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Compliment the person above you/meet and greet! - Printable Version

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Compliment the person above you/meet and greet! - vellichor - 07-17-2018

So I know these have been done before but I thought I’d mix doing a “compliment the person above you” thing and kinda a site meet and greet since there have been a lot of new members and I just thought it’d be fun?? So yeah!

I’m Apricity and I play Jacob in Typhoon, Cece in the Ascendents, and Eliora in Morgan Heights (human rp)! I’m in all sorts of fandoms (Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, the Selection, Marvel, Disney, Parks & Rec, The Office, and lots of others lol). I listen to a lot of musicals as well but that’s a whole other list of fandoms so I won’t get into it lol. I’m always open for plotting so never be scared to just pop in my dms to talk about plots or just whatever!

Re: Compliment the person above you/meet and greet! - vvintersoldier - 07-17-2018

eeep i love these!!

Ahhhh Apricity you're absolutely amazing!! You are so, so talented, and so sweet- you're always so kind and friendly, and your writing is fantastic!! I love how you developed Jacob, it's been so cool to watch him grow from a little puppy to what he is now!! I'm so grateful to have you as one of my close friends, love you so much!! <33

I'm Sky!! I'm currently a moderator here on BoB and I roleplay in Ascendants with Roy Mustang! Some of my favorite hobbies happen to be writing and drawing. As for favorite fandoms, some of my absolute favorites are: FMAB, Marvel, Harry Potter, Disney, Pokemon, and more! My dm's are always open, feel free to message me if you have any questions if you want to plot!! you can contact me here on site or on discord at: vvintersoldier#1710

Re: Compliment the person above you/meet and greet! - aureate - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]This is a wonderful idea aslkfj.

To start off with my description, I'm Rev! I'm on this site casually, or I'm SUPPOSED to be it's not quite working out like that and I play Courier Six / Val and Lazarus right now. I've been roleplaying for about seven years now, almost eight, on various sites. It's kind of hard to sum up my interests, I'm in a lot lmao. Fallout, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age are video games I hold close to my heart. I used to really be into Marvel and DC comics, but both have fallen out of favor with me lately. Like I said, I'm supposed to be on this site casually lmfao but I'm always up for chatting or plotting through PM here, and my other contacts are in my signature!

Sky! It's been a long time since I've seen you around, but you're still such a wonderful and welcoming person. You're a great presence OOC and I love your writing. I haven't been around in the Ascendants much yet, but I can't wait to see your character.

Re: Compliment the person above you/meet and greet! - tricky - 07-17-2018

ksaldhfjkh i'm sorry i don't know you very well yet, but can i tell you again how amazing i think courier's tags are??? like, blew me away with creativity and quality, which is also in your writing. i can't wait to see you around more!! i just think you'd be an awesome person to know better aaaa

well i'm tricky, and i've got two boys, becky the ghost bitch in tanglewood and raygun my lil glass animals tribute, whos on hiatus because i can't seem to find a place for him. uhhh i like horror movies, favorites being slashers, and i'm the mascot of the joint. always open to plots (in fact, im begging for them please donate)

Re: Compliment the person above you/meet and greet! - galexiux - 07-17-2018



Hi I'm Galexiux the void triangle. I'm known mostly for having a million triangle characters I only have 2. I'm honestly better at story telling and world developing than rping but im doing my best. I draw and animate pixels.

Re: Compliment the person above you/meet and greet! - vellichor - 07-18-2018

Aaa gale!! I haven't been able to rp with you a bunch lately but I absolutely love all the work you put into all your characters, especially Cry! You always make totally unique ideas and I honestly adore seeing them. I'm so happy I got to meet you on BoB and I hope we can rp together again sometime!