Beasts of Beyond
WHAT I'VE DONE - open; wandering - Printable Version

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WHAT I'VE DONE - open; wandering - rhosmari - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]He knew that Izuku wouldn't be happy with him. He knew that the medic would perhaps be livid that he had left his home at all when he was still healing and recuperating but he couldn't stay in there with only his own thoughts to keep him company. Honestly it would drive him mad and he was starting to get headaches again. That was the last thing that he wanted and he breathed out slowly as he took small steps toward some sort of end goal. He'd never once even thought about where he was going to go but he was heading somewhere. Anywhere. The armor he wore rattled with the sounds of metal clicking against metal and he lightly shifted himself so that one part didn't rub too much against the large third degree burn that had spread over much of his body. He was still very much confused on how he had gotten such a burn but luckily for him no one had asked him how he had come to be injured. Shifting silver colored orbs over other Snowbounders he passed the male gave small smiles of reassurance the moment he saw concern enter their eyes because he didn't want to be stopped where he was. No, he wanted to take a moment and breath the fresh air.

So he kept walking and discovered more home and then some shops. He'd never seen such a thing and a part of him wondered if he would be able to have a shop of his own. Seemed kind of far fetched but he was willing to try. It'd he supposed. Regardless the amnesiac snow leopard continued on his path through the snow, gaze skimming against the tops of the trees before he heard a cracking sound. It sounded like ice shifting though how he knew that he didn't know. His expression twisted for a moment as pain pulsed through his head and he lowered it for a moment before letting out a shuddering breath. Always the same spot and he slowly came to the lake's edge where the sounds had come from before he sat down and lifted a paw, rubbing it against the side of his neck though he couldn't quite reach the neurological implant where the AI he had shut out and forgotten resided. His eyes squeezed shut before he opened them again to look at his reflection in the ice though it only served to make him more dejected. "Who are you, North?"

Re: WHAT I'VE DONE - open; wandering - guts - 07-16-2018

Aizawa wasn't one to really care about his own health, either. Of course, his reasoning was probably different from North's. When he had been sick recently, he had even gone as far as to go out on a patrol after being assigned the task, which eventually proved to be too much for him. He regretted going quickly after setting off, as his frequent stops only slowed them down. He was a calculating man that was focused on diligence though he realized it had been his own fault. Either way, whether he had learned his lesson or not was yet to be discovered.

When he noticed the leopard walking through the village, he hadn't been to interested, more focused on his nap than anything else. But as he slowly came to, jaws opening in a loud yawn, he figured he might as well keep an eye on him. Maybe apologize for hitting him when they first met, if he was feeling generous. He followed the paw-prints to where North was, making his way over and stopping a few feet away from where he stood, ear flickering at the words he spoke. It hadn't taken them long to find out he was having memory problems.

"North," he says, hoping to get his attention. Damn, he wished he had brought his sleeping bag along. The lion still wasn't accustomed to the cold. "You're doing well, I assume? Better than you were doing at the border, anyways," his eyes tail down to the lake, which may have been the one he nearly drowned in, if it weren't for Kilua. He couldn't be sure, though.


Re: WHAT I'VE DONE - open; wandering - arcy - 07-16-2018

When Izuku rounded to check on North to discover the other missing, livid wasn't quite the word to describe his emotional process. First there was panic, 'oh god where did he go', then realization. Then there's frustration, yes, but Izuku gets it. Right. He must feel cooped up. Seriously, had anybody actually looked at Izuku? North wasn't the only one walking on a third degree burn -- Izuku's been doing it for a month now, he was too restless and full of 'i need to help people' to stay still. Seriously, his leg had barely healed because of how little he was resting.
So, of course, Izuku sets out to find North. He probably wouldn't drag the other back immediately -- just make sure he's okay. Izuku wasn't cruel enough to keep him locked inside all the time. .. Maybe he'd have to set a proper amount of time North was allowed out each day. But that was a little much, wasn't it? Izuku's pretty new to this healer thing, and treating his patients like dogs just .. wasn't ideal.
.. He finds North at the lake. Izuku's tail swishes as he makes to approach. Contemplating into the ice? Perhaps. Izuku has done that a few times when he's particularly lost. Izuku feels a flash of .. pity? No, not right. He feels bad for the other but it's not pity and he can't figure out the English Word which is .. unfortunate. Empathy, at least. In any case -- he isn't quiet in his approach. He could be if he wanted to, but, well, for one, his leg, and for two, he doesn't want to startle North.
"Everything okay?" Izuku asks in a hushed voice as he comes to seat himself next to the Snow Leopard. His expression is concerned as he looks up at the much larger feline, tail curling around his paws. Or did North just want .. out? .. But by his expression and posture, it probably wasn't great. Otherwise, though, Izuku is quiet, as unobtrusive as he can manage to be. Which, after years of trying to avoid Bakugou's attention, was pretty unobtrusive.
what was i worth

Re: WHAT I'VE DONE - open; wandering - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-17-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash had been quite worried about North, although leader duties prevented her from seeing the guy as much as she'd like to. Luckily, though, she had some time today and tried to visit North, only to find him not where she assumed he would be. That is, either in the medical cabin or Izuku's own cabin. Worry went through her as she searched the camp, where a couple of NPCs said that they saw North head outside. The Hailcaller immediately rushed out of camp and headed towards the lake (which was where most people seemed to go), finding Izuku and Aizawa there. Good. Atbash couldn't help but feel relieved that the two were here as well. That meant North was safe. "Hey, North." She chirped in greeting, having caught the guy's name from where Aizawa had stated it.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: WHAT I'VE DONE - open; wandering - Moonshine - 07-18-2018

The sound of voices is what brings her to the surface- that and the meal she's captured in her stretching maw. Deciding to stay here with the others, for now, didn't make her want to eat what they tossed into their prey pile. Sure she's not above scavenging but if she can get access to fresh flesh, she prefers that. So seemingly out of no where comes first the flapping body of a fish and then after that, the snake attached to it effortlessly rising from the water. She slithers onto the ice and spits out the struggling creature, smearing blood across the ice. The serpent runs her forked tongue over her lips then raises her eyes to the little group. It takes a moment for the ice to fall from her eyes. Three she recognizes somewhat, one she doesn't. The cottonmouth has to will herself to be social, if not only because she doesn't want to feel awkward. "Hello. Who's that?" She flicks her tail toward North, pointing even though her ma told her that's not really polite (but she's still in hunting mode so her politeness is secondary at present). Moonshine moves to curl around her fish then and just leers at the Snowbound members quietly, waiting to get an idea of what's going on.

"died of stretch marks

Re: WHAT I'VE DONE - open; wandering - rhosmari - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]He was disrupted from his rather dejecting thoughts by the voice of someone familiar. Vaguely though he didn't exactly remember why the voice was familiar and also names he hadn't yet gotten. But it seemed this one knew his name and he turned to face him, not really realizing that he had just spoken his name moments before. His wits are still not with him but he was working on it day by day. Afterall he was trying to heal up and that by itself was taxing on his body. He would admit that he was supposed to be resting but he just needed to get out for a little bit. That was all. Just spend some time outside and breath in the fresh air. He was going to go back once he got his fill. He tilted his head a bit to allow and easy smile to pull at the corners of his muzzle before he curled his thick tail against his paws, heavy coat easily keeping out the cold. "Yeah, I'd have to agree with that. It's slow going but I'm grateful to be alive." If they hadn't taken him in then he would have been a goner, or so he thought.

Turning his head toward Izuku he allowed a bit of shame to flood his silvered gaze. "Sorry I didn't let you now I was gone. I should have, really. But I'm...okay for the most part. Managing." He didn't know how good his pain threshold really was and he should be glad to be able to have something like that otherwise the pain alone from such a bad burn might have sent him into bad shock and possibly killed him. But he was doing okay. That's all he could ask for and he was surrounded by some familiar faces despite not remembering who he was. It was good. He gave a light smile when he saw Atbash and though he didn't know the other's name he gave a light dip of his head in greeting. "Hey there, lovely we-," Though he didn't even get that far before a fish came out of nowhere, flopping and sliding bloodily across the surface of the ice. It scared the living crap out of the freelancer and he jerked back on a sharp hiss, eyes widening just a bit. "Oh geez, that's disgusting!"

Re: WHAT I'VE DONE - open; wandering - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-20-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
"It's a fish!" Atbash exclaimed, her eyes lighting up upon seeing the creature pop out of the water and onto the ice. Quickly, the she-cat moved around North to track after it, though her stance relaxed as she noted the blood coming from it. Something had already killed it but hey, it was food - and one of her favorites, at that! "Glad to hear you're doing better, by the way." The Hailcaller continued, looking over at North now, abandoning her sights on the fish. She could bring it back to camp later, or somebody else could eat it; she didn't care. "We haven't officially met, have we?" She suddenly realized she hadn't been able to introduce herself since the guy had been too aggressive and had to be knocked out by Aizawa whenever they first met. "My name's Atbash, the leader here." She always added that last part; it was important, wasn't it?
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: WHAT I'VE DONE - open; wandering - guts - 07-20-2018

Aizawa's somewhat startled by the fish's sudden appearance, as well, but quickly recovers and pads over to examine it. It was already dead, which was a relief, since fish jumping out of frigid waters usually wasn't a common thing. His eyes flicker over the killed prey, then over to Moonshine as she slithers up, ultimately being the one who killed it. "Pleasure to see you again," he says, only somewhat sarcastic. "This is North, a new arrival," he explains, since none else would, then turns back to the group.

"I'm Aizawa Shota, the second-in-command," he was sure the leopard probably didn't know his name, considering he had knocked him out before giving introductions. Probably should have apologized for that, but he also didn't seem to remember much. At least he hoped he didn't.
