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LIKE THE KING SAID + o, joining - Printable Version

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LIKE THE KING SAID + o, joining - calypso - 07-17-2018

And so she arrived.

More nights of travelling. More sandy winds and dehydration and confusion. More strangers she'd met on the way, so kindly directing her where she needed to go. The railroad tracks she followed towards the Typhoon felt like an accomplishment, but it was all so bittersweet. She missed her old home so dearly; she'd spent such a short time there, but it grew on her so quick. Her friends, slowly beginning to become family. Perhaps someday she'd see them again, but for now all there was before her was unfamiliarity and alien land.

But Calypso was anything if not capable; these were situations that, by now, she was well used to. Besides-- over the years, the Clans' attitude towards strangers at their borders had changed from aggression to, 'Name and Business?' It was all very political, all very friendly and welcoming, and sometimes she felt like it was fake. Like there should be call for distrust. In her old home, so quickly wrecked, she'd been the one to meet the strangers at the border and she'd been slowly implementing more weariness of these strangers. Less warm welcomes and more interrogations. Now, however, she was back on the other side of the border and she figured, perhaps she aught to be grateful of this instant friendliness.

Statue-like, the tall pitbull sat at the border in her signature position. She was messy looking; laden with scars and white paws stained with mud, but she wore it with grace; shoulders back, head high and every muscle pulled taught. She scanned her surroundings with molten black eyes, waiting with bated breath for what would mark, yet again, a whole new beginning.

Re: LIKE THE KING SAID + o, joining - PINCHER - 07-17-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher had never had to go through a joining session of standing in a place and asking to enter simply because well...he had never decided in his own will to join a group. His father had forced him to enter the jaws of danger by making him one of his sinful hitmen for the gang he had once led, making his own son kill because Archie had better things to do. Pincher had gotten used to doing all the dirty work, tortures and murders eventually became a chore to him as if he was just taking out trash and nothing more. It was daunting how he was no longer phased by it, the emotions that he had once felt when he had first killed someone seemed alien and lost deep within him, dormant. Would he ever feel anything but boredom? Was that truly what he was now? A shell of what had once been, he found no thrill in killing like murderers did. He had killed based on orders and nothing more. Then he had grown tired of following the barking orders of his father, growing sick of his demands and he remembered the stormy night that they had argued and how it had escalated to Pincher murdering his own father and his father leaving scars for him to remember him by.

Pincher was the first leader of the Typhoon so he had never had to experience asking to join since he had been the one to create the group. Yet, he knew that some members were rather nervous when entering so he usually decided to not appear so intimidating though he was known for having a cold resting bitch face, a problem that tended to send the wrong message if the jaguar so much as glanced at someone with a pointed look despite holding no sinister intentions. For now, the muscular lean battleship gray male was lounging on the abandoned trains that lay across the concrete gate that was the border of the island's entrance, his long tail twitching back and forth as he was currently relaxing with a cigarette hanging on his lips. His half-lidded icy blue eyes were concentrated onto the waves that beat against the shore until at the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the stranger waiting. He blinked, raising himself to a standing position and walking towards the female canine that stood with a pride-like aura around her. Huh. Certainly oozed confidence, a good trait to have if Pincher had to admit. He allowed a faint ghost of a smirk to trace his muzzle as the wildcat looked down at the female, the tattooed captain tipping his head to the side as he gnawed on the lit cigarette while questioning "And you are?" She didn't appear to have a scent that he recognized so he wondered who this stranger could be and what were her intentions.

( welcome to the typhoon !! Big Grin )
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: LIKE THE KING SAID + o, joining - Luca - 07-17-2018

Luca found it odd, the ways that clans would let pretty much anyone in. They didn't even test loyalty or scan memories, but then again, if anything happened the attacker would surely be outnumbered. Luca knew he couldn't take on a whole clan on his own, especially with his powers malfunctioning. Perhaps he could manage it over time, acting as a spy for another clan or slowly poisoning the water supplies, but honestly he saw no point. Luca liked it here, despite the shaky start, and would try to stay out of causing too much trouble for now. He walked slowly along the beach, the crunch of sand beneath his paws and the general ambience of the island comforting his busy mind. He continued onward until a semi-familiar voice caught his attention, bringing his rose gaze upwards from the sand. Oh, speaking of trouble, there was Pincher. But he wasn't alone, there was someone unfamiliar at the border as well. Luca squinted a little in an attempt to make them out, trying to decide whether or not he should approach. It was fun to flirt, but he often forgot that monogamy was such a big deal for some folks. It seemed that he had overstepped some invisible boundary with his behaviour. Maybe it would be best to stay away from the handsome feline for now.

Still, as much as he wanted to avoid getting on everyone's most hated list within his first week, he thought that maybe it would be beneficial to go meet that stranger. The more the merrier, right? So he turned, heading towards the pair. He stopped behind Pincher, sitting down with posture that would have made his mother screech at him. He couldn't find it in himself to act all proud anymore, sitting with his back straight and head held high. He knew the ground was a much more fitting place for him, so he kept his head low. There wasn't much to do other than wait for this dignified stranger to answer Pincher's question, so he waited, staring her down with those unnaturally bright eyes of his.

Re: LIKE THE KING SAID + o, joining - calypso - 07-17-2018

The way in which Calypso carried herself was not something born of pride. She had no chip on her shoulder, no sense of superiority. Her straight back and her militant physicality came from a history of abuse, of constantly checking herself to make sure not a nerve in her body would betray her exhaustion in front of a human so brutal she remembers the chain he held still. But it took familiarity with the canine to understand she was no condescending brute, no fool who wears a smirk or a grin. She could understand if they thought her a show off.

She offered a smile as the stranger approached, her typical warmth. Though she was shaken and disoriented from the past few days, she showed no sign of being anything but content. "Calypso." Replied the blond thing, dipping her head in greeting. "There's a border here; if I'm wrong in assuming this is a Clan, please correct me, but otherwise-- I'd like to join." As she spoke, she caught wind over another approaching; a hound, all the same, but nothing like her. It took one glance to realize what he was, and with it came a wave of emotion. She hadn't had many friends, back home, but the wide majority of the few were hellhounds like the one that stood before her now, and it hadn't quite set in just how much she missed them. But she only blinked, the smile still in place, and gave a nod to the stranger with the luminous eyes.

( thank u!! )

Re: LIKE THE KING SAID + o, joining - Luca - 07-17-2018

Luca always felt uncomfortable knowing that others could pin him as a hellhound without so much as a glance. He liked to consider himself angelic, but it was hard to get that theme across when he had hell in the name of his species. Besides, one look at his aura was all it took to determine that he wasn't quite what he pretended to be. It couldn't be helped in a world like theirs, but it always led to Luca cursing his birth body. Once he was done examining the blonde canine, he returned her nod. Luca wasn't the most polite animal out there, but he managed to retain basic decency when he could be bothered. Besides, the way she held herself reminded him of Kamasaki. He would give her the respect she was due for that fact and that fact alone. Luca licked his lips before speaking, straightening his spine a little before addressing her. "Yeah, we're called the Typhoon. I'm sure there's no problem with you joining, so welcome." He shot Pinch a small glance to confirm that he hadn't gotten that wrong before returning his line of sight to Calypso. "My name's Luca, pleased to meetcha."

Re: LIKE THE KING SAID + o, joining - rochelle - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]There had been another place. When she was running from her past, trying to find some sort of sanctuary, she ran away from the water instead of to it. It’d been a hot place, much like the Typhoon, but the sand there was sharp and scorching on her paws. It was unforgiving, which she thought would somehow make her skin so thick that the guilt and the grief wouldn’t hurt her anymore. But then one day ... it was strange, she woke up and her scenery was different, almost like her first few days in that place had all been a dream.

And ever since then, that’s all she believed, that that old home had been a dream. She wished so dearly she could think the same of her birth group, the Styxys. The Typhoon though, she never wanted to forget it. While still a fresh face, Rochelle didn’t want to forget the things that’s happened to her here already. They were, albeit grounding and chilling things, they were making her out to be a better being. It was the water, she believed, it was the goddess Nereides taking the weight of the past off her shoulders, running pristine, cold water over her body, washing away her sins. So often she waded in the ocean to feel this way, especially when the water was colder in temperature.

It was around that time when, while laying amongst the gentle waves on the shore, she looked back to see figures standing by the gate. Immediately, she rose, trotting over to the group, trying her best to shake the saltwater droplets from her dark brown pelt. She arrived to hear the blonde pitbull speak, and she smiled, eyeing her curiously. She looked to Pincher, dipping her head, and then Luca, who welcomed the joiner quite well.

”Calypso,” she murmured calmly, serene eyes looking back at the tall canine, ”I’m Rochelle. Welcome to the Typhoon.” The lupine stated, but as she did, a weird thought crossed her mind. Calypso? She knew that name, surely. And yet, looking at the blonde, she was reminded of nothing. Maybe the way she stood, how tall and guarded ... if she really thought of the name ... Calypso. The lupine stared out far behind where the joiner stood, feeling the sand between her paws get hotter and harder, almost like the sun was getting more intense and drier, soaking up all the moisture from her pelt, from her throat. The desert. Then Rochelle snapped out of it, looking down to see the wet sand below her, the droplets of ocean water hanging from her soft fur. ”Uh-h ... I’m Roch— I mean, never mind about that. It’s nice to meet you.”

Re: LIKE THE KING SAID + o, joining - bubblegum - 07-17-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro sickness

the girl had happily been born into the typhoon. she had never felt any desire to leave them, though she was interested in exploring the world. there were many things she still didn't know about it and she felt like there were many things she could have fun finding. but, the typhoon is her home. her family is here, and she couldn't dare leave them. the most adventure the girl would get would be visiting snowbound as an envoy for their crew. her loyalty would always lie here, though, with her family.

her papa's voice was what had originally inspired her to approached, her injured body stumbling towards him in a slow and clumsy fashion. she looked to who he was speaking to and did not recognize her, so she would only come to the conclusion that it was somebody visiting the territory for whatever reason. she made it there not long after rochelle, though was able to pick up most of what was said. she's a joiner. that wasn't really a surprise to the girl - there'd been...a lot of joiners lately. she was glad to have more crewmates.

the girl brushed up next to her papa, leaning against the jaguar as she sat down. she eyed calypso with tired green eyes, a small smile upon her features. "nice name," the young girl would comment with her kind voice at first. it was like the carnival her papa had set up. she coughed lightly before continuing. "welcome to the typhoon! my name's goldenluxury roux, though i usually just go by goldie. nice to meet ya."

Re: LIKE THE KING SAID + o, joining - calypso - 07-17-2018

The Typhoon. Alright. Her latest allegiance. It made her feel disloyal, traitorous, insincere, to switch between Clans so quickly. She'd been so fond of her last, so close to feeling at home. A bizarre feeling for someone who'd spent the majority of her life alone. But, alas, she was surrounded by people she didn't know and who's to say there wasn't potential for the same fondness? Besides, she could swear she picked up on a familiar scent on her way here. She could only hope her senses weren't playing her.

"Thank you." Spoke Cal in response to the hound. She opened her mouth to query something, but the scent of literal wet dog distracted her and she looked up to see a she-wolf approaching. Her gaze lingered momentarily, smile becoming more genuine as the femme muttered Calypso's name under her breath. It was only when she introduced herself that the mutt's smile dimmed. Rochelle. Someone from her home, a dark jaguar who was quite something to look at. It reminded her of her circumstances yet again, but she dismissed it; it wasn't uncommon for two different individuals to have the same name.

"It's a pleasure, Rochelle, Luca, Goldie." She nodded to each, molten eyes kind but lacking energy. She was looking forward to some rest, perhaps some water safe to drink, but first; everyone was revolving around the first to arrive at the border. He was clearly the leader, and she had yet to get the smoker's name. A Leader spoke volumes about a Clan; she was curious. With good nature, she turned Pincher's question on him. "And you are?"

Re: LIKE THE KING SAID + o, joining - PINCHER - 07-17-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher had always held suspicions of why anyone would want to join the rich tropical island that was littered with pirates of various backgrounds. No one was really the same, they all stuck out like sore thumbs and their personalities were diverse, different from what one would expect and he held pride in that. He was glad to see that his crewmates didn't allow themselves to change to fit into the crowd, especially one that was known to be stereotypically filled with criminals. Pincher would allow anyone in, including pacifists if they desired to live in an environment like the one in the Typhoon but he always carried a tinge of hesitance of just letting anyone in. It wasn't because he wanted a stupid fucking clique of his own people. No, it was nothing like that, he found it boring to just stick to similar same people if there wasn't anyone else to join in the fun. What Pincher worried was the sense of danger that would rise in each joiners, the possibilities of them being a spy or someone seeking out trouble in the future always causing the captain to tense when an unknown scent would catch his attention.

However, he allowed himself to not to get caught up in the paranoia of it all. He had met many wonderful crewmates that had joined and he wasn't going to let doubt block him from getting to know more possible people he would care about in the future. As more joined, he glanced towards them wit his aqua blue eyes holding a cool expression that he always had settled onto his facial features. The broad-shouldered jaguar noticed the way Calypso spoke, formal and yet open to changing her tone when greeting the others. He blinked, slightly impressed until she decided to focus on him after greeting everyone, he guessed she must have sensed he was the Captain. His right ear twitched, his crimson feather earring shifting due to the movement as he allowed a light grin trace his muzzle when she returned his question back onto him. "Names Pincher, I'm the Captain around here. Welcome to the Typhoon, Calypso — hope you don't get eaten by any sharks." He teased lightly as his vibrant electric blue eyes locked onto her gaze.