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21ST CENTURY GIRL // character study - Printable Version

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21ST CENTURY GIRL // character study - hana. - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]i never got to finish this originally, and i'd love to update this to see how hana's progressed!! this thread is a character study (obviously): it is an amalgamation of various topics that help me explore areas of her that aren't very clear when i write her as well as various notes about her character i'd like to go more in-depth with that i otherwise don't have the opportunity to mess with. there is no particular order to any of these, and these are going to be posted as they come to me. every subject will have a separate post, and prompts are not limited to the ones recorded below. if you'd like to nab this list for your own character study, go for it!!

find her full biography here


Re: 21ST CENTURY GIRL // character study - hana. - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]romance
minor crushes, the line between flirting & crushing, methods of flirting, falling in love, what she considers "romantic" vs "too much", reaction to reciprocation vs rejection, how past experiences shape her romantic views

hana develops minor crushes on a lot of people: but more than often not they end up fading away before she's even aware they've manifested. more than often not hana develops crushes on those she first flirts with, although hana can be quite flirtatious. she is hardly flamboyant or straightforward, but that doesn't mean she handpicks who she will throw winks at. rather those who she finds herself closer to and more comfortable around (note that this does not mean she considers them friends, simply she is more comfortable around them), hana will be more inclined to make suggestive remarks around. rarely do her flirtatious comments have any merit to them, although it is not uncommon for hana to quickly develop fleeting feelings for someone through her interactions with them. hana will often flirt in a blatant manner: winking, suggestive comments, smirks, and when she's more subtle she'll opt to sit relatively close to them. hana's reaction to love is considerably different than her passive approach to crushes, as by this stage hana is well aware of her feelings.

the slope between "crushing" and "in love" is incredibly steep, as when hana falls for someone, it is not a long process. she becomes hyper-aware of minor things they do, subconsciously syncing up with their schedule in an attempt to encounter them more often on a day to day basis. hana will smile and laugh much more around them, finding herself drawn to look at them more as well. having never been in a relationship before, hana has very vanilla views of romance. she is romantically attracted to both men and women, and sees no problem in pining after multiple people at once. hana is polygamous: she does not care if her partner wishes to be in other relationships at the same time or if they'd rather date only hana. hana herself, however, struggles to dedicate her heart to solely one person. she would be incapable of staying in a strictly two-person relationship- note hana would never cheat, but rather call things off so that she does not have to choose between one love and another.

hana likes to be close: she likes small touches, simple compliments, and the like. hana does not like anything extreme, and finds overly public displays of affection overbearing. unless whoever she is fawning after is very blatant about romantic feelings back toward her, hana will likely not notice. she becomes irrationally concerned about their wellbeing, more skeptical of choices she would have once joined them in. rejection, on the other hand, hits hana very hard if she has fallen for someone. hana is able to shake off crushes and get over rejection with relative ease, as more than often not she doesn't expect them to last anyways; but someone she is in "love" with she finds much more devastating. hana will persist through minor signs of rejection- only straight-up admitting to her that her feelings are not reciprocated will break her will. while she does not withdraw and fall into a depression, hana will instead find herself trying to avoid them. her outward personality will, for the most part, not change when she is not around them: hana will fall silent around them, and will actively find a way to disengage from the conversation.

- a little bit of a hopeless romantic, but still realistic in what she expects
- pretty oblivious to reciprocated feelings
- develops crushes very easily, but they rarely evolve beyond that
- isn't a huge fan of super obvious, very "out there" affection/flirting
- just wants someone to sit next to her and give her warm smiles and then cuddle her in private