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live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - Printable Version

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live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - adomania - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"][im bad at joining threads have this and enjoy]

Eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty two. Eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty three. Eleven thousand seven hundred and...


She had lost count, tripped by a stray twig that had escaped her peripheral vision and ripped out of her thoughts rather violently. What she had been counting? Nothing important, really, but it still irritated her to have been so rudely interrupted and to have to be forced to start over. It had been somewhere in the eleven thousands, though, perhaps even twelve thousand... and just to give herself the benefit of the doubt, Sombra decided to round it up to twelve thousand just for good measure.

Twelve thousand. Twelve thousand and one. Twelve thousand and two.... and stop.

Twelve thousand and two steps from the stupid rock she had called home to the border of a place she knew *nothing* about. Perfect. This was exactly where she wanted to be, at the edge of some random ass plain with some freaky tower in the distance that she would call her home for the time being. How long she would call it home, however, she did not know... give or take a few months until she was bored and decided to take twelve thousand and two more steps in the other direction.


That should have gotten someone coming.

Re: live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - GABRIEL - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/eyyyy it's everyone's favorite hacker

It was a pattern in Gabe's life that the universe liked to screw him over as soon as his back was turned. Today, for instance, had begun innocuously enough; there wasn't anything to complain about, and he was relatively solid with only a few hiccups involving a few rocks. The hybrid had been fully prepared to mark this down as a not-so-shitty day when, as his guard lowered, everything just ceased to cooperate, by which he meant any aspect of his shape. He kept clipping through things, paws abruptly dipping when they decided to overlook the first few layers of soil. It drove him up the wall- or it would have, if he could fucking touch the damn thing. Instead, he was left to spend more time in the air, where he was less liable to fall through, and his wings were more likely to remain corporal. In sum, he was recording today as another one of many awful days, and fully intended to seek out Lazarus, but the wind course altered, sending him down toward the edges of the territory. Given this body was a disaster, he hadn't fully adjusted to the whole flying bit, so his landing was a little less graceful than it could have been. At least he didn't go through anything.

Exhaling, he plucked grass from his wings, before freezing mid-step. Oi? Right, people. Or person, in this case, and he really hoped he wouldn't be the first person to arrive -he was not customer service for a reason- but unfortunately, there didn't seem to be anyone else around. Had everyone pulled straws without telling him?

It didn't matter. Pushing his way through the tall grass, he regarded their newcomer for a moment with onyx eyes. She looked bored, and he couldn't really blame her. There wasn't too much to look at from this viewpoint, and Gabe didn't take her for a grass enthusiast, if such a person even existed. "You summoned?" Heh. If he didn't have a shitty day, maybe he would've gone for a more dramatic entrance, something along the lines of rising through the ground. He'd never tried that before. "So, you didn't come here for the breathtaking scenery I'm assuming."

Re: live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - Suiteheart - 07-18-2018

If Sybil had predicted a joiner that didn't cross the border, Suiteheart wouldn't have believed her. Her former lifetime had a habit of trying to predict things, but her soothsaying magic had long since faded. Even so, Sybil was great at guessing outcomes (because apparently, fortune telling was a lot of guessing and not actual magic), and Suite did have a habit of listening to the former prophet's words. Still, she never would have thought newcomers were still heeding the clearly marked borders and the posts in the ground. As far as she was concerned, this was a fucking miracle.

"Suiteheart," she greeted as she came to stand beside Gabe. She offered him a nod in place of a 'hello' before she returned her attention to Sombra. Gabe had practically alluded to all that was needed, so for once, she could remain silent and let others do the work.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - adomania - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// ;3c

It seemed that luck was on her side, if only for a little, far unlike what seemed to be happening to Gabriel at that moment. Sombra, however, was oblivious to all the problems he was facing, simply happy that someone arrived no sooner than she had called out the semblance of a greeting. A grin was shot towards the first shape that stumbled upon her, tailtip twitching in greeting only to still completely as he spoke.

Summoned? A strange way to phrase it.

"Called, actually, but I guess that works too," her mood visibly brightened, gaze sharpening at the first hint of something more than the aforementioned grass... and it didn't drop at all at his attempt at off-handed amusement but instead seemed to improve even more.

"Cariño, I'd be concerned if someone had come here for the 'breathtaking scenery,'" there wasn't much to see, and she, just like Gabriel, had yet to meet a 'grass enthusiast,' and would take the first one she saw to the mental hospital. Grass was grass... there were far more interesting things worthy of her time. Like, for example, the very first person to have arrived here to begin with at her call.

A brief pause followed her former words, gaze settled thoughtfully on Gabe and only momentarily turned towards Suiteheart once she arrived and offered what Sombra could only assume was her name. It'd be rather awkward if that was something else, or if she was referring to Sombra as a sweetheart (although flirting wasn't unwelcome, simply not at this moment when she had yet to answer Gabriel's question.)

"Question," her gaze turned sly as it turned back towards the man, maw curling up into an equally mischievous grin. "How much do you have to offer if I chose to stay?"

Re: live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-18-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

*retro to injuries*

There were few places in the Ascendants territory that Washington could even consider to be that of a view. He wasn't a huge fan of the plains, as there was no place for strategic cover if one was attacked. The waterfall that was in the territory created a decent view along with the lake that they had as well. It was shallow and some nice colors were reflected off of the top of the water. Washington didn't care about how nice something looked, having dealt with the dirtiest of barracks and trenches that he could fit himself into in the early stages of his military career. He wasn't picky. He got what he got and ran with it, even if it was a little inconvenient. It didn't matter to him though because he had a mission and he was going to go through with it whether those that lived in this place liked it or not. He had to get all of them out of here and now. Washington was one of the more strange looking creatures that lived in this place. He sported armor that spread across the front part of his body but didn't cover his back half. Which was fine with Washington because he at least had his armor that he was used to dealing with when he was a human anyway. The Freelancer was also the size of a lion, but in the weight class of a tiger, or even more than that as his armor added on to his overall weight. Washington was one of the larger animals that lived in this place, not going the animals that were the size of a scorpion tank, but just one of the larger regular looking animals. If something wearing a helmet could even be considered normal in a strange place like this.

He did his daily patrols like he scheduled himself to do, alone, because he didn't like working with others. It wasn't hard to hear his form coming thanks to the metal sounds that came off of his armor, the lights on each of his arms making it easier to spot him no matter what time of day it was. He had come across two animals, Gabe and Suite. Looking at something down onto the ground. He made his way over and had to get closer than he usually did to be able to see what they were looking at. "A... talking ferret." He had yet to see anything this small actually be able to talk. He still had the human mindset that there was a size limit that a sentient creature could end up being. Half of what he said was basically under his breath in his helmet, but one could still catch what he said. He craned his neck to the side until he heard a pop. He had a headache again. The other was asking for acceptance into this place. It seemed like everyone was, and Washington was fine with that since it was really none of his business. The soldier could care less about those that joined unless they wanted him for something, which they often didn't. He flicked his shortened tail behind him before speaking again. "Agent Washington. This outpost accepts refugees and those looking for shelter at no cost except for occasional manual labor as payment once you are settled in." What he said was probably more complicated than it needed to me, and the entirety was in a calm deadpanned, military tone. He never seemed to stop acting like a soldier since he arrived here. The visor of his helmet hiding exactly what he looked like behind it. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - GABRIEL - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]He supposed he wasn't the worst welcoming party in existence; at least he beat talking to the grass, although some of the people he'd encountered seemed like they would have preferred speaking to the plains rather than to a hybrid. Fortunately, he didn't believe the same could be said for the weasel, unless she had finetuned her evasion skills beyond his scope. It wasn't entirely impossible. Gabe would be impressed if she had, because it was perfectly executed if it were feigned. But he wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, and though he couldn't smile, obsidian eyes glittered with amusement. "Creo lo mismo." It was just extra brownie points at this point that she seemed to speak Spanish; Lazarus was the only other he knew, currently, who could do the same, so people were either holding out or really had no idea what they were saying. Not the first environment he'd be in for the latter, but it was nice to have two people around to trade quips with.

The hybrid glanced at Suiteheart, who nodded to him, and in reply Gabe jerked his head, reminded that he hadn't introduced himself just yet. Then again, neither had their newcomer, but names weren't everything anyway. Pointing worked just as well.

The abruptly sly smirk on her face disrupted whatever thoughts he had, and his cranium tilted slightly before he snorted as best he could with a beak. "Not quite sure that's how it works, loca. If you're willing to give grass a go, there's plenty of it." Gabe shrugged, and meant to answer more studiously when someone else arrived to the scene, a guy he'd seen only briefly, and his comment received a flat stare. A talking ferret. Gabe would classify her more as a weasel, but- he was having difficulty coping with a weasel, and not the owl-cat thing?

"Mira: un hablando bobo." He gestured vaguely with a taloned limb, and then his gaze shifted from the smilodon back to Sombra. "If you're bored- well, it might not seem like it, but there's plenty to do here. Things that don't involve watching grass grow, believe it or not."

Re: live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - adomania - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]She wasn't one of those people, thankfully, fully used to speaking to the strangest of things in existence when it came down to it. There was very little Sombra hadn't seen at this point, and whatever Gabriel was... maybe he prided himself on his appearance, maybe not, but it didn't even contest first place.

Her eyes lit up the moment Gabe responded to her words with some Spanish of his own, suddenly eager for different reasons other than the whole 'joining' thing. It had been a good while since she had heard her home language spoken anywhere, and everything seemed to be adding up in Gabe's favor when it came to Sombra's feelings towards him. Interesting appearance? Check. Speaks a language that she understood and strongly favored? Check. Hated grass just as much as she did? Check. Sadly, not enough time was left for her to reply, or to even get her head in order after the initial positively shocking revelation, for suddenly she was being rudely referred to as a ferret by some thing that looked like a robot.

"Oh look. A talking tincan" she deadpanned in response, huffing towards Washington's direction but not sparing him much more, attention fully enraptured with Gabriel, who was getting better and better with every passing second. A soft chuckle left her maw at his equally off-highhandedly patronizing statement, and figured herself lucky that this Washington apparently didn't speak Spanish. She didn't feel like sparing him the attention, however, and decided to ignore both the comment and the Smilodon.

"Mmm, I don't know, grass doesn't really strike my fancy, you know? I prefer more action, something... better. But if you claim that this here place has it, whatever it is, then I guess I'll take my chance and invite myself on over," another upquirk of her ever-present smile signaled the subtle increase in mirth yet again, as Sombra knew very well that it never quite worked like that. You needed permission to enter, or something like that. No one really let themselves in, and she doubted she'd be the same... but the reaction would be worth it.

Re: live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - GABRIEL - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Well, she looked eager to have a fellow Spanish-speaker; he assumed that meant they had more in common than just the language, by which he meant a depressing lack of social connections who could converse in the other of their two languages. Or more. Maybe she knew more than that, but whether or not she did, clearly it was a welcome surprise to have a bit of Spanish tossed her way. Gabriel had been equally pleased by the prospect, as there hadn't been a great amount of English spoken at home when he was a boy; he picked most of it up from the streets, then, later, from books he managed to get his paws on. It always hauled up a bit of homesickness in his chest whenever someone else spoke it with the same fluidity, like he could close his eyes and hear his sisters verbally clamoring over each other rapidly while his mother sang to herself. Damn, he felt old, but it was nice nonetheless, and he wished not for the first time that he could have smiled more obviously.

He could still laugh just as well, and he did. Tincan. That one fit, although tincan would be fairly useful to have in combat, if the armor was more than just a showpiece. Gabe didn't believe it was, but regardless, that wasn't the topic at hand. Somehow, Gabe had to convince the weasel that staying here wouldn't be awful, and nostalgia aside, he couldn't discern why the hell he was so determined to bother with that. He certainly wouldn't have given a shit if anyone else showed up asking for benefits.

"Well, if there's not enough for you, there's always the option of starting some. Fire travels fast on the plains." A metaphor- he wasn't literally suggesting she set the territory on fire, of course. Or maybe he was. That was up to the newcomer here, and his dark eyes reflected the good-humor he found in her smile. "Gabriel, by the way. Since you're staying, you should know." Most frequently, he just introduced himself as Gabe, but he didn't mind giving it to someone who could say it the way it was given.

Re: live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-19-2018

"That's a little unfair to the grass, they probably get more action than you," comes the deadpan response of the blue-and-gold domestic, padding over with such a look of nothingness on her face that it's almost comedic - wait, did she just tell a joke? If she did, she doesn't exactly let it show - her features don't crack save a curious once-over and a wandering gaze sweeping across everybody else, almost like she's taking a headcount (what she's actually doing, she's not really inclined to say). Versailles does think that it's interesting the way Sombra invites herself over - hadn't she done almost the same thing in her joining? The she-cat can specifically remember walking away from her own welcoming committee, actually. She wonders if they still hold some sort of grudge against her. Would she care? Probably not. The bridge of her muzzle crinkles, thinking back at Sombra and Gabriel's response, then adds, "As long as you don't 'smash' in other people's rooms, you should be good - though I have a feeling that 'good' isn't exactly up your alley. Don't particularly care, though. Go ahead and invite yourself over."

Re: live fast, die young [joining] bad girls do it well - adomania - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]The fire thing, although it was meant as a saying, was taken perhaps a little bit too literally by Sombra, who seemed to be growing more and more mischievous by the second. That should get something interesting going, for sure, although she figured she’d save that particular idea for a time when she wasn’t brand new and when the clan either didn’t hate her or hated her enough for her to leave with a bang. “If you say so, Gabe. You don’t mind if I call you Gabe, do you?” She hoped for his sake that he didn’t, for she had no intentions of stopping no matter what he said.

This place seemed to be full to the brim with different interesting creatures, one of them almost as sassy as Sombra could be. The statement, however, did very little to phase her, and after a thoughtful pause her own mischievous response came out.

Hold on, you may be right,” she feigned shock, appearing almost embarrassed for the audacity that she had by assuming the grass didn’t get any ‘action.’ Lifting one claw in the air to signal for Versailles to hold on a moment, the weasel knelt down to press her ear against the grass, then did a little bit of nodding and muttering to herself before lifting up again with a shrug. “These strands of grass say that they’ve recently been pissed on to mark a territory, and if that’s what you count as ‘more action,’ then I’m sorry to tell you but I do not have that kind of kink. I’m not one to judge, though. If it’s your thing,” with a shrug Sombra grinned, then proceeded to wink in her direction even as she continued on about what she knew very well was a sexual innuendo but couldn’t bring herself to care.

Gabriel was a hottie, but she preferred a little more, how should she say it... girls. Someone else could pick the guy up, her hands were full being a lesbian. “What do you say, Gabe? Feel like smashing some windows up in rooms that aren’t ours? It’s not exactly starting a fire but... i feel like you’re a man who likes having a fun time,” with a chuckle she scurried a bit closer, peering up at the girl who had appeared for a few seconds longer, then shrugged and moved even closer to tap her on the paw.

But if you feel like smashing in another way, Chica, I’ll be around,” not even attempting to be subtle or quiet about it, Sombra shot her another wink, then cheerfully waved ‘goodbye’ to the group that had gathered, mainly directing it at Gabriel. “Adios, amigos! Hasta luego!” And with that she was off, humming happily to herself as she scurried away to find herself a home, past the acres and acres of grass.

She had a feeling the grass would get on her nerves fast.