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nightcall — tags - Printable Version

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nightcall — tags - MIAMIHORROR - 07-17-2018

( miamihorror / 'miami' / male )
— approx. ? moons / ages on the ninth of each month
— unknown parentage / unknown sibilings
— bisexual / single / chaotic horny
— tanglewood / member / briefly resided in the ascendants and the typhoon

( timber wolf / health: 100% / ref )
— miamihorror is a cream timber wolf, with fur that contains gray and white undertones and near yellow, bone-colored off-white overtones. his eyes are a deep, copper-like brown and are flecked with amber. he is tall, but still within the average height range for his species. he is well-muscled but lean and has many scars, none of which are especially of note. his fur is scruffy, disheveled, and often poorly groomed; he does have good looks, but is only attractive in an arrogantly unkempt manner.

( esfp / aries / chaotic neutral )
— aggressive, impulsive, erratic, explosive, hotheaded, cynical, loyal, protective, possessive, intense, self-destructive
— full description is a work in progress
— extended personality can be found here

( physically difficult / mentally moderate / experienced fighter)
— will initiate fights / may show mercy / will not flee
— no powers / may develop powers in future
— powerplaying nonviolent actions is allowed
— attack in bold or tag [member=1427]MIAMIHORROR[/member]

( pinterest board / spotify playlist / storage & studies )
— written by [member=1270]elliot[/member] / pm this account to plot

Re: nightcall — tags - MIAMIHORROR - 07-17-2018

TRAITS What kind of characteristics define how this character behaves, both internally and externally? Try not to think in terms of positive or negative and instead consider how each trait interacts with and impacts others to create a whole personality.

Just some notes for now until I type out something proper. Hothead attack dog. Incredibly cynical. Not evil or anything, just kind of a dick. Not loyal to places, loyal to people - and fiercely loyal, at that (like, ride-or-die). Very protective and kind of possessive; would lay down his life for his friends and family (though sometimes irrationally so). No self-discipline. Generally laid back until he blows up. Erratic, impulsive, and explosive. Aggressive and easily-provoked. Low empathy but feels his own emotions very intensely. Tends to flip-flop between being totally willing and ready to die and being convinced he can’t be killed. Experiences episodes of mania. Poor judgement skills. Not terribly smart (can't read either). He’s an extrovert but doesn’t exactly make friends easily just because of his not-so-friendly nature. Opens up a lot to close friends and loved ones; has a relatively good sense of humor and loves deeply. He’s arrogant in many ways, but he actually recognizes a lot of his flaws and just doesn’t show it. Deep down he considers himself to be a lost cause - he's a wolf, it's in his nature to be the way that he is - he wants his loved ones to be better. It’s also sort of why he’s rather self-destructive and self-sacrificing or, at the very least, doesn’t really care about himself (which manifests both physically and emotionally).

MOTIVE What is the character's overarching goal? Why do they do what they do? What is the driving force behind their actions?

Miami, impulsive as he is, tends to live for the short-term. He seeks thrills, the adrenaline of the fight, and little more than that. There are times when he isn't even motivated by survival (there are also times when he's manic that he thinks he can't be killed; has a little bit of a god complex but it's only really when he's off his shits), because he doesn't care for his own life and is wholly willing to die so long as he does so with blood roaring in his ears. He's often driven by his own hubris, purposely provoking whoever he thinks would make an interesting challenger purely to test his own strength. It's not even that he wishes to be strong - he knows that he is, and all he's really here for is a good time, not a long time. However, when he becomes close to people, they become his biggest priority and number one motive. He wants to live if only to protect them, but he'll die for them just as quickly. His loyalty to people is his greatest motivator, because he will do whatever he can or must in order to defend them and make them happy, and not necessarily for anything in return. It's why he's kind of a good guy deep down - he does stupid things, and his intentions aren't always pure (they usually aren't), but when it comes to his loved ones they're the only thing he really cares about. Everything he does, he does it to the extreme, and this applies to the people he loves as well, but the problem with this is that exceedingly few ever really get to see beyond his aggressive nature.

RELATIONSHIPS How to they act towards those from enemy clans? People they don't like? Acquaintances? Friends? Best friends? Family members? Lovers? These should all be different. What are the limitations for their loyalty for all of the above as well (i.e. how far they could go for them)? At the same time, what does it take for the character to consider someone a friend, best friend, family member, etc? How easily do they develop relationships, and which ones do they value the most?

Miamihorror tends to face those with which he is not familiar with casual disinterest and often scathing cynicism. He doesn't actively seek to provoke others (most of the time, anyways) but his attitude and... acquired sense of humor tends to lead him to few friendships. And given that he himself is easy to provoke, it's also not difficult to make enemies of him either. Though he enjoys picking fights he'll only do so with those he thinks he has reason to, although his reasons tend to be loose and can vary wildly from feeling insulted to annoyed (both easy to do because he's kind of sensitive) or just... wanting someone to fight (this tends to apply to animals bigger than himself because he's dumb and highly competitive or those from other groups). Of course, he's pretty erratic in nature and thus when in a bad mood will make enemies of anyone just because. However, a good rule of thumb is that he doesn't seek to make enemies for the most part, but considering his personality he tends to make them regardless and he hardly minds having someone to lash out at anyways. To those he dislikes he pulls no punches, often jumping to violence swiftly and with little forethought - even if they are clanmates he has difficulty restraining himself and will be rude regardless. Once they've gotten on his 'bad side' Miami will endlessly aim to provoke them, and he doesn't really let go of grudges. Friends, on the other hand, gradually see his more relaxed and humorous side with the closer he grows to them. He's not very open emotionally until he explodes (which is probably his most vulnerable state, though he covers it up with harsh words and violence). Generally friends see a kinder, more loyal side to him - he'll jump to defend anyone he likes probably a bit too readily. Best friends and partners are a more extreme version of this; he lets himself be goofier, more casual and more openly affectionate. He really does care deeply, but he often expresses this in defensiveness and protectiveness over his loved ones. Again, he's ride-or-die, would-lay-down-his-life-in-a-heartbeat and often for impulsive reasons and not necessarily life-threatening ones (but either will do). Reactionary anger and violence are the languages he speaks best, after all. He also gets jealous often as well - he loves deeply and expects to be loved deeply in return, and to see someone else ranked above him is often viewed as a kind of betrayal and for similar reasons he can be dangerously possessive (like most other things, this depends heavily upon his mood). He holds his loved ones in such great and close regards that, though he'd do anything for them, he can become a danger to both them and himself.

MORALS What is their moral code and how does it impact their worldview? What things do they consider the worst offenses possible — what sort of things would they never even consider doing to reach their goals? What things do they think they would never do, but just might with the right push? Would they ever break their moral code? What things would lead them to this?

Miami has a bit of a backwards (?) moral code. He’s no stranger to death, and he doesn’t take issue at all with killing those who stand in his way or threaten or insult himself/loved ones. So long as it’s at his paws, he considers it just (he’s sort of arrogant, in that way). Figures that if he had to kill them, then they probably had it coming anyways. Prone to violence and really not at all opposed to it. Again, he tends to self-justify it - kind of likes it, too. The offenses he considers worst, on the other hand, are those such as betrayal. Because he’s so intensely loyal to people he tends to place immense trust in them, and when they break that trust he considers it an unforgivable sin. He would almost never betray another whom he loves - not for items, power, or himself - save for perhaps another who he holds in even closer regards.

WEAKNESSES In the emotional sense, of course. What is their greatest fear? How does this impact them? What sort of things make them vulnerable emotionally? What do they do in that sort of situation: who do they lean on, how does it affect them, how do they move past it, and etc. Roleplaying this out can be incredibly revealing for a character's personality.

SELF-VIEW How do they view themself? What do they view as their best and worst traits, their strengths and weaknesses, their relationships with others, and how does this depart from actuality? Where do they place themself in their relationship hierarchy? Are they top priority or do they care more for certain others (in more extreme situations, everyone)? Who/what do they consider below/above them? How do they compare themself to others? Exercise: write a traditional biography from the character's point of view. How do they describe their appearance and personality? What things do they leave out, downplay, exaggerate, or even make up?

WORLDVIEW This is their perception of everything — the lens the character always peers through. A character’s world view is how the character believes the world works, his or her perceived role in the world, the character’s philosophy of life and love and a definition of what constitutes a personal goal worth pursuing. One might see the world as a ladder to climb where another may see it as a canvas to leave their mark or a playground full of opportunities. What do they consider their role and how do they believe the world words? Religion plays a big role in this. What do they think of (the meaning of) life, death, afterlife, a greater purpose, and etc?

Re: nightcall — tags - MIAMIHORROR - 10-24-2018


Re: nightcall — tags - MIAMIHORROR - 08-01-2019

- fc is luke/ryan gosling from the place beyond the pines. most of this is heavily inspired if not lifted from his character in the movie
- i'm just gonna call him miami in human aus. that might not be his name bc it's weird but idk im lazy? and i love it shut up
- bleaches his hair blonde. heavily tattooed (most of them don’t really have any meaning, he’s just impulsive and gets them on a whim because they look cool). also dresses like an ass, mostly dirty t shirts that he cuts up himself. basically.... he looks like a crackhead
- pretty much a professional pub brawler at this point. picks fights in bars for fun
- definitely been to jail once and has been arrested even more. probably for dumb shit like pulling a gun on the guy at 7-eleven at 2am bc the slurpee machine broke. he wasn’t gonna shoot him he was just really upset about not getting a slurpee
- knows all the cops within in town because he’s such a troublemaker. mortal enemies with most of them
- really into cars and motorcycles. definitely owns a bike and an 80s car and they’re his pride and joy
- early to mid twenties. never went to college and probably dropped out of high school. works as a car mechanic? something with his hands
- (depending on the au) by day he is a mechanic but by night he's a hitman... probably has tried to rob a bank before and definitely made a little side money driving a getaway car (0/5 stars on uber he drives like a MANIAC. probably drives off the side of a bridge and then plays it off like 'no but its a shortcut i swear') but he's mainly good at killing people. he's not even a really good hitman either he's probably one of the cheaper ones you can buy because he's messy and gets excited and is very bad at getting in and out unseen but if you just want to get someone brutally killed with a baseball bat full of nails? he's your guy
- when he's bored between contract hits he brutally kills predators and creeps Just For Fun and because he thinks they're disgusting
- finds the stupidest ugliest t shirts he can from goodwill and cuts them up to make them muscle tanks. has ones that are like "dog mom (heart emoji)" and "do what you love, love what you do" in that mom-kind of calligraphy font and thinks its the funniest thing to just wear them around to the grocery store with his nipples half out because he cut the sides out. also when people ask him what his job is because of the second t shirt he's just like. murder (:
- smokes a lot. likes shitty canned beer but not a very heavy drinker. may have done hard drugs before, but smoking is definitely his vice of choice
- owns at least one gun although he definitely shouldn’t be allowed to. might collect knives
- has a pitbull named diesel. he originally just thought it would be sick as hell to have a 'tough' breed of dog with a 'badass' name but his dog is actually his best friend and he spoils her absolutely ROTTEN. probably calls her deedee or some other flowery sort of nickname despite trying his hardest to seem Cool and Edgy
- miami, staring his dog directly in the eyes: i would lay down my life for you. i would die for you. blink at me if you understand.
- history was here but im thinking of editing it so. wip for now ig
old history:

Re: nightcall — tags - MIAMIHORROR - 08-01-2019

- drive (2011)
- only god forgives
- the place beyond the pines
- blade runner 2049
- good time (2017)
- hotline miami
- akira
- lil bit of fight club sprinkled in
- hot summer nights (hunter strawberry)
- cyberpunk/neon/synthwave 'aesthetic' but with a touch of Murder. if i had to give his vibe a name it'd be neon violence
- casey frey (im kidding but also Am I Really)

Re: nightcall — tags - MIAMIHORROR - 08-10-2019

please dont take this seriously: