Beasts of Beyond
WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - Printable Version

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WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - beck. - 07-16-2018

    After what seemed like an hour had passed and enough bottles were drained -- no doubt thanks to Malphas -- Beck was beginning to grow disinterested in listening to chatter and stories from those present at the bonfire. Boredom setting in quickly and leeching away at his rare smile of excitement, it wasn't long before he slumped forward to lie on his bony stomach and watch the fire crackle. With firelight reflecting in his hazy eyes, it took a moment for him to notice another bright glint bouncing off a nearby surface.

    Tilting his head for his nearsighted vision to identify the shape better, he owlishly blinked at an empty glass bottle toppled over on its bronze-tinted side, once containing the bitter moonshine he found. The poltergeist stretched out a paw to bat the bottle towards him, the shackle tightly hugging his wrist accidentally clinking against the glass in the process. As he held the bottle closer to his face with a nose wrinkled to avoid the scent of makeshift liquor, memories clicked and a devilish smirk reappeared on his scarred muzzle. People at parties would play something with a bottle, right? He couldn't remember too much, but it did involve kissing; a great way to spread diseases, but it wasn't like animals could catch anything. He remembered seeing on a show once that dogs had cleaner mouths than humans assumedly because of their dental structure and how the molars constantly brushed up against each other, but he wasn't entirely sure if it was true. With nothing better to do, Beck held up the bottle, and struggling to remember the exact name, asked to no one in particular, "Anybody ever heard of, uh, spin the bottle?"

Re: WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - Morgan - 07-16-2018

Morgan hurried over to Beck at the sound of his voice, knowing their first event was soon to unfold. They had previously discussed playing games at the party, but "spin the bottle" was not at all what he had in mind. "I've not," he muttered, slightly worried about the unknown game. However, his duty was to Tanglewood; he stepped close, and in a clear voice he continued, "... but I volunteer to play! Whatever it is..."

Re: WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-16-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
Zkmavihc came to sit down, wanting to play.
© madi

Re: WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - madster - 07-16-2018

"spin the bottle? fuck yeah, alcohol right?"

when malphas arrived it was an empty bottle and he pouted. "fuck." he complained, sitting his ass down next to morgan. "what the fuck is a 'spin the bottle'? are we just gonna watch beck play with a bottle or what?" he asked, squinting, clearly confused.

Re: WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - SOCKING - 07-16-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
spin the bottle? she had heard of it, but stocking wasn't too familiar with the game. it was supposedly a guise to get people to suck each other's faces off and swap spit. not that bad of an idea to be honest, but there were better things she could be putting near her lips.

"yo, i'm here. could be spending my time stuffing my face with something sticky but kissing strangers? why the hell not,"
or, at least that's what she'd assumed they'd be doing here. if not, this meeting was a bust.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - Bean - 07-16-2018

Re: WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - Xapul - 07-16-2018

Xapul had dragged herself close enough to be considered part of, she assumed it was. Though, she wasn't...sure what exactly they were doing. "May I ask: What is this 'smooch'?" she chimed in, lifting her head ever so slightly to prove they had her utmost attention. "It sounds much like a disease. Are we fond of contracting such things in the forms of games here?"

Re: WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-17-2018

Re: WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - arrow - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — "Scandalous." Arrow snorted, strolling over to check out the gathered Tanglewood members lined up to seal their fate. There was always a level of shame to these kind of games, and yet only Iota seemed to show any sign of that. She nodded at the girl, a small grin appearing on her face. "Respect."

Guess she would settle down, then? And with that, she plopped her ass down. "It's harmless, no worries. Just don't go planting one on everyone in Tanglewood and then some and you'll be fine."

Re: WOULD YOU SMOOCH A GHOST? / lunar festival: spin the bottle - aya - 07-17-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya made her way over gladly, taking a seat in the circle. Kissing, smooching, contracting disease - whatever you called it, it was happening, right there in this circle, dictated by the god of physical desire - an alcohol bottle.