Beasts of Beyond
WE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL || private, Ivylee - Printable Version

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WE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL || private, Ivylee - Leigh - 03-24-2018

this is super lame im sorry.//

Living in a snowy environment had proven somewhat difficult regarding Leigh's usual routine. Gardening was proving unsuccessful and he wasn't receiving much help. The unicorn was a ways away from the camp, seated in a small grassy area- the snow in the spot having been removed a while ago. He was mildly frustrated. The soil wasn't right- either too wet, too dry, or just too frostbitten to work with. The closest place that would work for farming was a few miles away, and trying to journey out there in hopes of planting a successful garden didn't seem to be worth it. With a grunt, the white coated male slumped over on his side and pouted. And he e was going to pout for however long he wanted because he was an adult and he said so and god this sucks. With a dramatic sigh, he let his horn glow up in a pale light. With a soft pop, he had managed to conjure up a few colorful blocks and began stacking them. "Pan save me..." he whined under his breath.


Re: WE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL || private, Ivylee - Ivylee - 03-28-2018

// sorry for my lateness... thank you so much for making !!

Unlike Leigh, Ivylee had been finding their new snowy home very enjoyable, though there was no reason for the pup to be upset with it in the first place. She was too young to understand how to work a garden, heck, she didn't even know where food came from. All she knew was that everyone around her took care of her, and she could spend all of her time happily playing. However, the young canine's play was interrupted as soon as she discovered herself glancing over at the unicorn leader, frowning a little. He looked sad... how could that be? Ivy certainly didn't like to see others sad, no. Everyone should be able to be as happy as she was! especially unicorns, whom she never thought could possibly be upset, with how magical they were. Nodding in determination to herself, Ivy scampered over to Leigh's side, her mind set on cheering him up. "Hey!" She squeaked as she gave a little bounce, only to soon sit still as she noticed the blocks that Leigh had, causing her to tilt her head curiously. Oh, those look like fun! She thought to herself, but felt her ears flatten against her head as she realized that Leigh didn't look like he was having much fun at all. Trying her best to perk up, the pup gave another bounce before asking, "Are you okay? Do you need a friend?" Did Leigh have any friends? Maybe he was sad because he had nobody to play with.

Re: WE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL || private, Ivylee - Leigh - 03-30-2018

Unfortunately for Ivylee, unicorns weren't as spectacular and majestic as the books made them out to be; Leigh especially. He was just a simple guy trying to live his life. Besides, being happy all the time was impossible. He was just in a rut. But at the arrival of Ivylee, he seemed to perk up just a bit, glancing to the child. "I'm fine, kiddo." he replied. Her excitement was contagious. The unicorn pushed himself up from the snow and smiled. "You really want to be my friend? I feel honored." His tone was genuine, albeit a bit playful.


Re: WE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL || private, Ivylee - Ivylee - 04-02-2018

At his response, Ivylee felt herself bounce with glee, smiling brightly. Her plan was working! Leigh didn't seem so sad anymore. "Of course!" She howled enthusiastically, wondering why he had even asked her that. Who wouldn't want to be friends with a unicorn? Ivy knew that if she was a unicorn, surely everyone would be her friend. But no, she was a dog.. and still, being young and naive, thought that everyone was her friend anyways. "So now that we're friends, do you want to play with me?" She would then ask, feeling rather bored without someone to play with. But now that Leigh was her friend, maybe he'd want to play! What games did unicorns like to play, though? Maybe some sort of magical game?