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heart you babe - meet & greet - Printable Version

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heart you babe - meet & greet - Elon - 07-16-2018

You spoke of roses- all I feel are thorns ・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
"Awww, why didn't you introduce me too?" Comes a whining voice in Elon's ear and the feline groans lowly, shaking her head with quiet vigor before sighing. [b]"Because nobody sees you. What'd be the point in that? It'd just make me look crazy!" She huffs. "You just don't like me anymore," the voice whines before making all sorts of annoying noises ring through the cat's head only to stop on a harsh sigh when Elon doesn't respond. "Oh- you really are in a bad mood... Sorry...," the voice speaks quietly now and with clear apology which only make the domestic groan. "It's fine, Naarah. I'll figure this all out. I just need some time to recover, okay?" Her voice is husky, tired, and she just wants to lie down for a bit. Her stomach is full now at least, but it's going to take her some time to recover from almost starving in the woods. Odd how the woods used to be her domain and now, in this new dimension, she had almost been it's victim. She'd kill to be brushed right now.

As she feels her friend's presence fade, Elon thinks that the alone time will be a good thing for her. She's someone that values it as much as coin after all, but without a book or a spell to distract her, the cat begins to be crushed by her own worrying thoughts. What if she can't figure all of this out? What if she's stuck in this loop forever. Trapped like a fly in a jar- where she really is right now. Swallowing, Elon squeezes her eyes shut and attempts to shove the thoughts away. When that doesn't work, it occurs to her that she'll just have to improvise. What was that she heard someone call earlier? A... meet and greet? Sounds like a parlor party at one of those damned politician's houses or something for not-so-hot singles, but she'll do it anyway.

Elon takes a few to let her demeanor shift; her lips move into a lazy, confident smile and she lies back on her side, striving to look effortlessly elegant against a small tree near a heavy traffic area. 'Who's a pretty kitty? I am,' she tells herself, before clearing the gravel from her throat to make way for her usual deep, smooth tone. "Someone wanna keep me company? Who's who around here? I'm Elon." Yeah, she met a lot of people when she first arrived but to say she remembers everyone would be a lie and she's sure there's plenty more where they came from.

Re: heart you babe - meet & greet - Margaery - 07-16-2018

If memory served correctly, Margaery had not yet met Elon. She had been so busy of late wrapped up in her own issues that she must have missed the girl's joining and admittedly, she felt awful about that. Usually, she was on her game when it came to newcomers. Talking to them, showing them around, even welcoming them in general was a pastime of hers. Her honeyed attitude and high charisma made her a good candidate to do all that too and yet, she had let herself slack- big time. Hopefully, there was still time for her to remedy her error and introduce herself to the white feline- that was, after all, what meet and greets were for.

[b]"Hello, love," She greeted softly, bright red roses blooming eagerly at her paws. She took a moment to study her carefully before proceeding, "My name is Margaery Mikaelson, it's very nice to meet you. Are you settling in alright?" Margaery's inquiry was smooth, delivered easily with a cheery smile as she absently took a seat. She still felt off, detached from the world without a way back. She just hoped that Elon was oblivious to her distance, it'd make for an awkward conversation if she wasn't.

Re: heart you babe - meet & greet - GABRIEL - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Right, this was the curious welcomer, the one who'd stared a bit longer; Gabe was used to it, because he couldn't imagine there were many combos like him walking around the place, but her gaze hadn't felt repelled or horrified, so her lingering eyes were more noticeable than the typical "holy shit what is that thing" Gabe had learned to turn aside. Physically, Elon wasn't as bizarre as he was, though the pupils lacking from her irises were odd. Much of the owl-cat's own intrigue revolved around that extra bit of spark she had. He was never certain how else to explain it, but his time spent worming out secrets from people gave him a nose for it. Yeah, okay, everyone had something to hide -he wasn't saying they didn't- but whatever she was concealing for the time-being was more than just an innocuous, "I have a big fat crush on Pierre's French ass." He wouldn't call it sinister, not yet, just more, for lack of a better descriptor, and while she had demonstrated a bit of nosiness back at their joining, Gabriel wasn't exempt from that himself. Curiosity killed the owl-cat.

Ah, but he wasn't so much of a bloodhound anymore, and for good reason.

So he'd give friendliness a try instead. Genuine friendliness, or as much as he could manage, instead of the strategic charisma intended to coax answers out of someone.

There was something off about the other feline present too, but he wouldn't pursue that either. For now. If he got bored, that was another story entirely, but today, he would make certain his mother could rest easy knowing her son hadn't entirely forgotten the manners she wore into him. "You know me already," the hybrid began, cataloguing Margaery's name and face away neatly, before onyx eyes seemed to glint with some hidden consideration, "but you don't, so I'm Gabe." He couldn't smile with a beak, but he figured a warm tone worked well enough, so with that said, his attention expanded to Elon once more.

"Let me guess: you woke up like this." His head cocked a near imperceptible fraction, amused; oh, yes, she was well-versed in her poses, but that was just it: poses. Maybe he'd refrain from actively chasing the strings dangled in front of his eyes, though that didn't mean he could overlook the details entirely.


Re: heart you babe - meet & greet - rhosmari - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]It had been a while since her meltdown caused by the thunderstorm that has wrecked havoc on the territory with wind and rain. Lightning strikes that flared through the skies and even thinking about it now she was starting to become unnerved. But she had had someone to lean on and she guess she shouldn’t have been surprised when it had been Washington who was the first to approach her with lighter in paw. She had grabbed it and then pressed herself against him in a hug, pressing her head against his shoulder to not cry. Soldiers didn’t cry. And that was a lesson she had long ago learned from the Director. They were just killing machines made to do his will and that was it. But thinking back on that night and now comforted she had felt from the other Freelancer made her think about a lot of things in general. Though still her goal remained and she had to aim to work for it. But even so she also remember the words spoken by another whom had wandered out. She’d been somewhat concern to and had called cute. Rather it was to lighten the mood or not she had really thought about it and even now she was curious. The lighter was tucked behind her right ear and that was where it would stay. A reminder of her mistakes but something she wouldn’t allow herself to let go.

She was actually finding the pos  the other woman was doing to be pretty hilarious but she kept a stiff upper lip as she came forward. Her usual harsh glare was softened just slightly as she sat down and curled her tail around her ginger colored paws, ears pulled back just a bit. ”Trying a little hard, aren’t you? Are you really that flawless?” The woman asked with a light air to her voice before she glanced away, relaxing herself before laying down though she kept her head up to keep and eye on Elon.

Re: heart you babe - meet & greet - melody - 07-17-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The little kitten skittered over, sitting down with the grown-ups and chewing on her paw as her big eyes watched the conversation. "Y' Melon?" The kitten mumbled, looking at Elon - clearly she had totally misheard her name, but in her obviously very cultured opinion, Melon was a better name than Elon. "Hi. Pretty." She waved a paw, blinking sweetly. The calico glanced around at everyone else. "Hi!" She waved to everyone else, too. "Melody. I'm Melody." She introduced herself clumsily, hoping everyone caught her name. There were a lot of people here (four people was a lot to a very small kitten.)

Re: heart you babe - meet & greet - Shininglight - 07-17-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
Meet and Greet... A term Shining had grown quite used to. Even in his current state, his mind could pull faint memories of creatures gathering together, crowding around an unfamiliar or new face. The purpose of them, to let everyone get to know that newcomer. Had Shining ever hosted one of them? Something told him no, that he would rather get to know everyone one-on-one, over time. One way or another. Meet and greets seemed like the wrong way to approach it.

But he wouldn't criticize. Not like he was focused on it at the moment. Shining limped into the group, glancing between all the other clanmates, as if analyzing them. He managed to fixate his divided attention on the white feline, laying against the tree. They looked similar to another Ascendant, but the name slipped him. Shining didn't say anything- he should have at least introduced himself, but his mind wasn't thinking straight just yet.

Re: heart you babe - meet & greet - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-17-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

*retro to injuries*

There had been a lot of unexpected things that had happened in the past couple of weeks. That wasn't a surprise all that much anymore as there were a lot of different unsuspected things that happened in this world on a daily basis. Washington hadn't come to terms with the way that the world had worked, of course, but he didn't want to believe that anything that was indeed happening was happening. He was getting better, at least that's what he thought he was telling himself. He wasn't actually getting better, he just wasn't getting worse. Which was what Washington considered it to be progress. There was still a lot to figure out about how they were going to make their way back to being human. There were too many factors to consider, and the aspect of the aliens seemed a little bit too far-fetched in a world like this. He doubted that if he told the stories of what the aliens were that others would realize exactly what they were capable of. The Freelancer had to worry about his own issues rather than the issues of others, hence why he didn't bother trying to explain his situation to those that he came across. There was never even really a reason for him to do something like that. He was always closed off, just like Carolina was.

When others asked him questions about what and who he was though, the Freelancer would answer them but make it vague enough that they truly wouldn't understand what he was either. There were a couple of animals that lived here that were formerly human, but that also means that they didn't come from the same War-torn world that he came from. Roy did say that he was part of a military, but he wasn't able to completely get the story for the Colonel about if the military was just created so that they could defend themselves in the act of a war or if they were actually at War when the other had been turned into whatever animal he was now. Washington didn't want to stay an animal forever and refused to accept his fate. No matter what he was going to go back to being human. The last thing he had honestly thought was going to happen was a breakdown from Carolina. She had always been incredibly strong, especially through all of the stress that the project had given her. She was the Director's daughter, something that only he knew about thanks to the information given to him by Epsilon. Washington refused to tell Carolina exactly how much he knew about her family and her families life. He didn't want to do that to her, and not only that it had made it incredibly awkward.

Washington did know that there was a connection between Carolina and York in some way. Since he had been stuck in the infirmary, Washington didn't know what had ended up happening with York during the exchange. He had no idea that someone he considered to be a friend was actually dead. He still didn't know this, and when he had found the lighter on the beach he didn't know what was happening. He had only followed Carolina because both of them getting separated didn't exactly mean something that was actually going to help them if they got hurt by something that they couldn't take on in their current bodies. He wasn't the comforting type. Up to that point, he had been using Carolina for her knowledge and strength to potentially get them out of here. He knew that he still secretly was, but there was another part of him that wanted to help Carolina. Was that even possible? She wouldn't accept help from the likes of him that was for sure. Washington didn't know what he could do, but having her up against his chest made him realize that she was still human. She could still feel pain and sorrow. He remembered Elon being there, and he had wondered if Carolina was going to lash out what she had said. Carolina didn't though, and it seemed she had barely acknowledged what she had said. Either way, the lighter had turned out to be fairly important.

He didn't know anything about Elon, and like everyone else in the group, he didn't really care about anyone that was here. He planned on keeping it that way. Where Carolina went, Washington usually followed. Washington approached after Carolina did, making sure that she was going to be okay after everything that she had gone through. He flicked one of his ears inside of his helmet as he sat himself down, taking note of the name of one of the animals here that he didn't know. Gabe. Interesting. Washington was tired and was only taking a break for a couple of minutes before he continued working. He was glad to see that Carolina was taking it easy for the time being, as he knew that wouldn't exactly last long. The Freelancer looked in the female's direction not seeming to care about the other's attitude. "How did you even end up nearly starving to death?" She was a cat, wasn't she? At least from what he's seen before was that cats were capable hunters unless she wasn't used to being a cat. The question was honestly to try and dig for information. Washington was digging for information as usual, and he wasn't in the mood to be making jokes either. He didn't know Elon, and he wanted to keep it that way. He shuffled his dark grey paws as others began to make their way over, and the Freelancer found no reason to introduce himself when she already knew who he was. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: heart you babe - meet & greet - Elon - 07-18-2018

You spoke of roses- all I feel are thorns ・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Elon is half zoned out when Margaery approaches but she is quick to snap out of it and focus on the seal point feline before her. Her gaze is quick to flick to the flowers that come blooming from the ground in the woman's presence and she seems heavily surprised as if struck by a revelation. So... magic does exist here. However small this demonstration is, it tells her all she needs to know- that there is hope of recovering her own powers. The white cat almost blurts out a thank you, but stops herself in the knick of time and forces her brain to store this new information in the back of her mind for now. That studious gaze Margaery has and her tone tells Elon quite a lot before she even opens her lips to reply back and she's sure that Margaery is making just as useful observations about her too simultaneously. Luckily; despite how much Elon thinks she's noticed, she is in fact oblivious to the other cat's distance because she has no point of comparison to how involved she would normally be. [b]"Hi. I'm not starving anymore so I'd say that's a great positive. As long as I get food, I think I''ll be just fine." Everything else is secondary really. Elon smiles her lopsided smile then sighs soft from a slight discomfort in her belly as she's still recovering. "You're Suiteheart's wife, aren't you?" People talk and she listens. "I met her and if I had a long lost sister, I would have thought I'd found her." The whole no-pupils thing none withstanding.

Her gaze moves then to an approaching figure and there's a glint of familiarity. She was staring the guy down just recently so he's right, of course she'd remember him when she saw him again. And she's just as envious and fascinated as the first time though she's better at hiding it this go around. "As in Gabriel, right?" She tilts her head to the side and smiles lazily, playfully. "As oppose to.. I dunno; Gabonitus, Gabenator, Gabelicious?" If she was aware of his suspicions she would be more cautious in how she acted, but it's not like she can suppress her personality that much anyway so perhaps it's better that she doesn't. His next words make her scoff and she shrugs hard enough to move her whole form before brushing her forehead with her paw. "No way. To wake up you need to sleep and how could I sleep with all of the attention I've been getting since I got here? I'm expecting an unsolicited proposal any day now." Definitely hamming it up, but she likes to joke because things hurt less when there's humor to be found. In this alien existence and all that came before it, it's a way to stay grounded. "What about you?" Proposals or just attention in general- she's certain his hybrid being has gotten him the second one anyways.

Carolina's appearance comes next and just pushes the feline's humor onward to the point that. The answer to the first question is clearly no and the second clearly yes, so she just decides to deflect them with a snicker. It's more like a cackle really but she would never admit to making a sound like that. "Are you mad that I called you cute or are you accepting it?" Carolina seems like one of those chicks that wants to be taken seriously but Elon can't managed serious all the time. Hell, she can't even manage it half the time, yet the leopard isn't chewing her head off for it right now so that has to be a good sign. Elon won't bring her dirty laundry up in public by asking her how she feels (that and she's sure she wouldn't get an honest answer anyway). Instead, Elon switches up by moving so that her belly is the ground and she can lift her head up high after a little wiggle of her delicate shoulder blades. "At attention, captain." It is intriguing to her to see how militaristic Carolina is, but considering Elon comes from a time where women were only considered useful enough to nurse on the battlefield, it never even occurs to her that Carolina could be an actual soldier of any sort.

Her picking is interrupted then by something about a melon? Elon blinks her empty eyes before moving them around to try to find the source of the little voice she just heard. When she spots the kitten, the white cat smiles with a innocent genuineness that almost doesn't look right on a face like hers. Just as quick it's corrupted though because of the pretty comment. "Oh! Finally it's acknowledged." She would have went with gorgeous, but she'll take pretty. Elon then raises her paw and waves back. "Hey Melody. What's up?" The shuffle of another set of paws catches her attention and she raises her fixes her eyes on this new, distracted looking feline. Elon blinks again like prior, waiting for him to say something and when he doesn't she clears her throat. Maybe he's shy. Or just a weirdo. Whatever he is, she'll give him the benefit of a doubt for now. "Uh, hey. I'm Elon."

For once then, she's thankful that the sound of bigger paws drums up across the grass. When she looks up at the smilodon looking down at her, all she can see is her reflection in his helmet. Well, that'll do just fine. She's not quite sure what she thinks about Wash for now and she attributes that to the fact that she hasn't bumped into him since her joining she believes. He was pretty taciturn then and seemed reluctant to go over there at all but he did anyway so that's an interesting mystery in itself. He did give her that morsel of food which was nice... "Oh, you, thanks for that chest bacon before." That's what she's going to call that jerky that came out of his armor anyway. If she knew they shared similar predicaments, then that would change how impartial she is. Her mentor once told her that the faces they wear doesn't change the impact that they leave on this world, but Elon doesn't want to accept that. She too wants her old form or at least the option to enter it. "Like I had said, it was just a diet," she quips. "And I just don't want to hunt... I don't enjoy killing." Ha, now that is a bold lie if she ever told one. Elon looks down at her paws, flexing out her claws quite capable of killing something small if she got lucky would like. "You know, I don't ever see you hunt either come to think of it." Oh yes, she's noticed that she's not the only one around here who either won't or can't hunt and my, my is that suspicious. A big guy like him not hauling in anything or at least a good portion seems very strange to her.

Re: heart you babe - meet & greet - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-18-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Washington wasn't jealous with the way that Elon was interacting with Carolina. He was honestly just surprised that Carolina hadn't said anything about it yet. It wasn't his business to care about something like that, although he wondered what Carolina was thinking when she was being told that. The Freelancer considered her to be a coworker, even if he did care about her a little bit more anyway. He just didn't care about her in that sort of way. He never wanted to overstep his bounds because he knew as soon as that happened he'd lost the trust that he was slowly gaining with the other Freelancer. Which was the last thing he needed with everything else that was going on. Washington watched Elon with little interest, and he knew that his time was getting close to being up before he started to go back to work eventually. Something that he didn't mind doing and it kept him occupied. The Freelancer craned his neck to the side until he heard a pop. He had a headache again. Finally, after addressing everyone else, her attention was drawn toward him. He couldn't help but let a low chuckle escape his jaws, although it only lasted a couple of seconds. He had to admit that it was kinda funny. Chest bacon. He had never heard that before. "You can find stuff like that readily around since civilians here cook some of the stuff they catch."

Washington informed the other calm deadpanned tone that he always talks in. He knew of animals going on diets, but that was usually when humans restricted the amount of food that they were given. He had seen plenty of pictures of overweight cats that he thought was funny when he was considered the rookie in Project Freelancer. Which made him raise a nonexistent eyebrow in his helmet as to why a cat would willingly go on a diet. It made some sense as he considered that most of these animals were sentient creatures up to a point. Washington made note that the domestic cat didn't enjoy the fact of killing. Killing to him hadn't really affected him that much, and he doubted he would no matter what form it ended up taking. He had no mercy for something like that anymore after all. Then she brought the question back to him that she hasn't seen him hunting. Really? She had just been here maybe two days. He basically kept out of sight of a lot of animals that ever lived in the outpost. "I don't hunt. Raw meat isn't palatable." Washington stated in a calm tone. He also was still getting used to his body, he doubted that hunting with loud armor would harbor any results. If he had his gun it would make hunting a lot easier but he didn't. He was stuck with the claws he had now. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: heart you babe - meet & greet - Shininglight - 07-18-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
He blinked once or twice as the feline introduced herself as Elon. The way she had spoken to him, with an odd look... It didn't sit quite right with Shining. Had he done something wrong? Perhaps so. After all, his history proved that he was bound to mess up, one way or another. His gaze sunk to the ground, breaking eye contact and instead stared at Elon's paws for a moment. "Mistake..." was the only comprehensible word that the feline uttered out of his mouth initially.

[glow=black,2,300]CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT.[/glow]

He looked back up again. Better try to fix the awkward mess- although in his mind it didn't feel all that awkward. "I'm... Shininglight." Maybe he should smile. That helped make things better, right? He'd look more friendly, nicer. A small smile found its way to his lips, but it looked a tiny bit forced. "Nice to... meet you, Elon." Shining wanted to think of a way to continue the conversation from there, but it looks like someone else came around to do that job for him.

Eyes and head turned to look as Agent Washington approached on heavy, loud paws. He wore that armor again. Shining's forced smile faded into a frown. Why did he wear all that? What was he hiding behind that helmet and visor? He wanted to ask, but something told him not to. Not yet. So he went silent once again; half-listening to the conversation, half-looking around mindlessly and muttering to himself.