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mistakes of the past - herb collection - Printable Version

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mistakes of the past - herb collection - Grimm - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; line-height: 110%; "]What use was there for one made to kill where the art of healing was concerned, when the blood which stained them was from battle and nothing more. There was little within them which proved suited to the work, their overall skills with people proving lacking in the minimal interactions they had permitted themself to enter, their memory oddly loose and hard to contain, slipping away like sand through fingers. It was why the rather strange want to learn the art of healing came as a surprise to them, the desire lingering about their mind, touching upon each thought they permitted through.

They had little use for it though some basic skill, each had been taught basic skills, enough to keep one alive until the very end, yet nothing which matched the complexities of the tasks which were set here. Truly they were but a field medic at best, simple wounds all they could truly manage, the opportunity to go further, however, to allow themself a second chance away from the action of battle. It would be a blatant lie if they dared to admit it was uninteresting, a prospect they pondered on quietly.

Within their garden they had come to lay, amongst the wide leaves and stalks of various fruits and vegetables where it was cool and the air was faintly scented with that of apple, one such fruit before them, pondering. They had heard of the tryouts for the place of a healer – well, a healer in training – and it had piqued their interest, enough so they had begun to wonder if it might be a good idea after all to at least attempt it. No other seemed prepared to tackle the seemingly simple tasks and they wondered if truly they were so simple if no one sought to complete them, or was it simply those here were more geared toward other tasks rather than healing.

A grumbled sigh found it's way out of their clenched teeth as the young lion rose, unsteady for a time before they came to gently push their way through the vegetation, stopping only to stuff the apple and a few other fruits into the satchel tied about their mid-section. Atreus could waste the day within the cool shade of their garden or go about their work, invested now in the idea of at least attempting it, trying to remember the herbs Rin had wanted collected.

“Comfrey root,” they murmured beneath their breath, brow furrowed as they attempted to recall what plant it was. Though minimal the plants requested where thankfully basic, enough so Art knew of them and held an idea of what each might look like, basic questioning would fill in any blanks as necessary. Their attention turned back only a few days to the events which had transpired after the meeting had concluded, the fuzzy memory of a field of flowers rising within their mind. It seemed the best place to begin their search, the large amount of flora present was mixed and surely would yield at least one of the necessary components. Unsure steps drew them around the Observatory, following a similar path well worn by the countless who had walked this way before, the heady scent of the flower field quickly growing overwhelming.

For a time they simply stood upon the edge of the field, unsure on how to proceed. It was proving difficult to pick out different ones though it proved all too easy to spot a cluster of chamomile, the small white flowers familiar though they had no need for their use some among their brethren had. Carefully they picked a few of the flowers and placed them into their satchel for safe keeping, once more turning their gaze to the flower field, wondering if it might truly be a good idea to do this.

Never had they been one with an even or truly good impulse control, each thought given barely any chance  to cultivate before they were already on the move, seeking to keep busy in any way possible. It had gotten them into trouble more than they would care to admit, the possibility this would prove to be one such time escaping them for the moment. A further hour passed them before Art decided to wander by the water side, chancing upon a plant which seemed familiar. Brushing their claws over the large leaves they could recall no time when they had found such a plant, chewing upon their lip for a time as they wondered. Finally growing impatient they pushed the leaves other of the way, claws scraping along the dirt, pulling it away in large clumps. They came to hit something strangely soft yet unyielding, enough to push them to continue on with renewed vigour. By the end they had pulled a sizeable root, in the process becoming a rather large mess, this joining the chamomile.

Rather unexpectedly they came to be found by the burdock, the sharp sting within their paw speaking of their mistake, the burrs hooking into the skin and refusing to let go. This was a mistake, they should simply go back, tend to their garden and try to integrate themself into group, allow themself peace before they attempted anything bigger. The thought ran through their mind, constant and berating, seeking to be heard yet each time they pushed it aside, pride getting in the way. It did not matter the fear which clouded their heart, nor the judgement they felt would surely be put upon them if ever it came out they were something more than a mere child, though in every way they truly were just that, they wanted something. A purpose.

Tugging roughly at the root as it became exposed they grumbled to themself as it was also added to the pile, the last one of the easiest. With their diet they knew a great many berries, though they had no taste for juniper it was one they knew well and found easily. Plucking a small bush of its load they turned once more to the Observatory, the feeling of homesickness growing stronger the more distance they closed. It did not matter how loud their mind screamed at them this was a bad idea, each time they pushed it back, unable to swallow their own pride and realise the mistake they were making, set upon at least completing this.

Not wishing to go into the Observatory just yet the lion set themself by the entrance, breathing slowly and deeply, not wishing to call for Warringkingdoms just yet.

( [member=649]Warringkingdoms[/member] hope it is okay i mention you, i'll try to get the second task done tomorrow )

Re: mistakes of the past - herb collection - Suiteheart - 07-16-2018

Suiteheart herself was a field medic. The white feline had, for a few weeks, been the sole healer of the group. It had been a time when Radeken had vanished, before Warringkingdoms had taken the healing path. Day in and day out, she had worked to patch up her groupmates. Being the only one with minute healing knowledge at the time had forced her to learn more than she ever had. Her effort had even awarded her the Capricorn title for healing.

She was no stranger to the smell of fresh herbs, and when she scented that leaking into the Observatory from just outside, her paws brought her forward. Stepping outside, she had expected to see Rinny, but Atreus greeted her instead. Curiosity glittered in her blue gaze as she took them in. She wondered why they smelled vaguely like the Cleric's den. And then it hit her.

"You must be trying out for the Halo position, huh?" she asked, a lopsided grin surfacing on her ivory features. "You like healing?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: mistakes of the past - herb collection - MirrorEdge - 07-16-2018

Thea arrived shortly after Suiteheart, and in time to hear her words. "Halo postition?" She echoed, still not quite sure on what rank was what. From what she said, Thea assumed it had something to do with healing, something that didn't interest her all that much. But still, she was here, and probably would be for a bit.

Healing was something that never interested her, mostly because she didn't understand the fuss. If somebody was dying, let them die. Don't prolong the agony, the pain of knowing you weren't strong enough. That life had determined you unfit. Of course, she also had enough common sense to not say that in front of Suiteheart and Artreus.

Re: mistakes of the past - herb collection - Grimm - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; line-height: 110%; "]Somewhat startled by the sudden intrusion Art quickly righted themself, staring at Suiteheart for a few moments. Unfamiliar to them, a stranger if any within the group might be such now, various names floating to the surface of their thoughts. For a time the lion cub merely looked upon her, brow furrowed as they tried to figure out if they had indeed heard of her name before, finally giving up with no real idea, all too exhausted to keep going.

“Yes...” Drawing the word out they couldn't help the hesitation that came after, the minute flicker of uncertainty which crossed through their eyes before they could clamp down upon it. It had seemed a smart idea in those early hours when it had plagued their mind, a way to still prove themself useful without the need to harm others, something more than extra weight the others would have to deal with. But time had worn at them, made the prospect a heavy weight they felt unable to hold, a mistake they felt they couldn't go back on.

“I do, I want to help, I just... I don't want to be the cause of someone's death.” Atreus barely spoke loud enough to be heard, words trailing into terse silence. Such a prospect seemed the worse, getting to a scene too late to be of any assistance, or simply not doing enough, they didn't want to watch someone die when they could have done something, when they could have saved them from untimely end. Their ears flattened against their skull and they refused to look at Suite, setting their gaze on their paws now, flinching slightly as Thea spoke.

Exhausted, that was all they were, too many nights had passed them by with little sleep, they just needed time to rest and they'd be fine. Once this was over it would be okay, they could continue on, find a way to help, they just needed to get through this.

Re: mistakes of the past - herb collection - Warringkingdoms - 07-19-2018

  /it's all good fam, sorry for the lateness + rushed ending

  Rin was smelling the four herbs she had assigned a lot more this week than in the weeks before it. Extending the tryouts had evidently been a good idea, but that raised the question of how she was going to decide who she would promote. Most of the candidates so far had a lot going for them.

  Following the scent of herbs, she exited the observatory and saw Suiteheart, Thea, and Atreus standing out there. Atreus was the one holding the herbs, signifying that they were the one trying out- an interesting turn of events, but not completely out of left field. With a nod, she padded over to them, opening her mouth to speak.

  “I do, I want to help, I just... I don't want to be the cause of someone's death.”

  Rin stopped right in her tracks, brows furrowing as a wave of... she wasn’t even sure what to call it washed over her. She could pick out the familiar guilt that she had borne after Starrynight’s fall, after Margaery and Suiteheart both had their brushes with death, after Lunafreya was forcibly turned into a vampire, but even then there was something else. A bizarre deja vu, almost like the one she had experienced when listening to Suiteheart’s singing for the very first time.

  Perhaps she had held a sentiment like that in her past life, and an especially strong sentiment at that, but what could have happened to her to instill such a fear in her?

  Blinking, she focused in on Atreus again, and nodded solemnly. ”I understand the feeling,” she said, curling her tail around her paws. ”Even when you have the know-how, the skills, sometimes things happen that you can’t really prepare for.”

  After a few moments, she shook her head. ”You’ve done well. Now, you should rest.” Tiredness may have been a trait they all shared, but she didn’t need to be encouraging it.