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postcards from paradise — visiting/lost/who knows tbh - Printable Version

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postcards from paradise — visiting/lost/who knows tbh - JERSEYBOY - 03-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 45%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]This is what happened when he decided to go exploring by himself.

Jerseyboy had strayed around from the frozen lands of Snowbound in order to see what was lying on the outskirts of the territory. He, frankly, was growing tired of numb paws and wanted to see just what was on the outside of the valley. The tuxedo tom didn't care if there was "enemy territory" or whatever- it wasn't like he considered himself a full member of that group, anyways. Jerseyboy had merely chosen Snowbound as a place to rest his head, but he really didn't want to get involved with the politics of it all. He was used to living as a stray, with no limits or boundaries.

The tuxedo tom cast his green gaze cast down the tracks. This was a railway; he knew that much. He had seen these things all the time back home, so where could this possibly lead to? Jerseyboy observed the distant island and the waters lapping towards the bottom of the strip of land, and he could deduce that this was a beach of some sort. Cool, he thought. It wasn't an environment that he was exactly used to, so hopefully he wouldn't die of heatstroke out here.

The tom could pick up on foreign territory when he came across it, though. Jerseyboy had some common sense, surprising as it was. He slowed to a stop, wrinkling his nose as he detected an unfamiliar stench. Yeesh, someone lived here. But who?

Re: postcards from paradise — visiting/lost/who knows tbh - georgie - 03-25-2018

[color=#d4af37]Hi kitty cat.” Felines smaller than her were funny. And cute. Everything was cute. Georgie, radiating a kind of inane cheer so bright it could rival the sun, flounced toward the smaller cat, fuzzy ears perked up in interest. “[color=#d4af37]Are you here to come home? I’m Georgie, if you are. If you aren’” She thought for a moment, tossing her head from one side to the other. “[color=#d4af37]Well then I guess I gotta ask what you are here for!” She chirped her decision once she found it, brown eyes never once leaving the newcomer as she drew close, enticed to abandon whatever else she had been doing previously by the prospect of making a new friend.

Re: postcards from paradise — visiting/lost/who knows tbh - JERSEYBOY - 04-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 45%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]The first to approach him wasn't a feral beast, nor was it some demeaning brute. No, it was a serval. A tall and lanky creature, though there was a certain charm radiating from her that he couldn't help but notice. Jerseyboy noticed a lot of things about women- the way they looked, the way they acted. From what he noticed, she was a peachy-keen type of gal. Nothing too eye-catching about her, but she wasn't dull, either. She seemed pretty fun, but innocent, perhaps.

The tuxedo tom blinked up at Georgie and corrected, "Ey- let's get one thing straight. My name isn't 'Kitty Cat', alright? It's Jerseyboy." Pet names were one thing, but he didn't want to be treated like some small tom cat. He knew that a lot of animals tended to be bigger than him, but hey, his loud personality made up for that. "And ah, I don't really got a home." He said with a shrug. Jerseyboy had technically settled in Snowbound, but only for Jacob. Other than that, he wasn't interested in exactly pledging his loyalties anywhere. "I'm just lookin' around, see. Are there more of ya' or what?" Maybe this was clan territory as well.

Re: postcards from paradise — visiting/lost/who knows tbh - Amaranth - 04-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Well, yes, there were more of them. Amaranth arrived shortly after he said so, like she'd been summoned - although considering her heritage, that wasn't out of the picture. Unlucky for Jerseyboy, this was another female who was just a smidge bigger than him - her being a serval and caracal hybrid attested to that. She peered at him with baby blue eyes as she took a seat, her small wings flittering on her back as she did for a moment.

"Ask and ye shall recieve," she retorted with an attrocious fake accent, her lips starting to harbor the lingering hints of a smirk. "This is the Typhoon. You've got Snowbound scent on you, but you don't have a home?" she asked, genuinely curious. Must not quite sit right with him yet.


Re: postcards from paradise — visiting/lost/who knows tbh - axiom - 04-03-2018

The dilute torbie thought she smelled something weird -- intruders weren't her favorite thing, honestly. Joiners took a while for her to warm up to, and people loitering around the territory got her ire. "Like Amaranth said... your smell makes you out to be a liar. We'd like to stay neutral with the Snowbound, but sniffing around our territory is certainly suspicious," she meowed, suspicious of him.

Re: postcards from paradise — visiting/lost/who knows tbh - georgie - 04-03-2018

[color=#d4af37]Oh! Sorry mister Jerseyboy.” She appeared thoroughly unbothered, taking it upon herself to creep a circle around the stranger so that she might see him from all angles. Georgie looked up with a wordless trill at Amaranth’s arrival. “[color=#d4af37]Ahh, excuse me? You are very pretty. You look like dessert!” Georgie commented lightly, forgetting Jerseyboy for as long as it took for her to hear her groupmate mention Snowbound.

Georgie chewed her inner cheek. “[color=#d4af37]Maybe he visited them first?” She offered with a quick roll of her spotted shoulders, offering this excuse to Meridian, as well, who also earned a fawning squeal because “[color=#d4af37]You’re so cute! You must be a baby? You look like a cute little baby.” She wasn’t the best at guessing domestic feline ages.

Finally Georgie turned back to Jerseyboy. “[color=#d4af37]You were right, mister Jerseyboy. There’s so much more than this, too!