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Ice Ice Baby | Joining - Printable Version

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Ice Ice Baby | Joining - Blazic - 07-17-2018

Re: Ice Ice Baby | Joining - arcy - 07-17-2018

Izuku's been told his scent is pretty recognizable. Was that a weird thing to think? To say to somebody? Izuku wouldn't know -- even after months of being here, he didn't know all the little things about how these people worked. He'd once been told it was like .. mint and honey. Which was weirder. Like, what was this, some bad fanfiction Izuku used to read? And yes, Izuku had used to read those. Lots of them. By the dozens. He'd been a pretty obsessive fanboy, see. Anyways. He .. doesn't know what that point is about. As was, Izuku was just .. walking. Looking for people, maybe. They did always have a tendency to show up on the border, and if Izuku had to read anymore on herbs he was going to go mad. His claws were itching for a fight, and that's .. a bad feeling. He doesn't like that feeling. Violence wasn't his thing. Except that it was and Izuku was most definitely not suited to be a medic by nature. Why'd he think signing up for this was a good idea, again? Right. Besides people though, herbs. Herbs grew on the tundra, and it'd come to Izuku's attention that he should probably collect some and figure out what the hell they did. Maybe they didn't do anything. That'd be disappointing -- Izuku's herb stock was pretty limited when he couldn't just go out and collect some as he willed. And who left him in charge of that, either? Puzzling.
.. And, well, today seemed to be his lucky day regarding people. Again. And he was the first one there. Again. Izuku's ear twitches as he regards the blurry figure. He probably wouldn't even have noticed the other if it weren't for the red of their pelt and god those colors are familiar. ... If it happens to be another classmate, Izuku is going to throw a fit, actually. He's had enough for the month. Any more and Izuku would start crying because of the guilt. But, y'know, what was new. Regardless, Izuku picks up pace, groaning as he allows himself to speed up the process with his injured leg. Y'know. The leg that was so burned it should've been amputated and he used so often it wasn't healing. That one. This was exactly why. But it brings him over fast enough, a bright green figure against the snow. A very obvious figure. Seriously, who in the world else would have fur this green?
"Hi, do you need something --" Izuku starts. His typical greeting of strangers, rounding around the larger canine. He was pretty good at greeting joiners by this point -- much better than he'd used to be. Confidence in day to day life was an absolutely stunning addition. World-changing, truly. Anyways. Anyways. .. Izuku stops dead as he catches sight of the other's face.  Christ. And yes, here was Todoroki. Of course. Izuku allows himself a deep breath to steady himself, tail giving a lash as he considers the canine. Absolutely exhausting. Would people stop getting hurt? Please? Izuku can't live like this. ".. You do. Alright. Alright. I, uh. That's a pretty nasty burn, and we should probably get that checked out," No questions asked. Not even a name. The other seemed calm enough that he wasn't shuffling around the problem like he did with North. Besides, Izuku knew how to treat nasty burns very well by this point. Izuku himself, North. It .. wasn't ideal. But oh well.
//shoutout 2 revamp todo
what was i worth

Re: Ice Ice Baby | Joining - Blazic - 07-17-2018

Re: Ice Ice Baby | Joining - galexiux - 07-17-2018

  Izuku you freak! Cry screamed out as she swooped down. She opened her wings, flapping them to make herself seem bigger. You need to stop knowing actually everyone! Its weird! Are you a spy or something?? She huffed, calming herself down. Rage suppressed. Face becoming less flushed. She took a deep breath. She could do this. She turned to Shouto, was his name? So it was a dog. Izuku had a lot of canine friends. She clicked her beak, raising a brow. He seemed friendly enough, if a bit scary looking. It was mostly probably the burn scar. She blinked. Weirdo...


Re: Ice Ice Baby | Joining - guts - 07-17-2018

Izuku wasn't the only one who felt guilty whenever they came across another student. He felt personally responsible for all those deaths, even if it was the villains and their schemes to turn the public against them. He should have protected them and yet he didn't. That fact haunted him more than he would have cared to admit. Anyways, now wasn't the time for that. He focused on this stranger--or, well, not really a stranger. Newcomer, more like.

It was easy to know who this was, after all. That scar on his eye was plain as day. "Todoroki, welcome, I suppose," the lion says as he pads up, standing next to Izuku and glaring over at Cry for a moment. Then he turns his attention back to the canine. Hopefully he would stick around in Snowbound with them.


Re: Ice Ice Baby | Joining - arcy - 07-17-2018

Well, technically, Izuku's fur was lighter than it used to be. By a lot. Like, it used to be black with green highlights and now it was just .. green. Blindingly green. He got even more weird looks for it now than he did when he was human. Which was weird, considering there were dragons. But, y'know. Green cats, weird, right.
"And that's the problem," Izuku informs Todoroki. He sounds tired. Like, emotionally tired, he means. Good god he's sick of people no realizing there's something wrong with them. Or, they deny it. Excuse me, he's the Frosthealer here, and he swears to god the next person who doesn't listen he can and will violently smack in the face. With claws. .. And first of all, that was hypocritical of him, considering he got upset at Aizawa for knocking out North, or: hitting injured people. But at least he wasn't gonna hit that hard. And he should .. probably really really calm down. Please. It's okay. "And on the contrary, it'll probably take a few weeks to heal, with scarring." Izuku knew burn scars well. And considering that the scar was on the face, it should hopefully not be bothered too much. But what was the damage to the eye? In the last round of existence, he'd been able to see pretty well. Was it blurry? Izuku doesn't know, he'd never asked. This was more likely, though. "I've been doing as well as I can be. Now, c'mon, we oughta trea --" Izuku makes to turn when Cry arrives. Freak. Izuku flinches, ears laying back as he looks at his friend with wide eyes. Was she joking? Was she serious? Izuku doesn't know, but he looks maybe a touch panicked and hurt. Kacchan called him freak a lot, and especially everyone else. .. The only reason it didn't hit home more was because, y'know, language differences.
"I can't just .. un-know like thirty people!" Izuku wails. It wasn't his fault they all wanted to show up on Snowbound's border. Like, he'd take all the blame he wanted for them dying, but he hadn't done anything to bring them here except exist. He's maybe a touch hysterical. That's okay, that's warranted. Todoroki was here, was denying he was hurt, and Cry called him a freak. ".. They were classmates," He offers a little weakly. Twenty classmates, six teachers, and then there was Shinsho and 1-b, and it wasn't his fault he knew all of them. He was just a student.
what was i worth

Re: Ice Ice Baby | Joining - Blazic - 07-17-2018

Re: Ice Ice Baby | Joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-17-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash honestly found it amusing that Izuku knew so many people. Unlike her, honestly, but she didn't mind. She liked meeting new people, despite her seemingly being nervous around people. "At least let Izuku check you out." Atbash said as he joined the group, standing next to Cry. "I take it you're joining, yes?" She asked next, her head tilted. "My name's Atbash Cipher, the Hailcaller, or leader, here." She introduced herself with a smile. "Besides the whole getting healed thing, could I interest you in hot chocolate, maybe?" It was cold out here, after all.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
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