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THE ONLY THING YOU LET HOLD YOU / joining - Printable Version

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THE ONLY THING YOU LET HOLD YOU / joining - cyantist - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]Why do you run when they are in your reach?

"Because I am not strong enough, not yet."

And I will make your stronger dear boy - you will pick them out of your teeth when we are done.

Felix has much time to converse with Orthax on his way to the Typhoon. He makes the journey alone in a small boat with enough rations to make the trip but no more. It's days out on the sea, watching the waves go by as he talks to the voice in his head as it was real. Orthax does not like to be ignored after all, burrowing his way underneath the lone heir's skin until he can no longer claw it out.

The two are linked, inseparable. Felix Fredrick Tarqin de Borel, the last surviving son of the Lord of Whitestone, is now adrift at sea with only a demon for company. One that sings a song sweet to a man driven mad by the promise of revenge. To hurt what once hurt you, my boy. is what he promises, something to give the man power back over something in his life since that day.

Orthax found him in the pits of his despair, languishing in prison with no hope of escape. It was either break, submit, come to heel like a dog before the Briarwoods like they had done to Carrine or die. Either way, they would have fun with him, they promised. He remembers Delilah's face, smiling in joy as she scarred him. It is her that he hates most of all, her husband was horrible but nowhere near as capricious as her. She took pleasure in hurting him, showing him Carrine calling her mother.

When he thinks of it, Orthax is all to happy to remind him that if he wanted to give into the demon, none of them would stand a chance. Felix can topple head first into the violence and tear them all apart limb from limb with Orthax's aid. But no - he wants to do it personally. No mad rage, no mindless carnage, no. He wants to take them apart piece by piece, play with them like they played with him.

The thoughts play on repeat for the days whilst he is at sea. The two bicker and agree, one out of anger and one out of hunger. No matter what Felix chooses, the demon will get his due. He will always get his due - and if Felix strays too far away from his path, he will be there to encourage him back to what drove him to improve in the first place. After all, Orthax has one bargaining chip that nothing can replace.

Orthax can make Felix mortal again. Not a vampire, not a blood sucking monster, but a normal wolf once again. But it is not in his nature to give that for free.

When he finally arrives on the shores of the Typhoon, he is waiting for someone to come and find him. He chooses not to wear his mask, the plague doctor mask might give an impression of him which is all too accurate. Felix wants to be accepted, not turned away as a madman.

As a madman. The idea made him chuckle. Had he truly gone mad? Perhaps the darkness that spoke to him wasn't real after all. Perhaps he had gone completely mad, completely hysteric. That is what trauma did to certain people, and he had endured enough to break. He doesn't dwell on it for very long though, and goes walking along the beach to try and find another soul.

Re: THE ONLY THING YOU LET HOLD YOU / joining - rochelle - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Rochelle found the white wolf by the shore, and padded up to him with a casual sense of urgency, figuring what business he was here for. She was ... well acquainted with the madness and violence. Having to make the choice not to let go, not to unleash all of your aggression on to those that maybe deserve it. It was a side of her in her blood, one that she drove lengths to not let define her. She would be damned if all that she’d lost, all of the pain that her legacy had caused, would be nothing, just for her to destroy all on her own. So, she was good at practicing self-control, and she couldn’t tell if she was getting worse or better at it since joining the Typhoon. She ... never regretted her decision to come here, but was regret a part of her good side, and had the bad part of her blocked it off? The dark brown lupine swallowed.

”Ah, hello. Welcome to the Typhoon. My name is Rochelle, how can I help you?” The athletic bodied wolf greeted Felix with a smile, sweet honey eyes traveling to the boat she assumed he’d gotten here in. It’s a ways back, but from the tracks in the sand, she has an idea of how he got to the shores of Paradis Island. ”That’s an impressive boat you’ve got there, too ... how long have you been traveling?” She herself had never been in a boat, not unless you counted the Typhoon’s pirate ship. But just ... floating with nothing but vast ocean around you? It sounded ... heavenly.

Re: THE ONLY THING YOU LET HOLD YOU / joining - PINCHER - 07-16-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Voices in ones head was certainly a peculiar subject if it was ever to be brought up. Many were able to explain what the voices said and desired but Pincher? He had no fucking clue what the voices wanted, they spoke in low hushed whispers and in a language that he had never heard of before despite his vast linguist talent. It was irksome and frankly, Pincher wanted to just rip through his skull and dig out whatever thoughts burned inside. He wanted them to stop demanding so much attention from him since he already had plenty in his plate already. Being the captain and maintaining the security of the Typhoon was exhausting and the male wanted to return to the bottom of the ocean to ask whatever was down there why they had resurrected him. What was the reason? Was it just for him to become their little monkey? He bit down on his salmon pink tongue as he was strolling through the rainforest, jaws biting down on a lit cigarette.

Then he heard the voice of Rochelle nearby, his round soft tar black ears pricking as he realized that she was speaking to someone. His forked tongue slowly slipped out at the side to trace the scent and all he caught was the Typhoon's and a stranger's so he supposed it was either a troublesome trespasser or a potential joiner. Deciding both of them needed his attention, the looming jaguar pushed through the vegetation and stepped onto the sand with his cool icy blue eyes flickering towards Rochelle as the lupine introduced herself despite appearing a little nervous. A faint smile traced his muzzle as he aimed to gently bump his broad tattooed shoulder in a friendly encouraging manner before turning to focus on the stranger that had arrived on a boat. Huh. His fictional eyebrows raised in faint surprised since hardly any came to the tropical island on a boat. "My, my, someone knows how to travel the waves." Pincher rumbled, attention now honed onto the stranger as he wondered who he was.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]


Finally somebody not fucking washed up ashore. Caesar thought to himself, his tail flicking as he joined Rochelle and Pincher by the border to greet this stranger that had arrived. The guy brought a boat, which was definitely a change of scenery. Not only because he bought a boat, but because the guy wasn't washed up and passed out for whatever reason. It was definitely something nice to come to. The demon said nothing, since he had nothing to add to the conversation.

Re: THE ONLY THING YOU LET HOLD YOU / joining - cyantist - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]The first person to find him is another wolf. She looks rather friendly which is good, so much so that the wolf offers a smile in a return before he responds. "Felix Frederick Tarqin de Borel, or just Felix de Borel. I am here to join your ranks, if that would be acceptable?" He states with the rigid formality that he's always been told makes a good impression on newcomers. Whether it would make a good impression on a group of pirates... Perhaps not. He doesn't feel exactly comfortable with the idea of being a pirate anyways. Better to keep his manners intact if he's going to abandon everything else - manners maketh man after all.

The comments on the boat causes him to look slightly surprised. "The boat is nothing much." It's not, nothing more than a small rowing boat. It would be nothing compared to a warship, so he feels the need to address that. "I sailed for a few days, the sea makes for dreadful company." Orthax makes for terrible company, and with that the demon gives a sharp resounding chuckle inside his head. It seems that the hellspawn thinks this is all terribly amusing, and the wolf grits his teeth in response.

"I'd think that would be common knowledge here would it not? Who lives on an island but cannot sail?" He responds to Pincher. It seems that the answer is that Felix has completely misjudged that ability. Perhaps they didn't want to leave the island, as idyllic and peaceful it seemed. 


"Not a lot of people, believe it or not." Caesar responded in a low tone, shaking his head. It was awful, really. Although he personally didn't know how to manuever a boat very well, it would definitely be better than swimming or some shit, and risk being knocked out by the waves and just ending up on the beach, like it seemed to be with most people. "But, yeah, you can join." His tone was a bit lighter now, though his expression didn't really change. "Welcome to The Typhoon. M'name's Officer Caesar Cipher."