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dont stop till your heart goes numb - joining - Printable Version

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dont stop till your heart goes numb - joining - Was - 07-17-2018

[b]If it's healing; it hurts ・°◉◭} ——— [size=10pt]info
She hadn't exactly set out to be in this messy environment but this is where her path has led her and so she'll just deal with it. The eagle swoops around the soggy lands; her bright sight getting a clear look of the area before she spreads her wings to her side for a landing. Was swoops in and lets the winds slow her until she lands on a light limb with hardly any stress from her weight or the clutch of her talons on the tree. She'll respect this habitat even if she doesn't enjoy it. She should feel blessed that she possesses the means not to have to touch that rotten, false ground too. Besides, if she hates it that means he will even more and perhaps he'll be dissuaded from entering if she's lucky enough. He'll be out of her feathers, even if it means trading his annoyances for this... stench.

Straightening up steadily after a short preen of her feathers, the proud bird is ready to see what she's in for creature wise here and so she moves to continue her flight. It takes a while longer and she's probably trespassing by now yet it seems necessary to find someone on solid land. Soon she's in the forest and sighs in relief. So it's not all that terrible, blessed be. Still, Was takes time to quell her nervous stomach at the thought of meeting new home-mates, but it's cut short by a sound nearby. Not speaking, the eagle moves into a defensive position with her burning gaze in the direction of the noise, her wings slightly raised, and her talons tensed ready to pounce should it be danger.

Re: dont stop till your heart goes numb - joining - aya - 07-17-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The sound was Aya falling out of a tree. She wasn't very high up, granted, but it still made a vicious snapping noise as the branch gave way, and a sort of moist thud as the tortoiseshell hit the wet ground. Still, she was back on her feet in moments, stretching herself out with minimal pain.

It was then that the cat, fur messy and caked in mud, happened across the eagle. "You didn't happen to see that, did you?" She asked up at the bird as she sat down, starting to scratch the wetter mud off of her coat. "So what brings you to Tanglewood, huh?"

Re: dont stop till your heart goes numb - joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-17-2018

Re: dont stop till your heart goes numb - joining - rhosmari - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]He was very much annoyed and it showed in the burning embers of his glowing eyes. The trickier, the betrayal and he often liked to tack on jealousy as well for this sort of witchcraft to be done to him. His Was. He was livid to a degree and to leave his own kingdom in order to come here and deal with the lesser varieties around made him absolutely sick to his stomach. But alas it couldn't be helped and he had to do what he must. Leaving his home had been something of a chore and having to come to this rotten land made the avian want to show his disgust and perhaps he would quite openly because it matter little to him the feelings of others. Right now he was doing his best to keep himself composed as he dipped his way lower over the sodden ground, thick wings beating a slow pace as he angled himself to slip between the trunks of trees that were in his way. Sure he knew he could very well phase through them if he wanted to but that was no real reason to show the world he came from, what he lived with. Instead he listened with intensity as his sharp gaze captured movement down below on the ground below but he ignored it. As proud of a bird she had become she wouldn't be caught dead with her talons upon this filthy ground. Instead he looked to the canopy of the leaves for him as he left the swamp lands behind.

But it took little time before he heard voices and where there were voices there was something happening. Tch, taking his time though not invaluable he didn't like to waste it on pointless tasks such as this. The large bird flared forth his wings to slow himself from the sharp speed he had been flying before swooping up and latching large talons onto a branch where he spotted the animals on the ground, golden gaze narrowing just a little though he hardly paid too much attention to them because the bird that he was looking for was right before him. A small measure of anger lifted up in his body as he pushed himself into the air once more and he aimed to land upon the branch, talons piercing the wood thickly as he glared at the other bird, hooked beak slightly parted as a hiss left his throat. Strange but sounding heated and annoyed. "Was what do you think you are doing? I have been looking everywhere for you and I find you here of all places." His tone was jagged, but he also softened it to a small degree because the god couldn't renounce the fact that he was relieved to see her unharmed.


Re: dont stop till your heart goes numb - joining - Was - 07-18-2018

If it's healing; it hurts ・°◉◭} ——— [size=10pt]info
This makes two to see. Was jolts in response, at first very startled and then very amused but somewhat sympathetic. She just can't be too much of a hardass when something like that happens, despite her looks, and it's nice that the feline does not fear her. [b]"Me? Oh no- of course not," but the light laugh that follows gives it away and the fact that usually, eagles see everything. They're like the Heimdalls of the natural world. She quiets down after the second question then and shifts her feathers some. Hm, Tanglewood... so that's the name of this place. Appropriate. "I've come to live here if all goes well." She's not familiar with joining or how any of it works and is expecting to have to go through some trial or application. One doesn't just get to waltz into someone else's home (no matter how stinky that home may be) and stay, no? They have to prove valuable to that household or so she believes. "My name is Was." As another member of this land approaches, the eagle gives him a slight nod in greeting. If she knew he was thinking of her as majestic, well she'd be quite flushed under her feathers! Maybe not so much on the strange part. Two felines then- are these the species that dominate this land? How odd, considering she's used to seeing cats afraid of damp areas. Was is about to say as much when suddenly her face loses it's mirth and she pointedly turns her head to stare off in another direction.

Should she fly off or should she stay? She really doesn't want to air her dirty laundry in public but neither does she want to be chased down. The bird has run out of time to think anyway as suddenly another weight lands and stabs into the branch she was so careful not to harm. Was scowls and rears her wings up at his display before deflating and sighing when he goes off, staring at the bark on a far tree rather than him. The female lets him finish before flicking her wing tips then turning her head to look up at him. She knows there's concern under that abrasiveness, but it doesn't annoy her any less. "Well you didn't look too long clearly. You'd be far angrier." A lesson from experience- now time to pull out the usual script. "I grow tired of being still so I travel." Not everyone is content to bask in the glory of their homeland like he is, but she knows she might as well be talking to a wall. "This place is... nice enough. So I'll be staying here a while." Wanting to throw him for a loop, she smirks and nudges him with one of her feet. "Why don't you join me?" It's a recipe for disaster and she knows it, but maybe- just maybe- there's a chance he might enjoy himself. And more importantly, not drag her home again.

Re: dont stop till your heart goes numb - joining - rhosmari - 07-20-2018

Bump before replying

Re: dont stop till your heart goes numb - joining - Luciferr - 07-20-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

sharp steel-blue eyes watch the two strangers - birds? hm not many chose to interact with clans from what he'd seen so far, but they'd had a spider join them recently after all - shifting on his haunches before rising like a veritable mountain of spikes and plates as he made his way over to the border party that had met them.

obsidian claws shot through with magmatine veins ate into the soft undergrowth as all nine foot of tanglewood's resident giant joined them - a brief glance to Aya to assess any injury from the fall, luckily she was fine if a little embarassed and a solid nod to his fellow Regent Vigenere - War turned his gaze back to the two avians and inclined his head - was? an interesting name and likely to confuse some perhaps - "if you are here to stay then welcome" the gravel tone rumbled, bladed tail idly moving behind him in thought as he watched the two interact - hm, two birds one stone, so to speak if both joined, and something of an asset perhaps, eyes in the sky were always useful, though he noted the other seemed more abrasive perhaps.

"Fenrisulfr Grimm, a pleasure"

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]