Beasts of Beyond
FATAL ATTRACTION — TEM. - Printable Version

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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Despite the intelligence that Pincher had, he was an idiot. He was a fool when it came to noticing his impact on others because in reality, despite seeing himself as an essential part of the Typhoon, Pincher felt rather infinitesimal. He felt small in the grand scheme of things, like he was just a simple pawn for bigger forces to push around and ever since being resurrected, the feeling had grown more prominent. The glowing tattoos that now marked his body were only a constant reminder of how he was once again under the control of someone despite the one controlling him no longer being his pathetic excuse of a father. For now, Pincher was simply hiding from everyone else in the cloaked darkness of the night, slipping out of the submarine with his glowing unnatural glacier blue eyes glancing over his broad shoulder towards the resting figures of his family. He wanted to sleep, to rest alongside them but he just couldn't. He never told them but his mind was haunted by the darkness he had gone through at the bottom of the ocean, the muffled cries for help echoing in his voice as he realized there were more unfortunate souls trained in the deep dark watery hell.

He was tired, his body ached and he knew he had to go out and kill to feed the hunger of the creatures that had resurrected him. But he didn't want to kill, he didn't want to slip into the midnight waves and float off to another territory to find potential victims. For once, Pincher would wanted to be by himself in the underground aquarium, his muscular ash gray figure outlined with the pale moon's silver rays, his calculative icy blue eyes locked on the ground in front of him as he was unaware of who could be lurking. But he frankly didn't care, he just needed a place to smoke in peace and let his mind settle. So, he allowed the tunnel to swallow him as he went into the unfinished aquarium, settling down on one of the bean bags that were within the dome, the wildcat pulling up a cigarette and lighting it up with a golden spark. He inhaled the warm nicotine, eyes closing for a moment as he tipped his head back to puff out a large trail of smoke out of his lips, enjoying the solitude despite the faint shrill cries that echoed within his head.


Re: FATAL ATTRACTION — TEM. - Luca - 07-18-2018

Luca, too, was a bit of an idiot. He could barely read and had an even harder time counting, but then again that probably fell under lack of knowledge rather than lack of intelligence. He probably would have been pretty average had he received the proper education, but alas he had never attended a single day of school in his life. Going to school was pretty hard while being raised in a cult. His stupidity ran deeper than low academic achievements, however. Luca was childish and petty, and believed that the world owed him what he wanted. If he desired something, he would take it, no matter what depths of depravity he'd have to sink to in order to get it. Certain crimes were looked down upon even by other criminals, but Luca was guilty of it all. That was what really made him stupid. Not the fact that he didn't know his times tables or couldn't spell half the words he knew, but the fact that he thought he take what he wanted and get away with it.

Although, sometimes, things didn't work out quite as he planned them to.

Luca sniffled weakly as he trotted through he underground tunnel, thankful for the cool ground beneath his paws. His body temperature was higher than average thanks to his powers (despite them malfunctioning at the moment), so as summer reached its height he spent more and more time below ground. His encounter with Shine was playing on repeat in his head, and every time the feline's words echoed in his head, more angry tears stung his eyes. He needed a distraction, something to stop him from tearing out his fur, so when he lay eyes on the lone form of Pinch, Luca suddenly forgot his vow to leave the guy alone. He blinked away his tears and fluffed out his pelt, hiding away the cuts and bruises from his latest tantrum. It could be described as predatory, the way he slunk towards his leader, eyes glowing subtly with ambiguous intent. "Pinch," he spoke to announce his presence, his soft voice breaking the silence of the underground aquarium. "I wasn't expecting to see you here." There was a low purr in beneath his words as he settled perhaps a little too close, staring intensely into the jaguar's eyes.


CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Proper education had never really been something Pincher excelled at either. He had been taught many things but they were mainly focused on navigation, killing, and how to win over hearts. Anything that was outside of that was torn away by his father, Pincher remembered the voice that sounded like chalk being pressed against a board telling him that whatever dreams he had were not important to the mission. They were Rouxes. They were supposed to thrive in the organized chaos that they created without any care for the rest of the world and how they impacted them. The child had at first refused such a cruel ideology but slowly began to accept it, not minding how warm the blood would feel when it splattered his face as he ended the life of another victim. No longer was that child that carried dreams within his heart. Pincher didn't even have an actual heart, it was somewhere at the bottom of the ocean to never be found. But his emotions remained and hell, sometimes they were even heightened. Power. Ambition. Anger. Lust. Something inside him was churning and swirling with the need for him to satisfy, something dangerous.

The male's head was burning up with the voices that shrieked inside his head. When he was near the water, they would become more prominent and louder, demanding his attention but Pincher didn't want to deal with them. He glared through the bulletproof glass to the sea, aqua blue gaze narrowing as he wanted to just break through the glass and demand the attention, to face the bastards that had cursed him with immortality. For the stupid title of demigod. He didn't feel like one. However, his attention was broken when he heard footsteps with his jet black ear turning briefly towards the direction but not tearing his gaze away. He used to be cautious but now he didn't mind if he found ten knives embedded into his back. Then he heard the voice and it caused his eyelids to flutter, hardened gaze turning into slits as he turned his head ever so slightly towards Luca, catching sight of the hellhound with the ivory wings. Pincher remained silent, deciding not to respond but with a small puff of pale white smoke floating out of his lips as he exhaled. "Luca. How are you?" His voice was low and monotone, contradicting the soft tone that the hellhound offered as he watched the hellhound settle down beside him, almost touching but Pincher didn't let that get under his skin. He was used to being flirted with but since he was with Jacob, he was prepared to take a step back if needed. The last thing he wanted was to make another mistake with love. Not again.

Re: FATAL ATTRACTION — TEM. - Luca - 07-26-2018

Luca didn't have any voices in his head. At some point he did, back when he shared his mind with the demon that he considered his adoptive mother, but her soothing voice was long gone now. He missed her reassuring words and the promise that he would always have instructions to follow. Without his mama he was lost, forced to wander the earth with no one telling him what to do or who to be. That was why he had joined the Typhoon, and that was the reason he was so fixated on Pincher. Luca admired authority figures because they gave him something he couldn't get by himself. They gave him direction and a purpose, something to do other than mope around and succumb to his darker thoughts. The only problem with authority was all the rules. Luca was always taught to take what he wanted from the world. The holy Father had told him that the world was a test, and to reach divinity he first had to prove his strength. Divinity was the final goal, as it should be for all living beings, so he would prove that he was stronger than all. The Typhoon was the ideal place for him, then. A group known for its bloodthirsty nature; a place where he could exercise his strength without getting exiled like he had been so many times before.

Luca tried his best to keep his gaze steady as Pinch turned to face him, but his fragile mental state caused his confidence to falter. A puff of smoke exited Luca's mouth as well, although it was of his own creation, polluted and black. "I'm doing well," he said, although the smile he forced on his face didn't look all that genuine. A crack appeared in Luca's wolfish facade, and his eyes fell swiftly to his paws. "What about you?" And then his vulnerability was gone as soon as it came, and he was staring intensely into the feline's eyes once more. He attempted to scoot forwards a little, to perhaps bump into his leader 'accidentally' and hopefully get at least a hint of physical affection. It had been so long since he'd had something so little as a hug. It was unlikely though; Luca saw first hand how close Pincher was to his future husband. Their relationship was cute, they looked happy together, and that thought alone filled Luca with an unholy bitterness. He wished he could have what they had, but he knew it was near impossible. very few people could keep up with his... needs, and fewer still were willing to. Luca ran his tongue over his teeth in an attempt to clear the sour taste from his tongue, blinking slowly as he awaited his leader's answer.


CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher hated authority figures that were above him. It was the reason why he enjoyed being on top and only on top did he find any happiness and self-satisfaction. With his past filled with being told what to do and not what to do, the hunger to be his own ruler had been manifesting into something twisted and dark inside him that only calmed down when he was the one barking out orders. In everything, Pincher enjoyed being the one to state that he was the first and above all as if that would fill the empty unsatisfied cup of his desires. He had begun to allow himself to relax from his mission to reach his amibitions ever since having Goldenluxury and Coldblue, realizing that there was more to life than just work and accomplishment. He had a family now, a large one that he had to be with or he would just be another deadbeat father that was not there for his children. He had been that in the beginning due to the haunting fears of losing them after his precious firstborns had been killed and he had been unable to do anything about it. But Pincher was the captain of the Typhoon now, a growing civilization filled with various types of beings and personalities that despite the differences, meshed together to create what it was now. The male remembered when it had just been a few of them such as Argus and Lilyspoise by his side as well as others but it was good to see everyone was being able to pull their own weight and show promise for the future of the crew.

Pincher caught sight of the falter in Luca's demeanor but made no comment for now, simply continued smoking with the nicotine rings flowing out of his lips casually since he had done it a thousand times. He briefly allowed his icy gaze to flutter closed as he enjoyed the relaxing taste of it, ignoring the warnings that his family had stated about smoking. He had died and come back as immortal, little sticks weren't going to be the death of him. Pincher heard the voice of Luca answer but it didn't sound as confident as he usually heard it to be in public and his eyes slowly opened as he turned to look down at the male, silence filling the air after he noticed Luca scoot closer to the point that he bumped against him. Pincher remained still like a glacier before slowly shifting to curl his long coal black tail around the other to pull him closer while his head leaned down to the point that his muzzle was a few centimeters away from Luca's. It looked like the demigod was ready to press a kiss but all he gave was "Why have you been crying, Luca?" His calculative hardened blue eyes had caught sight of pain that touched the hellhound's face and he wondered what had happened. As he waited for a response, Pincher drew his head away to straighten his lean form, waiting to see if Luca was willing to open up to him.

Re: FATAL ATTRACTION — TEM. - Luca - 07-27-2018

Luca had ran the situation through his mind a couple times, weighing the possibilities, but Pincher reciprocating was definitely one of the least likely realities. Luca felt the fur on his chest brush up against his leader's, and he savoured the feeling for a brief moment before focusing on capturing the reaction he got. Pincher's stillness made him a little nervous, but that nervousness soon faded into confusion as the feeling of the jaguar's tail around his body registered. Closer still- their bodies touched and heat bloomed across Luca's cheeks in an embarrassingly noticeable blush. His eyes widened slightly, lips parting in silent surprise as he took a swift breath. The vulnerability was back on the hellhound's face, brought on by the unexpected intimacy of it all. He almost didn't hear Pincher over the thundering of his heartbeat in his ears, but eventually the words got through to him. A couple seconds passed of processing. Luca merely stared at the captain with round, doe-like eyes as he straightened up again, shattering the illusion of intimacy. Perhaps it was because he had momentarily dropped his guard, but Pincher's words had quite obviously struck him like a knife to the heart.

"I-" His voice was choked, and he hated himself for it. Swallowing, he tried again. "I haven't been crying. It's just... weed..." but there were already fresh tears welling in his eyes. He bit down on his lip so hard that blood spilled onto his tongue, and then his head fell in defeat. He shuffled back a little, turning his face away and pressing a bruised paw to his eyes. Silence. "I just- it's a lot of things," he said after a long pause, his voice barely above a whisper. "I dunno, it's stupid n' embarrassing." He knew nothing about Pincher. He didn't want to spill his traumas and insecurities on someone that was probably only asking out of leaderly obligation in the first place. He looked back up a Pinch, eyes watery and oddly... not pink. The dull blue of his natural eyes had begun to seep back into his irises, indicating that his fake personality was quickly crumbling around him. His eyes were narrowed again, defensive and standoffish. "D-do you think I'm pathetic?" He asked quietly in an attempt to change the subject, his voice breaking a tad as he curled his tail tightly around his limbs. In his eyes, it looked an awful lot like Pincher was toying with his emotions for amusement. "You're not interested, I get it, but you... you coulda told me to go away without pulling that stunt." He was referring to the fake almost-kiss, jumping to the conclusion that his leader was aware of how affection-starved he was. He was quite clearly avoiding the question by throwing his own at the captain, although that didn't mean that he wasn't being serious in his implied accusations.


CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was a cruel player. He only needed a few seconds of observations to figure out what made a being tick and twitch. Some confused it as love or friendship, believing that Pincher cared for them. But he was not. His mind had been trained to focus on finding weaknesses in anyone that dared to be around him and especially ones that decided to find the demigod by themselves, believing they would find warmth in his actions and words. But Pincher was more like ice, freezing you slowly to a state of exhaustion and collapsing into the numbing sensation of being too tired to fight back. It was a slow and delicate method that Pincher had used to get what he wanted or craved but he didn't want to do that to Luca. He didn't want to wrap the hellhound in a false security that Pincher cared or carried any sentimentality for the other male despite there being an odd attraction between the two that he couldn't exactly place his paw on. it wasn't anything sexual because he already had Jacob and wanted to be loyal only to him and no one else but something about Luca caused Pincher's interest to peak and like a shark, he had swam in silence in the situation before lashing out and sinking his teeth with the question. Was it bad that he was intruding? That he was questioning Luca even though they barely knew each other and their relationship was rather strained due to the beginning start of Luca joining the Typhoon? Did he care? Part of him was empathetic and understood but the darker, crueler side of him did not want to care. But he didn't let that show and he was trying to be better even if the old habits haunted him.

As Luca began to explain himself, jumping to the excuse of weed being the reason his rose pink eyes appeared glazed with tears, Pincher remained dead silent. When with someone privately, Pincher was a rather shy reserved male and only spoke when he believed it was right. The smooth talking was just a facade he pulled in the public so everyone that wasn't close to him would believe he was doing fine, that he was just perfect. His left fictional eyebrow quirked upward as the only response at first, watching with a hawk-like gaze onto Luca as the demon turned away and allowed silence to drift between them, almost tempting Pincher to say something but he knew he should wait for Luca to admit it. They always broke. It seemed that Luca began to explain in a somewhat vague explanation. A lot of things. He could understand that with his leadership, family, personal demons, and other duties that plagued his attention and thoughts. He blinked twice as his gaze locked back onto the misty gaze of Luca, noticing the color had changed to a pale shade of baby blue which caused his curiosity to peak even more. "What happened then? You can tell me but only if you feel safe in doing so." The gentleman rumbled with his tone hinted with a warm lace of comfort as he tipped his head ever so slightly to the side, the smoke from his cigarette dancing around him.

Then it appeared that Luca had shifted to attempt to change the subject, suddenly pushing the question for Pincher to focus on. A small frown twitched on his muzzle as he realized this but he decided to play along as he answered "No, I don't. Why would I? You're upset, there's nothing wrong with that." The dark jaguar shifted back as well, loosening his tail around the hellhound and withdrawing it back as he heard the next statement, rather taken back by it. His own jet black ears slightly pinned against his skull as he bit down on his cigarette before pulling it into his mouth and swallowing it, a small puff of final smoke flowing out of his muzzle before turning back to Luca. "I'm not pulling a stunt to make you go away. I just wanted to make sure." He rumbled as he raised a large paw to rub off some ash from his snow-white chest as he sucked in a small breath. He knew that Luca was probably irritated at the move he had pulled but it was something Pincher tended to do, breaking barriers to get a closer look into what he wanted.