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RESONANCE / o, joining - Printable Version

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RESONANCE / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]She couldn't remember much, aside from her friend's faces peering down at her in concern as the Kinshin stabbed her through the chest. Then she had felt Soul pull her close to him, before she had bled out. Green eyes had scanned the area around her in alarm and she excepted to see the others with her. Instead, she was only met with loneliness. Cold, bitter loneliness. It was a shame, to be honest. Why did she have to die and leave them behind? She didn't want this. She just wanted to go home.

The former-human had found herself curled up at Moonlight Vale's border, then she had decided to get up and sniff at the border. What was this place? Oh well- maybe if anyone lived here, they might be friendly? She stepped over the border carelessly and continued to look around.

Re: RESONANCE / o, joining - arcy - 07-16-2018

Wasn't it kind of strange, that Videogames hadn't heard of former humans? He hadn't even considered the concept. Which, y'know, might be a little odd to other people. But Moonlight Vale was isolated. Nobody talked about it with them. And none had ever shown up at their borders as far as they were aware. Though, Videogames probably wouldn't dismiss the theory outright. Lots of stranger things had happened. I mean, the Vale was pretty much a center-point for such oddities. .. Center point? .. Probably not the right word. Oh well.
Anyways, today, Videogames runs into a stranger. He's just wandering again, trying to come up with ideas. Events, anything. To keep this place on its feet. He's .. not a very good leader, but he's doing his damn best. And y'know? That's what fucking matters. Anyways. The serval stops to blink at the figure, tail giving a little sweep. A trespasser. That was fine, just so long as they weren't there to hurt them. So, it's without wariness that Videogames saunters up to them, a crooked grin in place.
"Hey, dude!" Videogames chimes. He would've thrown a wing out in greeting, a wave, but god dammit he doesn't have them anymore, what the fuck. So, after a delayed pause in which he realizest his, Videogames lifts a paw and waves instead. He wobbles a little, but fuck it. "I'm Videogames, this is Moonlight Vale, mind your step. Whatcha need?" The serval's ear flicks as his crooked grin widens. He's shuffling a little restlessly, rocking on his pawpads, tail swishing. Is it a joiner? Apparently a lot of other groups just had people trespassing become members, wasn't that interesting? .. Well, they get them too occasionally, but not terribly often.


Re: RESONANCE / o, joining - guts - 07-16-2018

As far as Sakaris was concerned, she had always been a serval. She didn't really know what humans were, anyways. Her father just told her they were unfriendly beings that walked on two legs. The idea of a beast walking with just two limbs was an odd concept to her, and by the way he often described them, she doubted she would want to meet one. It was unlikely that she would, either. Their little group was well-hidden away, so chances of them being found by any humans weren't very high. But that also meant allies wouldn't find them easily. A bummer.

She was out and about in the territory, not-so-discreetly following her father when she noticed this new person. Her attention had first been caught when he yelled out to someone, and she stepped out of her hiding place, any hopes of not being found out gone through the window. She totally forgot about her sneaky mission and instead focused on this stranger. "Hello!" she greets as she bounds up to them. "What's your name?"


Re: RESONANCE / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]As Videogames approached, the young-female would simply raise an invisible brow and her green-eyes quickly ran over him. It would be embarrassing if she forgot what these guys looked like- if she happened to stick around. She would blink and listen to the male-serval speak. Moonlight Vale. What a interesting, yet pretty name. Maka had also frowned as the older feline stood there for a few seconds, before waving one of his paws at her. She would lift a paw and awkwardly wave back before speaking. "Er- I don't need anything, uh, I'm lost though."

Then she had turned her attention to Sakaris, the frown on her delicate features becoming a smile. "Hi!" The female would raise a paw again and wave at the child before speaking. "Maka."

Re: RESONANCE / o, joining - arcy - 07-16-2018

Videogames had, of course, known that Sakaris was tagging along. She wasn't subtle. But Videogames didn't mind -- if he had, he would've sent her back long ago. As it was, it was probably safer for her to come with him than for her to wander off on her own. Or maybe even safer than being at home -- seriously, there weren't enough members to keep on eye on her. Videogames' only real concern about being a small group, of course. Ugh.
"Lost? Where are you trying to head back to?" Videogames asks, tilting his head. Could he help them find their way back? .. Within a few moments, though, he shakes his head. God, he's never been outside of the Vale, he definitely wouldn't know enough to guide her back. Or -- he'd visited this one group a while back, but that would be all. And she didn't smell anything like the group he was thinking of, so .. he was useless. "Nevermind, I don't know anywhere outside of the Vale. Nice to meet'cha, Maka," He seems a little bit sheepish. Maka. Interesting name, but who was he to judge? There were weirder names. Like Videogames' own. .. Anyways. She ... probably wouldn't be able to find her way back. Uh. Okay. Okayokayokay. Be hospitable. .. How did he do that. "You can stay with us 'till you can find your way back?" Videogames' ears prick. Could be a few days, maybe longer, Videogames doesn't know. It'd be nice to see her around for at least that duration, though.
