Beasts of Beyond
In the quiet misty morning // open+OOC/IC meet and greet // MORGAN HEIGHTS - Printable Version

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In the quiet misty morning // open+OOC/IC meet and greet // MORGAN HEIGHTS - vellichor - 07-17-2018

THE MOON'S WATCHING OVER— It seemed to Eliora that there were an awful lot of new people coming in recently. Not only that, but she'd been feeling a little... disconnected. Unfortunately, that was something the woman was familiar with and she wanted it to be over immediately. She had spent too much of her life hiding and trying to be someone she wasn't. Now she was among people who accepted her for who and what she was. There was no reason at all that she should ever feel along again. So, she'd taken the responsibility of going to a local diner and requesting that dinner be served for anyone who came in that night, as well as whatever else they wanted. She had more than enough money to cover it and, besides, she was old friends with the owner so he gave her a discount on such large orders. She then made out invitations and had them posted all around the city, giving them out wherever she could. When the night came, she left her office with a soft sigh and made her way down the street with a gentle smile on her lips. By the time she came in, there were already a few locals in the shop so she made her way towards the center of them. There was no reason to wait for things to get started when so many were here already.

"Hello everyone, I'm so happy you all were able to come out tonight. Feel free to order as much as you like, everything is on me tonight. I just wanted to bring us all together in a more casual setting. Anyway, I was thinking we could all go around and introduce ourselves and three random facts. They can be as important or unimportant as you want," he paused for a moment before continuing, "I'll go ahead and start. My name is Eliora and I'm the Peony of Morgan Heights. I love dogs and I enjoy using natural magic," she concluded before looking around the room, wondering who would speak up next.

//Hi everyone! I'm Apricity and I play Eliora! I'm a huge fan of all sorts of fandoms across all sorts of media, including Harry Potter, Hunger Games, The Selection, BBC Merlin, Friends, The Office, Parks and Rec, the Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Assassins Creed, and many, many more! I'm always open to plotting so just feel free to shoot me a dm if you're ever interested in doing anything with Eliora! I also play Jacob and Cece in the animal rp on BoB!    —YOU AND YOUR DREAMS


Re: In the quiet misty morning // open+OOC/IC meet and greet // MORGAN HEIGHTS - Quill - 07-26-2018

If there was one thing Annie loved, it was food. More so, she loved the french toast from that local diner, which maybe she frequented just a bit too much. Just a bit. Okay, no, a lot. So when the announcement came that they were all gathering at said diner for a meet and greet, it was a win-win situation for Annie. On one hand: delicious food. On the other: she got to meet the faces that maybe she wasn't as familiar with. Of course, the idea of French Toast for dinner wasn't necessarily a common one but... they could deal with it.

As she entered into the diner behind her mother, she sat down with her in the booth as she began her long introduction, watching the way her lips formed the words as she spoke with a fond smile on her face. She was always attentive when others spoke, or at the very least she tried to be. Once her mother had finished her own introduction, she smiled and took the helm after a few moments pause of no one else doing so. "Hi, I'm Alianna- Annie! I'm Eliora's favorite daughter. I'm her only daughter, which makes me her favorite," her tone was clearly joking, but she still looked up to her mother with a grin for a moment before she kept going, lightly kicking her feet below the table. "I don't have a rank yet here, but I really really hope too one day! I've lived in Morgan Heights as long as I can remember, and I love painting and flowers and nature." As she spoke, her words would be followed by idle gestures of sign language, sometimes following her actual words, sometimes simply speaking with her hands in nonesense gestures. "I'm also half deaf on my right side, so if you try and come up to talk to me and I don't hear you, just maybe.. tap me on the shoulder or something." It was an odd thing to include in a meet and greet, but Annie perhaps found it to be necessary.

//Hi! I'm Quill, and I play Alianna here in Morgan Heights! I'm also quite fond of various fandoms, like Hunger Games, BBC Merlin, Poldark, Lord of the Rings, fantasy, etc. etc. I love history and especially historical fiction, and am always open for plotting and hanging out!


Re: In the quiet misty morning // open+OOC/IC meet and greet // MORGAN HEIGHTS - deimos - 07-27-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: palatino; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]VIVIAN
Vivian, admittedly, did not seem like the kind of person for social events. And you'd be partially correct. She only stayed home when working hard on a new salve, organizing and cleaning what herbs she had, or taking care of her birds. However, seeing as all three tasks were complete, she had managed to catch sight of the invitation on her front porch and head down. She didn't care much for the food aspect, opposite of Eliora's daughter- she had't found the child's name yet- but seeing the new people, and observing what kind of people they were? That was Vivian's focus here.

The woman, never seen without a feather in her hair and wearing her finger claws, glanced about as she stepped in. She managed to catch the tail end of Eliora's speech, then as she sat down and looked about the food choices she tuned into Alianna's introduction, seemingly not paying attention whereas she was actually multitasking. Vivian then cleared her throat, a small smile touching her face. "A pleasure, you two." She said to both of them, before sitting up a little straighter and clearing her throat.

"My name is Vivian. I aspire to be Bluebell, as I'm skilled in medicinal and recreational herbs. I also tend to a pair of birds, a white harpy eagle and a white winged crow." She paused, letting that sink in, before continuing. "If either is bothering you, let me know and I'll solve the issue." She gave a small smile, again, before tilting her head to look back into the book, blinking gently as she read at the food choices.

// I'm batter and i play vivian- this is a kind of character i've never really done, so if she's a bit odd do excuse it!! i also play deldrach in the typhoon, which is where i typically am, so if you need me @ batter or whatnot! im in a number of fandoms but i can't keep track of any of them, but i love a good medieval or fantasy book!

Re: In the quiet misty morning // open+OOC/IC meet and greet // MORGAN HEIGHTS - guts - 07-28-2018

He wasn't much of a people person himself, but he did try and get out sometimes. He was just a quiet introvert, and for as long as he could remember, he had been that way. He got lonely at times, though it was usually easy to solve just by going places, like the aforementioned diner. He didn't have a lot of friends, just enough to keep him in the social circle, then most of the town he was acquainted with in some way. He never passed by the elderly woman's house down the street without saying hello, and he would often do whatever chores people needed but couldn't do themselves, the like. With all that, he managed to keep himself busy one way or another.

His eyes caught a flicker out of the corner of his vision, head turning so he could study the flyer that clung to the building's wall. Steadying it in the breeze, he read over it, holding it between his thumb and forefinger. A meet and greet sort of thing, it seemed. He couldn't pass up some free food. Plus he didn't see the problem in introducing himself to whoever might not know him. Maybe he could get a few clients for his small business of helping people in the town.

As night closed in, Charlie made his way down after getting dressed, keeping it simple with a plain shirt and jeans, a jacket thrown over it. His hair is somewhat neater than usual. The door chimes as he enters, making his entrance known to everyone around. He moves over to take his seat, listening to Vivian's introduction with intrigue, his eyes naturally moving up towards the feathers caught in her hair. Good to see he wasn't the only one that couldn't get it tamed. Once she was finished, he began his own, finger playing with the corner of the menu on the table in front of him.

"I'm Charlie, and I'm just a regular citizen here right now. I like reading and helping out the people in town," he says, wanting to keep it simple. But then he thought better of it and added in. "If any of you ever need anything done, let me know. I'm quite the handy man," with that done, he turns his attention to the menu, his stomach grumbling under the table.

//hiya, im guts!! i play charlie here, and a few other characters in the animal rp such as aizawa and church. im into a bunch of fandoms, such as rvb and bnha, the like. i enjoy fantasy and history a lot myself. if any of you all ever want to plot, dont be afraid to hmu!!
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