Beasts of Beyond
ITS ALREADY OVER | {OPEN, VISITOR?} - Printable Version

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(Note! Killua uses his air elementals so that he doesn't smell like anything, therefore no one will be able to know he's from Snowbound. The last paragraph is all that matters! He's currently up in a tree eating chocolates, character can easily smell the sweets!)

Part of him was glad that after all the training he went through when he was a kitten, he was still able to enjoy exploring territories here and there depending on where they were at. Despite being an assassin, having seen every possible gruesome scene in his entire life, he never liked having his fur incredibly dirty. The wildcat constantly made sure that his fur was up to par, he wasn't exactly sure why, as some would probably consider him to be a slight germaphobe in that regard. Always after a kill he had done, the wildcat would be quick to wash off his paws. Maybe because his family had taught him to clean up extensively after himself once he did assassinate someone, that it just ended up sticking with him. This made it fairly hard to track him down by any means, unless he was purposefully leaving tracks behind so that someone would follow him but he hasn't had to do that in a very long time. Either way, there had been one territory that he was extremely interested in, back in a group of clans that he used to live in. The lived in an abandoned city, something that Killua had been through several times, but this was a massive city. He was in close relations with the group despite not actually being one of them as he had visited them several times when there was nothing going on in the clan that was currently residing in. It just made sense, as when he got too bored, it would just end up meaning that someone fell victim to his paws. He didn't really want to be a killer anymore, but there were instances that his training would just end up kicking in here and there. The albino serval didn't really lose fights those and didn't want to fight when he didn't feel like it. He was entirely situational considering that his temper could flare up in a matter of seconds depended on what someone actually ended up saying to him. Anyway, he enjoyed exploring the city that the clan had moved to. Looking through the abandoned cars to see if there was anything interesting. Or going through the buildings and seeing if he was capable of leaping from one building to the next. Now that was exciting and entertaining. Dangerous yes, but he usually didn't take danger into consideration as it helped him feel excited every once in a while. Adrenaline junky? Not really, in some instances, he could be considered somewhat lazy. All that he secretly asked for was that he didn't end up joining a place that decided that they were going to live a castle. If that happened, he would make sure that he would stay as far away from the castle as possible. The reason being that he had grown up in a castle, a castle that had turned out to practically be his prison in the process. The wildcat didn't want to be near anything like that again. 

Considering that Killua didn't enjoy getting himself dirty all the time, the assassin wasn't exactly fond of whatever the hell he was walking through. The young male was only slightly grossed out when his foot would occasionally sink through the mud in certain places. From the most part, he used his agility and light body weight to leap from the roots of the magrove trees that seemed to expand across this territory. He had simply asked for direction for the nearest group that was around here, and he just wanted to figure out what this group was like compared to the group that he was staying with at the moment. There were plenty of places to explore, and he could just use his teleporation to teleport onto dry patches of land that were available in the marsh. But what if someone came across his teleporting? He couoldn't exactly have that happen because it would mean that they would know one of his trump cards if he ever had to fight any of these animals before. The wildcat was one to keep all of his powers secret except for his conjuration, and he wanted to keep it that way. He didn't trust any of the groups that were around here as long as he knew that his brother was still somewhere out there watching him. He had managed to run away, but he wasn't sure exactly how long he could keep himself under the radar of his family. The newly fresh scars that covered his entire body weren't from fights that he had gotten with other animals that were in the area. Instead, the scars that he did have were entirely given to him by his family and no one else. He never got a scar in a fight with clanners that he had gotten into with. Did his scars make him look weak? Maybe, but he didn't care. Considering the size of the scars, it was obviously made by a much larger animal, as his brother was a massive tiger after all. Using his long metal claws, the assassin kept himself somewhat balanced on the mangrove roots. "This better be damn worth it." Killua would mutter under his breath as he was well away from the border. He also hated that there was a possibility that his pure white pelt could get stained and he would have constantly wash himself so that he could get the stain out. Now that's just annoying. Finally, he found a patch of dirt that wasn't going to let him sink through, and he was able to orientate himself a little bit as he looked around. The smell of the place didn't really bother him at all. The worst smell he had ever experienced was probably the smell of thousands of rotting corpses that had been set ablaze and let maggots ravage their bodies. Now that was a strong scent no one would eventually forget. Either way, the albino serval finally made his way to what smelled like the border. Somewhat hard to tell considering. The young male would look up toward one of the trees that hung above him, and crouch his body, he would leap into the air grappling onto the lowest branch. His weight pulled on his newly installed metal claws, causing him to quickly pull himself up onto the branch. It wouldn't exactly be hard to see him since he wasn't bothering to hide his appearance. Pure white against green. It obviously didn't snow here all that often. A huff escaped his jaws as he raised one of his paws and conjured up a small rectangular box of chocolates. Which he was quick to rip open with his claws, tossing a couple pieces of chocolate into his mouth. The apprentice would now just have to wait, but the smell of chocolate alone would probably be enough to gather someone's attention. He honestly was just bored and wanted to talk, learn a little bit about them and such. If they wanted to get pissing about him being around asking questions that was up to them. Killua hummed softly to himself as he ate his chocolates.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17:

Re: ITS ALREADY OVER | {OPEN, VISITOR?} - Belladonna - 03-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]If Belladonna knew who she was about to approach, maybe she wouldn't have. Unaware of his past of savagery, or his profession of an assassin, she approached Killua as if he was just a regular old kid hanging around on the territory; considering the chocolate in his paws, she probably wouldn't be completely far off, at least.

Walking lightly over the loose soil of her clan's territory, she approached the base of the tree, peering up at the snow-white serval above her - she peered at him quietly, although she made a mental note of his metal claws and how they gleamed, sending a shiver down her spine. She still stayed eerily calm, however, as she glanced up at him; feeling like she wasn't in the right place to interrogate him, she decided to take a different approach. "...what are those?" she asked, however the chocolates in his paws reminded her of Happycamper and his cookies - she had never had such sorts of treats in her old clan, although she wasn't sure why.


[ btw just a note, bella doesn't have her BB/FF memories and has been reset to before she would have joined shadowclan so she doesn't know him or anything ]

Re: ITS ALREADY OVER | {OPEN, VISITOR?} - Dragon- - 03-25-2018

[tr][td][Image: avatar_64eca7575bc7_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_10cbf1410e94_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_2f943f37ef6c_128.pnj]
[size=7pt]made by cafuné
[/td][td][div style="width: 450px; height: 350px; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; overflow: auto;"][size=8pt] Assassins were definitely scary but Phobeus didn't really care about anybody's past, present or future, he just wanted chocolate. He had been relaxing in a tree of his own when the absolutely delectable scent of chocolate began to fill the air, providing him with quite a bit of encouragement to find whoever had it and get himself some of that sweet sweet goodness.

He would quickly scale down the tree that he had claimed as his own and began to jog towards the scent, nose lifted to the air in an effort to keep himself on the right scent trail. The young clouded leopard seemed to be just zooming through the forest but suddenly put on the breaks and skid to a stop, not fast enough though because he ended up slamming face first into a new tree.
Collapsing to the ground for a minute definitely provided a nice chance to look at the surrounding was actually rather nice.

He'd throw himself to his feet, ignoring the pain that now pulsed in his muzzle. He'd shift his gaze to up in the foliage of the tree and let a cheesy smile overtake his maw "Hey, I'm Phobeus. You seem like a cool dude, could I have a piece of chocolate? that'd be rad." Phobeus glanced to the fellow tanglewood-er to his left. "sup'"[/td]


Killua was never really that great when it came to normal social interactions with other animals. It wasn't like his family had expected him to try and make friends, and the one friend he did end up making he was forced to slaughter in his fathers chambers. Something that Killua would most likely never forget for the rest of his life, and certainly never forgive his father for making him do something like that. The assassin knew that he was capable of potentially being required to kill those that cared about more deeply than some would ever consider. However, he didn't know where any of those faces were animal. The assassin had no idea where his adopted sister was or even where the nice canine he ended up meeting went. They had lived in a group of clans that were similar to the ones that he was partaking in now. Would they somehow be able to figure out where he was now? His family being extremely dangerous just meant that everyone should avoid him, but part of him hoped that wouldn't happen and that others would willingly approach him. Sure, he could be a brat here and there, but most of what he said was just a joke. Older creatures weren't that great when it came to taking jokes and always took everything so seriously. If they wanted to take things seriously and try to be aggressive with him the assassin wouldn't be about to let them stop. It would be entertaining to him for a good amount of time to join in a fight or even a spar. The last time he had been in a fight had been against his older brother. The only creature he knew he wasn't capable of taking out compared to the rest of the clans that lived in the area. He had been beaten, and broken, and knew that if he had stayed in the place that he was starting to consider his home that it would only make situations worse for him. The wildcat needed another place that he could run to until he could get his barrings and not worry about his older brother practically trying to kill him. Killua was only afraid of one thing. That was his brother. If he was faced with a grotesque creature, he wouldn't even really turn an eye to it. He rarely found anyone that was stronger than he was, and rarely ever lost battles. He didn't know enough about the groups to figure out how strong all of them were though. It was only a matter of time before he did gather enough information to do something about it. If others knew what he was capable of and how dangerous he was, they would want him as far away as possible. Some considered him to be a monster. A murderer. He wouldn't turn down those titles because that would be turning away the truth of what he's done in his life. He wasn't a good guy. He was desperately trying to turn over a new leaf and leave his past behind. Some creatures were capable of looking beyond the facade that he always had on his face, while others just took him at face value. Which he considered somewhat annoyed because it just meant that most clanners were just too dense to figure out what else was going on. It was how he met someone that was practically his adopted sister that took care of him. Who he had to leave in order to protect her. A feeling that he never had in his life before. The former deputy needed to get stronger so that he would be capable of taking on his older brother in due time. He wasn't weak, but compared to the rest of his family, he was only the fourth strongest.

There were many different reasons why the assassin enjoyed eating so many sweets all the time. It was a means of a coping mechanism if he was going through a stressful time. It was almost hilarious to watch as others asked him why they never saw him eating anything else other than candy. Killua had his reasons. He couldn't taste regular food if the flavor wasn't strong enough. Thanks to the torture his own family had put him through, he had nothing but scar tissue inside of his mouth, and his taste buds never fully formed back onto his tongue. Meaning that everything that wasn't incredibly sweet just ended up tasting like cardboard to him. He ate sweets all the time because it allowed him to be able to taste something even if its just a couple moments. In the clan that he had stayed with for a significant amount of time, his addiction spread around to the other places, so that each time he approached them most usually had candy at hand. It was the easiest way to keep him calm, and it was good conversation topic at the same time. Candy brought others together. It was almost amazing as to how Killua didn't have cavities at all since he just seemed to eat candy all the time. Which definitely wasn't healthy, as he only ate something that was actually protein only once a day, which usually consisted of a mouse and nothing else. There wasn't anyone around to be his impulse control anymore. which didn't help when he was primarily self-destructive in several different matters. The assassin knew it was only going to be a short matter of time before someone ended up finding him. After all, he wasn't trying to be stealthy at the moment, and since these places were new it meant that they were going to do their best to keep their borders safe from strangers that may stumble upon them if they weren't careful enough. Killua impaled one of the pieces of chocolate with his sharp metal claw, carefully using it to plop the sweet into his mouth. While that was happening, the albino serval was able to hear pawsteps that were coming toward him and turned his sapphire blue gaze to look down at a dark-hued domestic cat. She, well, she didn't look like she was going to try and be angry at him for being up in the tree not really doing anything. That was certainly a change of pace for him. He flicked one of his ears as he stared back right at her until she asked the question that he wasn't really expecting. The male would raise a nonexistent eyebrow toward the female when she asked him what he was holding in his paws. He situated himself better on his branch so that he was sitting up instead of laying down now. Did she not know what this stuff was? Oh well. "It's candy, or really well sweets. Its chocolate. Most can't eat this stuff but its pretty damn good." Killua stated calmly as he reached into the small box and pulled out another square of chocolate before opening his mouth and eating the piece. He did let it melt in his mouth for a couple seconds. Moving himself back down into a laying position, he thought for what he was going to ask her. "So, care to tell me what this place is called? Also, what's your name?" Killua simply sounded curious when he asked. He wasn't being rude, but it would be somewhat obvious that he didn't state his name first. However, quick movements caught his attention coming toward where he was now. Which seemed to change his demeanor for a couple of moments as he tried to figure out if someone was running to try and attack him for a couple moments. The spotted pelt certainly meant that it was some kind of wildcat and not something that was really domestic. Especially with what the size of the silhouette was. Next, he felt a small vibration through the tree, and he leaned over a little bit so he could look down to see a clouded leopard that had just ran into the tree. Wait. Had that really just happened? Killua couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. Something that he hasn't done in a while, the feline reminded him of a certain someone. Which he tried not to think about too much. "Did you rattle your brain in your head with that impact?" Killua teased as he stopped laughing, a playful smirk spreading across his lips. The other didn't seem to be that old, and he was quick to actually introduce him. And acted as if nothing had happened. He noticed the other's line of sight toward the box of chocolates in his paws. Oh? Now this should be some fun. "Phoebus huh? What do I get in return for givin' ya a piece? And sure you won't make yourself sick?" He was messing with the other, which was obvious with the smirk that was still on his face. Killua had been around most creatures that weren't capable of eating chocolate because it was toxic to most animals in large batches. However, everyone in Snowbound seemed to be capable of ingesting some of the stuff like it was in their everyday diet. Maybe their was a small change of evolution in the area, he wasn't entirely sure. To tease the other a little bit more, he would shake the box of chocolates so that the clouded leopard would hear the chocolate shaking around.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17:

Re: ITS ALREADY OVER | {OPEN, VISITOR?} - beck. - 03-26-2018

    Unlike the prim and proper creature he assumed Killua was, Beck didn't mind the muck and mire of his territory. He had grown up in grime and slums, obvious thanks to the cowlicks stiffened with mud bristling along his scrawny figure and how he looked like he hadn't properly taken care of himself since the dark ages; the sunken landscape was practically an upgrade to him. Although he didn't take kindly to being called pigs rolling in mud by another leader, it was curious to see how many animals would avoid trespassing purely because they didn't want to dirtied their well-groomed pelts. Despite his distaste for the flooded sections of earth and his own warning of avoiding the polluted swamp, the poltergeist frequented the border, almost desperately stalking through the undergrowth for anything to cure his boredom. For once, it wasn't a lifeless day, with a flash of albino fur catching his interest enough for him to slip into nonexistence and pursue.

    Having been undetectably tailing Killua for quite a while with , Beck followed him into the treetops, perching just above the assassin on a higher branch. His being statically crackled in distaste as chocolate was pulled from thin air and brandished around as if it was a lure to attract an audience. Either Killua was a fool of an assassin or he craved attention. Well, whatever the case, Beck wouldn't give it to him; he remained cloaked by shadows and the veil of nonexistence, examining every movement made by the serval with scrutiny, and itching to drive the trespasser off already. Before he could ambush, two creatures broke his concentration -- why did clanmates have to ruin everything fun? Materializing yet refusing to reveal himself from the canopy's withered leaves, the poltergeist only childishly pouted down at Belladonna and the so-called traveller nonchalantly chatting with the stranger with no concerns whatsoever. Didn't he just say to act more hostile to possible invaders? Although that only applied to the Typhoon for now, and Killua intentionally lacked a defining scent. A wordless huff announced his stalking presence, and creeping forward to peer downwards at Killua from his higher branch, Beck finally hissed, "They won't be havin' any of that, thank ya very much." Chocolate was practical poison to their poor little critter systems, but that was besides the fact. "Didn't ya hear that anybody who trespasses can be killed now? Ya got no right t' be here or t' ask so many dumbass questions." Distrust and paranoia were obvious in the boy's stiff and twitchy movements, craning his neck downwards to glare at Killua through an upside-down view. A tremor of unease writhed in his undead guts, yet he forced himself to ignore the painfully familiar angle in order to give a rasping sniff. Nope, nothing. He was hiding his identity but why? "I get t' ask the questions ' round here: just who do ya think ya are?" Beck venomously spat, stubby tail lashing as best it could.


There were major differences between that of a murderer and that of an assassin. A lesson that Killua was quick to learn when he was just a kitten, as the thought of being called a murderer would piss any sort of an assassin off. Assassin's were far better than what a murderer could be. The major differences Killua was able to realize while he was in the field during a mission at the time. He watched as an animal went down an alley, and there was someone in said alley that was waiting for them. He had been perched up on a building nearby because his target was supposed to come up to the top of the building to watch the stars like they usually did on most occasions. He after all had to study the whereabouts of his targets here and there so that he wouldn't make any sort of obvious mistakes either. Either way, he watched as the animal that went into the alley screamed out in pain and called for help. What some groups didn't seem to realize how easy it was to actually end up killing someone. One flick of the wrist was really all it took in the right area and someone would be dead on the ground. The murderer seemed to take his time, Killua didn't bother to help the victim as he felt nothing watching its death. He instead watched as humans came to investigate whatever the hell was going on only to see that the murderer was ripping apart another animal. Humans often thought of that as a threat to the rest of them and was certainly not going to have any of it. Ultimately, the animal got itself caught and was most likely put down because they made themselves too obvious. Murderers were amateurs when it came to assassins. Their skill immediately rivaled that of a mass murderer to the point that Killua would laugh at a murderers face. Murderers were usually self trained, meaning that they had to rely on experience to go up against an opponent. They didn't really bother to cover up their mess as well and only did it because they were able to enjoy the high that they got when they took the life of others. Killua had once been like that, but now he was entirely different when it came to killing animals in the first place. Assassin's were more dangerous and powerful than a regular mass murderer could ever be. The reason? They usually kept on the down low. A generation could go years without even hearing the name of an assassin spoken, or even the organization that they worked for. If someone wanted to hire an assassin, it meant that they were going to spend top dollar to make sure that the job got done. With mass murderers, there were chances for a mistake. They could be tortured for information or drugged to be able to give out information. Even if they refused for a small amount, there were powers that could be used against them in a weakened state. It wasn't exactly rocket science either. Assassin's left no traces behind that could be traced back to who they were. They weren't even on the record so if someone tried to find them by name it would be extremely difficult to do anything of the sort.

So, what did that mean he thought of the clans that were nothing but trying to kill others for their own amusement? They thought of themselves as being high and mighty all the time. That cockiness usually would be punished by death but most clans were too soft to even think about killing someone for their wrongdoings. Killua thought of anti-clans and warbound clans as being full of complete idiots that were capable of doing nothing but sloppy kills. It actually took skill to kill someone with minimal blood spilling out onto the ground. Or leaving paw prints behind so that they could be followed. The neck was the easiest portion of the body to target when someone wasn't expecting it. By being stealthier than someone that ran straight ahead to try an attack an opponent, they made their job more difficult. It seemed they had forgotten the basics of hunting something, whether it was larger or just something that they would eat later on. Stealth was the ultimate fighting tactic that few animals were capable of going against without the proper powers. But this doesn't mean that assassins are weak in close to close combat. Killua uses his small size and speed to easily take advantage over others that are much larger than he is. Attacking sensitive areas that most animals wouldn't even think to target, and coming up with strategies in the middle of a fight at the same time. The assassin had been trained to deal with every sort of scenario. The only creature that was remotely close to making him frightened was someone that was trained like him and belonged to the same bloodline. Fighting against his brother, whether it was him or someone else, was a complete death sentence that no one could get around. Killua also had the advantage that he was just an apprentice. Which was somewhat hard to tell considering the size of his species already, unless other animals knew how old he should be at a certain age for that matter. What could a child possibly do? Considering how lethal he was to the groups, most would think that they would try and keep him far away as possible. But they didn't take something into consideration. He was an amazing liar.

What kind of assassin would he be if he wasn't aware of his surroundings? Killua was somewhat lucky for the body that he was currently residing in at the moment. Serval's were an interesting species, their massive ears on their head having extremely acute hearing to the point that he would be able to hear something moving underground. They were the second fast land animals underneath the cheetah and had speed on his side without using his powers to make him faster than he ever should. He knew that he was being tailed. Having been tailed by those that were trying to kill him several times before, he had experience in that regard. He wasn't an idiot despite his age. He had more experience than most mass murderers and those that loved violence could ever have in a short amount of time. Sure he wasn't completely healed when it came to his scars, but he was more than capable of taking on those that were cocky toward him. It was actually hilarious to always watch the faces of those that thought they had an upper hand when they realized that they were probably going to be killed. Killua didn't always have mercy compared to those that he went around with. He could easily slaughter those right now that got on his nerves too much, thanks to his current mental state, which wasn't all that strong. It was only a matter of time before the creature that had been watching him made their appearance. Killua obviously wasn't really here to start any sort of trouble, and he wasn't here being an assassin. He was here as a curious kid to see what the clans were like. Was that some sort of crime? He didn't care as long as he got some form of entertainment to keep himself busy in the meantime. Killua finally angled his ears toward the voice that was coming from above him. The wildcat didn't seem to react other than his ears as he didn't really care about the person that was talking above him. He was more interested in those that were above him. It did, however, sound like this guy was going to be a killjoy like the rest of them, causing pressure to build in Killua's chest as he kept his urges down to a minimum. His body language remained completely relaxed, showing that he wasn't really a threat. But his body was ready to react at a moments notice if he had to take someone out. "Why is there always that one guy that has to ruin the fun for everyone."Killua stated with an annoyed huff. Not even bothering to look up toward Beck, as a means of disrespect. Something that he did often when it came to dealing with the Snowbound as well. He flicked his short tail as he put his chocolate down on the branch that he was on. Opening his jaws, Killua let out a low yawn, smacking his lips before answering the others rant that didn't mean anything to the young assassin. "Trespassing? I think you may think too highly of yourself there. I'm not on your land. I'm well behind the border if you look down at your own territory. But since you guys are new you might not be able to figure out where your group stands. So no, I'm not trespassing and so they have no reason to try and kill me. I'd much rather have a nice chat with them than you that's for sure." Killua spoke in a nonchalant tone. This was how all of the personalities he met with the clans that were all about war previous when he was deputy too. So he was going to guess that this was one of those types of clans. That was a pity, he was just starting to have some fun for once. Reaching into his box again, he would grab another piece of chocolate sticking it into his mouth, chewing it slowly. He could catch the other's stare, but he wasn't going to give the other the benefit of the doubt by looking back. He knew how to deal with these kinds of personality. "Who says that you are the one that gets to force me to do something? You got no authority here in loner lands. The only way I found this place was asking a rogue if there were any groups that lived around here." Killua stated with a shrug of his shoulders. Killua wasn't about to state his name. That would give everyone a red flag. If any of them was capable of speaking Japanese, they would literally be able to define his name as being "Killer". "Maybe you should take some chocolate. It'll get that rock that's shoved way up your ass." Killua couldn't help but let himself put on a smirk, but yet he still didn't look back. His ears were angled in the others direction, in case he really did want to start a fight. Which if he did, he would certainly mock him the entire time. Killua always believed himself to be stronger than groups like this. Did they even the have the means to take someone like him on? Probably not, he was a Zoldyck after all.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17:

Re: ITS ALREADY OVER | {OPEN, VISITOR?} - beck. - 04-01-2018

    He was a filthy hypocrite. Loathing Killua's coworkers and spitting at their self-entitled feet because they prided themselves to be so much better than sloppy murderers. Maybe they were and he was wrong; at the end of the day, a life would still be stolen away and with only one person responsible. Or in Beck's vindictive memory, multiple. Multiple bowstrings had been the ones to let loose arrows even if only one met its mark, multiple boots had been kicked into his ribcage and a face shielded with bloodied palms, multiple hands had bruised and pinned his thrashing form beneath the rivers surface, and multiple faces sneered in his fading vision at their success. He was the victim, yet that didn't excuse the multiple throats torn and multiple families either slaughtered or traumatized in the name of his forgotten justice. Even before the street urchin was executed, he could have been labelled as a killer too, despite it lacking a foreign name. His first kill was an accident, or he desperately wanted to believe it was. Beck couldn't remember the instigating factor -- but he could remember staring up at a dead-end alley with overheated panting fluttering in his shallow chest. The clink of metal armor was close on his heels, and he almost scaled the wall cornering him right next to his assumed untimely demise. If it weren't for a gloved hand yanking the boy off the wall by his tunic's collar and flinging him to the dirt path. Distorted memories told him that he was swift to recover despite the ugly bruises that would darken afterwards, stumbling backwards and away from a looming figure until his back was pinned against the brick wall. A blade was drawn from its sheath, glinting in the plain sunlight of day, and adrenaline forced him to not accept an end to his lowly existence just yet. He lashed out right as the sword swung at his head, kicking at the guard's shin with shuddering force that knocked him off balance and saved his head. The sword's tip grazed his ear and cheek, but he could hardly sense the stinging pain and sticky warm blood gushing down the left side of his face. No, all he could focus on was survival. Kill or be killed, right? His bandaged-wrapped hand found its way to a nearby brick separate from its brothers on the wall, or perhaps it was a heavy stone. Before the guard could push himself off the ground, the scrawny street rat was on him, kneeling on his chest as the brick was raised above his head. Unfortunately, no amount of time could erase from his mind what happened next. He wasn't quite sure which was worse: the sickening crunch of metal and flesh and eventually bone against the brick's surface or the bloody pulp the man's face was beaten into. Unrecognizable and a crimson mess of shredded tissue with shards of bones and teeth poking out from odd places. Beck could still see a filmy eye staring up at him, almost pleadingly, before a few more blunt impacts deformed the face from an actual skull into a lumpy puddle. The man was long-dead by the time Beck's frenzy ebbed off into a twitchy numbness. He sat back staring beyond the corpse for a while, hugging scraped knees to his redstained chest and rocking hypnotically. There was silence for a while until the birds began to chirp again, and bloodthirsty flies buzzed around them both. Swatting away the insects from the dying scarlet ooze painting his entire front, the only fresh blood now was trickling from a clean cut through his ear's cartilage and a thin laceration marring his freckle cheek. He finally moved after an eternity, not an ounce of guilt or disgust twisting his guts into guilty knots. Instead, he merely patted down the body looking for supplies, rifling through pockets and turning up nothing helpful but an untouched dagger. Slicing it from its sheath with the guard's own sword, Beck admired the weapon for a heartbeat before wrenching the guard's belt off and tying it around his comically smaller waist. Tucking the dagger into a new sheath, the boy didn't look back at the man as he resumed his escape.

    Getting away with manslaughter was a difficult task, as he quickly found at. While evading capture, he failed to keep the sin a secret for long, and bounties were placed on his young head. The last few years of his life were not spent only struggling to steal enough for himself to survive, but now people of all backgrounds wanted him for themselves. He bet they would fight nail and tooth just to turn him over to the authorities, pulling at his arms and legs in a greedy tug-o-war. While he could handle citizens making the brave move to grab at him and the occasional guard get-away, there were others: bounty hunters and assassins. The most memorable encounter went over smoothly, with Beck in an impromptu armlock hoisting him off his feet and leaving him wriggling like a fish on a hook. A tightening grip was locked around his wrist, and after his kicking and shrill yelling didn't work, the boy twisted his wrist in a single jerk, with a snap of joint bones sending a wave of pain up his entire arm. The desperate motion had enough force behind it to wrench himself from their clutches, and he managed to escape once more with only a broken wrist bent at an askew angle. Fun memories of fun times. Killua would be able to hear incorrectly-healed bones click together from the exact same wrist as the poltergeist shifted his weight on the branch, glowering down at the brat as he spoke through a mouthful of chocolate. He had enough close encounters to know how assassins functioned -- they assumed attack and were trained to avoid them. Even as Beck studied the albino serval from above with a burning glare, he sharply snorted back, "You're no fun yourself, ya know. Who wants to just sit and chat? An old lady knitting club. Betcha use those fancy-shmancy claws of yours to knit." So what if he wasn't technically within territory? He was still communicating with his members and Beck had a right to protect them from outside threats. "Why ya hidin' your scent then? If you were just here to 'chat', ya wouldn't have to hide yourself. I have every damn right to be suspicious of a stranger, clearly hiding their identity matter-o'-fact, with weapons for hands tryna poison my members with stupid-ass chocolate!" Beck's grating voice rose broke into a shrill hiss, yet he didn't make a move on Killua. That would be expected. Killua was expecting an attack, obvious by the way he was listening for Beck's movements, and Beck wouldn't give him the satisfaction of egging him onto a fight. Licking away chemical drool from his disfigured lips, the boy mumbled in response to the last insult, "Maybe I will if ya get off your high horse." His thoughts were preoccupied with worming around the predictable barrier of action at this point, glancing down at Belladonna and the travelling leopard with a concerned glance.

    The worse type of lightbulb went off in his deranged brain; the only thing that Killua wouldn't be prepared to defend himself from would be an act of love or romance, like he had seen in the movies. A kiss. Yuck, God no. Yet he couldn't brainstorm any better option that wouldn't end with the bystanders being hurt or Beck actively starting a fight. Well, it wasn't like it would be his first kiss. Besides, he had done stranger things to get out of difficult situations -- including murder. This option was far better than spilling blood on his border that he would have to clean up later. Instead of tackling Killua out of the tree like originally planned, Beck wobbled forward and dropped down in front of him, scarred features twisted with an unreadable grimace. Before Killua could question anything, Beck lurched forward and aimed to plant clammy, bloodless lips right smack dab on top of the serval's, wrapping his claws around the other's head to prevent him from escaping. It tasted like chocolate. Gross, gross, gross. He was going to chug cleaning chemicals again now. After agonizing seconds, seconds way longer than necessary, the boy recoiled with a gag and a smirk at the same time. He watched for any reaction, preferably for the serval to turn tail and retreat in disgust, but at least he had proved a point. The point that Beck was outright insane enough to kiss a hostile stranger just to chase him away.

/ fight me sorrel (ง'̀-'́)ง i had to go into past flashback to compete with you hAH



Killua knew that no matter how far he would end up running, there would always be some sort of animal that was looking to get their paws on some riches if they caught him by surprise. He was a Zoldyck, and unless he was disowned by his family then he would forever remain a Zoldyck. There was also always a chance that he could return to the family business if something didn't end up going his way. Which had been what his father had planned on for the very beginning. His father didn't like the idea of Killua being outside doing whatever the hell he wanted instead of focusing on being a better assassin than his father in the end. His father wanted what was the best for not only him but also for the rest of the family on top of everything else. The wildcat didn't care what his father thought, as he wanted to do the opposite of whatever his family wanted. He didn't want to inherit the damn family business that would have him doing the same thing over and over again over the course of his life. Serval's didn't exactly die at young ages, and they could live up to twenty years, but he also had different bodies that he could shapeshift himself into if he wanted to keep himself living for a longer time. His father was the main brains of the Zoldyck family, and he knew that the way Killua was he was going to end up returning home sooner or later. Killua didn't think he was going to end up returning but he knew that his family were important assets. Something to be bargained for when he was in a pinch, or if he needed them to do something for him. Would he hire someone in his own family? Sometimes that was the case with his family, as everything was business. They didn't care for one another, and if it did seem like they were trying to take care of one another it was for their own benefit and nothing else. Which was how he had been raised by his parents constantly smothering him with everything that he wanted. But constantly drifting his train of thought only to the family and to the job that he was currently dealing with. He had no right to think of anything else out of consideration that he was going to be the heir and they expected him to do everything that they wanted without arguing.

When he was just a kitten he did exactly that just because he didn't know any better. But he soon realized exactly what he had been missing by not going out and exploring more of the world that was around him. Killua greatly respected his father and believed that whatever the dragon said he was true. But the other didn't know everything that he wanted, or what Killua wanted in life for that matter. The other did end up letting him go, without following himself. Killua knew that once his father started to go after him that he didn't have any sort of hope running away from the dragon. If others considered him to be strong, then his father Silva was on an entirely different level than he was at the moment. Sure if he spent the rest of his life training like his father most likely did himself, then he could surpass his father too. But he didn't want to do that. He would be satisfied with his father being the head of the family for the rest of his life. There were only three members of the family that were capable of taking the likes of him on. That being his grandfather, his father, and his older brother Illumi. The rest were weak where he didn't even have to use his powers to completely take them out of commission. Which had been what he did with his older brother Milluki when he stabbed him in the side right before he left the castle. The bastard deserved it for the way he treated him when he was only a kit. Leaving him to die after he ended up getting bit by a snake. Killua wasn't used to receiving any form of affection, and if he did it was in a passive-aggressive form on top of everything else. Usually, it would be from his older brother Illumi, who would pat him on the head, but that was the extent. Any type of physical contact that he got from other animals were usually the violent type, so he refused to stay close to others, his muscle memory acting on its own as it was just always anticipating to be some kind of pain here and there. The assassin never had a hug once in his life, well, maybe once while he was a kit. Either way, if someone had approached him with a hug nowadays, he probably would immediately refuse. Not only because his skin usually remained fairly cold thanks to his air elementals that were constantly on. Then it also came into the factor of the large scars that covered his body that were hidden underneath his white fur. As soon as someone touched him, they would feel raised portions of skin where the scar tissue had formed since he lived in that damned castle. He hated answering questions about his past because he knew exactly what kind of reactions he would end up getting. Clanners were predictable in every way shape and form. Having studied them for a majority of his life, he began to realize why his brother had considered the clans to be full of nothing but barbarians. His brother somewhat correct on the way that the clans just continued to have endless wars with one another because someone looked at them wrong or hurt their feelings. Killua believed even something like that was quite childish in his mind and something quick to get over. Although, he was still a child and if someone was to get on his nerves he would be pretty upset too. Would he involve others in his grudge though? Course not. He would just simply handle it himself. He didn't trust anyone to do the dirty work that he could do all that more efficiently. Killua was quick to notice the domestic cats hesitation after studying him for a couple seconds. Oh? Did the other realize what he was that quickly? It didn't matter considering the fact that they wouldn't be able to trace or track him anywhere as there would be no traces left behind for them to find for a while. Unless he wanted to make his presence known, which could definitely happen in that regard. The other's glare did nothing from him. Killua had received plenty of glares over his childhood of those that he tortured for information.

He was known for pushing the buttons of those that he came across. Some went along with his mocking, while others simply got pissed off for the way that they were talking. The young male paid close attention the strange noises that were coming from the other's body. He had heard that noise before and it certainly wasn't good all things considered. At the other speaking, Killua couldn't help but roll his eyes a little bit at the Tanglewood member. "Oh? And what you rather do? Lemme guess you'd be the type to go out and pillage a village for shits and giggles. What's wrong with trying to get to know others? You're acting as if it was a crime." Killua would let out almost a childish giggle as if he could see the smaller creature running through the forest screaming a battle cry. The thought honestly sounded hilarious to himself, so he couldn't help but give out a short chuckle from the others. He raised one of his paws at the mention of his claws. He knew what knitting now was thanks to Jacob, but other than that he had no idea how to even knit, so the other was out of luck. "Knitting? Nah. But if you wanted I could show you what these clans can do." His voice wasn't threatening when he talked. Instead, he was actually quite calm as he spoke looking at his paw. It made no difference to him whether or not the other would end up taking what he said as a threat anyway. It was obvious that no matter whatever the hell he said as the other was going to find any sort of reason to be pissed off at him anyway. A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as the others arguing was just starting to annoy the serval at this point. Were clans still this clueless as to one would hide their presence in the first place? He obviously had stated that he wasn't from around here, and that meat he probably wouldn't have the scent of any of the groups nearby either. "You think I'm that much of an idiot? Obviously because of the fact that there are groups like you that are out here that even if I look at you the wrong way you'll probably send a patrol or something running out of me because I hurt your itty bitty feelings. Precautions. I'm not about to have my ass chewed and would like to see another day. And I wasn't going to plan on giving them any chocolate if they were just going to end up getting sick from it! The area I'm from around it seems like everyone is healthy eating as much chocolate as they carried, which is why I asked before I even gave them any." Killua made sure to make his point clear when he spoke. Did the other think he was that dense? Killua always came to a situation that was prepared. A chuckle escaped the other's jaws as the other had agreed that he did have a stick up his ass. Good to know that the other didn't know how to calm himself down and have a good time. Although Killua was a hypocrite in the matter that he constantly had to keep himself busy and didn't know when to stop himself. "High horse? Not really. I'm just stating a logical fact here while you try to come up with a reason as to why I shouldn't be here, on the land that no one owns." Killua stated calmly as he raised one of his paws and took out another piece of chocolate. Throwing it into his mouth without a care in the world. He had a reason not to care after all.

He doubted the other would really be able to do that much to him, especially with the powers that he had in the first place. The wildcat ears twitched as he heard the other start to move. The box of chocolates seemed to disappear completely as he got up onto his paws to meet the challenge that he knew was bound to be coming. He now had a smirk on his face as he was expecting the other to actually fight him right about now since they were standing on the same branch. "Now just so you know-" Killua's voice was immediately cut off. He had begun to raise his paw in a means of dramatic effect before he would end up landing the first hit. The last thing he had expected was for his lips to suddenly smash against the others. A yowl of protest escaped his jaws as he did manage to taste the liquid that was inside of Beck's mouth. It was horrid. It was almost to the extent of having the different kind of chemicals poured down his throat during his training. The assassin had a couple of options on how to get rid of this situation. He could just simply teleport away and that would be the end of that. However, if he went that route it meant the bastard would end up knowing one of his powers. Which he couldn't allow that to happen either. He could try and push the other away or just try to kill him for doing so. But he wasn't supposed to kill anyone anymore. He was supposed to be the good guy here and this guy had to come and ruin it. Using any of his powers were out of the question, and if he were to attack at this range it would probably kill him. By the time that Killua had been done thinking about his plan, the kiss ended as soon as it began. Killua immediately jumped to an adjacent branch, further away from Tanglewood territory. Gagging could be heard as he bent over, coughing at whatever the hell that was. The strange colored liquid that had come out of the ghost's mouth dripped own the sound of his mouth. Which he raised one of his paws to quickly wipe away. He had just been kissed. What even was going on? What the hell had really just happened? Killua coughed and kept himself from vomiting, before it turned into a growl, his brattish facade immediately gone as he sunk his claws into the branch he was on. "The hell was that for? That's disgusting!" Killua snarled back toward the Tanglewood leader, wiping his tongue along his forearm trying to get the damned taste out of his mouth. He didn't leave though. He wanted an answer.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:


Beck had kissed a stranger, a trespasser. Hell, if she had known that they could get that friendly with intruders then she would have done it sooner even if she realistically wouldn't do that. The jaguaress walked over with a non-existent eyebrow raised as she stood next to Belladonna watching the interaction between Beck and the white serval. The other had a nice coat though not like hers admittedly, she would take a seat tilting her head to the side with a bit of confusion only to stifle a laugh but in it's place came out a snort. Ew. She hated when she ended up snorting when she didn't want to laugh in possible serious situations, she cleared her throat only to say to Beck with a mischievous grin "Nice kissing, Beck. I never knew we could get that friendly with a trespasser though," Her tail would flick to the sides as her tongue swiped across her lips lazily only to add cheekily "A French kiss would have definitely sent him running." Her tone was suggestive yet playful and teasing, she would never suggest adult things to children and well, she preferred to tease them a lot. Without much of another comment, she crept up one of the nearby trees and lazily stretched out upon the branch with her smile still tugging at her lips and soon a large python appeared from the leaves of the tree. The large reptile's forked tongue flickered out in curiosity and confusion since it didn't pick up any distinct scents from the ivory servalline, it briefly frustrated the serpent as he weaved through the branches narrowing its eyes for a moment.

She supposed either Beck would chase him off or all of them, she didn't possess that many powers but she hoped some of them would assist her even if she hated the thought of attacking a child even if they were apprentice aged. If she wanted to she could be everyone's mom here since she was quite old, sure, she physically appeared like any other three year old jaguaress but that was a secret of hers. She was not an ordinary jaguaress. She had disappeared from the branch where she had lazily laid and was back next to Bella with her curved ears twitching "Beck, you planning to go on a playdate with your little friend or are we gonna chase em out?" Or try to, she never underestimated her opponents. She let out a soft breath as her snake rolled out of the tree and onto her body coiling loosely around her and all she could do is smile. Something about Amunet was secretive and mysterious.



Any sort of physical contact was a no-go when it came to the albino serval. He had been trained not to really let others that close to him because if they did, he would have less of a reaction time to be able to get out of the way. Besides, he wasn't really the type to really trust anyone that simply just appeared out of nowhere and wanted to get close to him. There were some animals that he wouldn't mind that happening with, such as those that were smaller and younger than he was. He usually had some form of trust when it came to dealing with those that were around his name age. Killua wasn't sure why that was the case. Maybe it was because he realized that those that were around his age in the clans didn't have that much skill as he did and he wouldn't have to worry about taking them out because they would be weaker than him anyway. And there was a chance that those around his age would be able to relate somewhat to what he was going through. Everyone in their younger years had the same phases that he was going through, except Killua's was a bit more amplified thanks to the mind control that he constantly had in his head. Not that Killua would know this, but it was a side effect of some of his mood swings here and there. The young male didn't trust adults, because all of them seemed to be the same. His brother, father, mother, and grandfather had all been the ones to try and create him to who he wanted to be. They wanted him to be the weapon that they wanted and probably could never be for them. If he had stayed with his family now, and instead of going to the clans, he would have reacted a lot differently to the groups that he was going to visit. In fact, he probably would have slaughtered Beck just for looking at him at the wrong way, as he wasn't one to be looked down at or even mocked in the slightest. He would have been an amazing killing, as he knew now he would be capable of taking out several animals at once if he really wanted to. Either way, adults weren't the type to be trusted. He was just a child and that meant most of them would look at him in regard that they would try and manipulate him. Parents knew best after all. Killua called bullshit on all of that because not every parent could make their own decisions for their children. Killua had been used to being manipulated, and the only way he had realized what was happening to him was getting out and being able to observe those that weren't part of his mission. Those that were living out their life without any issues that could have happened to them. That everything was going to be okay and that they would just have to live to see the next day. Killua often envied those that he encountered, as most creatures had a set goal in their life. Killua knew that he probably didn't belong in the likes of a clan, but he was trying. God he was trying. The assassin wanted so badly to have what the clans had, but he didn't want to completely stoop to their level either. He still wanted to have the freedom that he always had, not wanting to be tied down. Hence the reason why he constantly visited places to see what they were all about. Which he had done in the previous clan he had lived in, and in the end he ended up spending most of his time in the group that he wasn't even a member of. He probably could have dual allianced, but by do something like that when he could just go and do what he pleased without getting into the clan politics of that clan specifically? For now though, he doubted that he would be coming back to Tanglewood to see what they were about as the others had certainly made an impression on him. He would have much rather death with those that were on the ground rather than Beck himself. Although, he would probably just end up coming back to spite the other so that he could just piss him off. It would be hilarious in his mind, but it could also mean that the other would end up holding a grudge and try to get rid of him. Killua would have liked to see the other try. The albino serval was able to pick up small movements that were coming toward the location where they were all gathered at this point. He was still whipping his tongue across his arm, trying to get whatever the hell the liquid he ingested out.

He was going to have to eat so much candy after that. Speaking of with, he put his tongue back in his mouth as he simply opened his mouth and conjured up a lollipop in his mouth. Now, that was better. His sapphire blue gaze turned toward the female that was walking toward him. Considering the sound of her pawsteps, Killua knew that she was going to be a lot larger than those that were currently gathered. The jaguar dwarfed the serval. Not like it would really matter all that much unless he wanted to fight her. That wasn't why the young male immediately became perplexed by the jaguar. It was with the way that she looked. He had barely registered her words or really the other's teasing. If he had, he probably would have argued the idea of french kissing him and probably would have bit off anyone's tongue if they had tried. The thought was just disgusting to him. His jaw was slightly agape as he watched her move up into a tree. He knew that genetic mutation. He was a genetic mutation himself thanks to his albinism. Although it probably wasn't true albinism as he didn't have the red eyes that most animals would have if they did. The aggression seemed to disappear from him completely at this newfound interest. She was a mosaic. It was when the different parts of a chromosome decided to show themselves in almost a separate pattern. They were often called chimeras, wherein development the embryo would fuse with the sibling that was also in the womb. Creating a pattern that was right down the middle. He didn't even remotely care about the jewelry that the female had, or that she even talked about driving him off. The wildcat noticed the branch that she was on, and using his long limbs, he would leap himself to an adjacent branch, the same height as her but at least four feet apart from each other. A genuine grin spread across his facial features as his body language showed that he was actually excited about something. "Whoa!" Killua would state first, which he would have said while climbing his way up to the same height of the jaguar. Killua obviously made sure that he was on his side of the border and instead of the Tanglewood's side. "You're a mosaic! That's like incredibly rare you know. I've only seen one other mosaic before. What's it like? Do you see slightly different colors in each eye because of your genetic makeup being split down the middle?" Now, the assassin simply sounded like a curious child. Killua had been the one to travel a lot during his jobs, and he had managed to see one mosaic. He had been so interested in the color mutation that he had done some digger and figure out what it actually consisted of. Although there was a chance that she could also be a chimera considering that the color change was all the way throughout her body and just not her face. Killua would stick with mosaic now unless the other knew her condition and corrected him.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: