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BEWARE OF A MAN CALLED LEROY || leroy - Printable Version

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BEWARE OF A MAN CALLED LEROY || leroy - toboggan - 07-17-2018

[glow=black,2,300]LEROY S.[/glow]
tags — updated 12/09

name. leroy starkweather
nicknames. “roy”
biological gender. male
age. 68 months physically [5 years]
born october 26th, 2013
clan. tanglewood
titles. gatorbait, host

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
voiceclaim. joe - mafia 2
☆ aspirations of power
☆ “tough guy” motif
☆ swears excessively
”the unfettered”

☆ black leather attaché worn around midsection which carries;
- a razor
- a curved blade meant for amputation, which can also be used as a weapon
- as well as many other tools such as a a hammer, a minuscule bolt cutter, a package of nails, some matches, and a corkscrew

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
irish wolfhound — main and only body 20% health
strands of thick black and whitish-gray intertwine to create his messy, shaggy coat, which surfaces the entirety of his brawny frame, from the apex of his drawn-out tail, to his sweaty, unkempt underchin. beneath his bushy brows sit pure amber eyes, the innocent tone of them proposing that at one point in life, leroy was more than just an undesireable attitude and a burly bod. upon his beefy legs, this beast of a hound stands at 3’8” tall, and weighs in at 210 pounds. it appears that his infinitely-black claws have been unnaturally sharpened, so stay away from the ends of those things.
injuries. diagnosed with lung cancer, leroy only has a set amount of time to live. ailed by respiratory issues, difficulty swallowing, and digestive problems, he is in a constant state of discomfort.

entj + slytherin + chaotic neutral
blunt and hot-headed at times, while cool and cunning at others, leroy’s mood completely depends on how his morning went. following a recent stroke, sentiment variety began to diminish in the mutt’s mentality. instead of a heterogeneous mixture of multiple sentiments, his mindset began exhibiting only one emotion at a time. to easily put it, he became much more simple. as of late, some emotions were evinced more so than others, such as: anger (caused by constant migraines), lust (caused by depravity), and sadness (caused by old friends dying or moving on). once in one of these swings, managing to shotgun him out of them is rarely possible.
positive traits witty, stoic, strong, protective
neutral traits blunt, dominating, aggressive, proud
negative traits callous, manipulative, arbitrary, criminal
disorders. not confirmed, but may have adhd

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none that he knows
sexuality. female-leaning biromantic bisexual
relationship status. single
friends. sam, crow
enemies. pittians
platonic relationships? the difficulty of forming a platonic relationship depends on the type of day he’s having
romantic relationships? all leroy wants to have is a sweetheart, though he always ends up trying too hard or too little in keeping these relationships alive

— strength [8/10]
— speed [6/10]
— agility [5/10]
— intelligence [6/10]
— endurance [8/10]
— perception [6/10]
physically + mentally. hard + mediocre
will fight + will most definitely kill
self defense. intimidation first, followed by barabarism.
may use amputation knife or razor as a weapon
mention [member=1538]leroy[/member] or [member=1536]toboggan[/member] when attacking
attacks in #af1313
powers. none

Re: BEWARE OF A MAN CALLED LEROY || leroy - toboggan - 07-27-2018


Re: BEWARE OF A MAN CALLED LEROY || leroy - toboggan - 08-06-2018