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CHASING THE LIGHT // plot w/ my characters! ( vincent, mike, & lance ) - Printable Version

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CHASING THE LIGHT // plot w/ my characters! ( vincent, mike, & lance ) - april . - 03-24-2018

hey everyone! this is the teeniest bit late, but i decided to make a plotting thread for my characters!
of course, i'll probably have clan specific ones as well, but i'd love for my babies to get some inter-clan interactions too!

anyway, my rambling aside, here are my current characters open to plots!

mementomori / vincent:
my main baby! he's my pride joy at the moment and the unholy stealer of all of my muse <33 he was originally heavily based off of vinny from vinesauce, but after much development, he's somewhat departed from that and became his own version of vin (with more angst COUGH)! he was originally created way back in june of 2017, but i went inactive with him shortly after. several months later, i brought him back in december of 2017 and played him on another site for about 3 months, developing him in a major way. now, i've brought him here to bob to continue building him as a character! : D

in a short summary of his character, mementomori, or vincent, is a super chill brown husky who loves videja gaems. he owns a large collection of various consoles and games and he's extremely proud of it! personality wise, this boy is extremely friendly and charismatic, although those who know him well may find his behavior at times rather weird, as he often makes jokes or references to things that people don't always understand. despite his rather friendly nature, however, vinny is hard to befriend, mostly because he's extremely closed off towards others. he is afraid to get close to anyone, in fear that they will die or turn on him the first chance they get. this is mostly due to his troubled past, as he has lost many of the ones he loved or thought he knew for these reasons. should one manage to get close enough to him to be called a friend though, vinny will stay loyal to you until the end- as long as you do the same for him.

link to his tags!

open to:
- AUS AUS AUS! (please i'm dying for some these rn. mostly human aus, but i'm willing to try anything!)
- friendships (these would take a long time to develop, as vinny is very closed off to people at first, but if you're character spends enough time around him or has similar interests, they'll become friends in no time!)
- enemies / frenemies (extremely easy to make because he is ready to fite 24/7)
- gaming buddies (he needs more of theseee! he would gladly teach your character how to play video games as well)
- drinking buddies ( and maybe smoking too, although its pretty hard to convince him to smoke since he's trying to quit, he can be persuaded with enough patience c; )
- rambling to your character about Blue and the raptors, memes, New York, or hoomans
- something else?? just ask!

- one sided crushes (on him) ( unless there's a really good plot to it, probably not, and even then, a relationship probably wouldn't come out of this :') )
- capture / torture (maybe idk. honestly, he's been through worse so unless whoever captures him puts him through literal hell and back to break him, he won't be phased too much.)

closed to:
- romantic relationships/love plots of any kind (already have one planned for the future ;^) <3)
- major injury (i'd rather he not lose any limbs or body parts at the moment- i've done enough to him as it is LOL)
- death
- litters
- any other obvious no-no's i didn't list here

atlanticpaw / lance:
my second hand muse baby! lance is my newest character, having only been made less than a week ago, so i don't have much history for him. he's an orphan boy who lost his two older brothers in a flood, as well as his mother, who is now deceased. this has caused him to be fearful of water, as well as of drowning, and refuses to be submerged in any sort of body of water- even if he knows it's shallow. ironically, however, he's going to discover he has the power to control water soon...

link to his tags!

open to:
- friendships (he's extremely friendly and loves making new buddies, unlike vinny LOL and he gets along with most everyone)
- enemies/frenemies (it won't be extremely two sided, as lance doesn't like conflict, nor does he like throwing punches very much- but if you try and force him to swim and/or shove him into water,,, hoo,,, its no bueno & he'll probably have a panic attack over it)
- chatting with your character about traveling/flying (he's obsesssedddd)
- tree climbing buddies/teaching your character how to climb (he FRIKIKNG lovesss climbing trees!)
- something else?? just ask!

- uhhh surprisingly nothing right now

closed to:
- relationships (got one planned out sorta atm so!! sorry)
- major injury
- death
- capture/torture
- litters (HE'S A BABY!! PLEASE NO)
- any other no no's not listed here

manhattanblues / mike:
my final boy! he's more of a side charrie and i might be unfortunately dropping him for a bit soon but he's kind black lab who wants nothing but the best! he can have a bit of a temper, but overall, he has good intentions <3 he's currently still recovering from the trauma of being brainwashed and nearly killing his best bud vincent- but he has extensive history with vin, as they were best friends back in New York ^^

link to his tags!

open to:
- friendships (again, he's pretty easy to befriend)
- enemies/frenemies (piss him off ONCE over anything and he'll probably hold a vendetta against you for a while- unless its over a video game or somethin stupid like that. even he isn't THAT petty.)
- playing video games w/your character/teaching them how to play (self-explanatory! like vinny, he has his own collection of games, although it isn't nearly as varied haha)
- venting to your character/listening to your character rant (he's a salty boy, but he's also extremely open to listening to others problems and giving advice!)
- romance?? owo (he's lonelyyy)
- AUS!!! again lmao
- something else?? just ask!

- capture/torture (unless there's a good plot idk)

closed to:
- death
- major injury
- litters
- any other no no's i didn't list

well i think that's about it so! thank you for your interest! feel free to hit me up here! or if you'd prefer, i'm open to plotting through PM's as well c:

Re: CHASING THE LIGHT // plot w/ my characters! ( vincent, mike, & lance ) - Sorrel - 03-24-2018

Blue and Vinny!! : D
Blue will finally let Vinny pet her ^.^

Re: CHASING THE LIGHT // plot w/ my characters! ( vincent, mike, & lance ) - april . - 03-25-2018

yes yes yes!
and !!! WORM i was actually secretly planning to have him try hh
would you like me to make? or can you? :0

Re: CHASING THE LIGHT // plot w/ my characters! ( vincent, mike, & lance ) - april . - 03-28-2018
