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windswept // open - Printable Version

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windswept // open - hana. - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]강해 너는 말야 - Snowbound certainly matched its environment, didn't it? Dormant in the winter months but lively in the summer, it truly felt like a northern community even down to the trends the small village followed. True to her surroundings the chocolate and white feline was active at sunhigh, seated outside her home with a pool of wildflowers at her feet. Not normally an early riser, Hana had spent the majority of the morning scavenging the lowland flowers that were of abundant population across the tundra- rockfoils, labrador tea, pasque, Hana even had wads of caribou moss collected at her feet. She had tried to be patient with the foliage, but the Oriental mixbreed could only wait so long staring at flowers before she inevitably grew bored. Her initial intent had been to make tea out of the local flora, but drying the supplies took so long. Hazel eyes shifted off the plants to the open bowl of water at her side left. It had slowly warmed in the sun, unattended to since it had been poured. Hana tossed her head back and released a dramatic sigh, rolling her head back down to look at her supplies.

Honestly, Hana had no idea if this would work. Tea was supposed to be made with dried leaves, wasn't it? And hot water, at that. Gods, she didn't even know if the plants were edible. "Uh," Hana questioned to herself, reaching an ivory paw to prod at the ball of moss. "좆네." She cursed in her first language, recoiling her paw. Picking the flowers was easy enough but Hana hadn't exactly thought this through, and she wasn't in the biggest rush to poison herself accidentally. Then again, acute food poisoning seemed more entertaining than staring at slowly wilting flowers right about now.

/IT IS almost 2am im sorry if this doesnt make sense oOp

Re: windswept // open - arcy - 07-17-2018

.. Izuku liked making tea. There was something nice and methodical about the process. Choose your herbs, ones that you liked the flavor of, maybe even ones with good herbal qualities. Boil them a t a nice temperature, and you could add honey. I mean. Izuku liked hot chocolate more, but he tended to drink tea more. It was soothing. Familiar, something he'd used to drink near constantly when he was human. Besides, with Izuku's injuries and constant headaches, it was practically a staple of his daily diet, routine, whatever it may be. Though it was exhausting to put together, he'd just convince himself it was good practice. Making tea from scratch, and figuring out all of the subtle little things. I mean .. he made tea from scratch at home sometimes too, but this was different.
"Do you .. Do you need help?" Izuku questions as he approaches. He doesn't recognize the feline. Hasn't run into her before. But a clanmate was a clanmate, and she seemed to be struggling. He's not sure what she's struggling with, but there's plants at her paws and well, Izuku knows plenty about those. He'd looked at basically nothing else for the past few hours. It was .. exhausting. But this wouldn't hurt. Though .. Izuku hadn't figured out tundra plants quite yet. Was that strange? They lived in a tundra and those were easiest to fetch, but they were the ones Izuku knew the least about. Well, he at least knew the basics. ".. What're you even doing?" Izuku allows him a little sheepish grin as he circles around to look up at the setup. Tea? Perhaps, Izuku wasn't quite sure. Better to get straight confirmation anyways, as he'd so learned.
what was i worth

Re: windswept // open - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-17-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Although Atbash didn't really recognize the smell, the smell of tea is what lured her over here. "Hello, Izuku. Hana." Atbash greeted with a dip of her head as she came over to the two Snowbounders, a small smile on her maw. She honestly had the same question as Izuku. Why did she have plants at her feet? Maybe she wants to be a healer? It'd really help Izuku, wouldn't it? But that didn't exactly explain the boiling pot of water, did it?
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: windswept // open - adomania - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]It was always hard to find the perfect kinds of leaves for tea, something South had learned after a while meandering around in the wilderness by himself. Back in the day he had a steady supply of whatever he wanted right at his paws with no more than a word, and the finest of herbs were at his disposal for any services those under his rule could offer. It had been an easy life, one that he dropped most favorably once things took a turn he had never signed up for.

After that, trying to scrounge up leaves for tea was nigh impossible, and he had taken to collecting anything he had a particular affinity for en masse so as not to run out at the most inopportune time. The satchels he had brought with him were mostly just the herbs and the tools needed for tea, for he had very little otherwise to his name save for a ribbon that was almost always tied to his neck anyways and the latter did wonders to calm him when everything else seemed unable to.

It was almost amusing, then, to watch Hana go through something he had gone through time and time again. He was no stranger to the struggles of trying to work with ingredients that simply refused to, and something inside of him that South had allowed to grow the moment he left his former clan unfurled with a subtle smile as the wolf meandered forward to the slowly growing group.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but I am assuming you are attempting to make... some sort of tea?" He felt half inclined to joke around, point out at the flaws that currently plagued that attempt, but he didn't chance angering someone who he had just met before he fully understood her idea of 'a joke.'