Beasts of Beyond
BULLETS ON OUR BREATH // ELON - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"][member=1336]Elon[/member]

/sorry this is awful lmfao

"Fucking- owl." Gabriel shook his head, onyx eyes narrowed in digust at the pellets he'd just spent a few minutes hacking up. Why couldn't he have gotten the feline digestive system? Hairballs were so much easier to deal with than bones, not to mention it was much easier to groom himself for the exact same reason. He wished he knew whose grand idea it was to splice together completely different creatures, because he'd love to meet them so he could firstly inform them of how much of a dumbass they were, and then introduce them to the reasons for that. Exhibit number one: his talons. Exhibit number two: his beak. After that, he could demonstrate his shiny digestive system to them firsthand, although that would be a bit overboard, if only because he wasn't too keen on spitting them out, regardless of the shit they'd done to him. They would certainly deserve to be swallowed down and regurgitated.

Giving his head another shake, Gabe stared woefully at his next meal, then considered if there was someone he could pawn the mouse off onto. Not Laz, because the kid needed more energy than what this rodent could offer, but maybe one of the cats around here wouldn't pass up an opportunity for a free meal. The hybrid knew he needed to eat, he just couldn't bring himself to do it yet, because there was a time in his life when he didn't hack up pellets, and when he had more than a pointy triangle on his face to work with. Nothing to be done for it, though.

Gabe glared at the mouse for a few more moments, and then he sighed, casting his gaze around for anyone who looked hungry. There had to be someone.

Re: BULLETS ON OUR BREATH // ELON - Elon - 07-18-2018

You spoke of roses- all I feel are thorns ・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
/noo this is fine!

The feline is making her way through the underbrush in search of herbs when suddenly she hears a familiar voice. 'Fucking- owl.'. She pauses, blinks, then changes her direction to move towards the noise. When she enters the clearing, she bites off on a laugh to the point that it sounds more like a sneeze. His face (well, his eyes more like it) and the mess on the ground says it all. Elon hadn't exactly considered that there could be negatives to being a hybrid though it's common sense in a way. Even dog breeds have various issues so of course putting two separate species as far off as a bird and feline would be messy too. Her superstitious side even suggests they could war with one another and that may even be true, genetically. Anyway, she's grateful she caught his words rather than the hacking. Elon can't imagine having to hock these when she has felt the horrors of hairballs alone, like coughing up wet tangled cotton. Considering her previous form as a human makes it ten times more alien, but maybe it's better than vomiting what could be confused for rocks. All this in mind and Elon still just reaches over and lifts a pellet up like it's nothing. [b]"Ooo, mind if I take one or two of these?" Yeah, they're gross but also useful. At one time she would hunt the woodland floor for these because they're good for spe- "For herbal remedies. Sounds gross, I know."

Elon puts it back down and wipes her paw in the grass before her attention shifts to the rat he's been mean mugging. "I would gladly take that off of your hands too." Hands... Should she have said talons? Some of the nuiances of these conversations are still lost on her. Before he agrees or disagrees, she moves forward and puts her claws along the rodent's tail just to see his reaction, tapping her claws along it like a two-leg woman would her nails in waiting. Now that's she's closer (hopefully not too close, but she isn't exactly measuring currently) she looks up at him and takes the opportunity to examine again, but with discretion. "Don't take this the wrong way, but what are you exactly? A griffin?" But aren't those lionsized or similar? Her head tilts in slight confusion before she plops down here and there. Jealosy simmers below once more regardless. The feline would take pellets any day rather than feel so powerless. Earlier a wolf was on their border with blood smeared on him and inside she could practically feel her bones shake- she's so terrified of dying again. "Either way, seems pree-ttee neat to me." Judging by this experience, he may disagree.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabe was startled from his dilemma by a sneeze, or what sounded to be a sneeze; he couldn't be certain, and he glanced up from both forms of his meals to the familiar alabaster figure of Elon. Right. He should've guessed she would be the one to find him. Better her than Lazarus, maybe, if only because he knew it weirded the kid out as much as it did Gabe, whereas his impressions of Elon made her seem less inclined to be disgusted by his general- hybridness. Pointy, tufted ears shifted back a bit when she approached closer, though of all the things he thought she might do, grabbing at one of the pellets wasn't even on the list. He didn't initially answer, onyx eyes more or less conveying "what the fuck" pretty clearly. Herbal remedies? What the hell kind of herbal remedy needed bones and whatever else was in the sacks of misery? "Gross is a vast understatement," the hybrid said at last, but it wasn't really an answer to her question. What was he supposed to say? "Feel free to take my bone sacks, I wasn't going to use them for anything." "Do whatever you want with them. Just don't do it around me." Gabe wasn't queasy by any means, especially around blood, but these pellets were on their own tier of revolting.

He watched her wipe her paw across the grass, wanting to tell her she'd need a lot more to clean that than water, but she was staring at the dead rodent now. So she'd touched one of his pellets, and still had enough of an appetite to want something he caught? "¡Híjole!" The expression was murmured, and he felt like his grandmother for a moment, if only because he would have gone for something more crass but momentarily lost a grasp of words. Gabe exhaled, and then nodded his permission, her choice of phrasing unnoticed; it wasn't the first time he'd have heard someone say hands over paws. Or talons, in his case. Which seemed to be her next point of interest, by her question. A griffin? He didn't think he was anything so mythical or- legendary as that, just a lab fuck-up. Whatever she felt when she looked at him -he was assuming it was envy of some kind, from their first meeting- wasn't something he'd indulge, or snuff out. That would mean giving her details of his past, and he hadn't really handed that amount of trust over to anyone other than Lazarus.

Everyone had secrets, but Gabe was more keen on ignoring his own as best he could. "I don't really know. Not anything that majestic, anyway." The creature flexed his claws, tearing through dirt, before he raised his head to consider Elon for a moment. "Neat's not the word I'd use, but- thanks? I could go without the hacking part, at least."
