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PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - Printable Version

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PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - Deutschland - 07-17-2018

”Okay, now my feet are really starting to hurt.”

Deutschland wasn’t exactly known for complaining. He was normally a tough guy, but they had been walking for so long. He had lost track of time and he hadn’t the faintest clue where he was. The east German shepherd glanced over his shoulder to make sure his companion was close to him. This was something he did meticulously throughout their journeys, irrationally afraid that he would lose the person most important to him. He hoped Feliciano wouldn’t get annoyed with Deutschland’s constant checking on him ... he just didn’t want to be seperated again for such a long time. It hurt, and especially being stranded in a place that was totally unfamiliar, more than anything, he wanted to hold on to Feliciano, the one steady, constant figure in his new life.

Something was not right at their home, he didn’t want to remember it, because it brought up bad memories, so they were going to look for a new start. There was strength in numbers, so a Clan might be ideal for them ... just until they learned enough about their surroundings.

So, Deutschland’s head was buzzing from the stress of the journey and making sure Feliciano wasn’t disappearing, and his feet hurt as well. Good thing they were on the edge of a field of flowers. His sense of smell was poor and did not realize he was infringing on the borders of a Clan. The German shepherd flopped down amongst the flowers and tipped his head up to look at Feliciano.  ”I need you ...” He began in a very serious tone. ”To find some stuff to heal my feet. Quickly now, quickly!” At this part, his lips parted in a cheeky grin, his tail thumping harshly against the ground because he knew he was a arrogant snot and he liked to tease Feliciano. Foreign lands or not, that was something that was not going to change.

/wait until [member=100]feliciano v.[/member] Posts

Re: PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - MirrorEdge - 07-17-2018


Re: PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - Feliciano V. - 07-17-2018

"sheesh, demanding and whiny much? you’re acting worse than your own children- and they were much younger than you too."

the words he vocalized may have sounded harsh, if not for the playful tone that he added on to it, spotting the deviousness in his mate’s words and deciding to just go along with it. the journey they travelled to reach this far was in no way a pleasurable one, especially when they had slept out in the open, where they are vulnerable to attacks and dangers alike that had worried deut to no end, especially since it was akin to how their own lives had ended in the past, back in the clan they both refuse to remember, not after the state it has fallen into after deut had went out of leadership.

feliciano couldn’t help but burst into giggles at just how happy deut seemed these days. it used to be rare, unheard of for shtick in the ass deutschland to actually let himself relax, and he was glad that one thing he could get from not having his mate be the leader of some clan or group or anything was that he was more free to express himself, joyful than ever despite the lingering worries of ever going apart from each other.

"but seriously west, if your paws are hurting that much, we won’t have to go too far now. we are, as we speak, near a border of a clan or group, if you haven’t noticed it by now, and i’ll be more than happy to get you some dock leaves you can rub your paws at to soothe the pain." feliciano may not have mentioned it, but his own paws were sore as well, from all the walking- not that he didn’t mind them, really. it was barely noticeable when he traveled alongside his darling west from whence they came.

if his sense of smell was right, and that they were near to the territory of a group, maybe finally, they could get a week’s worth of not doing anything. deut could possibly sense it, especially through their emotional bond, that feliciano was exhausted himself, and probably would flop and sleep in the field of flowers if given the option. now, all he has to do was wait for company to come, and then, they could kick away the worry of their own safety and worry more about their own needs in wanting to just have a blissful rest and relaxation.

Re: PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - MirrorEdge - 07-17-2018

If Thea had remembered her past life, she might have remembered the two before her, but then again, if she had, she would've never ended up so... broken. Not that she was aware of either, as the young Arabian leopard made her way forward, offering the two a bright grin. "Hi! I'm Thea! Are you guys trespassers?" Her tail swished back and forth in anticipation. Hopefully, they'd fight her.

She was just a bit smaller than the German shepherd, yet seemed undeterred. She was a bit oblivious to the fact they were exhausted, or maybe she was, and chose to ignore it. Her bubbly attitude made it hard to tell.

Re: PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - Owlie - 07-17-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]He knew of the pair through what he still had of Ivan’s memories. Anakin honestly couldn’t remember if he had personally met them or not. 

The lion’s appearance was preconstructed by the change of the air, like a radiant sun was amoung them. The leaves stirring and shifting, until they came together and formed the vague shape of a lion. His form began to glow blue as Jedi robes were christened upon his form.

"Dogland, right? Hey uh, Ivan’s in Tanglewood if you ever wanna find him. He’s a bear dog now. I’m Anakin, by the way.”

Re: PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - Deutschland - 07-18-2018

Feliciano’s scolding did not entirely satisfy his whiny and demanding demeanor, but a comment about his age made him pout and narrow his eyes up at his mate. He gently thrashed around in the flowers instead, refusing to let himself be bested. The scent was nice, and it helped calm his stressful headache, and everything was just perfect and he was forgetting the bad stuff that happened.

It felt nice, and especially hearing Feliciano giggle made it all the better. He smiled warmly, shaking his head as he stopped moving and lay down comfortably on his flank. No ... he didn’t really need the medicine for his feet. Taking a break like this and being able to relax and enjoy life was enough to relieve the dull throb in his paw pads. The one thing that did stop him from moving around in the flowers was that Feliciano was talking about being near another Clan. His fur stood on end. Fear of the unknown was what made him hesitant to believe that a group could be good. Sure, he wanted to join a group, but if there was one thing he had learned on his long journey with Feliciano, it would be that it was hard to trust others and more often than not, other animals were enemies, not friends. Could it really be possible that the first group they stumble upon would be friendly and welcoming towards them?

In order to keep his sanity, he tried to quiet his mind. Almost immediately after, he began to sense Feliciano’s emotions and thoughts quite clearly and he tipped his head up again to look steadily at his mate. He was just as tired as he was, and for some reason, Feliciano was holding back from relaxing. Why? His brow furrowed, then a deviant look passed over his icy blue eyes as a plan formed in his mind, but before he could put the plan into action, a voice cut through the air and he leapt to his feet to see an Arabian leopard. His nose twitched and he eyed her warily, tilting his head to the left side slightly.

”No. We’re Deutschland and Feliciano.” He replied in a sarcastic monotone voice, looking over at Feliciano to see if he liked Deutschland’s stupid joke. He cleared his throat and added. ”What is this place called?” This stranger didn’t seem hostile, and before they might get run off for tresspassing he might as well try to get some information before. Besides that, if everything went well, they could stay here for a few nights to get back their strength and decide if they should continue travelling or not.

The lion ... was vaguely familiar and a irritated sigh slipped from his lips. Deutschla - Ivan?” Ivan ... he feels like he should know who that is ... he has a strong connection with him ... but first - ”What is Tanglewood?”

Re: PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - harper - 07-18-2018

tracc 4 later

Re: PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - MirrorEdge - 07-18-2018

Her head tilted, and her face seemed to fall for a few moments at the fact they weren't trespassers. "So, joiners, then? Or visitors? And this place is called the Ascendents. Something to do with stars and all. I don't really get that part, but they seem pretty cool." She settled down into a sitting postition, flicking her ear to acknowledge Anakin's presence. She wasn't quite sure what he was, but he seemed like a pretty cool guy. Probably wouldn't fight her, though.

At his next question, she chirped, "Oh, Tanglewood! They're our allies, I'm pretty sure. I've never been there, but they seemed nice during the visit."

Thea probably wasn't the best person to be welcoming them. Suiteheart tended to do better at making people feel at ease, and really, anybody else other than her. The unnatural smile, her need to prove her strength... one of these days, it would spell disaster for a joiner or an ambassador.

Re: PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - Feliciano V. - 07-18-2018

feliciano himself had turned when he was greeted by the sight of the large feline, who somewhat was eager to think they were tresspassers? that was not a friendly assumption to made, so alongside his mate, he also was wary, and let deutschland do all the talking, especially since he had also inquired of the question that feliciano himself was asking.

it was hard to relax in such an environment where they could be hurt at any time by anyone, far away from their familiarity and off to the unfamiliarness of this large territory, so his guards were as high as ever even as deutsch lowered them, before he had spotted thea. then, in came a lion that smelled as distinct as the large feline, and feliciano realized they both inhabited the same clan, seeing as he came to greet them alongside thea.

then, he giggled, at the wrong name pronounciation. even now, there seems to be an endless few who just can’t get his mate’s name correctly. his giggle got cut short when he recognized that name that the lion mentioned. ivan? wasn’t that... a polar bear friend of deut’s? he turned to his mate, brushing a shoulder against his leg [glow=Hotpink,2,300]"west, wasn’t he that polar bear friend of yours, back... from where we came from, long time ago?"[/glow] he inquired, memories almost just as fuzzy as deut’s own [glow=Hotpink,2,300]"and if i’m not mistaken, i’m inclined to believe that tanglewood may be another group aside from... this one that we encountered."[/glow] his own inquiries were answered when thea spoke up again, and he nodded over to her.

[glow=Hotpink,2,300]"i guess... we may be temporary joiners? we’ve been in a long journey from where we came from, and it’s really hard travelling when theres potential danger around the corner"[/glow] he stated, a flicker of a weary look appeared from his eyes, no doubt from the days of journey that he had been through alongside his mate [glow=Hotpink,2,300]"and the ascendants, huh. must be a real nice place if it revolves around stars."[/glow]


Re: PEACE ON EARTH || double joining - open - MirrorEdge - 07-18-2018

Even with how oblivious Thea was, it was clear to anybody, including her, that they were uncomfortable with her, and for once, she wished Suiteheart or Bastille was here. They knew how to talk to people, a skill she was trying to improve, but failing miserably as claws reached up to tap against the beads on her neck, before she finally spoke, still cheerful as ever. "Well, I mean, I'm sure you'll be accepted, but I think Bastille or Suiteheart might wanna know you're just temporary joiners. Not that it'll affect their decision to let you stay. Both are pretty nice. But so when you wanna leave they're not surprised or anything!"

She paused, mostly to take a breath, but her curiousity was piqued again after Feliciano spoke, about... where they came from, and tilted her head, curious. "What do you mean, where you came from? Are you from Snowbound or something?"