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red cross -- open + first aid training - Printable Version

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red cross -- open + first aid training - imperia - 07-16-2018

The second task of the halo tryouts is to hold some sort of educational event, and, quite honestly, Imperia genuinely did not have any clue on what she could do. It is not due to a lack of knowledge, but a fear of speaking in front of crowds. Large groups of people cause her incredible discomfort in everyday situations, so it is even worse when she is supposed to be drawing attention to herself. The image of all those eyes staring at her, waiting for her to do something, anything, is what kept her from completing the task a lot earlier. But she wants to do better. She wants to be someone who people can look up to an rely on, not someone they forget about because she wastes her entire life hiding away in fear. So Imperia got to work. Two hours were spent collecting the necessary materials, as well as going out of her way to find satchels in which the participants could store their own first aid supplies. And snacks. Snacks are good too. Imperia keeps first aid, snacks, and water in her own satchel at all times. This way she can help whenever she is needed without having to run home for supplies.

Imperia wanted to hold her little class in the flower field, but eventually decided on the Grand Circle after realizing that keeping it within the main camp makes her information more accessible. Much to her disappointment. Peri prefers the beauty of the outdoors to being trapped within a building, no matter how grandiose the structure may be. "If you would like to learn first aid and also prepare your own personal kit, then please gather 'round. I will begin in a few minutes." She smiles sweetly, nervously. Rather than sitting an waiting awkwardly, Peri busies herself by setting out the supplies by her paws.


Re: red cross -- open + first aid training - madster - 07-17-2018

merihem decided he'd listen in. first aid was always a good thing to know, right? although he was only really interested in herbs that'd get him high, he'd give imperia his presence. there were so many medic-type characters, he thought, wondering which of them were gonna become halos. he just hoped they'd be competent, of course, but besides that he didn't really care for the medical team. he was much more focused on climbing the ranks, not being stuck as a doctor for a billion cats.

"hey, teach me, baby," he joked idly, sitting down and yawning.

Re: red cross -- open + first aid training - Margaery - 07-17-2018

One would think that Margaery would know more about healing than she did. Being one thousand years old and often bored by whatever the world had to throw at her, it'd almost make sense that she tried to at least dabble in medicine somewhat. Even the basics would have provided her some entertainment for a couple of days as she learned and applied her teachings. It was just... she had no interest in healing. She was meant to take life - to inflict pain upon others - not lessen that burden and remedy illness and injury. She was perfectly fine being considered a harbinger of destruction anyways and besides, Suiteheart was the one intrigued by healing.

She still approached Imperia though, more so intrigued by the kit that she was interested in teaching about. Having a plethora of young children under her care often times meant bumps, scratches, and bruises. It would be good to have something on standby full of potentially necessary supplies.

[b]"I'll listen in, love," She extended easily, taking a seat.

Re: red cross -- open + first aid training - Shininglight - 07-17-2018

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Shining limped his way into the Grand Circle, mumbling slightly to himself. He had formed a noticeable habit of talking under his breath, words incoherent and unrecognizable to anyone that tried to listen in. At times it seemed like he even failed to speak a proper language- or at least a known one. What was being muttered could be known only by him, unfortunately. His odd little quirk became put on hold for the time being as Shining noticed a crowd starting to gather.

Not around him, fortunately. Their attention appeared fixated on a feminine silver wolf, with supplies of herbs, plants and other such things settled at her paws. His attention was captured as well. She smelled of lavender. Shining didn't know why that stood out to him among everything else, but it did. The striped tomcat decided to take a seat among the growing crowd of creatures, his off-colored ear twitching momentarily.

It would be nice to refresh his memory.

Re: red cross -- open + first aid training - arcy - 07-17-2018

Caboose's memory span wasn't .. the greatest. You could teach him anything and he'd only be left with a faint impression of what he'd been told a day or two later. Which might be the reason nobody ever tried to explain stuff to him, anyways. That didn't mean Caboose didn't like learning. He loved learning!! Was it considered learning if you forgot it instantly? Caboose wouldn't know. Well, the one thing that was stuck with him when he'd started trying earlier was reading. But that was all.
Anyways, this is partly the reason Caboose even approaches. He'd barely heard Imperia for a minute, hadn't registered her words, but he got it after a minute, at least. He .. doesn't entirely understand. Doesn't really know what Imperia is talking about. But Caboose was interested anyways, and the Retriever barely hesitates to spin around to approach, tail wagging furiously. A .. lesson!! Lessons were .. fun!! He probably wouldn't absorb anything taught here, but that's .. probably fine. So, Caboose just flops onto the ground next to the rest of his clanmates. Despite the fact that he was clearly a bit lost, he was clearly eager for whenever she would start.

Re: red cross -- open + first aid training - imperia - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]An expression of both surprise and pleasure decorates Imperia's lovely features. Brows shoot upwards and sterling eyes widen. Is it bad that she expected no one to arrive? The girl already prepared her self subconsciously for disappointment. Being ignored is not a foreign experience--it used to happen all the time. No matter how loudly she spoke, her existence was overlooked until it became inconvenient to others. So she softened her voice to a near whisper and made herself scarce. Maybe that is why she finds it so hard to stand in front of others now. Imperia has a vague recollection of boldness in her earliest days, but those did not last very long. Somewhere along the line, life taught her meekness as a means for survival. Imperia be seen and not heard, but it isn't a bad thing not to see her either. She does not believe she is worth anyone's time, though she so desperately hopes to be. Hence, her genuine glee upon seeing familiar faces gather for her impromptu class.

"Merci--thank you for coming, everyone," she gushes with a sweet smile, looking very much like a child surprised with a new toy. There is something endearing about her innocent joy. Peri takes the time to regard everyone in attendance--Merihem, Margaery, Shininglight, and Caboose--with a warm smile and a polite nod in a silent form of individualized greeting. She shifts her weight; a little nervous. "I will begin with a basic introduction just in case anyone chooses to arrive a bit later." Always accommodating for everyone, she is. And maybe she is wishing to see someone specific in attendance and is stalling in hopes that they might arrive. No naming names. For a moment, the girl finds herself distracted by Shininglight's inky black wings. Are they usable for flight? If so, they'd have to have a wide enough wingspan and considerable muscle. Or perhaps they function through magic?

Oh, right. First aid. "The point of first aid to have the most basic and essential tools of healing on your person at all times. While things like broken bones or more serious conditions should be left to a trained professional, I have found that having things to clean superficial wounds or help someone who is dehydrated, for example, comes in handy fairly often." Is she rambling? Peri thinks she's rambling. A sheepish expression flickers across her lovely visage. She prays to the Maker that at least some of that made sense. "So...does anyone have any ideas what supplies you should keep in a first aid kit?" Maker, she is so awkward. Peri is half-inclined to bury her head under the dirt and hide for a while.

Re: red cross -- open + first aid training - Shininglight - 07-19-2018

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Shining's gaze was already starting to wander, even before the host started speaking. He really wanted to focus, but at the same time he felt a need to look around, to make sure he wasn't missing anything. When the feline finally did let his eyes travel back to Imperia, he noticed her looking at his wings. Oddly, Shining didn't react, or move, other than blink and continue staring. That's when she started speaking. And for once, his attention was captured. Certain keywords made him perk up a little- first-aid, healing, wounds... His mind was being tickled with old memories, phrases repeated over and over again, training and practice and execution...

What supplies should you keep in a first-aid kit? The feline found himself speaking up. "Feverfew... works for general aches. Poppy seeds help to ease pain... Lavender for shock..." Shining continued on, but at this point his voice grew super quiet, words incoherent under his breath, as his gaze traveled to the floor.

Re: red cross -- open + first aid training - MOONMADE - 07-19-2018

[size=9pt]"Viagra." chimes in Moon. He limps towards the gathering on 3 working paws, the other lathered in a balm of sorts. His eyes are filled with mirth and there's the beginning of a grin breaking out on his maw. "Wait, sorry," says the young lion, backpedalling, "That's just mine."

He plants himself down beside the others, all languid motions despite his injury, and watches Imperia with keen eyes. He'll be honest; she's really something, but ultimately Moonmade is here for the medicine talk. It's close to his heart, all this healing stuff, even though he's hesitant to admit it. His mother was the Doctor of his pride, and she was so sure in her knowledge, so graceful in what she did. She watched her books more than she ever watched him but he didn't hold it against her. Sometimes juniper berries were more interesting than your smartass kid. He listens to the silver wolf, intent, and swallows his jokes and humor for some seriousness. "Marigold for wounds. You gotta chew it up and your spit gets all up in it but at least your wound won't be infected. I've seen you guys used cobwebs for bandages here, too. And, uh, borage leaves for all the moms."

Re: red cross -- open + first aid training - rhosmari - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She wasn't the most medically inclined. No, not by a long shot and they usually had doctors that would look them over and make sure that they were alright. It was just not a necessity for a soldier such as herself to worry about having to learn how to heal. Perhaps on the field to make a tourniquet but that was about it. Stop the bleeding for a long as possible till helped arrived and they could handle the situation. Get one's squad to safety that was it. So this was all new to her in every way shape or form. The ginger colored lepardess made her way forward toward the area where the first aid training was beginning. Though she still didn't know the silver canine's name she had seen her around quite a bit so this gave her reason to believe that she was a member of this group and perhaps one of their doctors? A question buzzed in her mind but she refrained from asking anything out loud as she joined the learning group. But she was caught off guard when one of them spoke up about what to put in the first aid.

Marigold, cobwebs? A disturbed look entered her gaze and she looked at the other before focusing on the one giving the training. None of that made any sense to her and she curled her muzzle in disdain before shaking her head a little bit. "Why are we listing plants? That doesn't make sense. I'd also suggest some type of pain killer to be put in the first aid, maybe something to stanch bleeding because that can kill pretty quickly." Not everything was common knowledge and this was just all she knew at the current moment. Something she partly was proud of considering she didn't do a lot but train and force herself to do what she could when she good. If she could move and do things then she was always up and doing something that didn't mean just sitting down and wasting time. A light sigh left her throat before she quieted down, keeping herself open to ideas.