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[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher understood that certain crewmates craved the taste of adventure and even the exciting thrill of causing mayhem. He could understand their taste but it was not so natural him as it was to some. The desire to do any harm or chaos had been an acquired taste for Pincher since in the beginning of his life, all that he wanted was peace and kindness in the world. Peace and kindness? No one would be able to truly connect those two words to Pincher especially with all the sins he had created out of thin air. But that had once been a naive little child, blinded by the rose-tinted glasses of innocence that many were born with but little by little, cracks began to show in his vision and eventually broke when he was stripped away from his mother and dragged into the dangerous lifestyle of his father, forced to become a replica of him and his uncle. And now? The little clone had grown and had forgotten what it was like to see the world as anything but bad due to how cruel fate had played its role within his life.

Pincher was standing in the front of crystal mine caves, cool icy blue eyes glinting with a sudden slyness to them as a wicked smirk was settled on his dark muzzle as the space gray male called out "For anyone itching for some mischief, come here to get some coal dust thrown on ya so we aren't spotted so easily." Beside him was bags of pitch black coal dust that was ready to cloak the crewmates into the night. Pincher was already covered, his titanium gray fur now pitch black that he almost appeared like a melanistic jaguar. On the other side of the muscular wildcat was a long towel that held weapons, recently sharpened and ready for anyone that was interested in carrying one since Pincher held a knife holster in his right front leg that carried three daggers since his switchblade was currently unusable. The captain briefly glanced up at the sky, cool aquamarine blue eyes noticing that it was turning shades of orange and pink, the beach sunset always breathtaking on the island but Pincher wanted to go out and have some fun. "We shall be raiding the Ascendants before dawn. Most of them will be sleeping and will be rather sluggish upon waking up and finding out pirates have deciding to fuck around with their shit. I would go for Tanglewood but they are frankly just little pests and have no resources that interest me for the benefit of the Typhoon. When you enter the Ascendants territory, we'll be heading for Starpool since I've heard they have gems there. Feel free to go in with whatever you need you want. Food, herbs, killing, you name it. Just watch your step and don't be stupid. Last thing I want is to drag your ass because you didn't know how to sidestep quick enough." With that, the male simply rose to a standing position, shark-like grin now replacing the sly smile as he waited for the others to prepare, pulling out a dagger to inspect it's blade in the glinting sunset's orange light.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: HELLRAISER — RAID PREPARATIONS - rochelle - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Heavy. It was the only thing she felt upon the announcement. The knowledge of the raid about to commence was a hard pill to swallow for Rochelle. She was familiar with the tradition. As her time as leader in the faraway Styxys, she’d never ordered a raid. Instead, she designated those affairs to the assistant deputies, having a similar setup that the Typhoon had. There was Siren in charge of Warfare, Dagne in charge of politics and social affairs, and Rosasil in charge of medicine. They were all well and good, accomplished members of the group ... but they lived cowering in the shadows of bloodlust and disrespect for their leader. Their disloyalty to her wouldn’t have bothered her as much if it wasn’t because they resented the religion she followed ... but the lines had been drawn between the four of them quickly. Rochelle felt she had to submit to the wants of her group, to eagerly allow the murder and pillaging of innocent people. It made her feel sick.

In the Typhoon though, she didn’t feel this way. There was some sort of liberation, even if she still did feel the sting of the past’s mistakes. But, looking up at Pincher, she knew she could make a decision. She didn’t have to go to the raid, or she could go, just as someone on standby. If someone got hurt badly that they couldn’t find one of the Soothsayers themselves, Rochelle would be there to get them to the healers efficiently enough. ”If Rosemary, Solveig, Jacob, or anyone needs my help, I’ll be there.” Rochelle murmur loud enough to be heard, then she just gave the Captain a short nod, amber eyes shutting briefly for a moment before approaching the coal dust. The dark brown wolf didn’t need much of it, so she took a brief dip in the ashy pool, getting it buffered into her fur. It masked her scent better than it covered her up, which was a plus.


Unlike Rochelle, the promise of a Raid put a little bit of vigor back in Solveig. Her life she had to admit of late had been slow, casual. She did her work, Rosemary avoided her like she had the plague, she took care of her snake egg; rinse, repeat. Sometimes she crafted, or helped miss Goldie with the Envoy tasks, but she was itching to do something more. She had a feeling a few other members of the Typhoon would rightly agree.

At Pincher's call, she was quick to be summoned, her breathing still as her paws quietly moved towards Pincher and the bag of dust that was waiting. Thankfully for her, she already had some brown-toned features of her face, and the whiteness of the rest of her fur would be easy to smudge up in dirt. And frankly, this is the only time that she would allow it. "Count me in, Captain Pincher. We can use the supplies," Frankly, she had no quarrels about taking from someone else. It was a Dog-Eat-Dog world, one that she had grown up deep in the heart of. You lived, or you died. It was as simple as that. And Solveig, and the Typhoon, would live.

Stepping into the dust after Rochelle, her ears flicked at the words. "Only attend if it is something you wish to do, miss Rochelle. Otherwise, you may simply be a liability. I would not have anyone getting hurt, nor being a part of this if they didn't truly want it," she would answer; though perhaps a little blunt, she nodded softly to the woman as she stepped back, now an odd jumble of earth tones and reeking of it too.



Admittedly, Vandal has never been in a raid since - well, never. If she's being honest? She hasn't fought in a raid in her life. Sure, she's gotten into some brawls when she was younger, before being entombed in the bottom of the ocean for far too long - but a raid? No, she hasn't tried that, she hasn't been in any... but it's not like she'll let anybody know about this insecurity, this fact. When the mutated wolf pads over, her shoulders are set and her chin is tipped up - exuding confidence that she doesn't necessarily have. Acting, acting, she's such a good actress that her neon-green eyes are lighting up with excitement instead of nervousness. Not a single bone in her body is trembling with the subtle sinews of fear wrapping around her throat.

She pads up behind Solveig and Rochelle, though her eyes don't stray from her brother's face - for once, she doesn't really spare anyone else a glance and instead lets herself listen to Pinchy's words. The sharp, silver gauntlets she's wearing on her talons dig into the soft sand, scratching gently - a habit, trying to ground herself, trying to steel herself from her frayed nerves - she's not scared of the prospect of fighting per se, just nervous that she isn't going to be as good as she'd been before...

Vandal narrows her eyes and snaps at herself to get it together.


Ooh, a raid? Wonderful. Caesar thought as he joined the crowd with a mischevious grin. It was about damn time they've actually done something around here. "Count me the fuck in." The Officer said as he grinned up as Pincher, awaiting the Captain's call to move out.

Re: HELLRAISER — RAID PREPARATIONS - rochelle - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]The lupine stood there, wading in her own thoughts. She looked towards the weapons that the Captain had set out, eyeing the sharp metal with a blend of curiousity and hesitance. She never planned on using a weapon based on her stance when it came to fighting and such, but she figured her skills with anything, even the simplest dagger, would end up being more of a hazard to herself. Rochelle didn’t exactly mind that, she knew her own strength and how to use it, and she felt whatever of herself she needed to use didn’t need to include weaponry.

Upon hearing the telepathic message of Solveig, she took a step back, watching the Soothsayer. A liability? Her eyes, now sticking out of her coal-matted pelt like perfect cuts of amber, narrowed into slits. Her composure was kept calm, but her tone was steady and serious, ”I know my place in this group, Solveig, and I surely know it is my place here to offer my help as much as I can. I am no liability.” She said, watching her through cautious eyes. The wolf ... couldn’t believe she’d said that, it had taken her so aback.

Disoriented from the blunt statement, she gazed back at Pincher’s selection of weapons. Without a second thought, she swallowed harshly, and padded over to the towel, selected an engraved dagger, and returned back to where she originally stood, letting out a sharp exhale.

Re: HELLRAISER — RAID PREPARATIONS - ( character graveyard ) - 07-17-2018

a raid? how long has it been since he's been involved in anything remotely similar to a raid? back in japan, him and his crew just called them shakedowns as they were very much similar. however, very few bodies were left behind since the people in his home country liked to feel the burn of revenge ever so often and it was just too much of a bother to deal with. upon joining this group of people, he had quickly came to learn that there were some things that were obviously different from how things were done back home. the violence, for example, was much more... brutal, should he say? he didn't mind it though. in fact, the freedom to do as much damage as possible seemed rather alluring to ryuusaki and the faintest of smiles curled up upon his maw as the announcement of a raid reached his ears. obviously, he wasn't in an ideal condition to fight and, in fact, he imagined the soothsayers and their proteges wouldn't take to kindly to him throwing himself into battle with half-healed wounds. and so, his dreams of dancing with daggers in hand and claws ripping through bodies and stealing food and treasure alike were dashed just like that. he didn't appear too disappointed though.

the kishu inu is present, wrapped up in freshly changed bandages and soft blue eyes shifting from pincher to everyone else who had arrived before him. he hums softly, coiled tail wagging slowly behind his petite frame. "too bad i can't accompany you all... someone bring me something nice, hm?" he jests in a light voice, his warm smile curling upon his rosy lips.



[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Hearing the announcement for an incoming raid was a flash of interest for the quartermaster. Too long had they been stuck in a considerable snag in things recently, and the wolf couldn't help the rush at the possibility of claiming their own capture or something equally challenging for them. It had been some time since they had participated in a raid, much less one that they had in mind to actually capture. Maybe Argus should send a bit of a scout to pick out someone with actual information.

The wolf took note of the started chatting about the oncoming raid. Dull red eyes focusing on Rochelle and making note of the current conversation. "Hn" The wolf hums out, pulling out her own blade. "If anyone need's their weapons sharpened, or just a weapon in general feel free to come get me." Argus may not be the officer no more, but they still had a stash of wetstones for their own blade.

Re: HELLRAISER — RAID PREPARATIONS - Character Graveyard. - 07-17-2018

A raid? Sounded very fun. She'd been training herself to use a small dagger while she had been gone from the group. This gave her the perfect chance to use the weapon and see how well she could fight.

The black she-wolf had approached, a excited look in her blue-eyes. She had grown cold and bitter, due to the fact that Wade just disappeared right after they announced their relationship. She didn't think she'd be the same anymore. "I'm coming along as well." Vanessa said.

Re: HELLRAISER — RAID PREPARATIONS - Luciferr - 07-21-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

Loud wingbeats heralded his somewhat late arrival to the group before he alighted gently behind them and slowly made his way over - slowly for him, a brisk pace for the smaller ones - and inclined his head to the leader with a brief nod to Argus "want me to run interference Pinch?" if anything could be a distraction - a massive armoured dragon breathing fire might do it.