Beasts of Beyond
do people even make plot threads anymore? - Printable Version

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do people even make plot threads anymore? - cyantist - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]Yeeah, I don't know whether do but, Felix needs some interactions boys so I can dig up my muse from the clutches of FFXIV which holds it. Felix is a adult white wolf with a lot of scars, both physically and mentally. He has some real anger issues and never heard about the fact that an eye for an eye is bad for him. He hates vampires with passion, and is ready to fight them 24/7 despite also being one. He also shares his head and body with a demon called Orthax. Orthax is scary but he only talks to Felix at the moment.

There is more information about him in the tags which are in my signature. I'm going to add his backstory shortly, so look forward to that pain train i guess?

Re: do people even make plot threads anymore? - Cheeters - 07-17-2018

gASPS i would love pinch to meet another angsty boi, maybe they could have a thread together?? pinch isn't possessed by a demon, his mind is just filled with voices that speak a language he doesn't know almost every day owo

Re: do people even make plot threads anymore? - calypso - 07-18-2018

cal and felix thread?? they could meet for the first time and he could be angerry and she could notice that and invite him to spar or something??? calypso also has a lot of scars but she doesnt mind them so he could even ask her about those

Re: do people even make plot threads anymore? - cyantist - 07-18-2018

[member=64]Cheeters[/member] - yessssss, tbf, felix doesn't like to talk about or admit that he has Orthax in his head bc what do you mean he's making bad decisions??? he's never heard of such a thing?????
idk about how to start though

[member=1412]calypso[/member] - felix finding healthy ways to vent anger would be so good, the boy has no coping mechanisms that are remotely good for him.
the sparring would be interesting bc he's not actually that good of a fighter? he's pretty poor in all honesty.

Re: do people even make plot threads anymore? - Cheeters - 07-18-2018

[member=1499]FELIX B.[/member] OOO yes, maybe they can start off with just felix in the tavern chilling with a drink or something like that?? 00:

Re: do people even make plot threads anymore? - arcy - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt;"]∞ — sunbeam nd felix could have a thread!! they could have like,, a love-hate sort of relationship. frenemies. he'd p get on sun's nerves yknow ahgsdjfasd. but also they could probably bond over having to share their headspace idk idk how to get them to that point to talk abt it tho hah

Re: do people even make plot threads anymore? - cyantist - 07-19-2018

[member=64]Cheeters[/member] - the chilling thing seems like a good start to me!!
i can make tomorrow, i got work tonight so i can't do it then
well i could but like,,, meh

[member=1308]sunbeam[/member] - uhh, there's a thread with Felix being taken over by Orthax after the hazing ritual in which Sun would learn about Orthax's existence if you'd like to try that. also frenemies would be great, i am 100% down for that