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Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - Printable Version

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Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - Morgan - 07-16-2018

Taking his first steps into the Ascendants' territory in some time, Morgan sat down and let his pouches fall to the ground beside him. The area around him was covered in various types of trees; most of them were quite alien to the foreign dog. He barked out to announce his presence, shouting, "Hello, Ascendants! I'm Morgan, ambassador and Deputy of Tanglewood! I've got gifts for your group!" The samoyed was glad that he could finally introduce himself properly, as he had been anticipating the visit for some time.

The cream dog picked up one of his pouches and set it down in front of him so that it was clearly visible. He opened it up to show off its contents: a mask, a bottle of toxic swamp water, some freshly-picked lilies, a bundle of Tanglewood's local herbs, and a book, Don Quixote. He could only hope that the gifts would be appreciated, even if most of them were a bit unorthodox.

Re: Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - Cosmic - 07-16-2018

"Playerone. Pleasure to meet you, Morgan. Thank you for the gifts." I gave him the best smile I could, despite how much pain I was actually in. Bandages covered nearly all my body, and the few small cuts were left open to air out for a bit. Regardless, I was quite the sight to see. But I was a trooper. A fighter by heart. And I'll be damned if I let a few injuries stop me from doing whats right.

"How are things in Tanglewood?" I inquired, curious as to how our allies were farring.

Re: Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - Nero - 07-16-2018

Nero wasn't sure how he felt about Playerone, but he approached nonetheless, his curious nature bringing him forwards once more. The smell that clung to this stranger was unfamiliar as the animal himself, and Nero felt his ruby eyes linger the dog. "What's Tanglewood?" He heard himself ask, taking a seat in front of Morgan and tilting his head curiously. He assumed it was another group, just like the Ascendants, but his mind was screaming at him to learn more. Those gifts at his paws were interesting too, and Nero allowed his gaze to drop for a second to examine them. The book was the most familiar item among them; he recognised the lilies as flowers and the native herbs as plant life, but the rest of the items were pretty foreign to Nero.

Re: Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - Morgan - 07-16-2018

The samoyed sighed in relief as some members of the Ascendants arrived. He recognized neither of them, so he did his best to memorize their distinct presences. "Tanglewood is flourishing," he replied, pawing at the herbs he had packed. "Many new members recently. How have things been here?"

In response to Nero, Morgan nearly gasped. "What's Tanglewood...? Well, it's a very close family that lives in the swamp. It's my home. We're currently at odds with the Typhoon, and allies with you - the Ascendants." He smiled quite visibly, having chosen not to wear his mask while visiting so as to appear more friendly.

Re: Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - Cosmic - 07-16-2018

As Nero approached, I felt the urge to give the child a hug. He should have never been attacked so savagely by me. I... barely remember any of it. I just remember telling Cooper to stay back and then everything went black. I was only told later by folks what had happened, and honestly? I felt like a gigantic failure.

But I didn't let this show on my face. Instead I kept my friendly smile and offering a happy nod. "Glad to hear it. Also glad to see so many activities for clan bonding. It's nice." I added, not wanting to be rude and just send him on his way without a little polite chatter.

Re: Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - Margaery - 07-16-2018

To say that Margaery felt immensely overprotective of Nero whenever Playerone was around now would be an understatement. After what the other girl had done, she simply could not find it in herself to forgive or forget. Perhaps it was Genevieve's influence over her, twisting her perception into something darker, more menacing, but she admittedly could not say. She did place herself protectively at the Observer's side though, a quick glance tossed in the hybrid's direction before being fixated upon Morgan.

Well, he was a familiar face.

In spite of her recent troubles with everything, she managed a bright smile in the samoyed's direction. [b]"How are you, love?" Margaery inquired lightly, a metaphorical brow arching, "These gifts are lovely, by the way! Suite and I should be visiting soon with some of our own." She had a half-finished basket in their shared room already, various neat things scattered all around it. "Do you need anything? Water? Food? We wouldn't want to send you back thirsty or hungry."

Re: Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-16-2018

Re: Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - Roy Mustang - 07-16-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
It was a known fact amongst Roy's groupmates that he didn't like/trust their ally that well. Bastilleprisoner knew that personally, back when Roy scolded his head off at the leader for making the decision. Roy had been pissed beyond belief, if Roy was able to exhale smoke like a dragon, he would have been then. Now, that occurred a few weeks ago, so far it doesn't seem like the alliance is crumbling to the ground yet. And Roy knew that Bastilleprisoner, Suiteheart, and Margaery hope that he'll be more open to them- give Tanglewood another chance after their leader tried to kill Roy months back. Roy could understand their reasons, it wasn't the members fault they had a leader that Roy couldn't trust. The members of the group can be completely different than Beck, and as much as he doesn't want to, he should give them a chance.

When the scent of the Tanglewood entered his nostrils, Roy let out a sigh. It didn't smell like Beck, instead it was two unfamiliar scents. They must be members of the group, He thought to himself, as his paws began to take him to the border, following the scent carefully. When he arrived, his ears pricked up as Morgan, the deputy & ambassador from Tanglewood, spoke up. The male briefly glanced at the gifts Morgan provided, keeping his face neutral. "Thank you for the gifts." The Flame Alchemist commented with a flick of his ear, "I am Roy Mustang."

Roy thought they were here to give them gifts, but his mind was changed when another member came running over. They must be the older scent Roy picked up, they were just following behind. Atbash. I met them a few days ago at the Snowbound border, I believe she was their leader. He thought to himself, before he focused his gaze onto Vigenere. "I saw her in Snowbound a few days ago, I'm sorry- she isn't here." He said as a frown formed it's way onto his maw, wondering if something was wrong if she had to be located so urgently.

Re: Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - rhosmari - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She knew nothing about these outposts that they spoke about but she collected the names of them all the same. Tanglewood and Snowbound. Washington had mentioned them before which gave her a reason to be curious of them in the first place. Right now had long since settled back behind the group of animals as they went about the day exchanging information. That didn't seem smart to her. Giving information like that to animals that could potentially become enemies seemed like a potential situation for blackmail or worse. But it seemed...friendly. The woman snorted a bit as she watched with a light sigh, jaws parting slowly before she released a breath that seemed to shake her chest a bit. Lately watching them was becoming a mundane tasks and she really hadn't been talking to any of the denizens. Perhaps because they seemed content on avoiding her and so she merely kept it herself. It was arguably agreeable with what she wanted out of the situation that she had been given but still it made life just a bit dull but she was forcing herself to be consumed in her work.

But as one asked how things were here and no one answer the ginger leopard fixed her intense glare on the other, tail swaying back and forth as she contemplated answering it herself. "Same as Tanglewood I'd say. They aren't going anywhere any time soon and building a force to be reckoned with." She felt that was a good way to put it and she gave a simple nod of her head before she allowed a light breath to leave her. Maybe she was stressing over nothing but she supposed she had a different mindset than the animals that lived here. Rather that was a good thing or a bad thing she didn't know and so she chose to ignore it for now. Her gaze flicked to the gifts that she didn't find any interest in before she rolled her eyes and looked in a different direction. Ambassadors were important figures that often negotiated terms and the flow of politics within a group. Interesting that they had them at all.

Re: Gifts and Questions - open/Tanglewood ambassador visit - Morgan - 07-16-2018

"Thank you," Morgan replied to the approaching Margaery. "Some food would be nice. We don't quite have enough for the trip back home since we had some difficulties back in the swamp." He was glad to finally see someone he was familiar with; he wagged his tail, now calm. He let Vigenere speak his piece, which was answered quite promptly. "I see. Thanks for the info, Roy. It's nice to meet you, by the way." Noting his frown, the samoyed continued, "Vigenere here just needs to warn her about something dangerous. He also hasn't seen her in a long time, so this visit was just overdue in general."

Someone finally replied to what he had asked earlier about the Ascendants, so he nodded. "That's good to hear," he stated. He hoped that the groups' faux-raid would be helpful in preparing them for whatever may come. "We should get going pretty soon. There's just enough time left in the day to get to Snowbound before nightfall." He pushed the gift pouch forward as an offering. "And take this, then. I think this is called a 'token of friendship', or so I've read." He smiled and turned to Vigenere. "Want to wait for food? I think we can afford it, but we'll have to hurry."