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NOCTE ET DIE — a hazille au compilation - Printable Version

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NOCTE ET DIE — a hazille au compilation - MADI - 07-17-2018

[i][color=#AD8479]a hazille au compilation

Re: NOCTE ET DIE — a hazille au compilation - MADI - 07-17-2018

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bast is a deathless mortal w poor luck (read as: a curse) and a lot of souls and hazille is pluto’s darling daughter and the mythological world's most eligible goddess and they meet in hades bc her dad hates him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
oh god oh god human au storyline where hazille meet in hades bc she has a decent relationship with pluto/sometimes visits (is still a goddess/returned to being a goddess??? yes confirmed) and she’s there when this asshole is brought to pluto
“we finally got him, sir”
he’s usually kind of an ass to pluto bc Clearly the god hates him for something out of his control but this time there’s this Girl and she’s so pretty
lbr he’s still an ass tho and gives her the most shiteating grin right before he disappeared and pluto is scandalized when hazel is amused

And tbh she doesn’t really spare him a second glance at first but when she comes back to visit her father again he’s in the middle of a meeting because “that mortal escaped AGAIN” and hazel is like “wow y’all suck at this, let me go get him”

he’s just waiting for her in some field like oh hey i knew you couldn’t resist chasing me Heart
(she fucking drags his ass back to pluto)

Hazel: get rekt bitch i wouldn’t be here if my father wasn’t flipping tables
Bast: your what

sidenote: pluto hates him even more bc cerebus likes him what a useless guard dog

he feeds cerberus treats and calls him spot
hazel teaches him where all of cerberus’s scratchy spots are and shows him pictures of puppy cerberus

bast letting hazel haul his ass to pluto like “you know, this isn’t going to work. like, even if i wanted to stay and hang out with daddy dearest, im literally cursed i’ll be gone by the morning one way or another” “yeah okay”
at some point hazel finds him after another revival and she’s all crossed arms and pout like “i thought you were mortal” and he’s like “ummm i am”
valid reason to still call her princess: literal princess

concept: pluto gets so heated that he’s like “fine, you like him so much? keep him” and hazel goes “what no, gross” and pluto lays another curse on bast and now he’s hazel’s responsibility and she just “sighhhHhhhHHH”
very valid reason

asbakndksnd pluto fucks bast into being tied to hazel
which backfires, because he physically cannot he held in death
so he will randomly be lurched back into a revival and hazel will show up next to him like “hey what the FUCK”
a constant struggle of trying to drift apart only to get yanked back and forth by the other
bast: hey do you mind i think sunday dinners with dad can maybe wait you’re literally killing me every time you drag me down there with you

it is confirmed
hazel drags him to the east palace and shows him to her mom like “can you please get rid of him” and aurora just fawns over this mortal boy and hazel wants to scream

aurora puts flowers in his hair and coos over how nice hazel’s curls will look with his blue eyes and he just ????
bast: how has this happened to me im just tryna live in peace

hazel’s staring at him murderously like it’s his fault

once haze catches feels
she’s like “heyyy mom dad can’t one of you just make him immortal for me plssss” and bast in the background is like: hEY you’re supposed to say immortal and ageless i don’t wanna end like that tithonus fucker long awkward pause as he realizes uhh..... no offense, aurora

reverse the tragedy
make the boy who’s not able to be bound by death immortal to fall in love with a goddess who was sent to take him back to the underworld
tbh when he’s still mortal hazel shows him everything in the underworld
she shows him elysium, the fields of asphodel, the five rivers, all the cursed pieces of shit that have been tortured for millennia

bast has likely encountered a lot of these places before since yaknow he dies a lot and sometimes for longer periods but he just stays quiet and lets her give him tours and “introduce him” to places and she catches him smiling in a weird way and she’s just like ??? what’s so funny

bast manages to catch her off guard more than any other mortal/immortal ever has because she’s mostly just this bright teenage goddess who’s kinda sassy but knows her shit and likes helping people but then this little fucker comes along and suddenly hazel’s,, a mess

hazel hates to admit it but she misses him when he manages to stay alive for a longer period of time and when he shows up on the doorstep after two months she tries to act like she didn’t care
“oh, it’s you again.... hm” all aloof and haughty while bast just smirks at her and her bs

Secret: hazel is the one who smites most of his mortal hook ups and he knows

the nymphs adore him bc he will praise their songs and let them ties flowers to his clothes and shit and hazel just glares at them every time she encounters them
she’s pluto’s angrily little goddess and half of them are afraid of her

Half of them are her best friends and half of them are terrified of her
Half of them are constantly trying to set them up because holy hell obvious

tell me calypso doesn’t kidnap bast at least once
and hazel shows up salt af like “hey bitch my father wants that mortal back im here on behalf of the king give him back” and calypso is like “oh pluto wants him or you do?”
bast, in the background: holy shit finally princess this chick is fuckin’ crazy she’s been planning our wedding for weeks and i didn’t even propose

tell me hazel doesn’t turn the world upside down searching for ogygia
tell me she doesn’t rage when she finds out he’s been missing for two months
tell me she doesn’t obliterate temples and alters and threaten other gods to find him
tell me about hazel’s utter divine power when she’s denied access to him
tell me about her sending armies of mortal men to look for him, threatening their city’s safety if they don’t obey

bast gets caught up in all sorts of fucking shit with various deities and he doesn’t even understand how the fuck his life has dissolved into such mayhem. like he’s just some mortal guy who may or may not be cursed by some god somewhere bc he can’t die and he has all these old souls trapped in him (and maybe he gains more the longer he keeps getting thrown around with these gods?)
hazel regularly chasing him around as he gets in this or that and he always hears this stories of pluto’s vicious daughter goddess and he’s just like ??? lol the princess?
wheezes i just realized how Done pluto would be if bast accidentally absorbed souls while in hades. like, not only does this shit refuse to stay dead, but now he’s stealing souls? unbelievable

hazel sits, happily braiding her hair and sticking flowers in it while this mortal tells bast about the four 8.0 earthquakes that hit while he was gone and the threats she made and the cities she destroyed and bast is just like ?????

bast is 100% a fucking damsel and he don’t give a fuck
bast, hanging upside down in the fucking winds palace bc he pissed off one of the wind gods: hey so anyway where’s princess my legs are asleep and this isn’t very fun
like he ain’t no damn demigod hero he’s just trying Live Life and somehow keeps getting involved with these deities. yesterday he tripped over a tree stump and enraged an entire forest of nymphs
so he gets caught in some wild shit with gods and has to wait on hazel to come rescue his ass? Fine by him he’s just tryna LIVE
half of the gods want him dead and pluto just SCREAMS like ive been trying to keep this kid dead for fucking years don’t even @ me right now you guys have wanted him dead for like 2 weeks

he just has bad luck
hazel's gonna get a little pissed that she has to bail him out every single time
it's mostly fake but she's still annoyed
"oh are your legs tired? let's see how tired the rest of you will get in a decade or so"

okay but bast calls another goddess/nymph to help him and hazel loses her shit
bast, smug: oh im sorry i thought you were sick of helping me
hazel: hey circe put him down he’s property of pluto and he’s coming with me
bast: snorts loudly

because this is mythology and hazel's totally gonna use that excuse she'll say whatever it takes to catch him off guard/have him show a little bit of respect
hazel, two inches from his face while he's still hanging upside down: let's see how much help you get tonight, freckle boy

hazel, at some point: i don’t understand. how did you get out of this shit when you didn’t have me to break out out of random palaces? 
bast: well usually gods got sick of me and let me go. or, you know, i would just die and then come back. granted i swear more people hate me since ive met you and it’s entirely your fathers fault if you ask me so technically you owe me
hazel, at the sky: mom im in love with a boy who relies on death as an expert escape strategy. he’s an idiot. why has this happened to me

hazel: you need help
bast: eh

bast: that’s funny i thought you were trying to help daddy keep me dead :thinking:

hazel: bitch i'm the reason you're not in tartarus be grateful

plot twist: it’s not impossible to actually kill him but killing him for real means scattering all of the souls he carries and the person he is ceases to exist and one time someone knows how to do it and hazel almost loses him for real
bc sure people can threaten his health and he might hurt or suffer but she can’t actually lose him right? so she’s never very worried
(and he’s never concerned either but she can’t tell if he just has no self preservation or if it’s also because he knows he can’t die for long)
so, sure, it’s nice if she comes save him but he doesn’t really need it until he does and he suddenly realizes that maybe he didn’t mean it all those times he said he wouldn’t mind dying (especially since dying for him doesn’t mean hanging in the Fields with hazel, apparently)

hazel would lose it
and when she does find him/piece him back together, he sees her unhinged for the first time
not angry unhinged, but desperate and sobbing and terrified and she hugs him so tightly and tells him "please don't make me lose my best friend" ("""best friend""")

and bast is genuinely relieved to see her because he doesn’t know how long actually killing him would take but this deranged sorceress has been working away for there for a while now and he’s so drained of energy that he’s a bit out of it and just like oh hi princess Heart
does he kiss her bc he thinks she’s imaginary? possible

he does the hesitant reach thing after they both kind of freeze
and after he touches her, her aura implodes and everything goes soft and fuzzy and they collapse against each other and hit the ground and bast definitely kisses her

later he’s like “wow your dad is going to be so pissed when i absorb like 15 souls to replace the ones she took” and just starts laughing
bc he can’t? control it?? and pluto swears he does it on purpose but in reality bast just walks past one and oops he has another soul now
half the mythological world adores this fascinating mortal and the other half hates him (half of them adore Pluto’s darling girl and the other half have been terrorized by her on her mortal boy’s behalf)

everybody just wants them to get together
like at this point, just force the marriage

except for the gods who try to kill him for rivaling their claim on pluto’s daughter
and the nymphs and goddess who are spiteful bc he was always so nice to them before hazel started to glare them away from him

concept: hazel has a shit ton of godly suitors after her

hazel is The :tm: political marriage princess and not everyone is happy to see her doting on this useless mortal
oh of course she’s pluto’s daughter she’s literal power in a package and she’s so pretty
bast doesn’t realize half the people who kill him in the early days are suitors

she's the literal product of light and death she's one of the most powerful deities out there

he’s like “god and then this fucking river god just DROWNED me this morning like what the fuck did i do to him?” and hazel is like “Hahahaha yeah that’s crazy I wonder why he would do that wild”
(Eventually he realizes he’s being murdered by suitors and is just like are you fucking kidding me right now? Now I’m The Other Woman AND the damsel in distress? why can’t I just live my perfectly normal life)

hazel: hi boo welcome to immortality

one of her goddess suitors kidnaps him once out of spite and he’s like complaining to her about these gods killing him for the princess and he ain’t even courting her (goddesses love to hear that so he always sneaks it in to Charm His Way Outta Here) and eventually she decides to just keep bast for herself
and hazel is like umm excuse me i am obviously a better prize than him? go back to kidnapping him to win me over what the fuck
she can’t believe bast stole one of her suitors and it was that cute animal goddess wtf
and honestly half the word wants to secure bast bc Interesting Mortal and the other half wants to secure hazel bc Princess and basically everyone wants them both
except each other of course bc neither believes the other is interested
princess acts so above him all the time bast is just like lmao yeah right and hazel is just like ?? clearly he’s not interested the nymphs are gossips and i know he charms who he wants
(haze is lowkey offended like bitch im the most wanted goddess rn and you’re not even slightly interested? Rude)

hazel is high key offended and will confront him about it but will do so casually
hazel: so hey are you not. Down for all this or what.

bast stares are her blankly. she’s like “bitch look at me im beautiful” “okay?” “im powerful” “uh huh” “i rescue you on the daily” “yes...” “why aren’t you try to seduce me????” “what”

Re: NOCTE ET DIE — a hazille au compilation - MADI - 07-17-2018

[Image: large.jpg]
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bastille is the only son and heir to the throne upon his 18th birthday, but first he has to marry. he does not want to. hazel does not want to marry him, but here they are. cece just wants pretty grandbabies, her cousin margaery is Trying Too Hard to be a scary goth queen and also hates her wife shay (in the beginning they're super gay now), versailles and paris are tiny matchmaking twins. typical royal arranged marriage au.

— alfred is bast's best friend in the guard. hazel likes him and befriends him and bast asks him secretly to teach her sword fighting
— rin's their advisor and she Loves Them
grassina - 07/06/2018
uhhh lowly prince bast from a kingdom that is poor and looked down upon. princess hazel who is from a kingdom that prospers like no other. bast’s parents begging to have him married into a family like hazel’s. hazel’s parents are against the idea but hazel can’t help falling in love with the rugged prince who quite literally sets her soul on fire
also queens marrying for political reasons and then realizing they love each other? sign me tf up
but about hazille,,,,, i am Love forbidden romance?

miithers - 07/06/2018
Mmm unless Hazel’s the poor one
She grew up poor canonly

grassina - 07/06/2018
then reverse it and it’s even better

madi - 07/06/2018
bast is a terrible prince but his father is dead and his mother is only queen regent so he needs a bride to be king himself
and he Really Does Not Want
bc he hates responsibility and also, really? you’re shackling some poor girl to him? when they’re on the brink of war with their neighbor? ugh
but he would never deny his mother so here he is

madi - 07/06/2018
(hazel absolutely doesn’t like him. for one, she is her own person and she resents being used and forced into marriage just to keep her kingdom from starving. for another, this boy is such a shitty royal, seems ungrateful for his kingdom, and they aren’t starving so how dare he take his status for granted)
in every dimension bast falls in love first so naturally, morose pining bc he’s in love w his wife who Hates Him™

miithers - 07/06/2018
The first couple weeks of their married lives Hazel spends as close to the people of the kingdom as possible, learning their economy up close instead of from a single person, trying to stay away from Bast bc shes Heard about him and how he doesn’t want a Wife

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