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THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - Printable Version

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THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-16-2018

Oh ho, this was going to be absolutely marvelous. Caesar tried to grin as much as he could while dragging Pele back to camp, his tail held high in the air. As he reached the main area of camp, Caesar let go of PELE and aimed to throw her to the ground. Regardless if he was actually able to push her down, that grin he was trying to form as he entered camp was now plastered all over his face. "Hey, Crew!" The demon called, briefly looking around to see if he caught some of his crewmates' attention. "Look what I've got. A little Ascendants kit." His tone now was a growl as he turned back to look at Pele, awaiting to see if she gave him a reaction.

[member=975]Pele N. F. I.[/member] [member=1345]SOLVEIG[/member]

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - Pele N. F. I. - 07-16-2018

[Image: solar_system_by_king_lulu_deer-db47d80.gif]
She hit the ground with a slight thud, sand flicking itself up into her face. Disorienting yes, but not by much. She was a savannah, first generation, so not smaller than Caesar by too much. She got up, shaking the sand from her fur.

"I'm a fireball you overgrown moldy lemon." The demoness spat, tossing a pawful of sand at his general direction. Not really an attack, more like annoyance. She wasn't a cocky person by any means, but they'd broken the chain on her momma's necklace and she didn't like that.
© [color=white]MADI

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - CANDICE M. - 07-16-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_o1mt56b1Fj1rbz2gz_100.jpg] [Image: tumblr_inline_o1mt3y6nc01rbz2gz_100.jpg] [Image: tumblr_inline_o1mt38z3cB1rbz2gz_100.jpg]
Barbaric, wow. I mean, I've seen worse - done worse - but still, isn't this just a kid?

Caroline's face remained the picture of mock indifference though, nothing save a forced apathy gleaming within her blue eyes. So this girl was from the Ascendants? That could prove to be quite troublesome, especially given her desire to lay as low as possible from the clan. That's where her daughter resided anyways, and she'd be damned if she didn't stay away. Besides, she quite liked this form - she wasn't keen on having to give it up if another successful attempt on her life was made.

Scoffing, the cream colored feline took a seat to watch, a pit forming in her stomach. She hated seeing kids hurt like this but what could she do? She held no power here, no authority- the world had practically shifted on its axis since the last time she had any of that. "You all really have a flare for the dramatic! I thought living with pirates would be a lot more fun than this," Caroline scoffed, shaking her head. Oh well, if things got too hard to watch, she'd leave- simple as that. The kid that rested before her was not family and as much as it pained her to know that she was about to be hurt, her original belief still stood: she could do nothing to fix it.

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-16-2018

Caesar at first opened his mouth to respond to Pele, though just as he did so, the little she-cat flicked sand at him, and the Officer recoiled back a bit, coughing and spitting out the sand he got in his mouth. There was some on his face, of course, and he shook his head as quickly as he could to get rid of those. It was difficult, with him having fur and all, and he probably ended up with sand still on his face as he glared back at Pele. "Fireball, huh?" That actually gave him an idea. "Then I'm sure you'll enjoy this." With an annoyed growl, Caesar opened his mouth again to reveal that he was creating a fireball, right before he aimed to send it at PELE's face.

Just as he did so, Carolina came over and made her comment. Caesar looked over at his fellow Crewmate and narrowed his eyes at her. "Is this fun enough for you?" He growled, though his voice was rough, almost like speaking hurt - and it did. Regardless of whether or not he had been able to hit Pele, the fact that he formed fire in his throat burned the insides of his neck, though Caesar didn't feel any pain. It was uncomfortable and numb, sure, but no pain. But his voice definitely made it sound like talking hurt.

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - SOLVEIG - 07-16-2018

Oh, Caeser. He was always a ball of trouble, wasn't he? It was typically always certain that whenever something happened, Caeser had something to do with it. Between off-handed comments and the general tough-and-tumble attitude of the Officer, Solveig was always ready to assume the worst of the man. But even she was surprised that he would capture another Territory's kid. That was tricky territory. It was the general assumption that kids were not to be touched- but then again, why not?

Besides, this kid was about Goldie's age. More than old enough to have her own mind. And for Solveig to be consenting something like this, even out of the understanding that she wouldn't be able to stop Caeser, nor would she dare to stand up to him, was quite the feat in it of itself. No, she wouldn't have the guts to go against Caeser, but perhaps she silently disagreed with the notion. Well, at least for now. They would just have to wait and see.

Silently, the violet-eyed snowshoe slid up into what would likely be the beginnings of a crowd, bowing her head slightly to Caeser. "Officer Cipher, what use is she to us?" the question would come through their minds, a careful message of telepathy sung in her honey-sweet voice. She wasn't questioning his motives, but rather curious what had drove him to make this capture- and what he planned to do with her.

No longer than she had spoke did Caeser send a fireball towards her face. Solveig's face showed no surprise, though she gathered her paws beneath herself to sit, her gaze now more inutrigued and fixated on the group in front of her. Oh, this was going to be interesting.

/hh ninjaed

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - Pele N. F. I. - 07-16-2018

[Image: solar_system_by_king_lulu_deer-db47d80.gif]
What Candice didn't know is that Pele kinda was family, but at the same time, she wasn't. Mother figures only went so far. But then there was the guy, his mouth opening and the fireball forming gave her a warning, but without being an active demon, there was no real protection against the fire.

She ducked, and the fire took out some of both ears, there was a yelp and then she rolled. It put out the fire, but it didn't save her ears. Some of the top of her head fur had singed off as well. Everything smelt like burnt tea and flesh.
© [color=white]MADI

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-16-2018

Caesar's ears flicked as he heard Solveig's telepathy voice. Although he didn't particularly like her in his mind - kind of like Rosemary, he had no defenses against her without his powers right now. But this was fine. As long as she didn't dwell too deep into his mind, he didn't care. The demon grinned as he watched the flames burn the tip of Pele's ears as he responded to Solveig, "What use? Oh, many things." His tone was dark, almost like a hiss. "Information. Fame. Power." Those last two is what mattered to him most, but yeah... she could possibly be used for information.

"What, is that all it takes to shut you up?" Caesar sounded almost disappointed as he spoke this to Pele, a fake frown on his maw. But of course, that frown quickly disappeared as he walked towards the she-kit, his claws unsheathed. He aimed to swipe his claws across PELE's side. He was practically toying around with her right now. Since he just used his fire elementals, he couldn't do it again for a while, but hey... that was why he had weapons, right?

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - rochelle - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Rochelle dreaded the day she witnessed this. She’d just been lounging about in the camp when she noticed Caesar and the kit. She, of course, didn’t recognize the kitten, however, did take note of how rough he was being with her. Immediately she sat up, alarmed and watching the Officer. A kit from the Ascendants? The lupine frowned, rising to figure out exactly he was going to do with Pele. ”What was this kit doing? Was she trespassing? Or did you just kidnap her?” Rochelle inquired harshly, amber eyes glaring at Caesar. She couldn’t claim to be his number one fan, though she respected his lifestyle and moral choices. But ... but a kitten?

Then, the fireball came. She could feel the heat flare past her as the kitten ducked away from it. She inhaled sharply, haunches raising. While Rochelle had never given birth, she’d raised children before ... and this ... this just riled something up in her, motherly instincts. ”Why can’t you fight someone your own size? Someone worth more to us than a kitten?” She snapped, though her tone remained calm, words quick. As the Officer took a swipe at the Pele, she couldn’t help but despise him. ”If you need information from this kitten, then why haven’t you tried asking instead of torturing them first?” She saw no logic to it. If people wanted to be violent, she understood that, but violence without logic? It was something she couldn’t stand.

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - Pele N. F. I. - 07-16-2018

[Image: solar_system_by_king_lulu_deer-db47d80.gif]
She glared at him, wings flaring out in anger. "If that's all it took to shut me up I'd be doing my family a fucking disservice." A game, she realized. That's all this was to him. Her strength was low, her agility and speed? Her high points along with intelligence. Buy time, that's what she had to do.

Another one joined the party, and she kinda agreed with her. Instead, she shrugged. "Some people just wanna see the world burn honey. 'S what happens in areas like this." She took the swipe as she said this, aiming to headbutt Caesar with her horns. If she was going down, she was going down fighting, she'd play his fucked up little game until she either died or was rescued.
© [color=white]MADI

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - SOLVEIG - 07-16-2018

This was no kit. In Solveig's mind, that much was assured. They weren't like Goldie- young, still innocent despite her age, who would likely be blubbering and crying in this sitauation, crying for her father. OF course she had no doubt GOldie was stronger than that, but she did not agree with Rochelle. Even now, watching the child curse and argue back with Caeser was enough to prove her point. "She's old enough to know her own mind. She's made that clear.:

No sooner had she spoke, however, did she watch as Pele ran for Caeser, attempting to headbutt him in the chest. With a flash of amusement gleaming over her eyes at the sight, Solveig would attempt to reach out for Pele's mind, to make her hallucinate (briefly) a bright flash of light, like the sun had shone into her eyes for several moments on end, dazzling her with dots of color and blinding her temporarily. It was not meant to down her, but rather to confuse her and make her stop in her tracks- though perhaps she did it just long enough after that Caeser might be headbutted in the chest.

Y'know, for good measure.

"If we asked, would you answer?" Solveig asked next, still having not moved from her spot at all, even as her gaze remained trained on the young Pele and her brief attempt of a mental attack.
