ascendant in Capricorn
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
BIRTH ORDER: First born
CREATION DATE: September 25th, 2014

PAST ALLEGIANCE: Emilia Targaryen Mikaelson
Is pledged to people- not groups.

EYES: Ilijas' eyes are a deep brown color. Upon further inspection, one can easily detect notes of gold and even silver, though both are best seen in daylight. When angered or met with any other strong emotion, they turn a dark golden color.
FUR: Wrapped in a coat of silver adorned with dark gray  and black ringlets, Ilijas is best described as a bengal feline. He has faint white markings on his stomach and near the tip of his tail but, other than that, maintains a color palette of exclusively gray. His fur, for the most part, is free from scars or other similar blemishes, and it is always groomed and neat. He values his appearance highly and refuses to present himself as disheveled in any way, shape, or form.
BODY BUILD: Ilijas is tall, athletic, and well built for the most part. His height surpasses that of an average cat's only by a bit and there is no denying how toned his body is. He is young, yes, but strong and agile- his dedication to caring for his body and health apparent.

Ilijas typically maintains something akin to a casual air. He's respectful for the most part, though he usually sees respect as something that deserves to be earned, not given. Regardless, he minds authority, smart enough to understand that those individuals were given that power for a reason. He is the exact opposite of his sister, his morals more black and white as opposed to the gray and ambiguous ones that Talanah possesses. He has the tendency to butt heads with her different ideals (as he does with all of those who value more dangerous aspects of life) but is loyal to her no matter what. Overall, he is a good soul and does his best to behave accordingly.

Ilijas is also well-educated, hours upon hours of his time spent reading various books from all different time periods. He greatly enjoys different cultures and actively goes out of his way to learn about them. He feels as if being confined to only personal perceptions and experiences is wholly and completely suffocating and actively tries to place himself in others shoes with that in mind. He greatly enjoys classic poetry in particular, as well as the intricacies

But while he tries his best to act in a way that is both intelligent and for the most part, well mannered, he is still a young boy at his core and is prone to bouts of reckless stupidity. The unknown has the tendency to frighten him but he can behave impulsively regardless- especially when Beverly is involved. He's also despises remaining in one place for two long, his loyalty belonging to people and what they can offer him and not groups or clans. He prefers being alone though complains about being lonely, his existence perpetually dwelling in a strange middle where he can not fully be content with his situation.

Surprisingly enough, Ilijas can be incredibly sociable. He loves a good conversation and could dedicate hours to discussing different topics that interest him. At the same time however, if his conversation partner is passionate about their topic, he could listen to them talk for as long as they feel, only ever interjecting when need be. Sometimes he struggles with everyday chitchat though, finding it difficult to empathize with others when it comes to how their days are going, how they're feeling, etc. He has the tendency to be wrapped up in his own issues and can sometimes cause problems by not being as mindful of others feelings.

Like mentioned briefly before, Ilijas is a wanderer. He has a strange love of moving about, never staying in a place for too long out of fear of getting attached. He's always been a free-spirit of sorts too, not liking to be tied down by obligations (which is why he doesn't give his word often) that he may not be able to fulfill. Ilijas also feels an attachment to the untamed, wilder aspects of life. He travels so much because he likes the idea of needing to dedicate yourself wholly and completely to surviving- earning each day like a prize. Not to mention the fact that things untouched by civilization often provide to him the prettiest of pictures to add to his collection.

Because of his love for the wilderness, it only make sense that Ilijas is immensely in tune with nature. He prefers spending his days outside, snapping pictures of wildflowers and mountains alike. The great outdoors extends to him a type of comfort that he cannot truly find within anything else and honestly, he dislikes those who possess a general disregard to it. His fondness of nature ties in nicely with his second body- a massive, yet adolescent, elk perfect for both scaling mountains and journeying long distances. The only downside to this other advantageous body is the obvious: he cannot communicate with anyone nor can he take any pictures.

But as good as he tries to be, Ilijas is easily offended and can hold a grudge against almost anyone if they provide to him enough reason to. He is an immensely prideful individual and at times, can let that get the best of him, behaving in an arrogant fashion towards others. He is also not one to stand idly by and permit things to happen unchallenged, firmly believing that he holds within him the power to make a change if he just says something. There are not many instances of this part of his personality surfacing however, his status as a loner taking away most of his opportunities to stand against things he does not agree with.

Ilijas is a cleanfreak to the extreme. Everything around him must be neat and tidy, as he cannot stand disorder in even the slightest. He is prone to panic if things aren't organized properly or are considered dirty, going as far as dedicating hours of his own time to meticulously combing through a mess and resolving it. This behavior extends to his own personal cleanliness as well, his pelt always groomed expertly- a hair never out of place. Dirt and mud are not things he's particularly fond of, proving him some difficulty as he travels and inevitably stumbles across different types of terrain. He's found that he can tolerate messes and disorder for as long as necessary, immediately cleaning himself or other things the moment he's provided the opportunity to.

Born as a fox to a set of immature and unprepared parents, arguably too young and indecisive to handle children of their own, it's rather safe to say that Ilijas' childhood was rocky. Often times it was just he and his twin sister, Talanah, against the world, though their personalities often clashed and resulted in many petty squabbles over the most trivial of things. When the pair were both rather self-sustainable, their parents decided to abandon them, leaving them to fend for themselves 

• Twin brother to Talanah Valentine
• Has no interest in any other part of his family
• Friends:
• Enemies:

• Reading (he prefers classic poetry)
• Meditating
• Photography
• Combative practice

• A satchel
• A camera
• A necklace that is the opposite of Talanah's. Reference.

MEMORY: 1/10
PRIDE: 7/10
GREED: 6/10 (it's important to note that he's only greedy with people)
LOYALTY: 10/10 (only loyal to beverly/emilia)
WRATH: 10/10

• Has a bond with Beverly
• Possesses the shapeshifting ability. He has a fox body (his birth body) and an elk body.
• Will probably continue to wander around a bit, not interested in belonging anywhere/wanting to belong anywhere
• Will likely never recover his full memory
• His favorite color is yellow, it reminds him of Beverly

Re: steady as the stars in the woods | ilijas - Ilijas - 07-19-2018

ilijas arthur mikaelson
reckless gentleman | noble stag
ilijas a. mikaelson | no affiliation
male (he/him) | heterosexual | thirteen moons physically
traveler | potential future member of tanglewood (?)
gray and silver bengal | brown eyes
muscled | average height | well built
handsome | athletic

ilijas can best be described as a handsome, silver and black bengal. his eyes are of a dark brown shade, reminiscent almost of the color chestnut, and his body is tall, muscled, and athletic. his pelt his always groomed meticulously, indicative of his clean and orderly nature. he carries himself confidently and almost in high regard, his chin up and his shoulders squared.
gentlemanly | polite | intelligent
reckless teenage boy | loves the wilderness
clean | orderly | prideful

brief personality here
npc x npc | gen 1
three unnamed siblings
single | no children
- won't willingly start fights, will finish fights
- no weapons
- physically difficult, mentally moderate
- attack in [color=gray]bold gray
- ping [member=714]Ilijas[/member] if needed
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: steady as the stars in the woods | ilijas - Ilijas - 07-19-2018

Re: steady as the stars in the woods | ilijas - Ilijas - 07-21-2018

[b][color=gray]human au notes
» he's in his early twenties, probably around twenty one
» photographer who one day dreams of opening his own bakery
» takes photos of EVERYTHING, but his favorite medium is definitely the wilderness and beverly
» ili and bev live in an apartment in LA that they can barely afford. he wanted to live in the countryside in a nice house but loves all the photo opportunities that the city gives him
» has a lot of tattoos!! all of them are nature related
» their apartment is spotless. ilijas makes it a point to clean up any mess and dedicates days just to cleaning
» watches hgtv a lot
» cannot cook for SHIT... that's bev's forte- he is the baker though and frequently makes dessert
» loves his shoes. money is financially tight for bev and him but he always puts away enough so that they can both get a new pair every month
» always always always traveling
» grew up in foster care and wasn't adopted until he was fifteen
» has two cats with bev, one named jackie and one named wilson
» dresses in a way that can only be described as a seattle hipster traveler who looks like he has more money than he actually does
» loves coldbrew
» maintains a really nice social media aesthetic
» his adoptive parents occasionally send him money to put towards bills and his apartment. they have a very healthy dynamic
» twin brother to talanah. they're polar opposites and have an interesting relationship

Re: steady as the stars in the woods | ilijas - Ilijas - 07-21-2018

[color=gray]notes on elk body
» weighs about 720 pounds
» 4.8 feet tall at the shoulder
» roughly 8 feet long, probably a little smaller (7'10 most likely)
» antlers are about 3 feet tall
» [b]cannot communicate in the elk body