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SUMMERTIME SADNESS - Printable Version

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SUMMERTIME SADNESS - Character Graveyard. - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]//Please wait for [member=1166]Playerone K.G.[/member] to post before posting! Thx! <3

She was lost.

Ada had wandered a long way from home, though she found this place to be rather, interesting. A large stretch of land, with a Observatory not too far away. She had decided to start heading towards the Observatory, however a growl interrupted her. Suddenly alarmed, she would turn and glance upward, at a large NPC. She would step back, her ears flattening to the back of her head. Without warning, the NPC would lunge at Ada, claws unsheathed and outstretched.

She would hiss in pain as the NPC's claws bit into her sides before she was thrown against the ground roughly. Luckily for her, the NPC had gotten bored, as she didn't fight back, so they left. Vision blurry, Ada would struggle to get to her paws and she shook out her ruffled pelt. Frowning, she would sit there and lick her wounds.

Re: SUMMERTIME SADNESS - Cosmic - 07-16-2018

I heard quite the ruckus, at least for a moment and it piqued my curiosity. I exited the Observatory, pausing for a moment to smell the air and listen for any more signs of a scuffle. I carefully began to move forward, keeping my eyes and ears open just in case. I didn't hear much of anything, but I did manage to pick up an oddly familiar scent. My eyes narrowed, and I followed the scent for a while before finally noticing the femme.

Something was... pulling at me. Like a flip had been switched. My stance became almost guarded, cautious even. But a warm sensation swooped over me at the same time. She was so familiar and her name came to me in a flash.


Could it be? I tilted my head before I began to speak, my long, fox tail flicking in a manner similar to a feline.

"You're a long ways from home." I murmured, smelling the scent of blood as well and concerned flooded my body. "Are you injured?"

Re: SUMMERTIME SADNESS - Character Graveyard. - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]At the sound of footsteps approaching, Ada would lift her head and glance in the direction where the paw-steps were coming from. Ah, a familiar face. And the one she'd been looking for-oh-so-long. A smile plastered itself onto her maw and she would stand up straight, looking at Playerone.

"Hello, Leon. It's been too long." The black-feline purred, before she heard the other speak, the concern in Play's voice clear. "No, it's just a small scratch- nothing to fret over. Though I appreciate the concern." Ada admitted, before she would ask. "What is this place?"

Re: SUMMERTIME SADNESS - Cosmic - 07-17-2018

I gave a smirk, but in all truth I was glad to see her again. Finally on peaceful, non competative terms. Things in this universe were calm so far, and there was no signs of Umbrella or bioweapons. It was a well needed break for both of us. And we hadn't had the time to just relax and enjoy the moments where we weren't fighting hard.

I was enjoying this... vacation of sorts. And I swear to god if my vacation is ruined and I was dragged off by the DSO without any breakfast...

I was one mad boi.

"Good." I responded, a flick of my fox tail would follow, and a genuine smile. "You're in the Ascendants. I set up camp here so-to-speak. You can share a room with me, if you'd like~" I gave a flirtatious wink, and then got to business.

"Are you going to join?"

Re: SUMMERTIME SADNESS - Character Graveyard. - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]This was indeed the perfect paradise, with no sign of Umbrella or any bioweapons. She liked the peace and quiet and no fighting very often- unless there was a skirmish with another loner, which was a rare occurrence.

With a flirty purr, Ada would get up to her paws and she walked over to Playerone, rubbing up against her. "The Ascendants." She would repeat, before an alluring smile grew on her maw. "Of course darling, I would love to share a room with you. But- first would you mind giving me a grand tour of this place? And yes, I will be joining."

Re: SUMMERTIME SADNESS - Suiteheart - 07-18-2018

"Sorry, am I interrupting something?"

Suiteheart's tone of voice was laced with amusement. Baby blue eyes, half lidded, gazed at the creatures before her. They seemed to know one another quite well, which was more than interesting. Originally, Suite had thought Player was the only one of her kind to be sent here (much unlike the group of soldiers they now harbored). For once, she was happy to be wrong - especially because it seemed Player was quite fond of Ada.

"Suiteheart Folie. Welcome to the Ascendants. You got a name?" the white feline asked, gaze shifting from the flirting pair to the wound on Ada's shoulder. "Might wanna get that checked out before any tour." Her blue eyes flashed molten amber for a few, fleeting moments. Hungry... Yeah, she was a bit hungry.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: SUMMERTIME SADNESS - tori - 07-18-2018

I WANT TO BE FOREVER YOUNG! { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Alex stuck himself behind Suiteheart after padding over quietly, standing more to her side than behind her as to appear braver than he would if he completely hid. He was getting better, but with each new joiner he felt his progress get postponed. At least this time around he knew more people, so he didn't go completely back to nervous wreck.

He had an eye on her shoulder, looking slightly sick for a split second before distracted by the display of affection. His face scrunched up a little, letting out a quiet little "Bleh."

Re: SUMMERTIME SADNESS - Elon - 07-18-2018

You spoke of roses- all I feel are thorns ・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
[b]"Bleh? This is romance! When you get older, it'll be even more disgusting," she jokes to Alex as she approaches and takes the empty spot on the other side of Suiteheart. The (uncanny to her) resemblance is starting to normalize for her now and she's even considered lying to strangers that they're sisters just for shits and giggles. "You and your wife can confirm, right Suite?" She adds, having just recently met Margery and she seems nice to her though very carefully poised. Suspiciously carefully. Elon's gaze returns to Ada and Playerone then and the domestic flicks her tail about, not really having anything useful to input and just wanting to come over here to pick and be nosy. "Elon; welcome."

Re: SUMMERTIME SADNESS - Character Graveyard. - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Ah, how embarrassing. Well, a little. Ada would turn to Suiteheart, a friendly smile growing on her maw. It was nice to see other friendly faces around. "A pleasure to meet you, Suiteheart." The black-feline said, before she added. "Ada Wong." Then she heard Suite suggest she get checked out before the tour. "Very well. Is there a medic around here or perhaps somewhere I could possibly patch up my wound myself?" Ada asked, before Alex and Elon showed up.

How cute and funny. Ada had noticed the way Alex stuck out his tongue at her and Player's affection toward one another. She would respond with a light chuckle and agree with Elon. "She is correct. Being in love may be disgusting, but it's the nicest feeling in the world."

Re: SUMMERTIME SADNESS - Cosmic - 07-18-2018

"Yeah, I can take you on a tour and treat your wounds. Then, we can go to my room?" I inquired, my tone suggestively flirty, a deliberate attempt to continue grossing out the others around us. Nosy little shits.

"Shall we get going, Love?" I purred, offering a wink.

//rushed + mobile