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i'm sweatin' through all my clothes [...] jungle juice, open - Printable Version

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i'm sweatin' through all my clothes [...] jungle juice, open - VANDAL R. - 07-17-2018

Maybe Vandal should've given her decisions more thought instead of jumping straight into it without a second glance at its repercussions. She's sprawled out somewhere in the middle of Haven Island trying to retain a grasp of her consciousness but things are shifting far too quickly and far too often for her to hold anything more than a few strings, and even those are slowly starting to slip from her grasp. She's desperate to latch onto it. She's desperate to keep hold of her mind - what's that? She shifts, writhes, for a second she  feels like there's water seeping into her fur but it keeps disappearing from her senses, like waves, like waves just barely reaching her from the shore.

My little warrior.

Vandal's body jerks to one side, and then she's rolling over again. Did she hear something? She starts to get up but notices that paws have replaced her talons - paws, paws? She has paws again. The juice is making her lethargic, and she raises one hand slowly to squint at the black pads underneath - not green? You must be looking for me... The wind is whispering jumbled words to her, but she pays it no mind in favor of investigating her missing talons - she's sure she would've felt it if somebody tore them off, although that won't explain why paws magically replaced them. Shouldn't they be stubs? Look up, you little pest.

There are voices - she thinks they're bugs, bugs trying to get her attention - and, in the distance, a figure shimmers of glittering gold and long, sweeping fur, and cosmic eyes illuminating the quickly-dimming island. Don't look at her! "There's a face I never thought I'd see again." The voice - it's like the sound of angel-choir, dancing across the heavens in their joyful pitter-patter, the sound of angel-wings and angel-steps and angel-beats. "You're really fitting in with that new form of yours - I like it. Maybe one good thing came out of -"

Vandal runs to her before she could continue her sentence, wrapping long fore-legs around the others neck - burying her face into a white-gold chest. She breathes in, breathes in so deep that her memories ignite with the cinnamon and sea-salt scent. "Aegroixe!" Vandal's cry is desperate, a broken sob clutching into sore throats as she feels the rawness of drowning settling in - the scratch, the ache, bobbing as she struggles for breath that could never come. Her eyes are stinging with tears, crying harder when a soft tongue rasps across her cheeks to clean them.

Vandal's afraid to pull back, to open her eyes, afraid that she'd lose her all over again.

"My love..." The chiming voice whispers across her charcoal pelt, warming her ears as teeth sink into flesh, a familiar greeting - a soft rumble, softer than the seafoam slipping through their paws. "My love, my love, my angel, my little vandal," she utters, each word whispered like a prayer, praying - her mouth presses to the underside of Vandal's jaw and she's choking back a sob all over again. This is not your realm, go back to He- "She can't touch us here. Open your eyes."

And so Vandal does, peeling back her lids, olive-hued irises locking into Aegroixe's speckled blue ones - it's a breathtaking sight, stealing wind from the dark caverns of her chest to decorate the air in an icy mist that lingers, that lingers. "You don't have to go..." There's desperation, again, shivering in her voice, "Y-you can stay here, with me! My brother's here, I-I have a family here, Aegroixe, you'll love them! They'll love you! I love you -"

"Maxine Roux," she whispers back - Vandal shivers at the sound of her own name on the other's velvet tongue but notes the pain twisting behind each carefully-carved syllable. Vandal swallows, hangs her head, but feels her tip it back up with a paw, pad-up, soft on the underside of her chin before tugging at the sides, tugging to form a half-smile. "I would love to - I was going to marry you but I - I'm -" dead. "-gone, and you know this, Max. You know this, you know-"

"I DON'T WANT TO!" Vandal steps back, sharply, recoiling, and her talons scrape across the sand - sand that bleeds under her claws, bleeds golden ichor across the marble floor - no, sand, it's the shore, the undergrowth? It's shifting, everything's shifting, and when Vandal looks up again, she's fading and her heart is breaking all over again. "No, no no no nono please, please!" She moves forward - she reaches up a wing to cup around Aegroixe's back but her spirit - her love - passes through it. "You can't leave me again - please, please..."

"I love you, my little vandal." Her knees weaken, fold completely as she falls onto her stomach, onto the pool of golden ichor, neon eyes watching as the spirit drifts up, fades away, begging, begging for her not to go - don't go, I miss you - and she blinks out of existence. It's sharp, twisting, angry agony writhing in her broken heart, pushing and pulling at the chambers and she's sobbing too hard into her talons, nails digging into her muzzle to keep them stifled.


Vandal spends the rest of the night curled up in the tightest ball she could muster, and comes to early the next day with a shattered look on her face. She doesn't notice if anybody's watching, doesn't look up until she reaches the Barracuda Bay.

Her confession is simple.

Five words is enough to convey what she wants to say:

I will always love you.

With all the rage, the hurt she can muster, she tosses the bottle far into the ocean and watches as her confession sinks to the bottom - right where she lost her.

Re: i'm sweatin' through all my clothes [...] jungle juice, open - rochelle - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Rochelle often grew worried for those that ventured on to Haven Island with that murky cursed liquid. She just had this sense that whatever the jungle juice was, it was something of evilness and impurity. She'd seen it, smelled it even, but the lupine herself had never consumed it, afraid to let it get anywhere past her lips. The only liquid she allowed into her body was water, fresh from the waterfalls of the jungle. She never sipped from a coconut or alcohol or anything, except for water. She did it to please the gods and to make herself feel cleansed of whatever pollution she felt was inside of her soul.

When she watched Vandal disappear to perform her Entrance ritual, she kept a close eye out for the maned wolf's return, just as she'd done for Felix. There was a sense of ... protection she felt for all of the newcomers that took up the feat, and she couldn't help but just watch and wait for them to come back once they'd tossed the bottle into the sea. Rochelle had never completed the ritual, and she never instructed anyone to do something she hadn't done yet. The wolf was unsure if only bad things occurred during the ceremony ... could they get hurt? Could they get killed?

"Vandal ..." Rochelle breathed out softly, expression gentle as she padded up beside the Roux. "Good morning ..." Her voice is almost a whisper to the other female because there's such this stillness, this quietness to Vandal that Rochelle had never seen in her. "You've completed the entrance ritual ... if you need anything to eat, drink, or anything, I can go get it for you." She offered her solemnly, not meeting the others gaze but looking out at the sea, eyes trying to separate the horizon.

Re: i'm sweatin' through all my clothes [...] jungle juice, open - MARCELLUS - 07-18-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Haven Island. From all these people coming back from the island mad, tired, upset, scared, he was beginning to second guess this whole ritual thing. Though how bad could it be exactly? Everyone was coming back with all these different emotions and Marcel could only hope that he was the one that came back straight faced and unfazed. With the day young, the male had gone out to catch something, anything really. Being a weak hunter didn't exactly help his case and his limp leg slowed him down in the chase as well. The male had spotted a nice bird standing on the ground, making all types of noise and chirping. Noisy stupid bird. The cheetah was trying to hide himself in the undergrowth though the white in his pelt easily gave him away and the bird began to fly towards the beach. Damn it. He wasn't going to let this one get away. Marcel began to race through the rainforest until he broke out of it and landed onto grainy soil, sand if you will.

Watching the bird go away made him annoyed and he lashed his tail in annoyance, ears twitching when he heard the sound of voices and a plop from the water. The male lowered his gaze to see the two to realize that someone had just returned from their ritual and frankly looked mad. Marcel began to limp towards the two, giving a gentle nod in greeting as he then settled down on the sand. "Welcome back and congratulations." He would give a sincere congrats to the girl and while he didn't know what laid for him on that island when his time came, he could tell that whatever happened had really hurt this member by the emotion laid out on her features.

Re: i'm sweatin' through all my clothes [...] jungle juice, open - VANDAL R. - 07-18-2018

Vandal, lost in her thought, doesn't notice the two others approaching until they're already speaking - but she doesn't move, doesn't shift around like she would've in any other situation. Instead, the maned wolf just stares at the spot where she'd thrown her bottle, part of her wishing she could take back the confession she's meant to "symbolically" discard - because how can she possibly discard something that means far, far too much to her?

In the end, she has to, because Aegroixe is gone; it's a confession quite literally lost to the ocean.

Vandal doesn't even notice that she's crying again until she's curling a wing around to rub at her eyes - when it comes away, dampness is lacing through her darkened feathers. She can't meet their eyes. She tries to open her mouth to respond, to say thank you, to say that she's okay and that she doesn't need anything, but as soon as the first word leaves her lips, she's breaking into a shattered sob that she can't stifle anymore. The heartbroken sound hangs in the air, thick and full and laced with mourning, sharp and far too sad a sound to be coming from her.

She can't respond, not in this state, so she hangs her head instead and lets herself ride out the waves of her own grief, hearing them crash across the shore like the angry ocean. Maybe they should leave, she's certain it isn't a comfortable situation for them to have to be around for this - this... she doesn't even know what it is, only that she can't stop it from completely consuming her. It's a mess, she's a mess - a hallucination or not, it feels like she just lost her all over again.