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bad girlfriend - open / joining - Printable Version

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bad girlfriend - open / joining - deimos - 07-17-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]tw for mentions of abusive relationship

It was almost a repeat of her previous life. Wandering about a jungle, her abuser's shadow hanging over her. She didn't care for her hierarchy, sitting as a heir to her father's pride. Her eyes flickered about where she wandered, her massive paws brushing the ground as she stepped about roots, ears perked, haunches moving by muscle memory- she didn't care for where she walked, dazed in her thoughts. Her mismatched eyes opened wide as she stopped, one paw half raised in question. A railroad path broached her attention, smooth metal underfoot as she touched it. She looked down the line, narrowing her eyes out at the island. Her ears twitched, and a smirk broached her face. "Surely this piece of pretty land is owned." She uttered to herself, before following the path to the crashed train.

She approached the wreckage, her mismatched eyes scanning the wreck before pinning on the sign. She looked about. Could this have been what the old bird spoke of? A land of blood, a land of war? It was almost too damn pretty. Deldrach snorted, her tail flicking behind her as she made deeper into the territory, uncaring if her large body was seen as she passed through the isle's jungle. Thinking back to her father's pride, she remembered why she escaped. A forced marriage, then a forced pregnancy? She was to be treated as a queen, as the lioness- but he.. he had treated her like a breeding slave. A snarl ripped from her jaw's, Deldrach swinging to slash open the bark of a tree.

Her front half leapt up, both sets of claws digging into the wood. She tore free, ripping bark with her as she came back to the spongy ground. She settled down, picking bark from between her claws. It wasn't worth getting angry over, she reflected as she finished cleaning her claws. He was long gone, long dead, and she had fought her way to victory before disowning herself from that family and leaving for good.

Here she was, lost in a jungle that anyone- or as the old bird had said, murderers- could surround her in.

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - Character Graveyard. - 07-17-2018

Vanessa hadn't thought about Wade for a few days now. She had pushed the sweet memories of them together to the back of her head and just forgot about him. The best thing she could do for herself, was find someone else she was interested in for now.

The she-wolf had been patrolling when she had caught sight of Deldrach ripping bark from a tree with her front claws. A frown on her delicate features, Vanessa would walk over and question. "Name and business? You're on The Typhoon's territory?"

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - deimos - 07-17-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]sorry for sudden aesthetic change! im coming back after a long hiatus and got impatient

Her eyes flicked up as she watched the she-wolf pad closer. She rose, stretching her luxurious form, a gentle smirk touching her jowls. "Deldrach. I'm here to join this little.. establishment." She tail, her tail flicking in the pause. "Typhoon.. What an interesting name." She then sat, both eyes trained on Vanessa like lazers, searing into her. Her gaze, at least, was unwavering. "Now, simple enough, an eye for an eye. Your name?" She tilted her head, her tone not disrespectful but rather.. authoritative.

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - Character Graveyard. - 07-17-2018

Vanessa would calmly watch as Deldrach stretched her elegant form. Wow. Wasn't she just a gem? She found herself looking in the other's heterochromia eyes before snapping back into reality. Vanessa wasn't trying to flirt- she was just admiring the other's looks.

"Nice to meet you, Deldrach." She said, before introducing herself. "Name's Vanessa or Nessa, either is fine with me. Would you like a tour or do you wish to explore on your own?"

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - cyantist - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]Oh, he knows this type of woman. Or rather, he thinks he does. He's dealt with ladies and princesses and all sorts of noble folk in his time as one of Whitestone's many heirs. Poised, in control and in command, she holds herself much like he's seen ladies hold themselves when they know they have the upper hand. It reminds him of Delilah, and that makes him want to spit at her out of spite for just the mental connection he makes.

He refrains, managing to look at least somewhat welcoming. "Welcome to the Typhoon milady." He gives that as his welcome, not bothering to introduce himself. You didn't give your name unless a lady asked for it and odds on, she would not ask for his.

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - VANDAL R. - 07-17-2018

"You did a pretty good number on the tree there." From above the two females and one male, the voice pipes up with a cheerful little lilt, followed by neon-green eyes glowing brightly from within the forest canopy. The maned wolf wriggles a little bit until she's almost dangling upside down, her long and dexterous tail wrapped tightly around a branch to keep her from falling to the ground like she did when Vanessa first came about. She's not particularly the shy type, no, she loves seeing new faces after having been entombed in the bottom of the ocean for far too long - she doesn't have the time to be shy.

"Deldrach, huh? Vandal Roux. Quite charmed to meet you." She flashes them both an impish smile. Feeling a little daring, she unclasps her tail and lets herself slide off, righting herself just as she's about to hit a branch and letting her talons sink into the bark. When she stands again, much lower and closer to the trio, she's feeling pretty damn accomplished - and, okay, maybe she's being a bit of a show off, but it's not like it's easy for someone who's been frozen in time for a long time to remember how to act - well, act in any way that's not like how she's acting.

Not that there's anything wrong with this... is there? The mutated wolf's lips twist into a bit of a scowl, tasting bitter possibilities on her tongue, but she's quick to scoop them up and shove them into a cabinet somewhere in the far recesses of her mind. Dwelling on it won't help her, would it? "You know, i's kinda funny. I was around for this Roux here's joining," starts Vandal with a wave of her tail towards Vanessa, "but she knows the territory better than me. Hope you don't mind if I hop on, yeah?"

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - deimos - 07-17-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]It wasn't hard to notice Vanessa's lingering eyes on her form. Her head tilted. Was it that easy to slip into their ranks, that a stretch of her muscled form and the right person's head was dizzy, or was it just that loose of a way to accept someone? She sat down, her sword's sheath glimmering as she licked a paw. "Vanessa, I think, fits best, love." She looked up from her paw, then tilted her head. "I'll be quite alright exploring on my own- I was going to head to your camp first, of course, if you have one?" She finished speaking with a small smile, before the smile cleared away.

That was, of course, feeling the male enter the room. Her eyes seemed to storm over just a little. Deldrach wasn't afraid of men, but.. she had a problem with most of them. Especially the ones that think they control whoever they stand before. "Call me not 'milady', address me by name, and I'll treat you the same." She said, her tone.. wasn't dangerous, more alluring. "In which.. I'll be needing your name." She tilted her chin up, her heterochromic eyes flickering over him before she snapped her gaze up at the sound of the voice.

Deldrach watched for a moment, oddly silent. Perhaps the monologing and the strange actions of the maned wolf caught her surprise- which was surely not true. Was it? "The tree and I had a personal conversation, which involved the drawing of claws. Simple as that." She dismissed, looking down, before sighing to herself. Speaking seemed to be the which-way of this one, didn't it? Deldrach, keep your tongue bent. You're Queen of Akaodon no longer. She shook her head, closing her eyes tightly before opening them wide.

"A please, of course, Vandal Roux." Deldrach stood now, chuffing as she shook out her pelt and exhaled. Her eyes skipped her display of acrobatics, but it didn't miss the grim emotion that crossed the maned wolf's voice. She didn't bother to think of it, knowing it wasn't her business for a time yet. She was just joining these ranks, wouldn't that be correct? "I don't mind. I had a child I toted around for a time." The lioness, hulking in stature, replied to the maned wolf.

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - rochelle - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]The built form of the umber furred wolf appeared through the thick undergrowth of the forest. She watched the joiner with cautious eyes, amber irises trying to absorb as much as she could. Then, she swallowed, feeling this ... pounding of her heart in her chest. Oh, how Deldrach reminded her of her mother. It sent a chill down her spine. She didn't know how to define it, was it pride, an air of poise? Or was it the inability to pin them down that was ever so reminiscent of Rochelle's mother. To be so truly dynamic was the trait of a strong woman, though this one hit just too close for home.

What was she thinking? She needed to get herself together. The wolf stepped forward, dipping her head in greeting to the lioness. "Welcome, Deldrach. I'm Rochelle, it's a pleasure to meet you." She greeted carefully, calm and serene but storming inside. After a few moments of idly watching, humored by Vandal, then Vanessa, even more humored by Deldrach's response to Felix, she looked back in the direction she came. "Camp is back this way ..." She gestured with her tail behind her, stepping aside to show the path.

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - VANDAL R. - 07-17-2018

"And what a lovely conversation it was," comes the maned wolf's response, green eyes sparkling with mirth - the newcomer, she's quite interesting indeed, and there's an air of regal mystery shrouding her that Vandal would love to slowly peel back and discover. New things, hidden things excite her - not in the sexual sense, no - things that stimulate her mind and get her thinking draw her interest. Deldrach? Deldrach is definitely piquing her interest, she can feel it itching in the back of her head like an unspoken thought.

With the prospect of going back to camp (and offered by Rochelle, no less, Vandal must've died and gone to heaven), she nods her head enthusiastically and tucks her four wings closer to her body - tighter around her, although she isn't quite sure why. Eyes bright, she let's herself slip the last of the way down, landing softly on a mix of talons and claws before straightening up to her full height. She's tempted to say something dorky just to pick up the mood but decides they can all just walk in whatever companionable silence they can muster - if they can muster it.

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - cyantist - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]He hates the tone she takes. It's no fault of her own of course, but it still makes Felix angry that she sounds just like Delilah did, does. Of course, nobody else is that annoyed or irked by it, so he keeps his expression still at a forced even, so forced that it's almost obvious he's faking it.

"Felix Frederick Tarqin de Borel, third son of the Lord of Whitestone." He lists off all his names and his title, something he reminds himself isn't something that applies to him anymore. Whitestone does not belong to House Borel any longer, no matter how much he wishes it did. If it did, he wouldn't hate her and he wouldn't even be on this island for Pelor's sake. "Although just Felix will do."