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FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Shininglight - 07-16-2018

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Darkness brought out hidden beauties, treasures made invisible by light. Darkness revealed a brilliant display of shining stars in the sky, allowing them to twinkle for the crowd below on the earth. Strangely, darkness made things stand out, giving them the opportunity to show off when they couldn't in the light. Creatures found themselves in awe of what the darkness could accomplish. They centered their lives around it- traditions, events, even relationships. Some treated darkness with respect. Few worshiped it like they would a god, an idol. Others had a fear of darkness.

Rightfully so. Darkness brought out the hidden beasts of the world, disguising them under a cloak of blackness so that they may roam freely. Darkness provided a veil for monsters and criminals to do their dirty work, reducing their risk of being caught. Darkness produced an ever-present aura of uncertainty, as anything could lurk in the shadows. Watching, waiting, for their prey to turn their back. Darkness had a right to be respected, to be feared.

The ambient sounds of the night life filled the air. Up above, the starry sky was partially masked by the branching leaves of oak and birch trees. The prey here, in the Canopy, were fast asleep. The sun had long vanished behind the horizon, giving way to the crescent moon. Summer's heat had also left temporarily, letting the atmosphere cool down to an enjoyable temperature. Perhaps a few creatures patrolled about the territory, even during this time.

Maybe one of them would notice and hear the snapping of a tree branch on the ground, or would catch the movement of grass out of the corner of their eye. Something moved about in the woods, noticeably loud. Whatever it was, it didn't have the intentions of trying to sneak around. In fact, it seemed to be speaking. Mumbling, words incoherent. It walked with a slight limp in its pace. It broke through on the edge of the tall grass, reaching the end of the Canopy and revealing what it was.

Mix-matched eyes shined against the darkness. The left glowed a [glow=black,2,300]brilliant sky-blue[/glow], as it would appear in the summer's daytime. The right, a [glow=black,2,300]strong golden-amber[/glow]. The form of the creature immediately stood out as a feline tomcat, average in stature, but not in appearance. A white base pelt contrasted with black stripes from head to tail. Black wings sprouted from his back, made up of hawk feathers, folded up for the time being. Although hard to tell initially, both due to the night and his fur, the male's entire body seemed to be covered in scars, ranging from small cuts to a few nasty battle wounds. The blood had long dried up, signaling that someone had taken care of them already. Or, one would hope.

The tomcat continued to mutter to himself, conflicted eyes focused on the ground until he came to a stop. His gaze dragged upwards, taking in the sight of a field of flowers. Beyond that were small meadow hills, the grass waving from a gentle wind. They were saying hello.

He didn't respond. Not yet.

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Suiteheart - 07-16-2018

Suiteheart didn't often travel to the Canopy in the dead of night. No, usually, when the moon was out and stars speckled the great expanse of black above the lands, she was at Pebble Coast, sitting beside Cooper. Baby blue eyes would stare, unblinking, at the bright marks set against the dark. It was one of the only times she ever felt peaceful anymore. Though Selene had fixed her dilapidated soul, each version of herself still fought for control from time to time. Things were also incredibly stressful now. Her newfound vampirism was hard to deal with - not that she would ever tell Margaery.

She had been hunting when she first heard movement. Whatever it was, it sounded like the type of prey she needed to feed on. The blood of typical prey items (mice, birds, rabbits) was not enough to control her appetite. No, she had to feed on the blood of felines - and whoever was trespassing moved like a feline. Suite's ears flew back. She hated being able to tell that so easily, but she supposed her hunts had given her the ability to tell by the sounds of footfalls.

She had followed behind the trespasser, keeping a safe distance. She didn't move forward until the other stopped just short of the Flower Field. Curiosity burned in her molten amber eyes (changed from blue as hunger burned in her stomach), and she crept forward. What were they saying? "Hey," she called. "Name and business on Ascendants' territory."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - MirrorEdge - 07-16-2018

"Is that a trespasser? Can I fight him?" The bubbly voice of the young leopard could be heard as she made her way over, almost as if she had been summoned by the chance to prove her strength. She settled down, the young Fireball offering him a grin as her tail settled down around her front paws, and she looked to Suite for an answer.

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Nero - 07-16-2018

Nero appreciated the darkness. It was much cooler than the heat of day, and the darkness protected his sensitive eyes. He purred subtly as a breeze rustled his messy fur, shaking out his pelt to help cool his body down. He had started going on walks nightly, an attempt to work up the muscle he lacked from months of sitting around. As he neared the edge of the territory, he picked up on something other than the soft sounds of grass beneath his paw pads. He stopped and turned, tilting his head and staring in the direction of the noises before finally moving towards them. As the boy drew closer he managed to pick up individual voices rather than a single low mumble, although none of them were all too familiar.

He was curious now, and he completed the gap to come across the small group. Thea and Suiteheart he had seen around, but the eerie and battered feline was completely new. "He looks hurt..." Nero said in a whisper, his fangs coming down to pinch his lower lip. Nero wasn't a big fan of seeing others in pain, but his sympathy didn't stop the unease that he felt around this stranger. He moved to duck behind Suiteheart, ruby eyes peering out at Shininglight from behind her.

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Shininglight - 07-17-2018

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The field of flowers had it easy, in the grand scheme of things. Flowers weren't concerned with the burden of responsibility, or the stresses of life in its everyday endeavors. It simply needed water and sun, which nature provided plenty of. Beyond that, nothing was a necessity. They grew, showing off a wide array of colors, shapes and sizes to be enjoyed by the rest of the world. The flowers' winter came, of course. They'd shrivel up and lose their beauty, but they always returned come spring, ready to start the cycle over again.

Could they ever stay dead? He wondered that, gaze fixated on the dancing flowers before him. He took a step forward. Was there a way to make sure they'd never grow again? Yes- burning flames would do the trick. Those plants would turn to ash if exposed to enough heat. And ash didn't sprout seeds. Ash would dissipate with the wind, erasing any trace that the would have ever existed. He felt a push, a strange desire. A foreign voice within his mind that was not his own.

[glow=black,2,300]BURN THEM ALL, BURN THEM ALL, BURN THEM-[/glow]

But another voice also had spoken up- no, not just one. Two others, three in total. They were at his back, watching. Like predators stalking their prey. They distracted him. His ears flicked towards them, but his head and eyes remained forward. The tomcat's mind tried to take in what they said, his mumbling ceasing, invisible brows furrowing. One line stuck to him, repeating over and over, as he made sense of it.

"What good would it do?" The male's face slowly turned, his gaze locking onto the young leopard. "Do you wish to add more scars? Believe me... I have plenty." He frowned slightly, as if disappointed in her eagerness to fight. "No need to open them again..."

The tomcat's eyes then shot towards the pure white feline, and the male with red accents. The former's pretty blue eyes matched. His used to do the same. The frown faded to a more neutral expression, as if he just realized they were standing and waiting for an answer. His entire body turned to face them now. "Your eyes... They remind me of home. A place where I felt safe, where I had friends to rely on. I'm quite far from that place now. I've been traveling for so long. But fortunately, the world is quite large. It always has something new to offer. It's always full of surprises. But some of them... aren't very nice."

He turned back around. "I like these flowers. It's hard to enjoy them in this darkness, but come morning I'm sure they'll be a pretty sight." And the male trailed off there, completely forgetting or perhaps not even realizing he had been asked a question.

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - madster - 07-17-2018

merihem found himself padding beside nero, brushing past him momentarily and basking in his warmth, and then focusing his eyes on the strange loner. two different eye colors- cute, he supposed, but he didn't like the stripes or the wings, or the weird expression he had on his face.

meri listened to him ramble, and cleared his throat. "get the point, poetry-man," he quipped, not really understanding anything that came out of the other's mouth. "are you joining or what? i'm merihem."

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Shininglight - 07-17-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
The male's ears perked up again, from the sound of a new voice that had joined the ranks of the group behind him. His attention tore away painfully from the flowers to focus on the dressed-up-in-pink feline. For a stretched moment he didn't respond. They always asked that- the one concern on everyone's mind when a new face showed up. Joining? It was all they ever thought, all they ever cared to inquire of. Because if he wasn't joining, then there was no need for him. He would chased off, told to not come back, he wasn't welcomed. Not in this group, not in this world, not in this life.

[glow=black,2,300]BETTER OFF DEAD, BETTER OFF DEAD.[/glow]

He managed to put on a smile somehow. Not out of the nature of wanting to- his mind was always somewhere else these days. Difficult to keep his attention focused, even if someone called his name. But the muscles in his jaw and mouth were used to smiling, from days long ago. He'd smile at everyone, from friend to foe. The reason why, he couldn't remember. Couldn't think straight enough to properly tell himself why. Yet for some reason, it felt good to smile. Even if he was hurting all over. Even if he had lost everything.

It masked the pain.

"It's nice here, I can sense it. I'd like to stay here for a little while." He cast his gaze over the gathered group of creatures, making sure to look each one in the eyes. "I am Shininglight Deerling. It's... good to meet all of you." He grew silent now, not sure of what they'd do now.

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Suiteheart - 07-17-2018

Suiteheart tilted her head minutely to the left as she listened to Shininglight speak. There was something about him that seemed almost archaic, but she couldn't put her paw on it. She felt herself drawn to his words, his odd-colored eyes. He was one of the most curiosity-inducing joiners she had encountered in a while. "No, Thea, we're not going to fight him," the feline replied, turning her gaze from the male to the leopard cub.

She turned her head as Nero approached, watching as he hid behind her. A tiny smile traipsed her lips at that. "It's alright, Nero. No need to hide. You're right though - he does look hurt." She turned her attention to Shininglight once more, examining him and the injuries he sported.

She was momentarily ripped from her examination as he began to speak again, about eyes and places far away. His story was one she had heard before. Hell, it was one she had lived and was still living. Around here, there were always subtle reminders of home. It was bittersweet.

The Admiral parted her jaws to ask him what his plans were and if he required medical attention when Merihem arrived. She listened to Meri, and shook her head (but did chuckle a bit under her breath). Before she knew it Shininglight was speaking again and asking to stay.

"You're welcome here as long as you like, Shininglight," she answered. "I'm Suiteheart." Her eyes moved to peer at flower fields and then returned to the newcomer. [b]"The flowers do look better in the daylight, yeah. We've also got a few gardens closer to camp if that's more your speed. Anyhow, we outta head that way now. It's getting late, and you look tired. Plus, I want you to get your injures check out. Don't want an infection."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . [color=#99182C]tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Nero - 07-17-2018

Nero's confidence grew slightly as Suiteheart comforted him, and he slunk out from behind her to get a better look at Shininglight. So far he didn't seem so bad, and Nero felt a little guilty for judging him by his appearance. Merihem's presence helped too. Nero was still unused to physical contact, but the liked the warmth of the feline beside him. He let out a soft purr and tried to ignore the sound of Merihem's heartbeat, banishing the thoughts of feeding by focusing solely on Shine. "My names Nero," he said softly, staring into the feline's mismatched eyes. "It's... nice to meet you too." Despite Merihem's jab at Shine's monologue, Nero found it quite pretty. He too appreciated the flowers, although he hadn't had much of a chance to admire them during the day. He hoped that soon he would be able to handle the harshness of day as well as the other vampires could.

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-17-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

*retro to injury*

Everyone dealt with trauma differently. There were plenty of people that pushed it to the very backs of their mind and tried to forget about it. Only to when they were reminded of it to have it brought back and act as if there had been an Earthquake in their brain. Having been basically in the military his entire life, it meant that he had seen others react differently. Reacting differently to when the person that they grew up with died in their arms after being shot. A reaction of someone exploding into nothing but bloody bits when a grenade got attached to them and they couldn't take it off. The horror that flashed in front of their eyes as they heard a squad screaming over the radio as they were burned with plasma from a vehicle that shot at them and burned them alive. War wasn't something that was pretty, but when it had been there for humans it had been a means to keep themselves alive from an alien race that wanted them dead. They weren't going to go extinct without a fight, and they gave everything that they got even if the enemy had better technology than they did.

It just meant that they had developed their technology a lot better and that led to several different military advances. Washington had his own sort of trauma, but none of the trauma carried over from the first couple years of fighting in the Great War. He had pushed it to the back of his mind because he knew what was going to be asked of him as a soldier and nothing but a soldier. He knew from the beginning that he was going to be an expendable force that wasn't needed and was going to be used in the front lines. Whether he died was up to his skills and what the enemy decided to do to try and fight them. He had watched those that he had started to actually trust thanks to their skills burn up in flames. He had watched troops run away in fear for their lives because they didn't want to die. Most of the kids that did join the military didn't exactly have the best luck considering that they didn't know what they wanted to do with their life and unluckily got drafted into the army. The draft having returned thanks to the war that was created for them to fight in.

At least the Great War united all the countries on Earth and all the other planets so that hey could fight back against the threat. When he was teleported here, Washington was pretty sure the War was still going on, hence one of the reasons why he wanted to go back. Everyone had a family, and he was pretty sure that his family was still alive. The current trauma he had wasn't even brought on by his own means. It had been when a failed experimental AI had been implanted into its brain, leaking all the memories of its torture and the horrible emotions that it went through. It nearly killed him. And the AI wasn't able to kill itself like it was trying to do. Everything turned into a shit show, and now after coming here, he was still dealing with the side effects of having it ripped out of his head. He was the type to hide the trauma that he was going through, the only one that knew what he was going through would be Carolina. He had seen how her mind had unraveled with the effect of having her own AI taken out of her head, but hers were willing to work with each other. His was trying to kill him and didn't care what happened to the user. The Freelancer didn't tell anyone what he was going through. He was a soldier. They hid their weaknesses, and in this strange world that he was no longer a human he could no longer trust the civilians that lived in the current outpost.

Right now he was on the lookout for those that were similar to them. The Freelancer had a reason to be upset and touchy right now, and that was because he knew that North and Theta were on the playing field, he just didn't know where they were and that was frustrating. The large armored smilodon went on his patrols during the middle of the day as that seemed to be where there was the most activity. He crash landed in this place, and that meant that there was a chance that another Freelancer could end up popping up just like he and Carolina did. Hearing him coming wasn't all that difficult thanks to the suite of armor that he wore that rattled with each movement that he made. He was the only almost fully armored animal that lived in the outpost. Something that others were usually immediately intimidated by when they first got a look at him. The helmet that he wore hid all of his facial features thanks to the one-way mirror visor that was with it. He couldn't rely on scents as his helmet prevented any from getting inside of his helmet, and the lights that were on his armor seemed to only be active when they were attached to his body.

Hearing voices usually meant there was someone waiting at the border. He had gotten the pattern there, but he would never really be the first to be on the scene. He didn't care after all. He had his mission and he was going to do it no matter who got in his way. The Freelancer didn't care about those in the outpost even if he pretended to be, faking on being on their side so that he could manipulate them for their supplies and information once they started to branch out more. The armored smilodon would approach the side of the group, having arrived just in time to hear Shining's introduction. Washington kept his distance from everyone else, keeping at least five feet between him and everyone else, even if he knew everyone here. No one he knew and that meant that it was again none of his business. The soldier didn't say anything as others welcomed him into the group, feeling as if there was something the other was hiding. That's how he felt with everyone though. Closed off and suspicious of anyone that made an appearance. The group still knew little to nothing about them and he planned on keeping it that way. "Agent Washington." The former human introduced himself with a calm deadpanned tone that he usually did. He said it curtly though, and the stance he had certainly done made him always look like a soldier. Washington looked prepared to walk off after his introduction unless the one in front of him had anything to say to him. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: