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the moon rises | nocturne's tags + storage - Printable Version

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the moon rises | nocturne's tags + storage - madster - 03-11-2018

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FULL NAME nocturne
-nicknames noct, leo
-name meaning nocturne is latin for nightly.
SEX cis male
-gender male
AGE 13 months
-mental age 13 months
-birthday 2/11
-zodiac aquarius
-romantic orientation homoflexible
ALLIANCE tanglewood
-rank tba

SUMMARY nocturne is a nihilistic and cynical creature and does not rely on his emotions to make decisions. due to past traumas, he trusts very few and is isolated socially.
- extended nocturne has a bleak outlook on life- it is nature that nobody cares about anybody else and it is not his place to form connections. he is only interested in himself and himself alone. despite being part of a clan, he has very little loyalty to tanglewood and would not hesitate to do things against the clan's interest if it was good for him. he is an intellectual although too smart for his own good as he over-analyzes all situations, causing him to overreact and break down any connections he does make. he is terrified of emotional intimacy and wants nobody to see the real, suffering him. he is very smart but not smart enough to see his own outlook and personality are making him depressed and slowly drowning him in isolation.

his only escape to forget his pain is his only hobby, witchcraft. he is extremely good at it, although he doubts himself. he is able to read fortunes, predict the future, and cast charms and hexes. it is the only thing that makes him feel good about himself and sometimes will force him out of his home. to hide his real suffering, the only thing he reveals to other people is his hobby, so he defines himself as the witch instead of the depressed loser.
alignment lawful neutral
-myer-briggs type intp
hogwarts house slytherin

SUMMARY - nocturne awoke with a head injury and made his way to the closest clan, tanglewood, and joined in order to receive food and shelter.


wow a WIP

Re: the moon rises | noctis' tags + storage - madster - 03-14-2018

by madster (me) - feline form:
by madster (me) - human form:
by madster (me) - human form ref: