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what a way to go -- private // stocking - Printable Version

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what a way to go -- private // stocking - arrow - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — This place had to have been cursed or something. There were so many weird things that had taken place lately, and while none of them were bad, that didn't make them any less weird. Injury here, injury there, crocodile, a fucking spider....all that good shit. And Zimavich, big boy he was. But all that was nothing to the strangest thing to happen yet.

Arrow sighed, pacing around the destroyed tree that had felt the wrath of a literal ball of fire days ago, gently kicking over a large splinter of wood. She still wasn't sure what that whole deal was, she just remembered almost dying and finding someone injured in the middle of the destruction, so they took her in to deal with her injuries. [b]"Damn....who are you?" She muttered to herself, shaking her head.

Re: what a way to go -- private // stocking - SOCKING - 07-17-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
indeed, being tossed from heaven was one of the most distressing things that she had experienced yet. that, and getting a broken leg.

oh yea. she'd lost one of her stockings too.

her stockings were like gold. precious to her, and special in only a way she could understand. so it was no surprise that finding out that one of them was gone did not sit well with her. she'd dig all up in the earth's asscrack if she had to. she was getting back her stocking. and there was only one place to look for it.

the area where she had crashed.

the journey to the marsh from the town was a long one, given her infuriating limp. before she departed, she had made sure to feed plip, the newest and unprecedented addition to her cabin. at least plip got the job done. he was great for eliminating any pests that might crawl into the house.

"good boy," stocking cooed as she slid a rat down the plant's gullet. as weird as plip was, he was effectively unique and cute. perhaps a carnivorous, mutated pothead wasn't most people's ideal, go to choice for a cute pet. then again, she had always had weird tastes in many things.

it was easy to find where she had arrived; her entrance to earth was marked by broken tree tops, splintered branches and an obnoxiously exaggerated skid mark etched into the mud where she'd collided with the ground.

what she did not find was her sock, but however, a stranger. and she had arrived just in time to catch a snippet of what they'd just said.

"who's what now?" stocking queried monotonously as she limped into view.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: what a way to go -- private // stocking - arrow - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — "Who's what now?"

Arrow's ear twitched when the monotone voice caught her attention, turning her head to see who'd pulled her back from her musing into reality. To her surprise, it was the crash lander herself. "Oh, hey. It's you." She squinted, realizing just now she didn't know this girl's name. Even worse, she'd never introduced herself either. She supposed she should fix that while she got the chance. She noted the limp, having a quick flashback to the event. She'd broken her leg to shit, hadn't she?

"Shit, I never introduced myself. Name's Arrow, I was the first to find you when you touched ground. How's,'s your leg?" Her own leg hurt just from the mention of the injury. Broken bones were gross. "How did you even [i]do this?"
She referenced the tree with a paw, whiskers twitching. Sure, maybe anyone else would have taken "i was an angel and was slingshotted out of Heaven" well enough, but this was Arrow. None of this seemed normal enough to warrant a head not and a quick "okay then".

Re: what a way to go -- private // stocking - SOCKING - 07-17-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
she couldn't blame arrow for wanting to know about the bitch that smashed into earth's atmosphere. there was no warning. no nothing. and then bam. she came smack out of heaven's vagina and sent crashing into earth's hymen. and she had made quite an entrance apparently. enough to leave a lasting impression in the minds of others.

"arrow, huh?" kind of a cool name. bad ass in a way. unlike stocking's. who the hell named their angels after their weapons anyways?

turns out this was the first person to call for help when she'd been shitted out of heaven's hole. in reality, stocking was incredibly grateful for that. her memory of arrow's yell for backup was still strong in her mind. arrow had been her saving grace.

"cool. i'm stocking, and thanks for calling for help."

it occurred to her that many creatures on earth weren't exactly believers of gods, demigods, angels and such. hell, if panty weren't an immortal herself, she'd had a hard time believing. but she didn't have a way of knowing who would take her word for it and who wouldn't. she preferred to tell it as it was.

"uh, see, i didn't do that on purpose of course. god decided to use me as basketball practice apparently. i was the ball, and heaven was the hoop." or at least, as close to the truth as she'd allow. while she was a normally a straight forward person, stocking enjoyed painting her words in metaphors and figure of speeches.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: what a way to go -- private // stocking - arrow - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — At the thanks, she just shrugged lightly. It wasn't a huge deal, it'd be a dick move to leave her injured there to die. She was a dick, yeah, but not that much of one. That was just evil. "Don't worry about it, couldn't just walk away with a scene like that." She snorted, moving aside another wood splinter that her paw brushed across.

Stocking went on to talk about what exactly happened to get her into such a situation, and suddenly things began to make sense. Arrow's eyes narrowed slightly, but not in distrust, rather in confusion and sympathy with a side of "Yikes.". That would explain why she came crashing down and how she didn't, y'know, die. "That...makes a lot of sense. Is it too blasphemous to call them an ass for that?" The last part was a joke, and she stuck out her tongue coyly. Good thing Zimavich wasn't here right now, he'd probably eat her for it.

Re: what a way to go -- private // stocking - SOCKING - 07-18-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
"is it too blasphemous to call them an ass for that?"

stocking gave a derisive snort, though not aimed at arrow. she could hear the teasing tone in the other fem's voice, and stocking took her up on that joke. subtle ribbing was her specialty.

"nah, you're good on that account. he'll probably hear you and make sure you go to hell anyways when you die, but i doubt he's that petty,"

then a pause. "so you trust me then? it's hard to believe, i know but, shit happens man."
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: what a way to go -- private // stocking - arrow - 07-19-2018

"If I gotta go, that's the way I wanna go out. Sassing the big guy upstairs." She scoffed in an overly dramatic manner for comedy's sake, snorting at how ridiculous she realized she sounded. Dramatic wasn't her thing, she was far removed from it, actually. Not intentionally, she was just too blunt and down to earth to have the capability. So she just sounded stupid when she tried, even as a joke.

Did she trust her? "I'd be skeptical normally, but all things considered here, I'm going to have to say I trust what you're telling me." She grinned, thoughts wandering to various different places. Stocking must have done something, but as curious as Arrow was, she wasn't about to ask "hey, how'd ya get launched from paradise?". It was just impolite, see. "Would it be wrong of me to ask....did it hurt when you fell from Heaven, gorgeous?" She couldn't help herself, the joke potential was right there. "Aha, sorry. Smack me up if so desired for that shitty joke."
we should be lovers instead  ━

Re: what a way to go -- private // stocking - SOCKING - 07-21-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
"seems like an honorable goal one should have when they die," stocking murmured musingly.

"Would it be wrong of me to ask....did it hurt when you fell from Heaven, gorgeous?"

stocking wasn't sure how she should react. the feline was caught somewhere between feeling humorously appalled, or mildly impressed. she shouldn't be laughing, really, but arrow's comment caused a sly smile to spread across her face. jesus, how stupid of her, to be grinning like a big dummy.

"i really wanna do smack you for that but since you're the first person to use this line on me since i feel from heaven, kudos to you." that sly grin grew to a full on smile. in all honesty, the residents here were endearing to say the least. chill, and fun to make banter with. it was only by luck she had landed here and not some other bottom of the mill shitfest. or better yet; the middle of nowhere.

here, there was company and things to do.

"say, how long would you say you've been in tanglewood?" a completely random question, perhaps a shitty attempt at making small talk, but it was an earnest one.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: what a way to go -- private // stocking - arrow - 07-22-2018

"The title of 'first to use shitty pick up line that is also a pun' now goes to me. I'll have to make myself an award, frame it even." She wouldn't actually. That was stupid and also dumb.

How long? Huh. She frowned slightly, trying to think, to remember. Things had mostly become a blur since she joined the ranks, however long ago that was. She remembered a few people were there to meet her where she was, Zima pushed her into the water, and she said something about Beck being in charge. But that was all she knew.

"Few weeks or so, maybe..." Arrow shrugged, tail tip twitching in thought. "Just kinda stumbled across this place. No injuries or anything. Definitely not an interesting origin story but I'm not exactly extravagant or anyone worth noting." She snorted, swatting away a mosquito or something with her paw. Downsides to the swamp. "What about you? How are you settling in, got a place yet?"
we should be lovers instead  ━

Re: what a way to go -- private // stocking - SOCKING - 07-23-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
"be sure to give yourself a medal for it as well," stocking quipped in response to arrow's statement. she know full well that the other feline wouldn't stoop so low as to reward herself for a pun in such a way. at least, she hoped.

a few weeks, huh? not very long, then again, stocking herself hadn't been in tanglewood half as long as arrow herself.

"i'm settling down just fine. got a cabin of my own to call. even got myself a stinky pet that shoved itself all up in my house's ass crack. wanna see?" perhaps she was just too eager for friendship or companionship or whatever the hell, but she felt relaxed around arrow, and she certainly wouldn't mind proudly displaying plip in front of the other-- a fine mutated creature that stocking had taken a liking to.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯