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NEON CHERRY BLOSSOMS / open & drinking the jungle juice - Printable Version

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NEON CHERRY BLOSSOMS / open & drinking the jungle juice - cyantist - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]Drink the jungle juice. It was as ridiculous as it was demeaning, being stranded alone with hallucinogenics. It was safe to say that neither Felix nor Orthax really wanted to do it, but traditions were traditions. He'd downed the drink which tasted what he imagined raw sewage and salt would taste like, almost retching up the liquid as soon as he tastes it. He manages to keep it down, not without a few choice swears and curses to Pelor.

It takes a while to kick in. He supposed it would be instant, watching and waiting for something strange to happen. He lounges on the beach, watching the shore come in and out and the sun set beyond the horizon. It's certainly a beautiful sight, soft blue waves on a white sand beach and the sun casting it's rays over the horizon. The sky turns shades of red and pink, the clouds illuminated by the sun's backlighting. 

"Felix? Is that you?"

Ah, there it is.

Carrine's voice rings loud in his ears. She's always been such a sweetheart, but strong and independent. It makes sense that his brain would think of her first if he's going to be happy. It would be a change from the normal, so he doesn't care to question it. He smiles as he spots her, well, not her. It's not her, but it's close enough and sounds like her that he doesn't care enough to distinguish it.

"Carrine! It's so good to see you, I've missed you so much." He shouts, grinning as the illusion of Carrine hugs him. He can feel her, even though she's not real and he knows she's not real, he doesn't care. Even Orthax, reminding him in growled tones that this isn't real Felix can't stop him from crying out of joy when she embraces him tightly.

"I've missed you too, I don't know where you went... Please come home, mother and father miss you so much."

They don't miss you, they are dead.

"I know, I know, I'll be home soon." He promises Carrine. He turns to look at her face, wanting to see Carrine happy and well and not like the emaciated ghost of his sister that he'd seen when he was imprisoned in Whitestone.

The colour drains from his face when he looks at her properly. There is a scar over her right eye, the brilliant blue gone a murky grey. She is visibly thinner than she should be, her coat looking thinner than it should be. Everything about her is wrong, it's wrong. In the back of his mind, he can hear the demon cackling. You know what they did to her Felix, -
what they would do to you.

She has pronounced fangs in her gums. The tawny wolf is his sister, there is no doubt. She wears the locket that their mother bought Carrine for her birthday a year ago. She's the same height as Felix with the same bright blue eyes that most of their family has from their father. Felix watches her with rapt dread, trying to force out words from his mouth.

"Delilah and Silas miss you Fel."

He screams, lunging forward with his right paw as he watches it collide with his sister's illusion. It disappears into nothingness when he comes into contact with it. "Is that any way to treat your sister?" Felix's blood freezes when he hears that voice.

It's a cold and poised voice. It's one that he would recognise anywhere. It's enough to make his blood turn to ice, desperately searching in mind for Orthax. He needs the demon now, but it seems to have abandoned him to his fears. How very typical of the demon, if Felix didn't know any better he'd say the demon was sulking he ignored him earlier. But Felix knows better - this is exactly the kind of thing that Orthax feeds on.

Despair. Doubt. Fear. Anger. Hatred. They fuel him.

Delilah Briarwood is a tall lioness. She holds herself like a goddess, an empress, a queen. She looks beautiful, ageless, timeless and she grins the same way that he imagines a shark grins. The same way a monster grins - for all her beauty, that's exactly what she is. Cruel and sadistic.

She isn't real, so she can't hurt him right now.

"We know you're here Felix. It was so silly of you to run, my dear sweet child."

No - no she doesn't. She isn't real, and there's no way that the Briarwoods know where he went to. The Typhoon isn't on Whitestone maps. It isn't in charted territory. Her threats? They aren't real because she is not real. He still feels his bones turn to ice, still feels the tears forming on his face and the anger burning deep down that kept him going. And yet, she smiles and he feels everything... Fade.

It's magic that vampires have to make you feel at peace. To make you love them, give yourself over to them willingly. It's harder to make it work when the subject sees something horrifying, but he feels it tug at him. Even though she isn't real, his mind makes the magic more potent. He feels like he should listen to her, apologise to her...

He should love Delilah like he loved his own mother. She is his family now, and she'll be his mother now. She'll look after him and Carrine and they will lead Whitestone in a new, better direction. The people of Whitestone will learn to worship the creatures of the night, they will learn their place. And everything will be better when he gives in to Delilah - won't it?

No. It won't.

It will never be okay until she is dead. And her husband is dead. And Carrine is either set free or set to rest.

Orthax laughs and invites Felix to give in to him. And on that night, stranded alone, he lets the demon take over his senses and gives into the darkness that calls to him.

He snaps out the trance with the first rays of the morning sun. He feels sick. The wolf walks back to camp, tired and hoping to get the second part of the tradition over with. Are you supposed to throw away your ties to life you had before? Write something down in a bottle and throw it away. What has Felix to throw? His anger? No, he needs that. He needs that, and his hate, and his memories of his family and Whitestone.

He scribbles something down on the paper, shoving it into the bottle quickly and sealing it. It takes all of five seconds for him to hurl it into the sea, watching as it crashes into the water violently. With that done, he can go and get some proper sleep hopefully.

Re: NEON CHERRY BLOSSOMS / open & drinking the jungle juice - rochelle - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Rochelle had to admit that ... she'd been waiting. The lupine had watched the new joiner with the jungle juice hours before, and it'd stuck in her mind. She carried on with the rest of her routine for the day, but occasionally she would glance around to see if Felix had come back. The ritual intrigued her greatly, but it more profoundly frightened her. She hadn't stepped up to complete the rite of entrance just yet, for the first and last time she set food upon Haven Island, something horrific happened to her.

There were ... these carvings, some sort of warning sent to her from the gods. A chill went down her spine, and the lupine sighed sharply. It was obscure, but she understood what it meant. She couldn't escape the past. Not with the gods of the Earth breathing down her neck. She prayed every night that Nereides and her children, all water gods, would protect her, from whatever was out to get her. So, she put off the ritual to avoid facing that issue, and ever since she'd been waiting for someone to go through it so she could get at least some information about it. Rochelle didn't want to be nosy but she was trying her best.

The lupine stepped up carefully to Felix, giving a harmless look and smile to greet him. "Ah, Felix ... you completed the Entrance, felicitations." Rochelle murmured in introduction, staring a her paws briefly before glancing back up at him. "Though it is a weird thing to congratulate you on. I won't ask about anything ... but I hope it served you well in any sort of way." The umber wolf then dipped her head, pursing her lips timidly.

Re: NEON CHERRY BLOSSOMS / open & drinking the jungle juice - cyantist - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]Felicitations is met with a deep barking laugh from the wolf. There's no real change between Felix's normal appearance and the one that he has now, but there's something wrong about the way he sounds. Something uncomfortable about how he holds himself.

"It served me well." The voice that replies is distinctly not Felix. The voice that replies is rough, sounds like someone who smoked for years on end. The wolf looks at Rochelle, looking meek and timid as if this isn't something to be discussed. But it is a tradition - one that his host chose to observe. A foolish one for someone such as Felix to think was a good idea.

"Felix is not well at the moment, so he's given himself over to me until he feels better. What is it you wish to ask about the trial? I can certainly provide the answers if you'd like." It knows she has questions, who wouldn't?